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[FE8] PKL's Experimental SS Draft


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Chapter 9

Franz is the beast. Although I did try to not make him take away the Exp from all my other units, I used him moderately and had him solo a great portion of the chapter. He did most of it, honestly. Eirika and Joshua were in charge of helping Tana get herself some kills. I could've 10-turned this, but Tana needed one more Str proc to 1RKO the Pirates with the Javelin. I think Forde (who was next to her) could've done it, but when I finally realized that, it was too late. I ended the chapter.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    14.23 25 11  15   18  15  9   5
Franz     20.-- 36 19  16   20  12 10   6
Joshua    12.90 31  9  18   20  11  6   4
Forde     12.78 29 12  12   13  10  9   5
Tana       7.68 23 10   9   15  11  6   7

11 turns.

Chapter 10

Tana Rescue-Drops Eirika next to Pablo and Eirika 1RKO's him with the Killing Edge.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    15.32 26 11  16   18  16  9   5
Franz     20.-- 36 19  16   20  12 10   6
Joshua    13.52 32 10  19   20  11  6   4
Forde     13.32 30 13  13   14  10  9   6
Tana       8.11 24 10  10   16  12  6   7

3 turns.

Chapter 11


Franz, Forde and Tana take the West entry. They take care of the enemies there. L'Arachel was kind enough to aid us during those bad times. Joshua and Innes took the South and killed the enemies there. The last two zombies were killed by Franz (those at the trasure chest room where there's an Archer, a skeleton and a giant zombie.

I wonder how big zombies are. The promoted ones look big.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    16.36 27 12  17   19  17 10   5
Franz     20.-- 36 19  16   20  12 10   6
Joshua    15.74 33 12  20   20  11  6   5
Forde     15.16 32 14  15   15  11 11   8
Tana      11.65 26 12  11   18  15  9   8

9 turns.

Chapter 12

Tana flies around the map killing most of the enemies, especially those that are at the mountains, those that fly, those that have 2-range, and those that fly AND have 2-range (the Deathgoyles). Tana, Franz and Forde went North. Forde killed the boss. Franz killed a few enemies, making a path for Forde who was just behind him. Joshua and Innes kill the enemies at the center of the map. Eirika kills the ones at the South-West, and later aided by Innes reguarding one of the Deathgoyles with 2-range. I could have 8-turned this, but no matter how much I reset, I couldn't get it. I decided to settle with this score.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    17.21 28 13  18   20  18 11   6
Franz     20.-- 36 19  16   20  12 10   6
Joshua    16.87 34 13  20   20  11  6   5
Forde     17.00 34 16  16   16  11 12   9
Tana      15.64 28 14  11   20  19 10  11

9 turns.

Chapter 13

Franz walls the enemies from making it through the little opening between the mountains with his great 2-range. Forde stay close by and kills the enemies Franz couldn't kill (namely Rangers). Innes followed the guys and remained in the back line. Tana flew off to kill some Archers and later some other enemies back with Eirika at the West. Eirika killed the loldiers at the West. Joshua killed the Archers South-West and later made his way up to the boss. Franz and Innes weakened the boss for Joshua to take the kill. I ended up having to wait until Turn 6 for Cormag to come by AND get close to Eirika so I could Recruit/Kill him. Tana killed him for the Exp. She earned herself her long-awaited Elysian Whip.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    17.19 28 14  18   20  18 11   6
Franz     20.-- 36 19  16   20  12 10   6
Joshua    18.37 36 14  20   20  12  7   5
Forde     17.60 34 16  16   16  11 12   9
Tana      16.99 29 15  12   20  20 10  12
Innes      2.33 32 15  14   16  14 11  10

6 turns.

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Chapter 14

Tana promotes in this chapter. I guess the +1 will help her in this chapter.

Well, anyway. Everyone went through the corridors to the throne room. The mounts were the only ones able to reach the throne room before the end of the chapter. Franz and Tana tag-team on Carlyle with Tana killing him in the end.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    18.28 28 14  18   20  19 11   6
Franz      2.23 38 21  17   22  12 12   7
Joshua     1.07 41 16  20   20  12  9   6
Forde      1.28 36 17  17   17  11 14  10
Tana       2.45 34 21  17   23  22 12  14
Innes      2.61 32 15  14   16  14 11  10
CAN RECK   1.32 28 10  16   17   5  9  11

8 turns.

