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(FE10) Yet another Radiant Dawn Draft

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I finished this a LONG time ago, check em. I have turncounts written down but not strategies, so I'll see if I can remember what I did.

3-2 2 turns

Titania ferried Ilyana into the bosses range and on enemy phase she wrath crit him with Elthunder.

3-3 8 turns

Titania got Pass Iirc and Ike got Celerity. Everyone did their thing burning supplies and I think I got the white gem. Gatrie was my free unit. I got all the items except blossom.

3-4 9 turns

Titania promoted. Ranulf got Pass iirc and Ike got Celerity and Provoke. Not the best turncount for this chapter, but meh. They both ran up the cliff with Ike owning everything in his path. Gatrie and everyone else stayed behind to train.

3-5 1 turn

Ilyana promoted here and I gave her adept and Meteor. I remember she got a crit on the boss, but I had Reyson, so it's not like it mattered.

3-6 10 turns

Fiona and Leonardo suck.

3-7 12 turns

Gatrie promoted and so did Heather (iirc). Nothing much was done except have those guys fight and everyone else chill near the start.

3-8 4 turns

Titania + Reyson made this possible. She went towards the boss while Heather and Ilyana took the RHS.

3-9 4 turns

Thanks Geoffrey.

3-10 5 turns

Titania and Gatrie went northeast while Ike and Ilyana took on the enemies near the start.

3-11 8 turns

No flier made this take more turns than it should have been. Ike got Pass and made his way to the boss, who he finished off.

3-12 4 turns

Fiona did work and got promoted, while Leo is getting there.

3-13 2 turns

Leo got promoted thanks to bexp. Thanks Marksman Leonardo, for making this painfully easy.

3-E 5 turns


Silver - Ilyana, Heather

Greil - Fiona, Gatrie, Leonardo

Hawk - Nealuchi, Makalov

Part 4

4-P 3 turns

Okay, Ilyana went north and did her thing while Micaiah went the other way iirc.

4-1 4 turns

Ike went south, Leo and Gatrie went west, and Fiona followed Titania and went east.

4-2 7 turns

Nealuchi and Makalov were beasts. Nealuchi went west while Makalov went north. Lucy followed Makalov.

4-3 11 turns

Coolchapterbro. Ilyana and Micaiah were helpful here with Resolve.

4-4 10 turns

Ike went up the stairs followed by Leo and Gatrie while Titania and Fiona went east. The sleep staffer was kind of annoying but eventually he missed, allowing me to kill him. I got the fortify.

4-5 2 turns

Nealuchi dropped Lucia off on turn 1 and she killed Izuka turn 2.

4-E-1 4 turns

4-E-2 1 turn

4-E-3 1 turn

4-E-4 1 turn

4-E-5 4 turns

Would have been 3 turns if not for a costly mistake (me not knowing that if an aura was right next to Ashera it will take damage for her. A bunch of my brave units died in battle to the AoE attack on the 4th turn, but they didn't die in vain.

Top five

5.Fiona 63

4.Micaiah 66

3.Ike 100

2.Ilyana 140

1.Titania 168

Total turns = 231

Edited by Xanderdog
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Hey, everyone, I'm back! Sorry about the delay, just started college! NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Anyway, I'm almost done, but won't be finishing soon (left the Wii at home to concentrate on a double major)

Here's the data I have so far:

Yet another Radiant Dawn Draft

Characters: Jill, Nailah, Brom, Rolf, Skrimir, Mist, Stefan, Gareth, Pelleas

Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Geoffrey, Herons, the Black Knight, and Lehran are free


Prologue: 5/5

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Micaiah: 3.13 16 2 9 9 9 12 2 5

Chapter 1: 7/12

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Micaiah: 5.05 17 2 11 11 9 14 4 7

Chapter 2: 6/18

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Micaiah: 6.23 17 2 12 12 10 15 4 8

Sothe: 1.17 35 18 4 20 20 15 14 9

Chapter 3: 7/25

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Micaiah: 7.49 17 2 13 12 11 16 5 9

Sothe: 1.68 35 18 4 20 20 15 14 9

Chapter 4: 7/32

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Micaiah: 8.48 18 3 14 13 12 17 5 9

Sothe: 4.92 36 21 4 23 21 17 14 11

Chapter 5: 6/38

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Micaiah: 9.83 18 3 17 14 12 18 5 10

