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Ironically no one had much of a problem calling me by my irl name instead of what they've been calling me for months

because going between here and other places and having my "name" change kinda sucked

Maybe they actively made an effort to call you by your given name?

I would imagine so.

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Except for the part where my name(Damian) gets picked up by auto-correct, I guess.


Auto correct is stupid anyway.

whatever people say "goon" I'm reminded of Ys.

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I don't have class till 10:05

Hey Breezy.

*tells my mom I'm still not feeling well*
*she gives me a huge book for me to practice for the ACT and sends me out anyway*
I'm so fucking annoyed at my mom right now it's not funny. Goes to show she doesn't care if I had a dangerous disease, if there's a motherfucking test today, I MUST take it.

Not to add stereotypes, but this is typical in an African household. I never had a day off of school no matter what legitimate excuse I had. But I wouldn't say that she doesn't care, even though I'm surprised that no one has even attempted to treat whatever you may have

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Hey Breezy.

*tells my mom I'm still not feeling well*

*she gives me a huge book for me to practice for the ACT and sends me out anyway*

I'm so fucking annoyed at my mom right now it's not funny. Goes to show she doesn't care if I had a dangerous disease, if there's a motherfucking test today, I MUST take it.

oh come on, how sick can you be?

I don't have class till 10:05

Not to add stereotypes, but this is typical in an African household. I never had a day off of school no matter what legitimate excuse I had. But I wouldn't say that she doesn't care, even though I'm surprised that no one has even attempted to treat whatever you may have

*busy laughing*

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Lucky, I have to go to school in a while.

Oh, and Hero-king, thanks for saying sensible things in the thread I made, especially when most others didn't. It was cool to see people not go with the group of jerks.

You're very welcome. I guess you can say that i've turned into the white knight of SF lol

Whats so funny Anon?

...and I got to get going. By for now

Edited by Hero-King
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You're very welcome. I guess you can say that i've turned into the white knight of SF lol

Lul, I sorta see it. I wouldn't say that everyone there was a jerk (senpai for one, April was cool too, Eclipse for locking it, etc), but I'm glad there are still people who aren't total ass holes here.

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I'm not depressed. I'm just so tired all the time that sleeping for a very long time would feel refreshing.

Also that and I always wondered what it would be like.

It is hard for workers to get more than 8hrs due to their bodies being adapting to a work environment.

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I bring the srs talk to Forum Games.

And unfortunately, I'm going to have to bring up the thread. Yeah, that thread. I'm sorry.

I'm not trying to start an argument, and I'll probably bail if such happens. I'm just going to try to give Boney some advice, futile or not.

While I can't deny that most of the people in that thread pretty much were trolling him, the way that he conducts himself probably leads to such things happening. Skyward's post, while harsh, does point out Boney's seemingly hypocritical attitude in the following post. I feel as though if he conducted himself in a calm and reasonable manner, perhaps he would be able to get his issues with some people across, but that appears to not be the case, and it seems to happen time and time again.

kid, i don't creep up on anyone. i have no interest in being popular with a bunch of people i don't know or care for, especially since all the popular people are either mods, mafia circlejerks, or one of those guys who just sit in fe4 thread all day replying to shit.

you, on the other hand, keep tagging along with my posts with your desperate attempts to talk shit. i could report all of them, but i don't need to sap what little fun your pathetic ass gets out of these, on top of the fact the mod team probably just won't feel like doing anything.

Unfortunately, this does very little to get across your point, and just serves to degrade your own image, which you may or may not care about. Some people already have a negative view of you because of your previous arguments, and getting into further ones with people who don't like you is probably not a good idea, and entirely pointless.

hardly offended if at all, and not even close to passive aggressive. i respond with exactly what i feel needs to be said by using facts.

I'm not quite sure what facts you are throwing out, but I'm pretty sure a better case could be made for the passive-aggressiveness of some of your posts. You've said before if they are, you didn't mean them as such, but it is hard to ignore when you constantly seem to scorn people in topics.

i mean, your friends are really the most important ones. i'm not really known for anything except shitting on some of the popular kids.

This is goading for a fight, and passive-aggressive, and there are many more examples. You're also quite confident in your ability to insult the "popular kids", though I don't think it is anything other than personal opinion, and certainly not through facts and logical critique of their ideas.

wait, what? zm, you'd better not be supporting those jerks

I feel as though this is pressuring someone into agreeing with you, and creating a "us vs them" mentality, though it is unclear by who you mean by "those jerks". I'm assuming it's everyone who laughed at you. As a side note:

I'm with April, what the hell zm.

Being neutral is ok when two of your friends aren't under fire

Whether a person is your friend or not should be fairly irrelevant in an argument. If they do something stupid, you should call them out on being stupid. All that should matter is the quality of their argument. Believe it or not, disagreement can actually happen while still retaining friendship. To rally behind a person and defend them simply because of who they are, is, I find, dishonest, and thoughtless.

how? i'm saying exactly what i think needs to be said.

A lot of people there thought that it didn't, in fact, need to be said, and it further diminishes your image. I would suggest taking it to PMs if you must, but you seem to be adversed to that. You seem to want to make the people you dislike look stupid publically, though?

Trust me on this, when one person tells them their wrongs, they won't change. It's easier to just save your energy then deal with them.

This goes for every human being, as stubbornness is a far too common trait. However, I wouldn't say it is pointless. Just look at what I'm attempting right now! People can change, and you should always be open to criticism.

You know Skyward, pointing out flaws isn't helping at all. Instead of taking shots at him and further lowering his impression of you, why not focus more on the actual problem, and then maybe we could work this all out

While pointing out his flaws may have very little effect, the truth is on the internet most people aren't willing to listen to their flaws, especially if the person opposing them is coming across as condescending. That's not to say that people in that topic weren't being so. Definitely not the only one "at fault", but yeah. Your behaviour, I believe, propels them into trying to get a reaction.

You'd probably be pretty cool with everyone if you would just calm down, Boney, and having you arguing all the time is rather unsightly, especially to your friends. I'm not sure I understand your reasoning for disliking Integrity or Jedi, but you're free to express your disapproval of them... just please do it in a meaningful way. I would suggest trying to see if you could apologize to make it up to some of those that you argued with, but of course that's easy to say and hard to do if you don't think you did anything wrong. If you're willing to talk about the issue, I'd be glad to hear it. I figure maybe I should actually try to talk to people and have discussions instead of just trolling the shit out of them. I'm not the most level-headed either and I still frequently get into arguments, but if I see it's going nowhere, I usually gtfo. Sadly, I need to follow my own advice, as well.

But I'm just a troll, and you're free to dismiss me.

Edited by Tryhard
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I rather like reading Kelsper's posts because I read them in his voice.

I'm a fan.

Can't really say much other than I agree with the bulk of it, since it's not directed toward me in any way. Boney's pretty chill since I started talking to him but before that we did have a little passive aggressive stuff going on(or at least that's how I saw them)

Edited by PKLucas531
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