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There isn't one that's anywhere near recent, but Phee or one of the RPers would be happy to fill you in. I can write up a general summary later.

Unless you're planning on making a character heavily tied to the plot though, you probably won't need to know much beyond world lore and what's currently going on right now, since the character wouldn't know what's been going on either. :3

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Hokay, so you wanna know about Emblem. There's this pink haired girl named Raquel who found the Fire Emblem, her dad got kidnapped by evil dudes that want the emblem, Raquel wants dad back but can't give up the Emblem. She hires/befriends/tolerates enough people that become her "Mercenaries" for lack of a better term.

Raquel and the group are currently on their way to a friend of Raquel's father named Seth Weyland who is pretty much a genius inventor and rich dude to regroup and think about plans. We just docked at this port, and the group just had a few members die. We probably won't stay in the port for more than a day or so to resupply before we head out to Weylands. Oh and we're gonna get attacked by some tool's from the army or something like that.

Any further questions can be asked on our IRC chat. Return of the Emblem on Mibbit, link here


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Name: Mao Ehrendott

Nickname: Maou (Devil)

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Class: Ranger

Level: 2-1

Affinity: Anima

Weapon proficiency: Swords

Weapon of Choice: Smallsword(Slim Sword)

Inventory: Smallsword(Slim Weapon), Short Bow, Elixer x2

Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 10 LCK: 2 DEF: 3 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 18 MT: 7 HIT: 7 EVD: 12 AS: 10 DEF: 3 RES: 1

Occupation: Entrepreneur



Nature/Disposition: Sarcastic, but laid back. She is very confident about herself and her abilities, and often likes to go head in, be it a battle or a trade negotiation. Mao is a very curious person, seeking out interesting things and is not a person that can sit still in a classroom or stay cooped up in a fancy estate. She is good with words, and has an unusual proclivity towards explanations. She enjoys reading and is a massive fan of food, to extent she travels to unique places to try out food. Does not like mornings.

Hometown: Exact city TBD. Mao is of Kigen and Neviskotian descent. She lived in Neviskotia for most of her life.

Connections: Mao has connections to many trading houses and companies, but her closest ties are to a small company that owns only a few ships.

Backstory: Mao was born to a wealthy merchant family in one of the island port cities in the south. They owned a fair sized shipping company that even employed its own escorts. She learned her swordplay from a hired, but reputable swordsman, and archery on the side from her mother.

As time grew on, she inherited the family business but quickly downsized it and passed on her responsibilities to a good friend, preferring to go on a pilgrimage of sorts, in search of new business opportunities, food, or a well sought after adventure.

Addendum - She has a horse named Water. She likes Water, but prefers fighting on foot than on horseback.

Points Remaining: 47


Aaand, done! Forgive me for any mistakes, I haven't done a stat-based roleplay for a long, long time.(I just got the Enterprise OP song stuck in head now. Whoops.)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Name: Erion
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Class: Thief --> Rogue

Affinity: Wind

Weapon proficiency: Swords

Weapon of Choice: Poison dagger

Inventory: Iron Sword+20
Poison Sword-80 (flavored as dagger)

Raw Stats: HP: 3+4 STR: 2+4 MAG: 0 SKL: 5+2 SPD: 5+2+5 LCK: 3+2 DEF: 1 RES: 1
HP: 7 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 12 LCK: 5 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 21 Mt: 6 Hit: 7 AS: 12 Evd: 17 Def: 1 Res: 1

Occupation: Thief

Appearance: Golden brown eyes, tan skin, ~6', lanky, well muscled but clearly quick as opposed to strong. White shaggy hair. Gets in his eyes more often than not.
Wears collared long sleeve white shirt with a brown padded vest over it, red bandana around his neck, blue pants with a belt with sheathes for his weapons, and knee high black boots.

Nature/Disposition: sarcastic, private, and sometimes a bit off putting. Likes finding out others secrets.

Hometown: some small town in Neviskotia

Connections: Rook: former partners

Backstory: Grew up in a poor family in Neviskotia, decided to leave family to help ease their burdens. Started stealing money and such as well as dealing in information in Kigen.

Points: 597-400+20-80-100=37

Steal: Can steal items. A stolen item must be placed into the item slot. Stealing takes up an action and a thief cannot steal from defended units.