Sothe: 5.85 37 22 4 24 21 18 14 11

Chapter 6/1: 5/43

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Micaiah: 10.31 18 3 18 14 12 19 5 11

Sothe: 6.52 37 22 4 24 22 19 14 12

Jill: 16.51 33 13 1 14 17 16 14 4

Chapter 6/2: 2/45

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Micaiah: 10.31 18 3 18 14 12 19 5 11

Sothe: 7.23 37 22 4 25 22 19 14 13

Jill: 16.69 33 13 1 14 17 16 14 4

Chapter 7: 7/52

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Micaiah: 13.07 19 4 20 14 14 21 5 14

Sothe: 10.23 40 22 4 26 23 21 15 14

Jill: 18.83 34 15 1 18 18 17 16 5

Chapter 8: 4+4/60

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Micaiah: 14.98 26 4 20 15 14 22 5 15

Sothe: 11.69 37 22 4 25 22 19 14 13

Jill: 18.99 34 15 1 18 18 19 16 5

Nailah: 33.10 66 17 5 23 19 35 16 13

Rafiel: 12.41 31 1 6 1 6 31 3 13

Chapter 9: 4/64

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Micaiah: 18.72 28 4 20 15 16 22 6 19

Endgame: 9/73

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Micaiah: 1.00 31 7 21 16 19 27 9 21

Sothe: 13.39 40 22 5 26 26 24 16 15

Jill: 20.60 35 17 2 20 19 21 17 5

Nailah: 34.21 66 17 5 23 19 35 16 13

Rafiel: 13.32 32 1 7 1 6 31 3 14

Ilyana transfers Celerity, Pass, Nihil, Restore, Brave Sword, Speedwing, and Hammer


Prologue: 8/81

Chapter 1: 6/87

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Brom: 3.69 37 20 4 18 17 14 21 9

Chapter 1: 6/87

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Brom: 3.69 37 20 4 18 17 14 21 9

Chapter 2: 7/94

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Brom: 4.89 38 21 4 18 17 15 22 3

Chapter 3: 6/100

Endgame: 1+4/105

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Brom: 5.15 38 22 4 19 17 16 23 3


Prologue: 10/115

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Ike: 12.52 45 24 3 28 24 14 22 7

Mist: 2.13 29 8 14 14 16 17 7 16

Rolf: 3.20 34 19 3 21 20 15 13 9

Chapter 1: 8+4/127

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Ike: 14.86 46 25 3 29 25 15 23 7

Mist: 3.95 30 8 15 15 16 18 7 16

Rolf: 6.57 36 21 3 24 21 16 14 10

Chapter 2: 4/131

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Ike: 15.90 46 25 3 29 26 15 23 7

Mist: 4.99 31 9 16 15 16 19 8 16

Rolf: 8.26 38 23 3 24 23 16 16 10

Brom: 8.10 42 23 4 20 18 18 24 13

Chapter 3: 11/142

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Ike: 17.91 48 26 3 30 27 16 24 7

Mist: 7.12 31 9 16 15 16 19 8 16

Rolf: 12.42 42 27 3 26 26 18 18 13

Brom: 11.92 45 24 4 21 20 19 25 13

Chapter 4: 10/152

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Ike: 18.85 49 27 3 30 28 18 24 7

Mist: 9.72 36 9 19 19 18 23 9 19

Rolf: 1.96 48 29 7 30 28 20 20 17

Brom: 14.03 45 26 4 21 21 22 27 15

Chapter 5: 1/153

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Ike: 19.00 50 27 3 30 29 18 25 7

Mist: 9.99 36 9 19 19 18 23 9 19

Rolf: 2.56 49 30 7 31 29 20 20 17

Brom: 17.00 45 28 4 22 21 25 27 15

Chapter 6: 8/161

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Micaiah: 6.35 32 7 25 18 22 32 13 25

Sothe: 16.11 40 22 6 26 28 27 16 15

Jill: 9.06 42 24 5 24 25 25 21 12

Chapter 7: 12/173

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Ike: 20.-- 50 27 3 30 30 19 26 7

