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I'm having trouble with Legault's tale. The wyvern riders seem to outrun me and kill a unit or two. I saw in a video that when Legault escapes, it's over but I did and it continued. I can't beat it without a unit dying. Also, in Karel's tale, when I lose against a boss (like I'm supposed to), I get a game over.

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I'm having trouble with Legault's tale. The wyvern riders seem to outrun me and kill a unit or two. I saw in a video that when Legault escapes, it's over but I did and it continued. I can't beat it without a unit dying. Also, in Karel's tale, when I lose against a boss (like I'm supposed to), I get a game over.

Legault's tale was changed so that everyone has to escape in order to clear part 1.

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So i'll have kill all the wyvern riders? What about Karel?

No, you just have to haul ass. If you need have the Mage Knight, Sniper and Jan fend off any nearby riders.

You mean the second to last boss? You're meant to lose to him. The other bosses you have to kill.

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So i'll have kill all the wyvern riders? What about Karel?

1). What the above guy said. The Wyvern Riders are meant to be a wall of death. Legault can stall them for a while with the OP Luna dagger, but they can easily overwhelm the others. As everyone else said, your rescued characters are meant to haul ass. Don't try to fight the riders with anyone other than Legault. They can take one or two if the riders catch up with them, but not a bajillion. When I played the tale, I made it my goal to kill Dieter when he shows up after the Fangs are freed, and I succeeded...but not without trial and error.

2). The current open beta is glitched in several respects. e.g: Pent's Tale has the victory condition mapped to the wrong tile, Karel's Tale can't be played to the end due to the glitch you mentioned, and Kent's Tale can't be unlocked. These issues are being worked on and will probably be fixed in the next Open Beta, which Arch announced would be in a week or two.

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Incoming character revamps mandatory dramabomba!!!!


Two new things. The first was a surprise collaborative effort between Ath/AK/Lehn, so thanks to you lovely people for the spiffy new Eliwood. Then we have the reclassed Louise looking ever so fashionable, thanks to Merc for all of his hard work on that! One maybe two more characters hopefully getting revamps.

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mm, im still iffy bout Louise's new design, its mostly the hat that's throwing me off though. likeing new eliwood, though he bares a very strong resemblance to sigurd at the moment, that intentional? msorryformandatorydramabutyouhavetobecarefulwhenmakingredesignscauseotherwiseyougetsonicboomoutffits

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I didn't even know that an Eliwood was being worked on until it was finished today, lol. One of the artists could probably attest to what they drew the inspiration for that from, I saw a bit of Chrom in him myself.

The hat's because of her reclass. Serra picked it for her.

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Incoming character revamps mandatory dramabomba!!!!


Two new things. The first was a surprise collaborative effort between Ath/AK/Lehn, so thanks to you lovely people for the spiffy new Eliwood. Then we have the reclassed Louise looking ever so fashionable, thanks to Merc for all of his hard work on that! One maybe two more characters hopefully getting revamps.

That Louise, man. That Louise.

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I didn't even know that an Eliwood was being worked on until it was finished today, lol. One of the artists could probably attest to what they drew the inspiration for that from, I saw a bit of Chrom in him myself.

The hat's because of her reclass. Serra picked it for her.

hmm, yeah i can see elichrom from that sprite.

also darn it serra you have a bad taste in hats.

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lol... I still maintain that the robin hood hat is way too hard to make look cool. Straight up hoods are cooler/more visually appealing design-wise, for examples of this, check out Green Arrow's redesigns over the years.

I understand wanting the sprite to match the Longbowman/Sagittarius sprite... But I still think the design just looks a bit off...

Anyways, everything else about Louise looks great though! Merc did a nice job as usual!

Eliwood is great! Though yeah, there must be a ton of neck problems in Elibe the way everyone keeps holding their necks that way. ;)


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Eliwood's eyes seem a little close together, just by visually comparing his eyes to the eyes of everyone else around him.

I, for one, think Louise's hat is fetching. I figure it could use a little more texture or character of some sort. And be less peaked. Mmm. Well, either way, she still gets the crits. So much crit.

I pity their spinal cords. Their heads might fall off some time in the near future.

Either way, the more sprites replaced, the better. Super hyped for the next release. It can't come soon enough!

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More update because. Thanks to Temp for the nice edits to Eliwood's animation, matches the new mug rather nicely! Then we've got jjl2357's new weapon rank display hax on full display, that's just what Farina needed. Thanks to you too, bud!

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Not letting Farina have her sword? I hate you.

Then you're gonna love these changes:


BwdYeti suggested it for balance reasons so we've got multiple variants of several classes at this point. Paladins (Lance/Sword or Lance/Axe), Sages (Anima/Light or Anima/Staff), Valkyries (Staff/Anima or Staff/Light), Dracomasters (Lance/Axe or Lance/Sword), and Warlocks (formerly Druids, Dark/Staff or Dark/Anima).

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