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Elie's Link Arena Mod Sheets


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Essentially, Weapon Triangle Advantage isn't +1/-1 & +15/-15, it's like, If Axe.V.Lance, +2/+25.V.-1/-15 or something

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Well I finished up FE6 for Excel, and I converted all of my code to a format that's compatible for the free program LibreOffice.

I'm currently expanding it to FE7 (1 Skill and S-Rank addition) and then FE8 (More skills and Class selection), and hope to have the entirety of GBA hosting sheets available for everybody in a few days. The majority of my work goes to coding Runeswords and the Eclipse tome which is different for every game, which is pretty frustrating, and just inputting the raw data for Support possibilities and Weaponry, which is just tedious for about an hour per game. I anticipate a completed GBA release by the end of the tourney, if not sooner. I scaled back on my FE6 release due to the Tourney.

I've also devised a way to tackle FE9 Laguz inclusion, meaning that coding in multi-hit skills like Astra, and turn order modifiers like Vantage, will be the only challenges to overcome. I've made decent headway with Single-instance calculations of Vantage and Astra in my FE13 sheet, so I can at least rip those from 13 and stick them into my 9 sheet for preperations on full battle scripting. After I convert those backwards to FE9, coding all of that back into FE13 is going to be much simpler, as I'm disabling Laguz and Support calculations, and re-using my currently accurate in almost every way single instance Forecast calc from 9 format to 13 format.

@Zero, if you have Libreoffice, would you mind if I shared something with you a bit early for testing?

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  • 3 weeks later...


Sword of Seals V1.0

Blazing Sword V1.1.2* (*Excel 2007-2013 only)

Sacred Stones V1.1.2* (*Excel 2007-2013 only)

If you've been paying attention at all, you'll understand how simple I have this thing set up to function; well I've gone and improved it immensely. All of that Forecast mumbo jumbo has been repurposed and completely hidden from you, meaning that you, the user, get to utilize it the easy way.

I'm working on converting this to LibreOffice, and should have it set by the weekend. Converting is easy, but tedious.

I'll go over it in detail here, and also provide a short video which will demonstrate the simplicity of the sheet. For those not interested in reading it here, there are Instructions buttons on each sheet which explain everything step-related in detail.

Step 0: Making it Work!

  • This was created in Microsoft Excel for versions 2007 and higher, but should function in 2003. I've also built this to run properly in LibreOffice v.5.0, which is a free spreadsheet operations program that functions a lot like Excel (only not as visually appealing). If you lack the $ to invest in Excel, or don't have a version of your own, use LibreOffice. It gets the job done in just about every way compared to Excel.
  • Download the sheet(s) from the link(s) above
  • Unzip your downloaded file(s)
  • Open it up
  • You'll need to make sure that Macros are enabled.
    • In Excel, go to File->Options->Trust Center->Trust Center Settings->Macro Settings and select Enable all macros. This sheet isn't dangerous.
    • add773dc47.png
    • In LibreOffice, go to Options->LibreOffice->Security->Macro Settings and select Low. This sheet isn't dangerous.
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Step 1: Fill in the Teams!

  • Insert the names of the Combatants
  • Select your Meta
    • e74de23557.png
  • Pick your Units (first), Weapons, S-rank Weapontype*, and if applicable, Supports and Boosters. Dark colors indicate mandatory fields. Light colors indicate optional fields. Every colored field (except for Boosters) can be filled in with data pulled from a Drop-Down menu. You can free-type into these fields, but calcs will only function properly if they're spelled correctly. Drop-Downs are pretty easy to use, so pick your preference. Fortunately, GBA!FE doesn't include too many unusually spelled words/names.
  • New Row 85 accommodates for Growth Boosters (FE7|Afa's Drops or FE8|Metis' Tome).
    • ac968a19c3.png
  • Note, you need to fill in Weapon (1) - Weapon (5), before you can select your equipped Weapon (E).
  • Also note, selecting a new unit will not automatically replace/delete Supports, Boosters, Equipment and S-rank selection*. Be sure to confirm that as you go

Step 2: Start Things Correctly with an Opening Post!