Mist: 10.71 36 9 19 20 18 24 9 20

Rolf: 3.49 50 30 8 32 29 21 21 17

Brom: 11.92 45 24 4 21 20 19 25 13

Chapter 8: 8/181

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Ike: 20.-- 50 27 3 30 30 19 26 7

Mist: 11.56 36 10 19 21 18 24 10 20

Rolf: 4.38 51 30 8 32 30 21 22 18

Brom: 4.25 52 32 8 26 25 30 34 21

Chapter 9: 4/185

Chapter 10: 8/193

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Ike: 20.-- 50 27 3 30 30 19 26 7

Mist: 13.80 37 10 21 21 20 26 10 21

Rolf: 5.81 52 31 8 32 31 22 22 18

Brom: 8.04 56 34 8 28 26 30 36 21

Chapter 11: 8/193

Lvl Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

Ike: 20.-- 50 27 3 30 30 19 26 7

Mist: 13.80 37 10 21 21 20 26 10 21

Rolf: 5.81 52 31 8 32 31 22 22 18

Brom: 8.04 56 34 8 28 26 30 36 21

Edited by GreenOyster
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Xander has the fastest completion of an RD draft yet. That's pretty crazy. Especially with Fiona in the top 5...

Chapter 3: 9(+4) Kieran went south, Naesala went major south, and Volug, Sothe, Micaiah, and Leanne worked an odd route east and south.

Chapter 4: 7. Got Blizzard and Frag. Meg went west for the chests. Ike went north. Soren and Maurim (who had Paragon) kinda shuffled around the middle and west sides. I would have had 6 turns if the sleep staff guy (whose sleep was broken) attacked Ike (who was sitting right next to him)

Chapter 5: 2. Tibarn went north, vigored, went north some more. Bastian (with a Beastfoe, which probably wasn't necessary...I originally planned on using Blizzard, but realized Meg opened the Statue Frag before the Blizzard, so the Frag was sent to convoy) Meteors a Tiger, Tibarn moves in for the kill.

4-E-1: 3 Turns. Ran up with Ike and Tibarn to kill the sleeo staff guy, and Soren went right to troll the silence/sleep senator into missing. Volug went with Soren, Muarim and Oscar went left, everybody else floated around the middle.

4-E-2: 2 Turns. Was an idiot and didn't get a hammer. FML. Ike got a crit second try (and first I let Rafiel die...whoops) though, so that was nice.

4-E-3: 1 Turn. Big pain. Miccy needed the Frag for this one. I blessed a Wyrmslayer (Renning), Alondite (Meg), Ragnell (Ike), Arcthunder (Sanaki), and some other stuff. Smited and shoved Bastian, vigored Soren, Ike, Renning, and Tibarn. Killed Dheg with Renning Wyrming, then Ike trading with him and using it, then Bastian (Celerity) with a Arc Thunder (survived with 1 health even being on a cover space), Tibarn with a Talon, and Soren trading with Bastian for the kill.

4-E-4: 1 Turn. Big pain. Tibarn had Paricelerity, Muarim shoves him, and he kills the northern guard and flies back one space. Ike runs behind him, Oscar (kills a spirit) and Kieran complete the triangle around an empty space that was soon filled by a smited Rafiel. Then I shoved Micaiah a bunch and hits the western guard once. Oscar finishes it off with an Adept, Ike gets Aether on the eastern, and Kieran Sol's the south. Then The Hawk King Parities Sephiran.

Team Disambiguation:

Unit		Lvl	HP	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Ike		20	65	37	8	40	37	18	32	19
Micaiah		9	43	11	40	30	25	40	21	40
Søthe		4	46	26	12	31	30	33	19	19
Vølug		32	65	20	5	17	17	28	11	5
Kieran		20	60	36	14	35	28	24	30	24
Muarim		30	65	23	3	18	14	19	21	10
Prøren		20	50	20	40	34	32	28	22	36
Meg		16	57	36	11	33	32	30	34	32
Tibarn		36	72	22	2	24	20	32	16	11
Øscar		17	58	35	15	34	32	30	22	21
Bastian		15	45	22	36	31	28	24	21	36
Geøffrey       13	53	35	13	34	27	24	27	25
Renning		19	56	34	18	34	29	25	30	23

Edited by Ring Wraith
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You do that, and if you beat my turncounts I'll restart too. Let's see who's more competetive.

Go ahead. I'll endluge you.

