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Eliwood & Hector + Magic Users Only Run



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Something i wanted to try out. I will be posting my progress.

The Rules

1. The Difficulty that will be played is Lyn Hard Mode and Hector Normal Mode

2. Most Chapters Will be Played in this Run. Ch. 19xx won't be played and Ch. 23x will be decided on a vote.

3. Eliwood, Hector, Ninian/Nils, Serra, Erk, Lucius, Priscilla, Canas (Lonely and Forgotten), Pent, Nino and Renault are the only usable units in this run.

4. Any Unit can buy from the Armory and Shop.

5. Eliwood and Hector can only use their Primary Weapon Type

6. Meatshielding is only allowed in Ch. 13x. It is forbidden in any other chapter.

7. Matthew and Legault can only be used for Thieving Utility and Digging up Items in the Desert. Nothing else.

8. Arena Abuse is forbidden in this run.

9. Pent is not allowed to use the Warp or Rescue Staff.

I will also go semi-casual for this run. I'll try to get a good turncount for the chapter if it isn't too difficult but i will not RNG Abuse just to get a low turncount.

[spoiler=Chapter Directory]


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 7x

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 13x

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 19x

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 23x

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 28x [Pt. A, Pt. B]

Chapter 29 [Pt. A, Pt. B]

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 31x

Chapter 32 [Pt. A, Pt. B]

Chapter 32x


Character Analysis

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Interesting. I actually did one of these types of runs in FE8, using only Ephraim, Eirika, and magic users. Seeing as FE8 is not that difficult, I didn't find it extremely challenging. FE7 will probably be different, as you have a smaller percentage of characters available. For your sake, I really hope that Erk doesn't get maimed by the RNG.

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Okay, So i'll end the Vote Here.

Eliwood is Allowed to be Used in this Playthrough.

Lyn will not be used in Hector's Part of the Game.

Ninian/Nils is Allowed to be Used in this Playthrough.

I'll start this playthrough around tomorrow, maybe a bit earlier or at the same time i posted this. Maybe later (Depending if i have IRL Plans or not...)

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Okay, Let's get this started. Turns out that i have some time to do this much earlier than i thought...


This is in no way, My real information. My Gender is the only thing that's correct here. Just did this for the hell of it.


Turncount: 6

Attempts: 1

We start off with a simple chapter. We rush towards the first bandit and he attacks us.


This is what happens when he hits me the second time. My luck always did stink...

Anyways, Once we're done with that bandit, We head off to kill Batta. Lyn got hit first round but he missed second round. By then, Batta was killed. She then leveled up.


Pretty Nice Level up. She could of gotten Strength but oh well, I'm not complaining.

She then Seized and the chapter was over.

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Chapter 1

Turncount: 7

Attempts: 1

Yet another Lyn-Solo this Chapter.


You two can just go over there and twiddle your thumbs.

So Lyn attacks the oncoming bandits. She gets a few kills and then gets a level up.


Could of been better.

She then heads for the boss, With the rest of the enemies attacking her. She chugs a Vulnerary on her way incase i prey victim to the RNG.

Now she takes on Zugu during the enemy phase (She chugged a vulnerary since her health was low).


She took him out without much trouble.


What a nice way to finish off the Chapter.

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Chapter 2

Turncount: 7

Attempts: 1

A Seize Chapter. With Wall-Breaking Action Included.


Yea... Just go over there again...

Lyn heads over to the wall to hack away at it.


Could of been worse if Lyn didn't get that Strength Proc.


...and again.

Before she destroys the wall, The combat she engaged with the oncoming bandits got her a level up.


That Strength Proc is much appreciated!


...and So most of the Brigands are dead. Lyn never got hit, either.


I'm feeling optimistic.


Glass dies in one turn. Hurray.


She's turning out quite well so far.


We now finish off this chapter.


Aw Yes. This Sword shall make Lyn even better. Critical Hit's, Galore.

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Do you hate us for not letting you use Lyn now? :P:

I'm not really affected, To be honest. I'm just taking an "Oh well" approach to it.

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Chapter 3

Turns: 10

Attempts: 2


- Lyn died from a Mercenary after all the damage the Archer did on her.

Let's start Chapter 3. Another Lyn Solo.


Can't waste that Mani Katti now.


Ah... Must feel good to twiddle your thumbs while watching one person single-handedly takes on the chapter.

After a while, Wil recruits himself.


I don't think so. You can twiddle your thumbs with the others though.


Oh Well. There was nothing i could do about it anyways...

Lyn Levels up after a few kills and an Archer sniping at Lyn. She used a Vulnerary beforehand so the archer's attacks don't get her killed.


I'm not really complaining.


The others go from twiddling their thumbs to running like pansys.



Eventually, Lyn takes on the boss and kills him...


Amazing how it took this long for you to get your first critical hit. (She got a Critical, if you can't tell).


Meh. She's not doing terribly...


Let's finish this off, Why don't we.

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Chapter 4

Turns: 7 (Forced)

Attempts: 1

Our Last Lyn Solo. Let's get the rest of the units with Natalie...


Like So. (Sain moves around so they don't get hit by Dorcas and the Archer)

Lyn Guard's Natalies Room and Kills Enemies coming her way. She's Doing Just fine. She eventally gets another Level Up.


Hmm... Your still turning out pretty good.

She then continues on, Chugging Vulneraries incase something goes wrong. Dorcas and the Archers are getting quite annoying though.


Yup. She pretty much has this in the bag!

The Chapter is now over. Too bad i couldn't kill the boss though.

