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So I have a couple Fire Emblem comics and a new scanner.

Let's see how many sections I can get done before the fact that I am supposed to be doing it falls out of my brain. I am currently intending to do one section a week.

For those keeping track, the last time I attempted this I managed one section before slackness took control. On the plus side, my current scanner is somewhat superior to the one I was using way back when; on the minus side, my computer overheated twice while preparing today's lot. That should no longer be an issue by November however. Can I last that long!?!

So back to that image. The left hand side is due to the publishing arm of good ol' Enix. The right hand side, and probably more well-recognised, is representing the Fireball Game Comic Series published by Kobunsha. In general the comics are of the humourous 4-panel variety, or yonkoma as some people insist on calling them.

Good time to note that I can't translate my way out of a paper bag. I will consequently be posting them untranslated.

We'll be starting on the left. Fire Emblem 4-Panel Manga Theatre Issue 1, featuring Fire Emblem 1 and Fire Emblem 2; sadly the only comics I have featuring either of those, and even more sadly for the FE2 fans around here there are only actually two sections of it in the issue, and it's a no-show in the colour section.

And the colour section is first, along with the front cover and the contents pages.

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As scanned (28 MB RAR)

The program I used to shrink the images has not done a particularly good job of keeping small characters legible, so anyone that wants to read those may have to go with the full-size version. If people want I can put together a mid-range option.

Another note: I've only played through FEDS once, and I killed off most of the characters, so I don't really remember the official naming >_>

So what have we here: (For reference, numbering is related to the image name, not to the page number)

1 - Front Cover

2 - Front Cover to the contents. Am I the only person disturbed by the eyes on those horses?

3 & 4 - Contents

5 - Shiida gets disillusioned. First because she doesn't think that Marth's army is enough to save her father, secondly because... I have no real idea where that one was going.

6 - The power of embarassment raises Shiida's strength ten-fold! And no idea for the second one. If I remember correctly I think this happened a fair amount in the early Enix ones, especially when it comes to games I haven't played (FE2 & FE3), but I can't make that excuse for FE1.

7 - Minerva tries to emulate Shiida's powers of persuasion. I am sure her goggly-eyed dragon does not help matters. The green-haired fellow in the second strip is Nabarl, for reference. I don't think that he likes that he just got played.

8 - Yah, I'm not sure what the joke is supposed to be in these of these, sorry.

9 - Or in these either :(

10 - Or the first one here. The second one Shiida appears to have comically misinterpreted some of Ogma's advice, although I can't speak to any specifics about what exactly he told her in the first place.

11 - Jagen has problems. Those are weights attached to Merric's cloak. I think it's supposed to be him training to keep his arms up in the air.

12 - Chiki disobeying her elders. Those are some of the more dopey-looking dragons I have seen.

13 - Best. Riff. Comic. Ever. Also genius strategist Marth fails horribly against Shiida in chess.

14 - Shiida gets bummed out about not being able to triangle attack. Her mother and grandmother save the day.

15 - Not entirely sure what the point is behind the Rena abuse, but I believe it is related to the headdeskingly stupid requirements to get EXP for healers in FE1. Meanwhile promoted Linda's outfit does not go over well with her fanclub.

16 - I'm not sure I WANT to know the premise behind the first strip. The second is an old 'come back here and fight'-style joke.

17 - Riff is bizarrely not as popular as Rena. Shiida distracts the enemy.

Edited by T.W.I.L.K.I.T.R.I.
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If there are people out there who are prejudiced against RAR files (Mitty) I can repost as ZIPs.

[EDIT]Alrighty I have added a ZIP version of the viewing size set to the first post. If people want a ZIP version of the hueg size set this will have to be requested.

Edited by T.W.I.L.K.I.T.R.I.
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Okay, here we have 'For Whom We Fight' by Tadashi Niiyama.

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1 - Front cover to the FE1 section.

2 - Marth is not as happy as he might be with Shiida's charisma, but I'm not sure as to the leadup.

3 - Doga is tanking for people. Eventually for Marth against Shiida for reasons I cannot ascertain. Then for the whole party, which is nothing like his in-game worth.

4 - Marth has to save Rena because they desparately need a healer. Daross needs to keep his mind on his swimming.

5 - Not sure if the boys are trying to impress Linda or what I'm afraid. Shiida is suspicious that Marth's team seems contain an untypical proportion of females - or, this and she personally was left out. Not sure.

6 - Not sure what is happening in either of these, but since Matisse is in both it can't be anything good.

7 - Matisse being a prat again. Shiida misinterpreting Marth and Julian's conversation. Don't know the specifics of either.

8 - Chiki is almost as annoying as Matisse and she is being loud in the second and I have little idea as to the first.

9 - More Chiki being obtuse in the first. People being suspicious of Bantu in the second.

10 - Xane has his delusions of self-worth shattered whilst doing some eavesdropping.

11 - Xane thinks that he can get some by transforming into Marth. But all he can really do is get blame deflected onto Marth.

12 - For some reason Xane is forced to put on a transformation show. This page is relatively tame.

13 - This page a bit less so. But he fails in the end and correspondingly the universe doesn't implode with shock.