Xander has the fastest completion of an RD draft yet. That's pretty crazy. Especially with Fiona in the top 5...


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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

[spoiler=Yet another Radiant Dawn Draft][spoiler=Mercenary Raven's Team]174px-Zihark.gifElinciaFE10Portrait.png191px-Shinon_FE10.pngJanaff_RD.pngNaesalaRD.png241px-Giffca3.png278px-Tauroneo_RD.png167px-Danvedportrait.pngOliverFE10Portrait.png

[spoiler=Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden]Main Unit:



Free Unit: Edward

Turns: 5

TC: 5

Miccy steals some kills from Eddy.



Free Unit: Nolan

Turns: 5

TC: 10

Nolan tanks, Miccy hits and kills from the rear. Got Hand Axe.

BEXP: 120P


Free Unit: Nolan

New Unit:


Turns: 5

TC: 15

GoGo Laura! Arrive! No items though.

BEXP: 180P


Turns: 6

TC: 21

Sothe shoves Miccy, both of them go through the eastern route. Miccy's high level and sp made the Javelin Soldier attack Sothe instead of her...*phew*

BEXP: 280P


Turns: 7

TC: 28

Bought Beast Killer and Ellight. Sothe gets Beastfoe and the Seraph Robe. Miccy gets the 3000G and Wrath Crtkills enemies.

BEXP: 450P


Free Unit: Volug

Turns: 6

TC: 34

Lol Defend, Miccy Wrath Crtkills enemies being above ledges. Sothe then supports her with some knives.

BEXP: 485P


New Units:


Stage 1

Turns: 4

TC: 38

Dracoshield for Zihark. Zhark gets the Arms Scroll $$$. Miccy UP, Sothe NORTHWEST, Zhark WEST, Tauros CENTER.

Stage 2

Turns: 2

TC: 40

Having Zhark and Sothe isn't such issue. Wrath on Sothe, get hit by miserable Steel Bow Archers and Done.

BEXP: 4712P


Turns: 5

TC: 45

Zhark double shoves Sothe, who rescued Miccy. Sothe rushes to the throne, Zhark gets Paragon and some kills.

BEXP: 1716P


New Free Unit:


Turns: 6

TC: 51

Zhark NORTH, then WEST, Sothe EAST, Micaiah SOUTH.

BEXP: 2850P


New Free Unit:


Turns: 4

TC: 55

Western Route.

BEXP: 3000P


Turns: 6

TC: 61

Pass Saviour Sothe rescues Micaiah, Zhark follows him.

BEXP: 3750P



Cleared Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden in 61 Turns

[spoiler=Part 2: Of Countries and Kings]2-P

New Unit:


New Free Unit:


Free Units: Marcia, Nealuchi

Turns: 8

TC: 8, 69

Queen Elincia uses Mend 13 times.

BEXP: 1000P


Free Units: Nephenee, Brom

Turns: 4

TC: 12, 73

Biggest mistake EVER! NO HEATHER!

BEXP: 3700P


Free Unit: Nephenee

Turns: 6

TC: 18, 79

Neph SOLO.

BEXP: 3250P


New Free Unit:


New Unit:


Turns: 5

TC: 23, 74

Rush! No Speedwing cause I messed up with positioning and stuff. :/

BEXP: 8675P


Turns: 1

TC: 24, 75

Best Queen EVER!

BEXP: 3037P

Cleared Part 2: Of Countries and Kings in 24 Turns

[spoiler=Part 3: Intersecting Vows]Main Unit:



New Unit:


Turns: 10

TC: 10, 85

Not even Ballistae was useful. Beast stupidity reached its maximum point.

BEXP: 6026P


Free Unit: Mia

Turns: 10

TC: 20, 95

Ike kills the generals while Mia and Shinon take the central enemies. Enemies attack Mia cause Shinon had the Crossbow. As soon as Ike gets rid of the gens, he switches place with Shinon. Shinon goes all the way up Adept killing enemies with Crossbow.

BEXP: 3033P


Turns: 3

TC: 23, 98

Steel Bow forge crtkills the draco.

BEXP: 3750P


Free unit: Soren

Turns: 14

TC: 37, 112


BEXP: 5600P


Turns: 7

TC: 44, 119

Shinon's the BAWS.

