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Fire Emblem 6 Mafia: (Day 4)


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Like seriously, with SB's role mine would have a big "HEY I AM A SHITTY MAFIA FAKE LYNCH ME" sign attached to it

unless you are suggesting I don't actually have to post in thread

but then why didn't I shoot Day 1 and claim something else when it became apparent SB made my planned fake look bad?

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Dear Eurykins, you are Roy, the Lord.

You are the leader of the Lycian alliance. Your father led the assault against Nergal and the Black Fang in the past. Mamkute blood may run through your veins.

Since you're the unanimously nominated leader, you may reassure your team by giving them a morale boosting message. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Reassure [uSER]. [uSER] will know that you are definitely dedicated to the Lycian alliance. Because you can only give your speech so many times before it becomes too repetitive and loses its flair, you may only do this twice. Also, you are compelled to comfort those on your team immediately, and thus, must do this as often as possible.

In short, you are the Compulsive 2-shot Friendly Neighbor.

You are allied with the Lycian Alliance, and win when all hostile threats are eliminated.


So, there we have it. I'm yer guys' oh-so-friendly-but-imo-stupidly-compulsive neighbor. Nice to meet ya. :3

In a nutshell:

1. If I didn't use a shot N0, I would've lost a shot, as the compuslive nature forced me to use my skills N0/N1.

2. I used my ability N1 on Polydeuces, since I figured, "Hey, he flipped townie- if he doesn't die N1, then I have someone I can fully trust in".

PROBLEM: Apparently my action came off as:

Night 1 Results:

You tried to talk to Polydeuces by inviting him to your tent, but something just wasn't right. The next thing you remember is waking up in your tent, with no memories of even talking to him. What the heck happened?

So, this is where my problem arises:

-Was I roleblocked N1?

-Was Poly protected/otherwise rendered unable to be targetted by any abilities?

-Did something else that I didn't consider happen?

If the first one occurred, my suspicions then landed on Blue, whom I successfully contacted and used my shot on N0. If he'd been scum, then it'd be logical for him to get me blocked the next night to prevent me from going around and convincing more people. Otherwise, I had no clue what happened, and reading the PM, I had half-expected Poly to have been dead the next day phase (I read my PM results before in-thread results) because of my failure to use my ability on him.

PS. The fact you used your dance on me N1, Shinori = No good. My two shots are now used up, and so I can't do anything. As a result, if your role is correct, Elie didn't yield any result to me, 'cause there's nothing I can honestly do with it. (Can't use two shots of things I don't have.)

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^ This is also why I was forced to gamble on Blue on N0 (compulsive nature). He was the only one I felt had ANY chance of being townie based on in-thread gut feels/content (Miller claim = hit or miss).

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Suddenly, a rogue Bolting tome fellon the head of Lord Roy. WTF?!?

Eurykins has been modkilled, in breach of the rules. She was...

Dear Eurykins, you are Roy, the Lord.

You are the leader of the Lycian alliance. Your father led the assault against Nergal and the Black Fang in the past. Mamkute blood may run through your veins.

Since you're the unanimously nominated leader, you may reassure your team by giving them a morale boosting message. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Reassure [uSER]. [uSER] will know that you are definitely dedicated to the Lycian alliance. Because you can only give your speech so many times before it becomes too repetitive and loses its flair, you may only do this twice. Also, you are compelled to comfort those on your team immediately, and thus, must do this as often as possible.

In short, you are the Compulsive 2-shot Friendly Neighbor.

You are allied with the Lycian Alliance, and win when all hostile threats are eliminated.

Phase still paused.

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The End-of-Day-2 Votals

Paperblade (2): Professional PantsWrestler, scorri
Refa (1): Kaoz
Eurykins (2): Refa, Polydeuces
Shinori (1): bearclaw
bearclaw (1): Shinori
No Lynch (1): kirsche

Voteless Wendys: Paperblade

The moment that the Bolting tome hit smashed Roy's head into the earth below, the sun fell before the horizon. Thus, it's now Night 2.

Phase End. 48 hours to get night actions in.

Please read the rules again, everyone.

Edited by The Protown SK
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I need a sub. Euklyd, eclipse, Bard. If you're reading this, please PM me if you can (or cannot) sub, so I can plan accordingly.

Thank you!

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Also because Manix derped and had Shinori down twice, and kirsche missing entirely

The End-of-Day-2 Votals

Paperblade (2): Prims, scorri
Refa (1): Kaoz
Eurykins (2): Refa, Polydeuces
Shinori (1): bearclaw
bearclaw (1): Shinori
No Lynch (1): kirsche

Voteless Wendys: Paperblade

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Baldrick subs in for bearclaw13.

Boron, please give him the Role PM. My phone won't let me

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You awaken to find a host that doesn't feel like using flavor. A great death occurred last night. One sexy man shall forever be missed.

Kirsche has been killed. He was...

Dear Xinnidy, you are Saul, the Priest.

You are a cunning, perceptive healer with an important mission from the order of the St. Elimine Church. You admit to hitting on every woman you meet and need a reminder from your arrow-flinging bodyguard, not to get into trouble.

You're quite skilled with the staff, and focus on casting healing and protection spells to back up your allies. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Casting Barrier on [uSER]. [uSER] will have their Res stat increased, and will thus be able to survive an attempt on their life.

In short, you are the Doctor.

You are allied with the Lycian Alliance, and win when all hostile threats are eliminated.

It's now Day 3. With 8 alive, 5 hammers. Phase end in 72 hrs, on 12/23/13 (11p est, 10p cst, etc:

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My Platinum plated monocle sheds a tear for the death of a great mother.

Baldrick has been killed. He was...

Dear bearclaw13, you are Niime, the Druid.

You are the mother of Canas, and the grandmother of Hugh, whom you raised under such extremely severe rules that he grew up resenting you and even questioning their bond. You were nicknamed the "Mountain Hermit", and are devoted to studying the dark arts until Bern's invasion.

Using your incredible wisdom, you may cast spells which warp other people from location to location. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Warp [uSER] away. [uSER] will be warpeded back to the team, interrupting their action, but also protecting them from any enemy onslaught. However, this rare magic takes a toll on your elderly body, and cannot be used during even nights.

In short, you are the Odd-night Jailor.

You are allied with the Lycian Alliance, and win when all hostile threats are eliminated.

Phase Resumes. With 7 alive, 4 hammers.

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