14 - Julian gets up to some ill-advised hijinks while Marth is still wary from Xane's previous antics.

15 - Shiida is both jealous and impatient.

16 - Marth is dense.

17 - Shiida doesn't want to promote because she prefers her pegasus to a dragon. Minerva thinks that her horribly goggleeyed dragon is just dandy.

18 - Shiida wants to triangle attack with Rena and Maria. Not sure how she expected that to work. Also not sure what the sisters are speaking about which is getting Minerva riled.

19 - These are followups to the one on the previous page I believe and I still can't follow what's going on.

20 - Shiida has rescued Marth despite this not being possible back then. It doesn't end well. His attempt to use the less-distractable Minerva instead does not have a happy ending either.

21 - The dangers of stealing steeds from a Fire Emblem army. Jagen is one of those old fogeys who thinks that if people aren't shacked up by the time they're 10 they're going to end up old bachelors/maids.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, two sections today, yet together they're still smaller than the previous section. This may be a saving grace depending on how people feel about the art style of the second of the two sections.

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Premonition Of The Decisive Battle - Kazuaki Ishida

1 - Everyone loves Camus.

2 - Can't really speak for the first. The second is Shiida bemoaning her fate as shop-girl.

3 - Shiida indoctrinates Minerva into the loyal order of the shop-girls. Then gets up to her old persuasive tricks.

4 - Not sure as to the first one. The second is more persuasion!Shiida with the other girls wanting to get in on the act.

5 - Shiida is thrilled at the oppurtunity to pressgang more members into the loyal order of the shop-girls. They are not pleased at the idea.

6 - Julian wants relationship help from Shiida, but I'm unsure as to anything further. Shiida gives Marth some extra rapiers.

7 - The armies are sidling along so as to not give the other an advantage. Then they run off a cliff. Can't say it entirely makes sense as I understand it >_> Marth saves Michelan and Toms.

8 - An unnamed boss gets the last laugh. The loyal order of the shop-girls are finding something funny but I don't know what; I'd guess the storageman's face, but presumably they've seen him numerous times before.

9 - Proto-rescuing. But the guys are afraid of heights. Marth's army is not well-balanced.

10 - Marth tricks Garnef into revealing which one of him is the real deal. Shiida is in her glee to promote, but she remains a shop-girl; considering she set Minerva up as such earlier, she shouldn't have been surprised about this.

Enter The Dragon - Tarumi

11 - Why you shouldn't break dragonstones.

12 - Maric's hat is heavy? No idea as to the second.

13 - ...no ideas.

14 - ...ditto.

15 - ...I think that Rena and the healers are trying to game the FE1 healer experience system. Presumably the second is about magic's ability to make clothes fly up, but I'm not sure as to the overall point.

16 - Discussing the Pachyderm shooter weapon. Can't speak for the second.

17 - Malledus is a master of disguise. Bantu tries to commune with Minerva's dragon in dragoform?

18 - They have Chiki try whatever it was Bantu was trying on the last page. Meanwhile Xane survives a massacre by cosplaying as a flower.

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Nice. The art style of the second part is indeed kind of scary.

I think Page 13's joke (second strip) is about Navarre not attacking females. I can't remember if he does that ingame though >___<

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Two sections again. No scary art this time.

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Fight! For Justice! - Kazuhiro Kurimoto

1 - Everyone loves Riff.

2 - The secret weakness of Pegasus Knights. King Talis is greedy.

3 - I'm afraid I can't say why Marth doesn't want to leave the throne. The second is likely another joke regarding FE1 healer levelling.

4 - IT WAS ALL A DREAM board game. Wendel provides the bait for his and Marth and Daross' fishing trip.

5 - I guess Merric hit Marth by accident? Wendel gives a book of Worm to who I think is Shiida, which doesn't make much sense, but I guess it would explain why she didn't understand it.

6 - Medea recruits Astoria just before he finishes off Riff, but Riff isn't as grateful as they may have hoped. Someone offscreen uses Worm on the armour knight.

7 - Joke deconstructing the availability of ammo for the Stonehedge. Marth thanks Beck and Doga for their hard work.

8 - Not sure about the first. The second is Xane attempting to recruit Chiki by cosplaying a portrait of Bantu; can't say why this appears to give her rabies.

9 - Not sure on either. No real clue for the first, I'd hazard a guess that Lawrence was asleep in there for the second or something?

10 - Sorrowfully, I'm not sure how Xane gets from dying to psyching out about being forced to document the sizes of women in the army. Boa gets Worm all over himself.

11 - Abel has Xane cosplay Paola, but is not impressed when Xane starts going further than he expected. George is being all snipery.

12 - People are having trouble saying 'Starlight Explosion' and appalled that Gato only uses 'Starlight'. Ellis attempts to ressurect Riff, Chiki, Bantu, Lawrence, and Minerva all at once; it isn't pretty.

Care To Elaborate - Yuki Nokuni

13 - Shiida prepares her 'weapon'.

14 - Shiida puts armour on her pegasus - I'm not sure if there's something more to it or if that's supposed to be the whole joke. I don't understand where the second one is going.