BEXP: 5514P


New Free Unit:


Turns: 3

TC: 47, 122

Again, NO PASS HURTS...F**K! Anyways, Shinon Silences Lombrosso.

BEXP: 4000P


Turns: 7

TC: 54, 129

Miccy and Sothe UP, Zhark EAST.

BEXP: 4859P


New Unit:


Turns: 12

TC: 66, 141

Janaff, TRAIN!

BEXP: 5000P


Turns: 5

TC: 71, 146

Janaff's really good. Zhark supports him. Reyson stones and vigors.

BEXP: 8250P


Turns: 4

TC: 75, 150

Danved gets the Speedwing, Geoffrey promotes, and Sols Roark.

BEXP: 14165P


Turns: 6

TC: 81, 156

Celerity Zhark and Janaff rush NORTHEAST. Ike and Shinon team up and kill the southern enemies. Turns later, Shinon rushes northe to help Zihark and Janaff.

BEXP: 13652P


Turns: 4

TC: 85, 160

Celerity Saviour Janaff rescues Ike and sends him to the seize tile. Janaff untransforms by EP3 and reaches max in the transformation gauge, so he can kill the warrior by PP4. Excellent!

BEXP: 10522P


Turns: 2

TC: 87, 162

Tauros caps Str, Skl and Sp and Promotes. He Luna'd a swordmaster and crtkilled a couple of enemies. 8S

BEXP: 7501P


Turns: 2

TC: 89, 164

Boots Pass Tauros uses Zen Headbutt against Ike.

BEXP: 8297P


Turns: 5

TC: 94, 169

Janaff EAST, the rest kill to the north!

BEXP: 15318P

Cleared Part 3: Intersecting Vows in 94 Turns

[spoiler=Part 4: Gods and Men]Promotion:


Team Distribution:

  • Silver Army - Micaiah*, Sothe*, Leanne*, Naesala*, Janaff
  • Greil Army - Ike*, Rafiel*, Zihark, Danved, Oliver*
  • Hawk Army - Elincia*, Reyson*, Tauroneo*, Shinon

" * " indicates that said unit is forced to join said Army.


New Unit:


Turns: 4

TC: 4, 173

Janaff and Naesala team up and go NORTH, they get vigored by Leanne and kill 1-2 ranged enemies. Sothe smites Miracle Resolve Miccy EAST.

BEXP: 3000P




Turns: 5

TC: 9, 178

Lack of Pass cost 1 turn. Danved goes east with some jav forges, Zihark west, Ike south.

BEXP: 3750P


Turns: 6

TC: 15, 184

Elincia is definitely the best. She got Arms Scroll and got to use Tempest Blades by PP4/5, in the precise moment to ORKO the spear Halb and Valtome. She got Resolve Daunt. Shinon Adept Crtkilled everything with Taksh. Tauroneo clears some enemies Shinon left alive as well as reinforcements.

BEXP: 4500P


Turns: 6

TC: 21, 190

Miccy got Stefan in right moment and killed the eastern enemies. Naesala and Janaff got SS by mid-chapter. Both are awesome even without 1-2 range. Nestling Maelstrom'd a Crossbow warrior dealing 20dmg, lool.

BEXP: 5259P


New Unit:


Turns: 7

TC: 28, 197

Zhark to rooms, Danved kills 1st floor enemies and deals with the reinforcements Crtkilling/Impaling SMs. Ike to throne room. As soon as Zhark cleares the Wind Sages room, he goes to the throne room and helps Celerity Rafiel and Pass Ike. Oliver is recruited and reinforcements die.

BEXP: 6000P


Turns: 2

TC: 30, 199

Lack of Pass made Rescue totally useless. Elincia kills Izuka with Tempest Blade. Tauros and Shinon train.

BEXP: 7500P


New Unit:




Disciples of Chaos:

  1. Ike
  2. Micaiah
  3. Sothe
  4. Sanaki
  5. Kurthnaga
  6. Ena
  7. Rafiel
  8. Tauroneo
  9. Zihark
  10. Elincia
  11. Danved
  12. Shinon
  13. Janaff
  14. Naesala
  15. Oliver
  16. Giffca
  17. Sigrun


Turns: 3

TC: 33, 202

Miracle Resolve Oliver and Danved go East, Janaff solos the west, the rest kill bunches of enemies. Elincia and Naesala fly and kill annoying enemies such as the siege sages, physic bishops, snipers and Hetzel (Adept killed by Tempest Elincia). Pass Parity Ike kills Lekain by PP2 and stands in his spot with a Hammer. Micaiah reaches Hetzel's spot and Resolve Thanis gens.