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Chapter 5

Turns: 11

Attempts: 1

We get our first two magic units for this playthrough.


First off, We have Serra. Let's just hope her 50% Growth in Magic actually gets her to places.


and then we have Erk. I beg of you, Please don't get Magic Screwed...

Anyways, Lyn and Company attacks the enemies and Erk is having a bad start...


They just wanna be left alone. I'll make sure that happens.

After that, They continue on to Kill Bug and Company. Erk Gets his level up.


A Bad Start, Indeed...

After some more combat, Lyn gets a level up from the chip she is doing for Erk to get Kills.


Well, better than Erk's Level.

They are now taking on the boss. Lyn does most of the damage while Erk Finishes the boss off.


At least i finished this off in a decent matter.

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At least i finished this off in a decent matter.

Not a half bad sign, just hopefully won't get completely screwed over.. Lyn mode will help him out for Hector Mode as well

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Chapter 6

Turns: 10

Attempts: 1

Lyn Visits the Village. We recruit Matthew.


Hello, Thieving Utility.

Erk Goes ahead and Takes on the Mercenarys, Using the Forests as his sweet spot.

Erk then Levels up.


Now this, is what i am talking about!biggrin.gif

The group now resumes with getting through this level.


I can't blame you. Being cheap is in your blood.

Eventally, The First Trigger is activated. Matthew then opens the chest.


Serra could make real good use of this!

So the group continues to make progress. Decided not to get the Armorslayer since Lyn is good enough with the Mani Katti. Erk heads off to the Boss once he is done with the soldier guarding the trigger and Serra steps on the trigger. Lyn and Erk go to kill the boss once the trigger was activated. Erk gets the Bosskill.


You could do better, Erk.


Lyn steps on the last trigger and this level is now finished.

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Chapter 7

Turns: 9

Attempts: 1


Finally, We get to use the menu now. All the other units can now twiddle their thumbs on the bench.

Once we're done with the preperations, Here comes Lucius.


Your quite welcome to do so, Good sir.


Here, We have Lucius. Asides from defense, He has consistent Bases and Growths. This guy will be quite helpful for this run.


The Utility he and his sister has should do wonders for this run.

The Group goes on to where the boss is, Killing all enemies in the way.


Looking Good, So Far.

Erk then goes to visit the village.


Hmm... Not really a necessity.


You can easily tell that Lucius has a much better start than Erk.


More Speed. I welcome it.

Now Erk takes on the boss so Serra could get that heal which Level's Her up.


I'd say that was worth the wait.

Erk then Gets a Level up while fighting the boss (He didn't kill him).


You'll never get to par with Lucius if you keep getting these bad level ups.


Lucius then Finishes off Heintz. No Level up, Though.

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Lucius then Finishes off Heintz. No Level up, Though.

You have defeated the company that creates the good Ketchup for people.. you monster [don't really like Ketchup much anyhow gee_wiz_emoticon.gif]

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You have defeated the company that creates the good Ketchup for people.. you monster [don't really like Ketchup much anyhow gee_wiz_emoticon.gif]

Some Hot-Dog Eaters are going to be mad...

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Chapter 7x

Turns: 7

Attempts: 1

Our first Gaiden Chapter. Simple Enough.


The Problem with Lucius in Lyn Mode is that He only has So many uses in that Lightning Tome and he can only get another one in Chapter 10.


Just try not to lag behind in the important stats, Okay?

The group goes through the corridors, Killing any enemies in the way. Matthew didn't participate since all there was in the chest was a Hammer (Which of course, We don't need).


Could of been worse.


We get the Hammer anyways. This will provide for extra gold if i am feeling real desperate. Lyn stays behind to take care of the reinforcements.

Eventually, Beyard is the only man standing. Erk Attacks and then Lucius finishes him off.


Interesting, Twice in a Row.

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Chapter 8

Turns: 9

Attempts: 1

This level isn't too bad.


Looks like Lucius will be taking it easy, Using those Lightning Uses for Bosskills.

Erk Dealt with the Shaman, Mage and Brigand while Lyn took on most of the enemies. She managed to get another level up.


Eagler's Going Down.

Lyn Deals with the rest of the enemies and Erk Deals with the Archer. Erk then gets a level up.


I get the feeling you won't be getting Magic anytime soon.

Lyn then takes on the boss and Leaves just enough health left so Lucius can finish him off (With 1 Use of the Lightning Tome).


This chapter ends with a bang.

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That is one skill screwed Lyn

Besides, I don't find skill to be an important Stat compared to Strength and Speed. Lyn still does the job just fine.

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Chapter 9

Turns: 11

Attempts: 2


- A Brigand Killed Lucius (Thanks to Fog of War)

Our First Fog of War Map, Oh Joy.


We also have deadweight to deal with too. At least the Knight's Crest can give Lyn a good gem in Chapter 16.

Nils Gets a Level up from doing his first dance.


Nothing Special.


...and So Hell Breaks Loose.


Due to Unfortunate Circumstances, Lucius has to use his Last 2 Lightning uses on a Mere Brigand.

The group sticks around to kill the enemies since they kill the group easily if i try to rush the level. Lyn then gets a level.


Doesn't really matter, Your time is almost up.


Even you get better level ups than Erk.


Nice level up but i'm losing faith in your ability to gain magic.

The group then goes to take on Eagler once most of the reinforcements are dealt with. Erk Attacks during Enemy Phase (He uses his hand axe so Lyn can chip more safely). Erk finishes Eagler off and gets a level.


Right on Track to being Magic Screwed. At least your other stats are okay.

Lyn then seizes and then this chapter is finally done.

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