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Name: Aubrianna

Nickname: Aubri

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Class: Virtuoso

Level: 2/1

Points: 4

Affinity: Wind

Weapon proficiency: Staff

Weapon of Choice: Whip

Inventory: Recover Staff, Whip, Skill Book 2 (increase two different stats by +1 when barding)

Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 0 MAG: 4 SKL: 8 SPD: 11 LUK: 5 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 18 MT: 4 HIT: 8 EVD: 16 AS: 11 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Occupation: Tavern dancing girl and darts player

Appearance: A bright and cheerful-seeming young lady, Aubrianna is usually seen with a smile on her heart-shaped face, round eyes blue and bright popping against her light skin. Long waves of coral pink hair neatly frame the sides of her face and fall to her middle, some of the strands behind her gathered up into a ponytail hanging behind the rest of her hair. Her form is svelte and feminine, just over five and a half feet tall, and she dresses in eyecatching reds and pinks; a reddish pink shirt that's just a tad too short, a loose red skirt and leggings matching the coral color of her hair. When not in use in one of her dances, a white scarf rests on her shoulders, around the back of her neck with the ends falling about her waist.

Nature/Disposition: Cheery and often somewhat goofy. A bit of a flirt, partially by force of habit, and occasionally a remarkably ineffective womanizer.

Hometown: TBD (small village in Ursium)

Connections: None

Backstory: Born in a small village and developing dreams of travel and the outside world, Aubri saved every last coin she could working as a general store clerk until she could pay her way out of town with an escort. She tagged along with a merchant caravan to Ursentius, where her time was split between lerning the healing arts of Mercy and working in a tavern as a barmaid for room and board. She learned her way around a dartboard and found joy in dancing, soon performing for patrons of the tavern and attracting new customers. It wasn't long before she had her fill of Ursentius, for the time being at least, and she managed to convince another group of merchants passing through to help her to another town, with a handful of coin. Since, she has continued to tag along with various merchant caravans, only staying in one town for the handful of days she needed to in order to see the sights and make enough coin from dancing and darts wagers to secure passage to somewhere else.

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Name: Alphonse Kuralias
Nickname: Alphie, Al, Kura, Kury,
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Class: Swordmaster
Affinity: Water
Weapon proficiency: Swords
Weapon of Choice: Sword
Inventory: Combat Knife
Raw Stats: HP:4 Str:3 Skl:12 Spd:12 Luk:6 Def:1 Res:1

Simplified Stats: HP:12 MT:9 w/CB Hit: 15 AS:12 Evade:18 Def:5 (w/platemail) Res:1 Doubles 8
Points Remaining: 37
Occupation: Mercenary
Appearance: Alphonse has swept back red hair (Honestly just think DMC3 Vergil that's the best reference I got) a black coat with a royal blue undershirt along with black pants a black boots. A pattern of blue flames dancing up the sleeves of his Jacket on either side. Family sword either strapped to his waist, the back, or simply carried in his left hand depending on the mood the warrior is in
Disposition: Alphonse has a strong desire to protect those weaker than he is. If he's around a young naive girl expect him to act like her big brother and keep the girl safe. Commonly found in Taverns in a town if he doesn't have anyone to look out for. Not necessarily to have a drink, but to watch out for the waitresses. He'd be lying if he said that a few of the girls hadnt been rather.... appreciative of this trait after a drunkard decided to get a little rough with the staff
Hometown: Somewhere between Ursium and Neviskotia
Connections: Various mercenary groups and other odd people along the way.

Backstory: Al has come from a long line of swordsmen, each passing down his blade to his first son. Their family originally coming from Kigen several generations ago the sword they've wielded has always drawn a few eyes of interest. Reforged whenever any slight fault might have come up the blade has proven to be an incredibly capable weapon. Training under his father for many years Al actually managed to master the style of their family. Swift movements, powerful strokes, returning the blade to the sheath. All of these things are central to the style, though the blade may be kept out if it's sheath is strapped to his back. Recently Alphonse has taken up a few jobs protecting merchant caravans, a job he's enjoyed so far, yet he also wishes to have some stronger opponents than a few simple bandits.