  • On the bottom of your program, you'll notice a few different sheets. You're currently in Team_Setup, but for this step, click Opening Post
    • ​92cb9adaf8.png
  • ​Click the Click to Create Opening Post button to run an RNG which determines who goes first, and also copy this data into your Clipboard
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  • Open up Serenes Forest and create a New Topic
  • Click the RTF button (upper-left corner of the Post block) so it looks like this 5f03eb0efc.png
  • Do a Right-Click->Paste Plain Text (or just Ctrl-V)
    • a92be008c4.png
  • Uncheck the RTF button to see what your post will look like, and make any edits that you'd like at this point (opener text, changing names, color changes, etc). You can instead just click Preview Post to see what it will look like
    • 282d1a02eb.jpg
  • When you're satisfied, click Post New Topic and the battle begins!

Step 3: Running the Battle(s)!

  • On the bottom of your program, you'll notice a few different sheets. You're currently in Team_Setup, or possibly in Opening Post. Click Outcome.
    • ​92cb9adaf8.png
  • ​You're brought to the place where you'll now spend the rest of the battle in. No more jumping back and forth between tabs like I used to have.
  • The left half of the screen is the post generator. Don't mess with this.
  • The right half of the screen is where you'll run all battles from here on out.
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  • You'll first notice the two grids for Attacker and Defender. By clicking the Name of the Attacking/Defending unit, the buttons in the Grey row will populate with their packed Weaponry. By clicking the Weapon, you equip them accordingly for the battle. The Top grid is for the Attacker. The Bottom grid is for the Defender. The Grey row will tell you which is currently selected as the Attacker/Defender; in this case, Integrity's Sain is attacking Elieson's Matthew.
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  • Under these, you'll spot the operations buttons. Every time you click the Click to Run Battle button, you roll RNs to determine an outcome, which you will see populated on the left-half of the screen as mentioned above. These rolls are not actually put into effect, so if you (the host) just feel like running sample matches to see what could happen, just click this button at your leisure.
  • The Turn #+1 and Turn #-1 buttons are largely unnecessary, but exist if you feel like changing the Turn # for the sake of testing out potential battles. This will be more important for running sample battles in FE13 and eventually FE14. For now, you can pretty much ignore it
  • The Click to Re-Copy Last Turn's Battle Outcome button will do just that. I can't really simplify it any more than that
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  • The Gigantic Complete, Apply & Copy Outcome button does pretty much all of the work for you. Click this when you're set to run a battle that you see on the left-half of the screen. This battle will be run, and HP will be updated accordingly, based on the damage dealt (or healed via Nosferatu or skills). If a unit dies, their supports will automatically be disabled, cutting off any other unit's tie to that support and negating support bonuses for the remainder of the battle.
  • This cannot be Undone with Undo/Ctrl-Z. Your best bet is to Save before running this, otherwise if you run a battle that you didn't mean to, you'll need to go back into the Team_Setup sheet and manually revert HP and/or Supports.
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  • Once you've done this, Turn 1 has ended, and been copied to your clipboard. Just like the Opening Post generator, do the same steps to post the battle into a Post on SF. If for whatever reason, your clipboard empties out (you choose to copy something else, Excel shuts down abruptly, you run a gyazo or puu.sh screenshot and it overwrites your clipboard) just click the Re-Copy Last Turn's Battle Outcome button to copy a stored backup of your last turn's battle.

Step 4: Be sure to save!

  • That's pretty much it. As long as you remember to save, your data will always match what you post into SF, and if you're like me and carry it on a USB stick, you can update battles from wherever you are as long as you have Excel/LibreOffice available.
    • If using Excel, be sure to save it (if using Save As) as a .xlsm
    • If using LibreOffice, be sure to save it (if using Save or Save As) as a .ods

Step 5: Other stuff!

