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Visorworks - Not Spritin'

The Blind Archer

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Oh, right, I do more than just click a mouse to make pixelized faces. Also, large images, 56k warning, click at your own risk, ect.

[spoiler=Traditional medium]

I don't draw as often as I should, so I'll start with the only good piece of fanart I've ever done. Read: good, not spectacular.


Anatomy's still a tough concept for me to grasp, believe it or not. Butcher this, please. Redlines, photomanips, tell me I should leave the internet, anything that'll help me learn.

And, various studies, experimentations, and mixed media art pieces.






[spoiler=Get animated]

3D and motion graphics animated, that is.


TAT TV bumper for CSUMB

COMING SOON: CSIT Animated Infographics

I have another 3D animation... but it is terrible and never to be spoken of.

[spoiler=This looks shopped]








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*speechless* ..........................................................................

Dude, this is so pro. All of it. Oh my gosh. *applauds*

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Why does everything you do make me feel completely inferior. Seriously. It's creative, it's got flair... It's amazing. Anatomy seems pretty darn good to me too for someone claiming not to be very good at it. (then again I know next-to-nothing about it other from just what I see so uh).

I somehow doubt that anything you make is terrible.

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  • 3 months later...

Rise from the dead, my topic

A combined effort of pencil, Illustrator, and Photoshop CS3.

[spoiler=Again, 56k]With a watermark, for good measure


This is the first of my three possible entries for a shield designing contest on Facebook's Dark Souls page. If you have Facebook, you should look for it on the page and vote for the "Marble-Star Buckler" so my name can get in the credits.

That totally wasn't shameless begging, nope.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not so much a big update as an announcement. My portfolio website is live. You should check it out.

... oh, and I guess I'll post my old senior project here too, now that I've made some touchups to it. Behold, Optic Blast! a shameless advertisement for the Computer Science department.

Edit: Oh, and here's a YouTube mirror, if Vimeo takes too long to load.

Edited by The Blind Archer
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