Eventually the young man will want to settle down with a wife and pass on his techniques to his child, but Al is content to wait a few years before that happens. After all, adventuring isn't exactly easy when you've got a family tying you down

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Name: Wilhelm the Bold
Gender: Male
Age: Mid-thirties
Class: Fighter
Affinity: Regicide
+ Two-handed mace (Gameplay terms: Silver Axe) 80
+ Chainmail 30
- Sold Iron Axe -20

HP: 11 STR: 11 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 3+4 RES: 1

Level 2/2 Warrior
33 HP, 16 Might, 6 Hit, 5 AS, 7 Evasion, 7 Defence, 1 Resistance

Occupation: Unemployed caravan guard.
Appearance: Tall, broad-shouldered. Roy Keane's post-retirement face. Wears black leather armour and a headband over a chainmail vest.
Nature/Disposition: Grim and dour outside of battle save to those who have proven themselves.
Hometown: He is a city lad.
Connections: Rook Ironwill and Company.
Backstory: Largely irrelevant.
Notes: 7 points to spare.

Mount Name: Cadillac
Mount Gender: Stallion
Mount Species: Chestnut horse
Mount Age: Prime of his life
Mount Appearance: A chestnut. I don't know much about horses.
Mount Personality: Quiet, bitter.
Mount Relations: Fierce rival and nemesis to Chariot.
Mount Backstory: Wilhelm has a horse. This is his horse.

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Rook ditched the plate in favour of chain, and levelled up to 2/2. +1 HP, Str, Def. Results edited into signup post and signature.

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I made a preliminary profile. I'm hoping that I did it right:

Name: Dimitri Niko

Nickname: Recently, curse words that can't be written here

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Class: Level 2-1 Rouge

Affinity: Ice

Weapon proficiency: Swords

Inventory: Iron Sword, Throwing Knives, Splint Mail (+2 DEF), Elixir

Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 8 LCK: 6 DEF: 2(+2) RES: 2

Simplified Stats: HP: 18, MT: 5, HIT: 7, AS: 8, EV: 14, DEF: 4, RES: 2

Occupation: Ghost Whisperer (though most would call it Grave Robber), part-time conman.

Appearance: Dylan.png

Nature/Disposition: Despite his suspect occupation, Dimitri is really a nice guy. Sure, he lies, cheats and steals, but what real harm comes from that? He sees his thievery as a way to get people to devalue the material world and realize that life is more than gold and jewels. Most people would disagree with him, so Dimitri tends to stick with dead people for his acquisitions. To get to these “clients”, the rouge sneaks into graveyards late at night. Almost every dig produces a good bit of treasure, usually jewels and rare weaponry. Even the body itself is very valuable to local doctors.

Dimitri is also a bit of a conman, which has helped him cash in on some very lucrative benefits.

Hometown: Somewhere in Ursium

Connections: Dimitri has ditched all connections of his past life, as they all want him dead.

Backstory: Dimitri grew up in a country village in Ursium. Had he stuck to his roots, he might have grown up into a decent fellow. Sadly, as he grew into his teens, the boy desired a life in the city. This led to him running with the wrong crowd: a band of slavers working across the borders. His first job didn’t last long; feeling bad for the young girls and women, Dimitri unlocked the doors to their cells and set them free. This did not sit well with his bosses: they fired him. And by fired, they shot him and threw him in a grave. Dimitri wasn’t alone in said grave: a boy trying to play hero earlier in the day shared the final resting place. The brigands had no time to bury the two, as they had to chase down their “merchandise”. As time went on, the boy began to talk to the corpse. “So, what are you in for? What’s life like on the other side?” It may have been the blood loss, but Dimitri could have sworn that the dead guy talked back. He “told” him to take his coat and get out. With what strength he had left, Dimitri took the corpse’s coat and took off. It seemed like forever, but the rouge eventually made it to a house. He was greeted by an old man with heavy cataracts, who seemed to have confused him with someone else.

“Horatio? My boy! Did you succeed in defeating the slavers?”

It seemed the man had thought that Dimitri was the former owner of the coat that he wore. He desperately needed care, so what harm could come from playing the part of the boy. His wounds allowed Dimitri to play the part of the stereotypical amnesiac swordsman, quickly gaining him a warm bed and medical care. Turns out the old man was once a swordmaster, with Horatio as his last apprentice. He vowed to reteach all that he knew once more to revive Horatio’s memory. Suffering from “amnesia”, Dimitri was able to pick up the sword skills originally passed down to Horatio.

