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You guys mean SHE is trying to show Mist off. And yes, it's not very ideal to do that since it is more than just obvious she hacked.

I don't think anyone has the time to get Mist to raise most of her stats in every level-up.

Sorry. I tend to use he as gender neutral a lot. I think I should start using "it" instead.

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I'm actually working on this one right now, currently at Ch 8 NM. It's based on who I like to use the most and who needs it the most (which is why someone like Gatrie, who I use a lot, is not here).

Ike: HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res (Trying to do it without any boosters, not even a Robe. Pretty good so far).

Boyd: HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res (falling behind in some stats, should be fine in the end).

Mia: Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res (doing really well so far).

Mist: HP, Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def, Res (Yes, I'm going for everything)(One Robe to her).

Rolf: Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res.

Marcia: Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res.

Nephenee: HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res (Other Robe to her).

Jill: HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res.

Astrid: HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res.

Tanith: Str, Skl, Spd, Def.

Calill: Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Def, Res.

I should be able to get that much, and if it looks like I'll have room I'll try to add (in order of importance):

Sothe: 39 HP, 20 Str, Skl, Spd, and Def, as much Luck as possible, 15 Res.

Elincia: Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Def, Res.

Lucia: Str, Skl, Spd.

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That's quite a lineup Red Fox.I wish you luck,and hope it all goes well for you.I have a pretty good lineup,but I don't have everyone's bonuses on me at the time.

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That's quite a lineup Red Fox.I wish you luck,and hope it all goes well for you.I have a pretty good lineup,but I don't have everyone's bonuses on me at the time.

Yes, Mist has already cost me about 40 minutes of resets. And she's still level 1. Fml. I plan to record level 20/0 (or 20/1 I guess) stats and the level each stat caps. I may or may not post them.

Oh yeah, here's something interesting. Ike is level 17 with 14 Str and 20 Spd. Mia is level 15 with 16 Str and 18 Spd. Yes, Mia is beating Ike in Str while Ike is beating Mia in Spd.

I might drop Res for some, like Rolf and Nephenee, since they don't need it very much.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Yes, Mist has already cost me about 40 minutes of resets. And she's still level 1. Fml. I plan to record level 20/0 (or 20/1 I guess) stats and the level each stat caps. I may or may not post them.

Oh yeah, here's something interesting. Ike is level 17 with 14 Str and 20 Spd. Mia is level 15 with 16 Str and 18 Spd. Yes, Mia is beating Ike in Str while Ike is beating Mia in Spd.

I might drop Res for some, like Rolf and Nephenee, since they don't need it very much.

I don't know what your plan is for Mist, but when I abused her levels my goal was always def or skl. If I got lucky and got both, so much the better, but getting both is incredibly unlikely. Now, this caused me to need a secret book and a dracoshield on her, but it wasn't so bad. I guess you are going for hp, too, so that makes it much harder than mine. And the luck just means you'll need to spend hours and hours on her. Good luck with that. The thing with Mist is I guess her bases are so low in RD (even luck) that she needs everything she can get to help her start.

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I don't know what your plan is for Mist, but when I abused her levels my goal was always def or skl. If I got lucky and got both, so much the better, but getting both is incredibly unlikely. Now, this caused me to need a secret book and a dracoshield on her, but it wasn't so bad. I guess you are going for hp, too, so that makes it much harder than mine. And the luck just means you'll need to spend hours and hours on her. Good luck with that. The thing with Mist is I guess her bases are so low in RD (even luck) that she needs everything she can get to help her start.

Exactly, and I like using her as a combat unit in RD. As of now I'm trying not to rely on any stat boosters except the aforementioned Robes, but I won't hesitate to use them if needed.

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Yes, Mist has already cost me about 40 minutes of resets. And she's still level 1. Fml. I plan to record level 20/0 (or 20/1 I guess) stats and the level each stat caps. I may or may not post them.

Oh yeah, here's something interesting. Ike is level 17 with 14 Str and 20 Spd. Mia is level 15 with 16 Str and 18 Spd. Yes, Mia is beating Ike in Str while Ike is beating Mia in Spd.

I might drop Res for some, like Rolf and Nephenee, since they don't need it very much.

Well,Mia is 2 levels lower,and has a pretty good chance of getting +2 Spd.Reminds me of my last Mia,who had 19 Def at 20/1

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  • 2 months later...

clear 0, no bands

16 characters, 69 statistics capped

ike - health (seraph robe), strength, skill, speed, defense, resist

oscar - strength, skill, speed, defense

boyd - health, strength, skill, speed, defense

shinon - strength, skill, speed, defense

gatrie - health, strength, skill, defense

soren - magic, skill, speed, resist

mia - strength, skill, speed, defense

mist - strength, magic, speed, resist

marcia - strength, skill, speed, defense, resist

nephenee - strength, skill, speed, defense

kieran - strength, skill, speed, defense

zihark - strength, skill, speed, defense

jill - health (seraph robe), strength, skill, speed, defense

reyson - magic (spirit dust x2), skill, speed (speedwing)

haar - strength, skill, speed, defense

elincia - strength (energy drop x2), magic, skill (secret book x2), speed (speedwing x2), resist (talisman x2)

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