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(FE9-FE10) Tellius Draft #3


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Chapter 25

Battle preparations

I get the Wolrd Class Berserker. :awesome:

I forge a Max Mt/80% Hit Hand axe that was originally inteded to be for Haar but ended up being Largo's property. I called it, "HAAAAAARGH!"

Haar and Largo get a Laguzguard. Largo packs his Silver axe, a 4-uses Killer Axe, the forge and a Short axe.


50 Exp each


Haar ferried Largo to the boss' range while staying away himself, then Largo proceeded to kill off most of the enemies at the top of the mountain. Haar helped with the kills as soon as he took out the Sniper with the Ballistae. Callil killed the boss while Largo weakned him (she used Blizzard). Zihark and Callil went up the left side, and Ike, Titania and Volke took the right side.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       10.61 51 23   8  23  25  15  19  12    B Titania, C Reyson 
Titania   19.37 49 21   8  24  22  19  17  14    B Ike
Volke      7.61 38 22   1  25  25  13  12   6
Zihark    13.62 41 21   6  26  29  15  15   6
Callil    13.75 36 10  24  22  21  18  10  20
GAAR      14.73 49 22   8  21  18  12  21  10
Largo     12.67 56 24   4  23  23  13  11   4

5 turns.

Edited by Soul
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Maybe it was because I was too busy screwing you over.

Chapter 26

Battle preparations




Titania - Savior


Titania Saviors Ike, moves a bit forward for Resyon to Vigor her and rushes towards the boss. She drops Ike on Turn 2 close to the boss, then on Turn 3, Titania attacks the boss. On Turn 4, Titania attacks the boss once more and Callil finishes him off.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       12.49 53 24   8  24  26  16  20  13    B Titania, C Reyson 
Titania   20.-- 50 22   8  25  23  19  18  14    B Ike
Volke      8.32 38 23   1  25  25  13  12   6
Zihark    14.17 42 22   6  27  30  15  15   6
Callil    14.85 36 10  25  22  21  18  10  20
GAAR      16.35 50 24   8  22  19  13  22  10
Largo     13.37 57 25   4  24  23  13  11   4
Elincia    8.90 31 12  18  19  20  19  12  18 

4 turns.

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Chapter 27

Battle preparations

I keep mistaking this chapter for the next chapter, the one with laguz. Because of this, I forged Largo a Max Mt/Crit. Silver axe called "THOR".


On the first turn, Elincia moves forward and and uses the Rescue staff to move Ike next to the General blocking the Door. Ike kills the General. Ike, Titania and Elincia bash their way through the enemy's lair and Ike roflstomps most of the enemies there. Titania weakens the boss with the Brave axe and Largo kills him. Callil, Haar and Volke went for the Resolve scroll and retrieved it on the last turn. Zihark gathered CEXP on his day off.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       16.90 56 26   9  26  28  17  22  14    B Titania, C Reyson 
Titania   20.-- 50 22   8  25  23  19  18  14    B Ike
Volke      9.07 39 23   1  26  26  14  13   6
Zihark    15.57 42 23   6  27  30  15  16   6
Callil    15.97 36 10  25  23  22  18  11  20
GAAR      17.54 51 24   8  23  19  13  22  11
Largo     14.97 57 26   4  24  24  14  12   4
Elincia   11.21 33 12  20  21  22  21  13  19

5 turns.


Here in the shadows, a phantom of the night

Attack without warning, a single strong light

I'll brave the darkness and I'll stand right here

No matter how you come at me I'll show no fear

I won't give up

I won't break down

I'm not gonna panic

I will not run, I'll stand and fight

All you've done wrong I will set right

No matter what you try tonight

I'm not gonna panic

What really happened:


3 turns.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Chapter 28

Battle preparations

Ike learns Resolve.


Haar ferries Ike close to the boss, Ike goes apesh*t with Wrath/Resolve and destroys everything. Haar kills the boss, Ike seizes.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       19.56 58 26   9  27  28  18  23  15    B Titania, C Reyson 
Titania   20.-- 50 22   8  25  23  19  18  14    B Ike
Volke      9.07 39 23   1  26  26  14  13   6
Zihark    16.58 43 23   6  28  30  16  16   6
Callil    16.30 37 11  26  23  22  19  11  21
GAAR      19.81 52 25   8  25  24  13  23  11
Largo     15.99 58 26   4  24  24  14  12   4
Elincia   11.21 33 12  20  21  22  21  13  19

5 turns.


Battle preparations

BEXP Ike, Haar and Zihark to level 20.

Ike was one point away from capping Def, so I gave him the Dracoshield. I gave Haar the two Energy Drops and the Angelic Robe I had at the Convoy. He caps HP and Str.

Forge a Max Mt Thunder forge for Callil.


Elincia Rescues Ike to Ashnard's range on Turn 2, Ashnard dies from a critikill to Ike on his first try. Turn 3, Haar takes the Speedwings Ike got from Bryce and eats it. Spd cap. Ike kills Ashnard.

Good game.

3 turns.