BEXP: 6000P


Turns: 1

TC: 34, 203

Fire Hammer Bros.!

BEXP: 7500P


Yune's Blessings:

  1. Ike - Ragnell
  2. Micaiah - Rexaura
  3. Sothe - Peshkatz
  4. Sanaki - Purge
  5. Sigrun - Wyrmslayer
  6. Tauroneo - Brave Axe
  7. Zihark - Vague Katti
  8. Elincia - Amiti
  9. Danved - Wishblade
  10. Shinon - Double Bow
  11. Janaff - Talon
  12. Nestling - Great Beak
  13. Oliver - Valaura
  14. Giffca - Great Fang
  15. Rafiel - Galdrar

Turns: 1

TC: 35, 204

Elincia, Ike, Nestling and Giffca Wyrmslays Dheg!

BEXP: 12000P


Turns: 1

TC: 36, 205

Parity Celerity Ike kills Sephiran's northern spirit, Nestling and Janaff Tear the western and southern, respectively, Shinon Double Bows the eastern one. Giffca ORKOs Sephiran.

BEXP: 15000P


New Free Unit:


Turns: 2

TC: 38, 207

Who needs Nasir when you have Giffca, Nestling, Janaff, Shinon and Zihark?

Cleared Part 4: Gods and Men in 38 Turns

Final TC is 207 Turns

[spoiler=Statboosters]Part 1 Items:

  • Dracoshield - Zihark
  • Seraph Robe - Micaiah
  • Spirit Dust - Oliver
  • Arms Scroll - Sold
  • Secret Book - Tauroneo
  • Ashera Icon - Ike
  • Seraph Robe - Janaff

Part 2 Items:

  • Ashera Icon - Shinon
  • Talisman - Ike
  • Arms Scroll - Elincia

Part 3 Items:

  • Seraph Robe - Naesala
  • Secret Book - Janaff
  • Speedwing - Oliver

Part 4 Items:

  • Arms Scroll - Micaiah (Light)
  • Arms Scroll - Micaiah (Staff)
  • Arms Scroll - Micaiah (Staff)
  • Arms Scroll - Micaiah (Staff)
  • Arms Scroll - Oliver (Light)
  • Arms Scroll - Oliver (Staff)

[spoiler=Character Info]Stats

[spoiler=Unit Records]Victories:

  1. Ike - W 169
  2. Zihark - W 144
  3. Shinon - W 116
  4. Micaiah - W 116
  5. Janaff - W 102
  6. Sothe - W 100
  7. Danved - W 85
  8. Naesala - W 62
  9. Elincia - W 58
  10. Tauroneo - W 54
  11. Oliver - W 10
  12. Giffca - W 7

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  • 9 months later...

I'm taking Soul's team :)

Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden

1-P : 5, 5

Miccy gets 2 level ups :D

1-1: 4, 9

Eddy gets the Hand Axe, Nolan takes it and attacks enemies from afar. Miccy dodged the fighters, woo!

1-2: 5, 14


1-3: 5, 19

Nolan shoves Miccy, Sothe waits behind the wall to lure the archer on the other side. Miccy gets Sothe's support and ORKOs the fighter with the door keys. Then, she opens the door and Sothe protects her. The rest is rush!

1-4: 4, 23

Iron forge for Nolan (max mt/crt). Nolan and Wrath Miccy south, Sothe beastkills laguz enemies. Didn't get the gold :/

1-5: 6, 29

Trained Nolan and Miccy. Miccy can now use Ellight!

1-6: 6, 35

Stage 1 (4 turns)

Miccy north, Nolan to the centre, Sothe west!

Stage 2 (2 turns)

Nolan shoves Sothe, Sothe crts LAverton.

1-7: 5, 40

Recruited Tormod and gave him Elthunder, he crts the boss for some EXP. Nolan was promoted and assigned with Paragon.

1-8: 4, 44

Nolan full moves to the west, Tormod Adept KOs bandits on the south, Miccy deals with some northern enemies. Sothe rushes with Celerity to the east with knife forges.