15 - Marth delivers Nina's silver sword to Hardin. Julian finds some Angelic Clothes for Rena, but gets Shiida pulls rank on him.

16 - No ideas for the first. In the second Marth appears to be asking Bantu to eat riding-dragon food.

17 - Abel gets equipped with Boots. The axe brothers try to triangle attack and fail horribly.

18 - Various people get Julian to open things. Going to say that in the next people have used Insect Repellant to fend off the Worms, but I really have no clue whether that's accurate or not.

19 - Medeus mandates the planting of carrots. Marth's army has no respect for this.

20 - Dolua tries to entice Marth's army with a big ol' pile of carrots but fails. After they give up Marth's army comes back and takes them anyway.

21 - Medea plays Guess Who with Astoria. Shiida promotes to Dragon Knight, but doesn't appear to be very happy about it.

22 - Various people get Rena to warp them to various places. No doubt payback for earlier. Merric is crying because he ran out of Excalibur maybe?

23 - I don't get either of these, sorry.

24 - Don't get the first here either. Second has Ellis reviving Shiida's pet hamster.

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Minor change in the schedule. Today we have the penultimate section from the FE1 section and the entirity of the FE2 section. The final section from the FE1 section will be done next time.

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Now, I haven't played FE2, so if someone who has can elaborate on those that would be great.


Pirates - Miyuki Yama

1 - The secret behind waterwalking.

2 - Julian decides not to let Ricard out of his cell. No idea as to the second.

3 - Something to do with jumping, but I don't know what, and Chiki pretending to be Minerva's dragon for also unknown reasons.

4 - Julian misunderstands Machis's relationship to Rena.

5 - Another strange jumping joke. Marth becomes ensaddened that people are just not understanding the FE1 healer levelling system.

6 - Nabarl goes to get into a fight with Jake over Shiida, but I can't say anything more specific than that. Meanwhile Julian and Ricard? seem to be trying to justify claim that they don't need to be able to promote?

7 - Yet another strange jumping joke. And the various ways in which Angelic Robes can be used.

8 - Julian and Ricard think that Marth opening all the chests may be a misuse of the skills of each of them. No idea for the second but since Nabarl is talking about how high he can jump in the final panel I wouldn't be surprised if it's supposed to be in that sequence of strips despite not being titled as such.

9 - Front cover to the FE2 section

Welcome To The Magical World - Kazuhiro Kurimoto

10 - They're using monster-creation magic to play sports.

11 - Someone makes a statue angry. Slapstick things happen to Grey.

12 - Something regarding the use of Rezire on monsters. Some woman gets warped in to wash dishes.

13 - Can't say anything for either of these.

14 - Some ugly guy goes overboard with summoning messiahs. Cannot speak for the other.

15 - ...the guy they're fighting gets his head stuck in the roof. I'm sure they don't need 8 panels for this so I must be missing something.

Thorny Remarks - Kiiru Tamura

16 - I guess Alm is using some of those remarks mentioned in the title.

17 - Another Rezire-from-monster joke. Some stylish guy I don't know hit level 20, which I gather leads into something but I don't know what.

18 - Bowie is leading a monster to water but can he make it drink!? Some people are walking through a swamp for reasons which are beyond me.

19 - I have no ideas.

20 - Only thing that comes to mind for the first is that it's a fat joke, but I would hope that was not the case and the art doesn't really lead into it. Cannot help with the second.

21 - The party gets surprised by a teleporting enemy! But sexism saves the day! Grey gets watered.

22 - I guess the first is something regarding Celica selecting her team for the next area. Meanwhile an evil-looking man turns out to be a stage magician.

23 - Celica tries to give Bowie a stat-gain doubling ring as he's close to levelling, but he takes it the wrong way. In the second Celica promotes to Princess and I am going to say that Bowie wants to find out how to do the same despite actually having no real idea what he's doing just by how he looks.

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Apparently I can't get through a single book without being late at least once.

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Its Name Is Mohican - Reiko Kirie

- I don't have time to do any commentary right now.

Let's see who is paying attention. Should I do the Enix FE 4-Panel Manga Theatre 2 (FE3) or the Fireball FE4 4-Panel Gag Battle (FE4) next?

Edited by T.W.I.L.K.I.T.R.I.
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Manga Theatre 2 it is.

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My favourites here would be the first on image 6, where Gordon has a couple of healers cornered and their initially gleeful thoughts that he will never be able to kill them while they have so much healing give way into despair as they discover that that is exactly what he is counting on; the first on image 13, where Abel's horse breaks up with Est's dragon after it becomes as such; and the first on image 15, where it turns out that Shiida's magnetic personality was used on one more person than normally considered. Est being so lost for words that she gives up and just triangle attacks Abel in the second on image 16 is also up there.

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Only a small update today.

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Invincible Princess by Takashi Niiyama.

Favourites here would be Shiida's pegasus finding out that one of the horses it was hanging around with belongs to a horseman (image 5, left hand side) and Maria being sad that they're fighting Misheil because otherwise they might have been able to do a triangle attack (image 8, left hand side).

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