Chapter 15

Tana and Franz took out the enemies to the South, Joshua and Innes took the North-West and went for Calleach and his homies. Eirika, Forde and Canreck stood at the center of the map and dealt with a few Wyerns. DURACELL arrived late to the party but got to help out in the end. Same goes to Ephraim, who helped by taking out the Shaman and the Mercenary at the West center and even retrieving me a Body Ring. Joshua became a man and stood up for his country and his mother, raising his strike to S-rank on the last turn and dealing the final blow on Calleach with Audhulma. Franz killed Valter.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    19.04 29 14  18   20  19 12   7
Franz      4.48 40 21  19   23  12 13   7
Joshua     3.13 42 17  21   22  13 10   6
Forde      1.63 36 17  17   17  11 14  10
Tana       5.38 36 22  18   26  24 12  14
Innes      2.98 32 15  14   16  14 11  10
CAN RECK   2.40 29 11  17   17   5 10  11
DURACELL  10.15 43 19  14   12   9 18   9 

6 turns.

Chapter 16

I give the Boots to Tana.

Tana ferries Eirika up to the throne and kills Orson.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     1.00 33 16  20   21  19 15  12
Franz      5.57 40 21  19   24  13 13   8
Joshua     3.14 42 17  21   22  13 10   6
Forde      2.51 36 17  17   18  11 15  10
Tana       7.06 37 23  19   26  26 12  14
Innes      3.05 32 16  15   17  14 11  11
CAN RECK   2.71 29 11  17   17   5 10  11

5 turns.

Chapter 17

Lol, do I need to explain?

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Tana       8.23 38 23  19   27  27 13  15

Tana was one block away from being able to 2-turn this. ):

3 turns.

Edited by Soul
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- Trigger, off

Chapter 18

Everyone destroys eggs. Eirika goes North-West to North-East, Franz, Forde and Myrrh go North-West, Tana goes North-East, Epraim, CAN RECK and Joshua go South-East and DURACELL and Innes go South-West.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     3.01 35 18  21   22  20 16  13
Franz      7.51 42 23  19   24  13 13   9
Joshua     4.05 42 18  21   23  13 10   7
Forde      4.28 38 17  18   20  13 16  11
Tana      11.39 39 24  22   29  29 12  15
Innes      4.97 33 17  15   18  15 11  11
CAN RECK   3.21 30 11  18   18   5 11  12
DURACELL  10.40 43 19  14   12   9 18   9
Myrrh      3.36 17  5   3    7   4  5   8
Ephraim    1.95 36 14  16   17  14 12   9

8 turns.

Chapter 19

Myrrh gathered CEXP, so did Rennac and DURACELL was raising his axe rank. Tana killed Riev.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     3.01 35 18  21   22  20 16  13
Franz      7.51 42 23  19   24  13 13   9
Joshua     4.05 42 18  21   23  13 10   7
Forde      4.28 38 17  18   20  13 16  11
Tana      11.39 39 24  22   29  29 12  15
Innes      4.97 33 17  15   18  15 11  11
CAN RECK   3.21 30 11  18   18   5 11  12
DURACELL  10.40 43 19  14   12   9 18   9
Myrrh      3.36 17  5   3    7   4  5   8
Ephraim    1.95 36 14  16   17  14 12   9

3 turns.

Chapter 20

Tana ferried Eirika, dropped her in a forest and killed Morva.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support  
Tana      13.44 41 24  23   29  30  12  15

3 turns.

Final Chapter (Part 1)

Tana killed Lyon. :awesome:

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support  
Tana      15.23 43 24  24   29  30  12  16

3 turns.

Final Chapter (Part 2)

Tana got Fomortiis down to 12 HP in one round and Ephraim gave him the last blow.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     3.54 35 18  21   22  20 16  13
Franz      7.81 42 23  19   24  13 13   9
Joshua     4.15 42 18  21   23  13 10   7
Forde      4.36 38 17  18   20  13 16  11
Tana      15.35 43 24  24   29  30  12  16
Innes      5.41 34 17  15   19  15 11  11
CAN RECK   3.90 30 11  18   18   5 11  12
DURACELL  10.48 43 19  14   12   9 18   9
Myrrh     16.44 17 13  13   17   6 20  14
Ephraim    2.15 37 14  17   17  14 13  10

1 turn.

