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Ensemble Mafia - N5


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Hober's flip was... not very meaningful tbh. Blitzy being shot makes me feel a lot better about Refalieson, and a bit better about Elemina. I'm still not liking Yedi and I wish he would show up again.

Points against Rainbow-

1.) SAFE STANCES! Very, very easy stances.

I have no idea what an unsafe stance would be in this game

2.) Role analysis in D3 was full of false assumptions leading to a self-clear. Looked absolutely disgusting.

It wasn't a self-clear; Blitzy asked for our thoughts and I gave mine. I didn't try to self-clear, but I gave the list of people who I thought he was likely to protect. I also pointed out that such analyses don't indicate much since it's just speculation and doesn't point to scum.

3.) Insisted that GP's role was a town trait then condemned the wagon in D2 after having GP as 2nd scum read.

Several things I should point out:

- I had Green Poet as a 2nd scumread long before she roleclaimed

- It was not just her role, but also the circumstances of her roleclaim that seemed super Townish, but I only saw it after it was too late

- Regardless of my own opinions of Green Poet's playstyle or her slot, I still think the wagon was terrible based on how the players were behaving on it. The D2 follow-up was also pretty bad too.

- How is any of this scummy anyway?

4.) Reads are just not good.


I think we mass claim here. We're floundering.

I think it's too early to massclaim, but let's hear what everyone else thinks.
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If it ain't *YLO, it ain't time for a Massclaim.

WTH at that Hober mallow flip.

Also I'm pretty sure I called it with the Blitz's role being more complex than he let on, though it wasn't scum

I'm compiling flip info and links since it's not in the OP:

Player		T.o.D.		Faction		Role
Green Poet	Day 1		Town		Muckracker (Governor Variant)
Kirsche		Night 2		Town		Doctor
Hober Mallow	Day 3		Town		Redirector
Blitz		Night 3		Town		Inventor Insomniac

Are Yedi/Yolo the easy lynches for today? I'll take Blitz's read, because I was evidently super double-duper wrong with my own read

##Vote Yedi

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I'm roleblocked. Assuming it was Irony?

It wasn't. My role was disabled last night, and I can only role block when Mafia are lynched, so I guess there's either a second Roleblocker who's working for the Mafia or the attempt I made to Roleblocker you on Night 2 actually happened later than I thought it would?

I'm confused?

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Irony what did I say about revealing details about your roleclaim

Seriously though, Irony feels too much like newbtown. I don't think scum could fake it THAT well. I also feel a little bit better about Ryker because his frustration doesn't seem to be fake either. Unsure of Elemina and SB, the latter of which needs a sub. Also unsure of Spinal, but seems leaning town imo. Not feeling good about YOLO or Yedi, and would be happy to lynch Yedi.

##Vote: Yedi

sheeping Elieson ftw

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btw Ryker I should point out that I never claimed to be very good at behavioral analysis. In fact, I really dislike it. I do believe, however, that I am trying to put in the effort into scumhunting and contributing to discussions. But please point out what scum intent you perceive in my actions as opposed to vague crap like "reads are bad".

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Uh, no. I'm basing your reads on the fact that:

1.) I am town. No one except me has this information. I'm not going to try and defend this point from anyone's perception but mine.

2.) GP was town and your second biggest scum read.

3.) You've favored a Elemina lynch when it was popular and that's one of my biggest town reads.


4.) You thought HM was scum and we have a town flip now.

I say we mass claim now because we lack information at this juncture.

Today has been completely dead.

We're looking at lynching Yedi/YOLO which are stances that most everyone will find easy and agreeable and not really be held accountable for.

We're letting scum kill another player.

We'll be in LyLo tomorrow and we'll have a mass claim without any further night phases to prove that a role claim isn't just a bunch of fabricated lies to get the final lynch scum needs to win.

Right now, a lynch based on what we have is not good enough. Especially since the leading wagon is "I'll sheep Blitz," and "I'll sheep Elesion."

We have:

YOLO and Yedi where we don't have the information to determine the alignment with reliability.

Elesion who replaced Refa who is currently voting for Yedi. I don't have a problem with this slot, but if I'm wrong and we are working with something like Elesion/Rainbow pushing a lynch that leads nowhere into a final lynch on the final day, then I don't have an answer for that.

Rainbow who multiple slots have as a strong read in one direction or the other and is currently voting Yedi as well.

Ryker as a slot that some people dislike and has been accused of lurking.

SB who we can get nothing further from, but who was on Rainbow before he left.

Elemina who I currently have as town, but other slots have as possibly scum.

Ken who hasn't been around meaningfully in days.

And Irony. The new player.

As it stands, whatever lynch we make today is going to have a high chance of going wild. If it does, then we are in a real sour way in LyLo if scum have the freedom to lie about their role in order to secure the final lynch. I support a mass claim today.

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My b guys, I've been swamped with work these past few days

I have good news though. I'm a role who has various investigative powers. N1 I idled, N2 I tracked YOLO and saw him go nowhere, and last night I investigated Ryker and got a guilty.

Let's get it.

##Vote Ryker

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My b guys, I've been swamped with work these past few days

I have good news though. I'm a role who has various investigative powers. N1 I idled, N2 I tracked YOLO and saw him go nowhere, and last night I investigated Ryker and got a guilty.

Let's get it.

##Vote Ryker

How about being a little bit more clear there, champ.

You tracked Yolo on N2, and checked Ryker's alignment? I just wanna be sure I'm understanding. I don't care if you have more shots of anything or not.

You're like a Jack then? J/C then, why'd ya check Ryker last night?

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Yes, I tracked YOLO N2 cuz he's been lazy af. He's actually a good player when he tries so I wanted to see if he was just hanging onto some kind of power role or performing NKs.

I checked Ryker from process of elimination. I thought it was weird how he voted for YOLO before Rainbow yesterday when he's been wanting Rainbow since D1 and thought he'd be likelier to be scum than like Elemina, SB, Irony, etc. I had him as town earlier in the game but my read was weakening and I kinda got the feeling that town has been going in the wrong direction so wanted to investigate a questionable player who wasn't on the chopping block.

I have multiple investigative powers. my guess would be it's a kind of balancing factor in case sunwoo has other investigative roles or just so town isnt loaded with them.

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You know

I buy it


##Vote Ryker

Since it's not *YLO right now, it'd make sense to push this. Worst case is a 1-for-1

We'll be in LyLo tomorrow and we'll have a mass claim without any further night phases to prove that a role claim isn't just a bunch of fabricated lies to get the final lynch scum needs to win.

And if that's the case then then there's something to back up Elemina's information.

Also fwiw the game having 3 antitown couldn't allow for a town!vig to exist in the setup as it is, otherwise it'd be MYLO right now. Just noticed that

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I'm town Omniguard. I have a one shot ability that stops all abilities from working on a target. I have not used it, but I am blocked at the moment. I will be unable to act the next night phase.

I think the scum team is within Mac, Eleision, Rainbow, and SB.

FINISH THE MASS CLAIM!!! They have somethjng planned.

Im going to flip town, then we're lynching Mac. Afterward you have to lynch with precision until we win.

I'm stuck on my phone for the next 24 hours, but I'm here.

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