1-9: 4, 48


1-E: 5, 53

Sothe ferries Miccy up north, drops her before the door, opens it (Miccy resolve kills enemies on the throne room), and finally, full moves towards Jarod and crtkills him with Beast Killer.

More chapters later on...

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Take good care of it, man. I actually liked this team quite alot, but I thought I'd leave this to someone who'd actually finish it. And what better person to give it to other than you?

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Take good care of it, man. I actually liked this team quite alot, but I thought I'd leave this to someone who'd actually finish it. And what better person to give it to other than you?

For some unknown reason I gave this team priority over the other drafts I took from the thread gee_wiz_emoticon.gif. And also because it has Boyd, Sanaki and Sigrun, some of my faves ^^. Also, do you love Lyre?

More chapters here!

Part 2: Of Countries and Kings

2-P: 8 (61)

I have a plan with Luchi! He raises his Strike rank up to S. Credits to Sal, btw.

2-1: 5 (66)


2-2: 4 (70)

I almost forgot Lethe was on this team. Lethe, Luchi, Leanne and Lucia (Team L) rush to the arrive tile. Luchi ferries Lucia near the last torch, Lethe helps clearing the way (she got like 2str level ups via BEXP). Luchi is hit on purpose by the Bowgun Warrior to wrath crt the general adjacent to Maraj. And finally, Lethe ORKOs the boss, woo!

2-3: 5 (75)

Yes Geoffrey! I'm training him seriously because Sanaki doesn't occupy an extra spot to the Tower. He gets BEXP'd to .99EXP. He rushes with his load of spears to obliterate enemies. He brave lances the boss.

2-E: 1+4 (80)

Shit no! I needed an additional shove to execute Luchi's strategy, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Damn, but, fortunately I had enough BEXP to level up Elincia and her str levels. But...my precious BEXP is gone sob.gif

Part 3: Intersecting Vows

3-P: 8 (88)

Boyd got 299EXP on this map thanks to Provoke+Killer Axe+Adept, and his EP level up was complete shit -_-. On the other hand, the laguz were constantly crtkilled by the enemy halberdiers emo13.gif

3-1: 7 (95)

Damn, I would've shaved two turns if I had another unit :(. Boyd got three sp BEXP lv. ups, enough to double every single enemy on his path. My free unit was Shinon because of Killer bow and killing enemies behind the walls.

3-2: 4 (99)

Celerity Provoke Boyd rushes to the boss. He's getting loads of EXP, nice ^^.

3-3: 10 (109)

:/, again, lack of units. Celerity Boyd burns the two northern supplies, Gatrie burned the southern ones and Pass Ike got the central and northwestern supplies.

3-4: 7 (116)

Celerity Ike rushes up the mountain, Pass Lethe and Boyd clear his way. Lyre got Blossom and trains.

3-5: 2 (118)

Celerity Pass Boyd (3rd Tier) gets Reyson's help and ORKOs Lombross with Short Axe.

3-6: 7 (125)

Nolan gets Tarvos and rushes to the east, Miccy and Sothe rush north. The yellow units cooperate and kill some laguz that lurk in the shadows. What happens with Micaiah? She's by level 8 and capped skl and sp without any resets...but on the other hand, I had to reset for some str to Nolan >_>.

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Uh...are you asking because I have her in like 90% of my drafting teams? e_e

Lol yeah...

Let's continue this.

3-7: 12 (137)

Lethe and Lyre build their Strike rank, while Boyd and Ike fool around. Lethe got Zihark and Savior, Storm Sword, etc etc...

3-8: 5 (142)

Celerity Pass Boyd rushes south towards Septimus. He ORKOs him with I don't know what axe, I think it was a forge...well whatev.

3-9: 4 (146)

Geoffrey to 3rd Tier. He got Adept and owned enemies.

3-10: 5 (151)

Celerity Boyd rushes to Sergei. The cats follow him as his pets. Ike wrathblicks enemies on the south. Having Wrath was really important to kill gens and some annoying lance paladins, fortunately Purge and Light Magic are accurate.

3-11: 4 (155)

Sigrun got book and shield while Tanith got icon. Both were promoted via Crown, got some forges and obliterated the map. Sigrun is getting more def than sp -_-. She ferried Ike because she's the boss.