  • In the Team_Setup sheet, you can wipe an entire team by clicking the Click to clear ___ Team button. This cannot be undone, so be absolutely sure that you want to do this, before clicking the button(s).
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  • There is a Team_Submit_Post, which can be used by players to submit a team to a match host in the established standard Format, which provides all unit stats, equipment, equipped weapon, S-rank Weapontype* and Supports (along with pre-calculated support bonuses based on rank). It'll cut down on the amount of work you, the player, need to do, and this sheet should be downloaded at least for this feature alone. This will submit the Blue Team only
  • Submit this to a Host via PM using the same steps as the Opening Post submission process
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*S-Rank Weapontype is not applicable to FE6.

As of right now, I don't think there are any issues, so it should be good to go!

Next on the block is FE8, which features a standard data migration, class selection, some effectiveness revisions (in FE7, dragon-effective weaponry is x2 in the J version, but Aureola is x3. in FE8, all effectiveness against non-monsters is x3 in all versions) and the addition of extra skills (Great Shield, Sure Shot and Pierce), as well as renaming Lethality to Silencer and assigning priorities.

Edited by Elieson
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People should really take not of this while teambuilding too, so even if you don't plan on hosting (although it really is braindead easy with these sheets, you just click a few things) download it. If a certain unit is giving you problems, you could even use this to theorycraft how to beat them too!

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if anything, this thing builds your OP and builds Team-submission posts for you to PM to a host in a matter of seconds, which in itself is a nice timesaver, if you don't want to actually host fights yourself

Edited by Elieson
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FE7 Update V1.1, including fixes for:

*Athos.jpg added

*Issues with Swordmaster and Berserker crit fixed

*S-rank calculations were pointing to the wrong numbers, but not anymore

*Avo calc was off for some random reason, but it's fixed

*OP Generator now correctly calculates base unit AVO/ACC/CRT if boosters are applied

*Issue with battles involving Bows and damage not being displayed, but still being accounted for

I need to back-check FE6, which I'll do later this evening.

Edited by Elieson
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Sry use https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwg2Se_NpeouVUhwQnBuMjdpTWs/view?usp=sharing instead *I updated all prior posts

Apparently I had battles involving non-occuring 2-range combat still calculating, despite not actually showing. That's why Hector had that mysterious 16 damage in that other round of combat in the Quint v Darmann match

Edited by Elieson
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Note to Self:

FE7 sheet fix for 0 and less-than-0 damage instances

Add to beginning of Forecast!B14 and Forecast!B25


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FE6 and FE7 have been updated, and FE8 is prepared for Beta testing!

Updates to FE6 V1.1.2 sheets:

  • Opening Post and Team Submission Posts now correctly display ACC/AVO/CRT
  • Negative damage healing is fixed
  • Boosters are correctly displayed in the Opening Post

Updates to FE7 V1.1.2 sheets:

  • Opening Post and Team Submission Posts now correctly display ACC/AVO/CRT
  • Negative damage healing is fixed
  • Boosters are correctly displayed in the Opening Post
  • Afa's Drops can now be used, and are applied in Row 85 of Team_Setup

FE8 V0.9 *see next post for V0.9.5*

  • Functions much like the FE7 sheet, and accomodates for skills entirely behind the scenes
  • Postgame units are usable
  • When the issues below are updated, the FE8 sheet will be prepared for Alpha release
    • Metis' Tome, while selectable, does not currently apply boosts
    • Images for Postgame units and Myrrh are all Left-facing. Right-facing portraits need to be added.

FE7/8 are not yet functional in LibreOffice

Edited by Elieson
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  • 3 weeks later...

FE8 V0.9.5

Includes properly functioning Metis' Tome

Fixes an effectiveness issue with the Dragon Axe and Manaketes (which are weak to Flying-eff stuff)

Fixes a bug where Myrrh couldn't equip her Dragon Stone (or Hoplon Guard/Fili Shield)

Fixes a bug with Supports and reclassing units

The link above and in the OP will be editted. Version 1.0 will have Right-facing portraits for Creature Campaign units.

Edited by Elieson
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