--------- Set, Nine Lives Blade Works



131 turns

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Nice one, Soul

I think this is the first time somebody with Franz has actually finished a draft I was in haha, I've never had him myself.

Also, I'm way better looking than Oscar the grouch in that picture up there :newyears:

Edited by General Horace
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Thank you, Horie. I commend you, despite not having an spectacular team, you never cease to impress us with your turncounts. Imagine if you did have Franz. Heh.

RECAP, coming soon.

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During this FE8, I had a good set of characters composing my team. I have to owe the RNG goddess a favor, since alot of character level-ups got out-of-hand without me doing anything, for most of it. That isn't to say that these characters aren't normally as good as when I used them, but this factor really did help me.


In this draft, everything weighted on Franz most of the time (except when Tana decided to take over half-way through the game), so I couldn't train her as much as I would've been able to to help me a bit in some strategies like Ch 7, which required her to be durable enough to shave you a whole turn.

69 kills.


Franz is amazing. It helped ALOT that I got extremely blessed in his important stats (Str, Spd) making him a killing machine all the way until his promotion. To think not allowing him to use the Ch 7 Knight Crest was intended as a "handicap". 8P

Without a doubt, the best draftee.

146 kills.


Joshua is alright. He helps you out later on if you keep up with his training. He's not bad, but he hasn't contributed to much. It helps to have a good combat unit around. Always appreciated. Would draft again, as he is a worthy 2-3rd round pick.

He avenged his mother by killing Calleach, like a man.

61 kills.


Forde is like Franz...without those 7 chapters to train and inadequate bases by the time he re-arrives at Ch 8. However, the fact that he is a mounted unit that arrives pretty early solely makes him at least decent. An average Forde would kinda suck by Ch 9 and later on, but since I got blessed with his stats...he became very solid, being the second best unit after Franz and maybe Tana. Good 2nd round pick.

He always reminded me of Edward Elric.

51 kills.


A decent 2-ranged bow-locked unit. In other words, a Sniper.

Innes isn't a bad pick because he can 1RKO reliably with a Steel Bow (without AS loss!) and starts with A in bows, making an S rank kind of easy to achieve.

He's an ass.

23 kills.


My favorite character in FE8. He sucks. The only reason I bothered drafting him is because I like him, and some Thief utlity at that (like opening the big gate at Ch 14 and finding me good treasures). I don't regret drafting him. I even used him for some combat.

Not completely useless.

7 kills.


DURACELL is amazing. Or at least, he would be if he had better availability in Eirika's mode and wasn't completely overshadowed by Franz, Tana and Forde. Actually, add Joshua to that. He didn't really do much. I S-ranked him in axes in bane. He doesn't suck, though. Far from it.

A great draftee for Ephraim's route. The second-coming of Seth, I dare say.

6 kills.


Myrrh is decent despite her joining time and the fact that she's underleveled. She's very easy to raise. Just get her to Ch 18 and BAM. You have a monster.

She's adorable. x3

18 kills.


You know how Duessel has the problem of joining late at Eirika's route? The same goes for him. There were very few times at FE8 drafts which I went to Eirika's route that I ended up actually using him in the end. I barely used him. Even without training, he was quite good.

He landed the final blow on Fomortiis.


I had you wait until the end for a special announcement.

Tana is gr9mazing. She took over Franz's job starting Ch 15, even as going as far as to solo'ing chapters and making them short. Don't regret picking her at all. Wyern Knight Tana's skill, Pierce came out to be REALLY useful against the lategame bosses (Lyon, Riev, Morva, Lyon II and Fomortiis).

She was the whole reason I could 1-turn Endgame (Part 2). She left Fomortiis at 12 HP for Ephraim to give the final blow.

She starts out mediocre, but training her is completely worth it for what she becomes.

112 kills.

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  • 4 months later...

Prologue 2/2


Chapter 1 5/7

More lulz

Chapter 2 5/12

Vanessa get. I did SB's 5 turn strat while trying to feed kills to Nessie and Ross.

Chapter 3 7/19

Ross and Nessie helped Eirika advance while Colm got me the Chest Key and got a few kills here and there.

Chapter 4 5/24

Vanessa tries to go rambo on things and constantly elixirs in Player Phases. Artur handled the east reinforcements while Ross stayed behind to deal with the northern ones and Eirika got the snag. If Ross had a bit more oomph in his attacks, I couldve 4 turned, same with Vanessa. Also, Ross promoted into Pirate :).