Top 5:

Callil 37 kills

Volke 45 wins

Zihark 95 wins

Ike 130 kills

Dirty Red 252 kills


Oh yeah, I almost forgot:



Ike - Str, Skill, Spd, Def (He was one point away from capping HP!)

Zihark - Str, Skill, Spd

GAAR - HP, Str, Spd

Edited by Soul
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I have to restart bcuz the other day when i was gonna play ch 23, i noticed gatrie has .01 exp over base and im willing to bet it was bcuz of ch 7. Idk if he was equipped or not at the time since i dont recall him ever getting attacked...its better if i restart and not get him attacked now. Atm, i cant know for certain whether it was 4 turns or 2 turns penalty.

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I HATE this chapter lol. So, ike needs to dodge multiple axe hits (something he doesnt ever do in my runs) and be able to double the myrm after his level up. Oh but wait, that has already happened, but look at that fighter retreat. Woopdeedo. Whyyyyyyyy

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I retract my previous post lol. I 4 turned it. Had titania kill a fighter that flees. That way, the other ones can be handled by ike in PP. Turns out it was just a little mistake. Tits has enough move to get to the north anyway. The myrm had to have 6 spd and 5 str combination but theres no way around that.

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Chapter 7 done in 10 turns with no penalties this time. woohoo. Its easy once i figured it out. Mia died as an NPC lol. It needed to happen for my strat. Ike didnt crit thief and the thief posed a lot of problems in general, like not allowing me to 9 turn the map. I could also get an 8 turn, but i didnt feel like restarting. chapter 8 is derp defense so yeah my TC is 45 atm. Titania hasnt missed a single boss kill. She got the ch 5 boss and the ch8 boss. Now to see if i can 4 turn ch9 with my team...

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Prologue 4/4 BEXP: 100


Ike 2.57/20/5/1/7/8/7/6/0 Sword D

Chapter 1 3/7 BEXP: 200

Oscar and Boyd give their bands to Tits and Ike respectively. Tits gets the Steel Sword and cantos. Ike equips fighter band and attacks a fighter. Things SD on both. Tits grabs robe and cantos. Ike moves up, making sure hes in range of the myrm to grab more exp. Tits kills boss and doesnt canto. Ike grabs the robe and steel sword and seizes.

Ike 3.56 21/6/1/7/8/7/6/1 Sword D

Titania 1.29 base

Chapter 2 4/11 BEXP: 400

After a lot of headscratching and cursing, I figured it out. Oscar rescues rhys and cantos. Boyd moves next to oscar so that oscar is chokepointing him. Ike went north and ate robe. He weakened the myrm and the fighters. He then goes southeast. He weakens other fighters. Tits arrives and kills a fighter that flees. Enemies SD on ike except a bandit that uses vulnerary. The myrmidon is now dead. Ike kills another pacifist in this player phase. Then, Tits steel axes a bandit and cantos towards the north. Ike kills the bandit that vulnerary'd. Tits kills everyone up there.

Ike 5.21 29/7/2/8/9/7/7/1 Sword D

Titania 1.65 33/12/4/13/14/11/11/7 Lance C/Axe A

Chapter 3 3/14 BEXP: 600

Gatrie rescues Shinon after shinon had moved east. Ike stands in a way that would attract all the 3 axe users at once. Tits rushes forward. Ike then moves east and attacks the bandit, killing it. Gatrie moves east, equipping iron lance and dropping shinon to the east where enemies dont reach him. Tits grabs the Hand axe and cantos. Enemies SD to ike. Ike then grabs the elixir and tits hand axes boss in PP and EP.

Ike 6.02 30/7/2/9/10/8/7/2 Sword C

Titania 2.10 34/13/4/13/14/12/11/7 Lance C/Axe A

Chapter 4 2/16 BEXP: 900

Ike risks his life to get exp. Titania rushes far west, luring boss and then she hand axes him in PP and EP.

Ike 6.67 30/7/2/9/10/8/7/2 Sword C

Titania 2.72 34/13/4/13/14/12/11/7 Lance C/Axe S

Chapter 5 6/22 BEXP: 900

Derp defense. Tits got boss kill.

Ike 7.58 31/8/2/9/11/8/7/2 Sword C

Titania 3.77 35/13/4/14/15/12/12/7 Lance C/Axe S

Chapter 6 5/27 BEXP: 1210

Titania ferries ike. She proc'd a str level up just in time to ORKO boss and have ike escape. Ike had survived with 8 hp.

Ike 7.82 31/8/2/9/11/8/7/2 Sword C

Titania 4.50 36/14/4/14/15/12/12/8 Lance C/Axe S

Chapter 7 10/37 BEXP: 1510

This was a complicated mess. Mia died as an NPC. Ike and Titania duo'd this. I cleaned up places with tits to get my undraftees to a safe place with ike helping a bit. A thief made life hard for me and didnt let me clear in 9.

Ike 10.11 33/10/3/11/12/9/9/3 Sword B

Titania 5.83 37/14/4/15/16/13/12/8 Lance B/Axe S

Edited by PKL
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