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Fire Emblem 6 Mafia: (Day 4)


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That would imply that SB would target and/or kill Marth to begin with though. :/

In addition, the likelihood of investigative abilities (at least one floating around) is fairly decent, I'd assume? So I don't see why a Miller can't exist even with SB's ability, since:

A. Day phase suicide = he takes someone down with him. The flip would occur no matter what (if I'm not mistaken)- with that ability or not, unless the corpse is hidden/removed somehow.

B. Night phase ability = last ditch effort to catch the scum/ITP if/when he'd be killed.

So....I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding your points/logic or not, but I don't see the issue/impossibility of a Miller existing or not just based on the role SB flipped. o.o?

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First off, what the hell. You sound like a Tsundere.

Sorry, I don't fall in love with flakers.


-"Oh, you can answer that question then. Why is SB's defense not a legit one and how is he overdefending himself? Why would it be considered better if he just ignored Vhaltz's vote because "lol your vote sux"?" I asked you a question and you answered it with this, really helpful there. For reference, you said this earlier: "Cue Paper thinking he's overdefending himself for answering someone who voted him, which is an absolutely legit action from SB." So I was not talking about my opinion on SB, but asking why you thought him being overdefensive is legit.

-"I can't believe you're being so serious over a RVS vote from Bear." I can't believe you found this necessary to comment on.

-Lol, where did I make a prodvote?

-OK, what's the difference in your mind between a weak vote and an opportunistic vote?

-So in total, your case on me is that my vote on you wasn't strong enough. Hahahahahaha, OK see a townie would never consider a case on them to be good because they know that they're town. So when you're complaining about my vote on you and nothing else (at least, I haven't noticed you accuse me of any other scummy actions, please feel free to correct me if I am wrong) it's just dumb because you wouldn't agree with my vote no matter how well thought out it was, regardless of your alignment.

-Explaining my scumread on you in the next post since it involves an amazing ISO process and I'm actually really lazy DISCRETELY.


-OK, fair enough in regards to your ED1 read

-Basically I think that town should look for actions that specifically have scum intent, even though they (obviously) can't be 100% sure if the person they're trying to lynch is scum. Eh, I still stand by it, even if I could have worded it better.


-Not really a list post, I'm responding to people's comments in what I hope is a more accessible format than quote walls

-Pretty sure Prims hates being scum and actually efforts a heck of a lot less from what I've seen. Granted, this could just be because of what SB said about being demotivated from Mafia in general, plus I have people who bother me for more than "I think he's acting like his scum!meta".


-Top three scumreads atm are Rapier, bearclaw, and Vhaltz in that specific order. If Vhaltz is getting lynched though, I'd like to reread him since he's pretty much only there because I think Eury made some good points on him and I like to stand on my own in regards to cases and not just CC (Carbon Copy, not Counter Claim you twats) someone elses' case (also because I really want to be Town MVP one of these games).

-As far as bearclaw is concerned, his RVS vote is kind of bad because he states that Rapier is doing something suspicious (yes, I know it's a joke) but then votes Paperblade for it. Also he defends Paperblade, but then says Paper seems really dodgy which confuses me. Like, does he think Paper is scummy or not? Also he really talks a lot about Paper switching his vote to Rapier, which just strikes me as kind of weird.


-Agree with what she has to say about Vhaltz. I'd like to know what exactly Polydeuces did that was objectively scummy (er, what Vhaltz thought Poly did, w/e)?

-Not really bothered by the keeping tabs thing, I assume it's role related and don't really see the point into inquiring into it further unless it helps decide the lynch for the day.


-Why do you think Vhaltz is 3rd and not scum? Especially since you state that you're getting vibes similar to Healer Mafia?

SB (stole my ragepost, what a jerk)

-I don't think Rapier's votes are good, I think what he had to say about it not being an easy vote was good.

-Oh...that explains the HM bonuses comment. I'm still like 50x better than you, GJ getting critblicked.

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Was writing other stuff but noticed I need a votecount

Paperblade (1): bearclaw13
Rapier (3): Paperblade, Refa, Bluedoom
Xinnidy (1): Polydeuces
Refa (2): Prims, Rapier
Polydeuces (1): scorri
Shinori (1): Vhaltz
Vhaltz (1): Eurykins

About 1h 40m remaining if I counted correctly

Rapier/Refa feel like bad lynches compared to other people but it doesn't look like I have a choice. I'll be rereading.

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Refa if you're still around can you summarize why you think Rapier is scum in like 10 lines or less?

Anybody doing the same for either Refa or Rapier would be cool because reading through their wall-filled ISOs going back and forth with people is getting me nowhere.

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Fine, I'll take you on that challenge.


It took him forever to get some legitimate content on the board, which is uh...prodding me and Helios for not being there (note that the actual prodding isn't scummy, just the huge amount of fluff beforehand with no real content to speak of). After that he death tunnels into Xinny (yeah, I get that I'm basically tunneling into Rapier as well, but it feels like he's just reiterating the same case over and over again), and doesn't really make any other big cases for a while (like his case on Paperblade was there pretty early on, but it's actually kind of lame). Saying Xinny explained herself and made "interesting" reasoning doesn't strike me as a townie argument for backing off of the case, and it's clear that he's still suspicious of Xinny. Like his cases are basically Xinny's vote on SB was bad and so was Paperblade's, which is like...not that much, I feel like he wrote more defending the cases than the actual cases (I guess in all fairness it could be because people were questioning him about it a lot). Part that bothers me is where he has clear issues with my argument, seemingly moreso than his other cases, yet doesn't actually vote me until I have a wagon; feels like indecisive scum.

Also if me and Rapier are bad wagons, who do you find scummy? Actually, I thought you said I was scummy earlier (in one of your lynch priorities), what caused me to drop?

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tbf Vhaltz I don't feel like I have STRONG REASONS to vote Rapier(wow that was little time) but we're outta time d00d.

Case is probs the fact that he overreacted about stuff regarding Paperblade and Xinny.(this is my tl;dr version anyway)

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Scumreads atm are Kaoz and Eury for reasons I don't have the time to write up atm. I'll get them out on D2.

Shinori dropped from immediate priorities mostly due to gut/tone and associative read with Poly making one of my big points on him earlier void. You (Refa) dropped because what was bugging me is minor compared to Eury/Kaoz and I can't really establish priorities between You/Rapier since I've been sheeping Prims' opinion and postponing a good read on Rapier.

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I think my vote will go to Rapier if he doesn't make a miracle last-minute arrival with a claim.

Mostly based on big activity drop towards the end of the day coinciding with his wagon dying down in support for the Poly wagon. What later day content he has is dedicated to self-explaining and has little in the ways of scumhunting, and what little there is is a Refa vote for ??? reasons that feels like not-me-over-me.

Refa bugs me in the way that he voiced worry about getting lynched around midD1, but eh, it isn't exactly a good tell.

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