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Let's Talk About Luxord.


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I feel privileged to deliver this story to you.

A few months ago, Luxord, a noted (if not a particularly intelligent or valued) member of Serenes Forest, was banned seemingly out of the blue. When his ban was brought up, we were told that he asked to be banned, and wished that the staff not share his reasons for doing so with the memberbase. This left a good few of us curious. For those of you who do not yet know the reasons behind Luxord's banning, then please read on. This is so fucking funny.

A little while back, Luxord stated he was going to trial for a crime he committed when he was thirteen. He later went on to say that he was then sent to boot camp, and revealed that the crime he had committed was murder! He then escaped from prison, killing a guard in the process, and smuggled himself back into his home. It's believed he was trying to stage a jailbreak, though the status of that operation is dubious, given that Luxord has been poisoned by... someone? At this point in time, he requested to be banned from Serenes Forest, since the police were snooPINGASusual on his account, reading his posts. He is presumed dead (from the poison), though the possibility exists that he may still be hiding somewhere where he has Internet access, since apparently he's threatened to kill several members of FEU.

If I'm missing something here, then please feel free to fill me in. If not, then LOL!

Addendum: Luxord was poisoned by people who wanted to rape him, apparently. Oh, and because he killed a guy.

Edited by Fox
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Last Seen: 16th February 2009 - 06:31 PM

This is Lux, obviously not dead. He doesn't post now, he just PMs people weird shit.

I felt very gulity. I should have not said those things. I didn't mean to say all those things to you. I got the impression that you hated me and basically making fun of me. Even if you did, I should have not attacked you like that. I let my anger take complete control of me. I am sorry.

Ignore my other PM's. That was me being very stupid and immature. I understand if your still angry and annoyed with me.

The only reason I returned was to say sorry. Very sorry...

Ah keep this confidential please. I want to loose contact with members of S since, I don't want them to know that I am dying. I do hope you did not inform this to anyone else. I wasn't planning on telling anyone about this.

PM forwarded to me. Him trying to patch things up with one of the people he is desperately trying to sell his bullshit story to.

You say your so ''mature''....LOL! My god...now I think about it, your the biggest joker I have ever met. Drinking, having sex with god knows how many women....ewwww

Your gross dude...big time.

How can you call yourself a man, when you have not even changed your habbits as a teen? You are weak.

I feel sorry for your mom and your dad for having to raise a piece of filth like you. No wonder they never liked you. What good have you ever done for them? Ever thought about that?

Man I feel sorry for your daughter. Seriously. How can she have a dad...who is immature pathetic drunkard fool. How can you raise a child and a family when you have no done any growing up yourself?

I feel extremely sorry for your dad for what piece of shit he had raised. Its true. You are shit child. A little brat. No wonder God took your dad's life. Just to end the misery that he had to put up with.

You keep loosing your job? LOL I'm 17 and I managed to hold on to my job. =/

Grow dude. Your 21 years old. Get a reality check that your nothing.

''I beat this guy up ahahahahahahaah and I won ahahahahahaha.'' Is that all your ever going to do? Your sound pathetic. laugh.gif

What I stated is the truth about you. I personally have done many foolish things and I managed to sort them out. =D

I know people who have went through worse shit than you and are trying to sort their problems out. Your a typical example, of a guy who for the rest of his life be a miserable failure.

Hurts does it not? Of course it will. I laugh at yout current state now.

Woah matt....is this how you look?

Yes I am attacking you and yes I am stooping as low as you. One difference. I have the guts to say it to you. I don't have to act like a bitch and start talking behind members back. biggrin.gif

Gosh....I feel sorry for you but I suppose you don't need my sympathy..anyway you probably don't need it.

A bottle of alcohol and a packet of fags is what will make you feel better ;D

Him trying to fuck with someone, also forwarded to me.

Lux says:

You fucking idiot.

MattLocke says:


Lux says:

I know what you said about me.

MattLocke says:


Lux says:


Lux says:

If I ever met.

Lux says:


Lux says:

In real life. I would not hesitate to shoot you in the face.

MattLocke says:

Damn man, now I'm scared.

Lux says:

I will drag you to a cabin.

Lux says:


MattLocke says:

Fuck me until I cry?

Lux says:

Torture you.

MattLocke says:

So I was right.

Lux says:

Fuck you punk. I fucking end you.

MattLocke says:


Lux says:

I hope you.

Lux says:


MattLocke says:

Thank you for that information. Do you mind if I tell my friends about that?

Lux says:

You're pain in the ass.

MattLocke says:

If it didn't bother me when my mother said it, why would it bother me when YOU say it?

*I hit Appear Offline*

Lux says:

You fucking bitch.

Lux says:

You're fucking puss.

Lux says:

I will fucking kill you.

MSN conversation sent to me via PM.

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I haven't gotten pmed, and don't expect to, but those pms are messed up. And to think that I liked the guy he appeared to be...Deep down I knew there was no Dawn, no jail, no bank robbery, etc.

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