3-12: 3 (158)

Nolan to 3rd Tier, he's a tank. Aww...he looks pretty because he capped almost every stat by 2nd Tier, and has capped magic by 3rd with a level up. Still, I prefer Boyd you Trolan.

3-13: 3 (161)

Breaker The Magical Warrior equips a Killer Axe and crtkills Ike. He got nice levels. But oh shit he has a Brave Axe and Nihil. SHIT.

3-E: 4 (165)

Holy Shit Tanith almost died! She got a def level up on the enemy phase and Nolan approached her with dat goddamn Brave Axe and left her with 2HP! Dayum!! She had to equip a Silver Sword to dodge Nolan's next 2 axe swings :s. On the other hand, Celerity Savior Sigrun ferried Boyd to the danger zone, and dropped da bomb. Boyd is a badass and destroyed everything ther, he even killed Meg, lol. Ike wandered with his 7 move, while Lethe went east and Lyre went north west. Both kitties have S Strike level.

Part 4: Gods and Men

  • Silver Army: Micaiah, Sothe, Leanne, Sanaki, Sigrun
  • Greil Army: Ike, Rafiel, Boyd, Nolan, Tormod
  • Hawk Army: Reyson, Tanith, Lethe, Lyre


Additional Ingfo:


  • Ike x Boyd (A)
  • Lethe x Lyre (B)
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Part 4: Gods and Men

4-P: 2 (167)

Sigrun ferries Resolve+Miracle Sanaki to the thickets to take a bunch of enemies. She gets to SS Fire with Cymbeline. It wasn't so difficult to make Sanaki clear this map, the only thing I had to do was making her stay under Resolve range to ORKO enemies. Sigrun got Adept and Vantage and killed a couple of enemies. Sanaki got to like lv. 9 or so~. She only used a Robe.

4-1: 4 (171)

Boyd east, Nolan west, Pass Boots Ike south!

4-2: 5 (176)

Woah! Celerity Tanith is the best. She stunned almost every enemy. She got to lv. 12 and capped str, sp and def. Lyre and Lethe used the stone thrice and killed some enemies on the southern part of the map.

4-3: 5 (181)

Lol, Sanaki pwns everything here, she miracle'd some hits with her 40lck. She caps every tome rank, and Flares the bishop boss. Stefan got.

4-4: 6 (187)

Ugh...I thought I was able to 5 turn this, but Nolan was short of move to deal with the two northern rooms. Tormod got Paragon and leveled up to lv. 12. He capped Hp, str, sp and def. Who said Tormod's a shitty unit?

4-5: 1 (188)

Celerity Tanith is DA BEST.

4-E-1: 2 (190)

ZOMG, so much strategic moves @_@! Pass Hammer Ike goes to Hetzel and kills him, he deals with his guards on the next turn. Celerity Pass Boyd rushes and kills the sleep bishop. Tormod deals with the eastern gens, Lethe and Lyre Rend the western ones. Sigrun flies and kills the blizzard sage and stays still, Sanaki almost suicides by killing the double bow sniper, but f** yeah, there's miracle + resolve x3! Tanith flies and kills the bolting sage, and cantos to a tile to receive the silver snipe. The rest form a wall to protect rafiel. On the next turn, northern gens were killed, Sanaki was smite by Sothe and Flares Lekain, then Boyd passes on and hammers the gens. The rest kill the remaining scrubs. *phew*

4-E-2: 1 (191)

Hammer BROS.

4-E-3: 1 (192)

Ike, Sigrun and Tanith wyrmslay Dheg.

4-E-4: 1 (193)

Shit I thought Sanaki could kill Sephiran. Derp. Sigrun, Tanith, Tormod and Boyd kill the spirits. Sanaki Meteored Sigrun's spirit to reduce any rigging. Pass Parity Ike was shoved by Nolan and doubles Seph. Then Miccy (with 38mag + Rexaura) is shoved and smitten to reach Seph and land the final blow!

4-E-5: 2 (195)

Nasir assures the 2 turn clear.


  1. Boyd (190+)
  2. Ike (150+)
  3. Nolan (130+)
  4. Micaiah (110+)
  5. Sothe (90+)

Final TC: 195

This team was nice, except for one or two cats :p

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