Chapter 5 4/28

Vanessa skipped the chapter, got the Armorslayer on the way. Colm got me the Dracoshield. Ross killed more stuff.

Chapter 5x 7/35

Horace strat

Chapter 6 4/39

Vanessa skip. Couldve done it in 3 but she was in danger of dying so I had to heal before boss.

Chapter 7 5/44

Ross carried Eirika through the water. Colm got me the Energy Ring. Artur trained.

Chapter 8 9/53

Fed Vanessa the Robe on the way to the Elysian whip and healed her like a mofo with Natasha. Ross got me through the armors and then later SMASHED boss with STEEL AXE.

Chapter 9 Eirika 9/62

Vanessa promoted to WyvernKnight. She drops Ross near the boss and he starts destroying things. Eirika Artur and Colm lured Pirates to them. Vanessa got the Dracoshield, ate it and started holding up in durability, finally. Tana dropped Franz and he recruited Amelia.

Chapter 10 Eirika 3/65

Vanessa airlifts Eirika and drops her. Then kills Pablo and Eirika seizes. Artur promoted. Fed the Wing to Ross and the new robe to Vanessa too. Amelia trained.

Chapter 11 Eirika 7/72

Vanessa goes RIGHT then DOWN. Zerker!Ross goes DOWN and murders things. Amelia handled reinforcements. Colm did, uh...nothing but be a torch. Artur spammed Torch too.

Chapter 12 Eirika 8/80

Peakwalking Ross is the best. So is Vanessa. Also, another lovely energy ring for Nessie. YUMMY.

Chapter 13 Eirika 2/82

Ross and Nessie murderface everything. Amelia promoted to Pally.

Edited by Professor PicKLe
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Chapter 14 Eirika 9/91

Fack butches. I dont have Tethys so I took an extra turn. Also, Artur got me ANOTHER ring for NESSIE. YUMMY.

Chapter 15 Eirika 6/97

Nessie murderstomps everything in her side. Colm steals the Hoplon Guard and Killer crits Caellach. Got the boots. Also, Knoll got me the Master Seal and promoted.

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Chapter 16 Eirika 5/102

Fack this chapter. Its stupid without warp but Knoll is great for distractions :). Boots Nessie carried Eirika to victoly.

Chapter 17 Eirika 3/105

Vanessa@PureWater and Spear made this look easy.

Chapter 18 Eirika 7/112

No warp makes me sad. But Vanessa and Amelia with their high move busted eggs like crazy. Also, Artur is awesome even without warp. My eirika also makes me sad. Also, Myrrh helped.

Chapter 19 Eirika 3/115

I spammed Torch like crazy for no reason. Nessie killed boss.

Chapter 20 Eirika 3/118

Vanessa ferried Eirika to victoly.

Final Part 1 4/122

This chapter is NUTS without WARP. Nessie had trouble surviving the gangrape so I took a bunch of extra turns lol. How did Soul 3 turn this :S.

Final Part 2 1/123

Vanessa does her thing against Fomortiis and pierces for a heck ton of a damage (unnecesary mind you but she still pulled it) and myrrh finished.


Eirika- lack of defensive boosters hurt her a bit, but she was still helpful in some chapters.

Vanessa- +3 Energy Rings, +2 Dracoshields, +2 Robes Nessie is OP as fuck. She had a rough start but once

she got her first energy ring, she could hold her own in offense pretty well. MVP

Ross- OMG this guy is so good in drafts. I never thought I would say this, but this guy was clutch.

Colm- lulz. He helped kill Caellach by stealing his Hoplon Guard and also found a useless warp in the process.

He also got a chest key for nessie :).

Artur- surprisingly useful with his rescue shenanigans later on and monster killing was appreciated in

Chapter 18. Even without warp hes good.

Natasha- never saw promotion. FUUUUUU

Amelia- 8 move unit. All she did was carry Eirika and kill eggs.

Knoll- Phantoms/10.


Vanessa- ch4 dracoshield, ch 7 energy ring, ch8 seraph robe, ch9 dracoshield, ch9 seraph robe, ch12 energy ring, c14 energy ring, boots

Ross- ch9 speedwings, ch11 secret book

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