As time went on, the old master succumbed to his age. He left all of his belongings and gold to Horatio (who is still Dimitri). This gave the rouge enough gold to begin a new life. He chose to follow the path that had brought him good fortune: dead people. He made quite a fortune in claiming their belongings, but it wasn’t until he found the grave of a Count Bartholomew Donatelli that he became very wealthy. Within the grave were not jewels or swords but secrets. Information that could only be known by the late count himself, all contained in a very lengthy journal within the corpse’s arms. Dimitri took in all that he could, from land deeds to famed vineyards, to some very useful blackmail material. As he flipped through the pages, the rogue saw his opening. Ol’ Barth had a very scandalous affair with a stable girl by the name of Delilah. The family was not particularly pleased with the matter, particularly his wife. An “accident” was arranged, and poor Delilah was taken out of the picture. The count however had confided in his journal that he had faked the girl’s death, sending her off with enough gold to live out the rest of her life in peace. The story should have ended there, but Dimitri was set to begin the next chapter.

And so, during the anniversary of the count’s son’s disappearance (another useful tidbit from the journal), Dimitri confronted the Donatelli family and claimed to be the illegitimate son of Bartholomew and Delilah. They didn’t take to him at first, but after some behind the scenes blackmail and other dealings…well, they still didn’t like him, but Dimitri was able to claim the inheritance anyways. That inheritance included a massive mansion on a fruitful vineyard, the title of count, and even his own private army. Life as Count Horatio Donatelli (chosen alias) was pretty good.

All good things must come to an end however. Bartholomew’s wife was digging deeper into Dimitri’s story; she would no doubt find Delilah and learn the truth. Of greater concern, her son (and rightful heir to all the stuff Dimitri claimed) turned out to be alive. He was coming back from military service to dispel rumors of his death. In a matter of weeks, Bartholomew II (“the Ballbreaker” as his fellow soldiers called him) would bring doom to the rogue’s lifestyle. Needless to say, Dimitri had to leave Horatio behind and start anew once more.

He finds himself in _________, looking for said new beginning. Mercenary work had caught his eye; it was the farthest he could get from his past life of living it up in a mansion. Should any of their members happen to die, the rogue could find a way to cash in on their possessions and regain his fortune. Yes, this was the beginning of a brand new story for Dimitri Niko (his current name).

Starting Points: 597

Throwing Knives: -40

Splint Mail: -60

Elixir: -20

To Tier2-1: -400

Remaining: 77

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Niko approved, though since his backstory's so heavily rooted in ghosts, there's a couple of things I should note for that. Unlike most fantasy settings I've known about, there's a dominant religion(or rather group of them) that essentially refute any and all ghosts as an occurrence in the natural world. If you want the specifics about 'Gate canon', check out the 'Four Orders' section near the bottom of this post in useful notes: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=20342&view=findpost&p=2233401 (still being written mind you)

Anyway the gist of it is that with the dead passing through the Gate upon death, there's no feasible way ghosts would be lingering around in the natural world unless they had returned, etc. That'll have to be Niko's selling point on any ghost bits, but the churches and devouts/zealots would oppose the idea adamantly, so keep that in mind.

Oh and there's one other thing we'll have to figure out but there's time for that at least. The group's moved out from Sergio and is on their way to a meeting in the middle of nowhere so to get him in the party, he'll have to either not be in Sergio(since they won't be coming back any time soon) or show up on their way to Europa once the meeting's over. (Any rpers with ideas, step forward, otherwise we'll have to default to the merchant caravan thing for Niko too :lol: )

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He could rob Tina one of the more gullible members of the group. Hunt him down, and because we can't turn him in to the people who are trying to kill us in exchange for not turning him in to the guards he has to help us with a mission or somewhat. Could choose to stay with on payroll after.

Or learn that we're working for Weyland somehow. We've got connections with one of the richest people in Ursium --> Can we get him a job --> Help us get into Europa in exchange for a recommendation (thiefy thief sneaky sneak). And then of course he could possibly get hired for inordinate amounts of gold and travel around with us doing Weyland's business.

Or he could just randomly run across us in a town somewhere and ask for a job. That's always an option.

Anyway, I'm just going off the bit about looking for merc work.

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I revamped the bio into something more palatable.

As for final destination, Sergio Port was just a placeholder. As long as he's close to the group, it's fine. I was told to wait until Chapter 11 to join anyways.

I like the idea of being part of the enemy group at first. I also like him helping the group get into Europa, should that become an option. I'll read up on the latest posts and if I see an opening, I'll ask.

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Due to a clerical error, Grant's points were 101 instead of 82. Oops.

So he buys Skill Book A (Full Counter) in shame.

1 point left.

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