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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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A game is not always named after its main character. The original Donkey Kong is a Mario game that was named after the villain.

They are spin-off series. They get separate stuff for that, but they are still part of the overall Mario universe.

But Mario was the villain of the second Donkey Kong game and the third Donkey Kong game didn't feature Mario at all!

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Command/Special grab?

Maybe, I'm honestly thinking the tomes could also effect properties of your A and Grab attacks not just for launching spells.

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It looked more like a grab to me personally.

Maybe its an AOE move and everyone caught in the space will give HP to Robin?

Edit: Jedi they do alter Robin's A moves. After the combo ends each spell ends it differently( wind does multiple attacks, fire does a explosion).

Edited by Ace Gamer
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But Mario was the villain of the second Donkey Kong game and the third Donkey Kong game didn't feature Mario at all!

Well then...

Fuck me.

Fringe case, I guess?

Or maybe this is a case of...they were the same series at first, then they split off into two different series. Yeah, I like that idea.

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Well, whatever Nosferatu is, I'm surprised Robin got any dark magic at all. She/he can't normally use it unless she/he reclasses. :P

And I'll reiterate the idea I brought up before. Since Nosferatu heals, Ike's Aether should too. Who agrees?

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Well then...

Fuck me.

Fringe case, I guess?

Or maybe this is a case of...they were the same series at first, then they split off into two different series. Yeah, I like that idea.

So Mario and Donkey Kong are similar to how humans and monkeys are related(both came from the same ancestor then separated halfway.)?

Edited by Ace Gamer
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Well, whatever Nosferatu is, I'm surprised Robin got any dark magic at all. She/he can't normally use it unless she/he reclasses. :P

And I'll reiterate the idea I brought up before. Since Nosferatu heals, Ike's Aether should too. Who agrees?

except Aether is a skill, not an ability unique to ragnell. Nosferatu is a weapon that steals health. The two aren't comparable
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Well, whatever Nosferatu is, I'm surprised Robin got any dark magic at all. She/he can't normally use it unless she/he reclasses. :P

And I'll reiterate the idea I brought up before. Since Nosferatu heals, Ike's Aether should too. Who agrees?

I think it's a nodd to the Grima heritage.

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So Mario and Donkey Kong are similar to how humans and monkeys are related(both came from the same ancestor then separated halfway.)?

It's official: Nintendo is Darwinist.

Either way I don't think it really matters, Sakurai will add (or as it is, added) another Zelda character if he wants to, and if you only go with characters that are part of the main Mario series, Zelda had more reps than Mario back in Brawl anyway.

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except Aether is a skill, not an ability unique to ragnell. Nosferatu is a weapon that steals health. The two aren't comparable

Nosferatu isn't a weapon unique to Robin either. And Aether has healing properties just as it does. The two are comparable.

And what does it not being an ability unique to Ragnell have to do with anything?

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm sure it can be balanced. Like I said before, just have Aether heal less damage than Nosferatu and only be able to heal under a certain circumstance. Like how Luigi's insane Fire Jump Punch can only happen if he sweet-spots it. If Ike lands a blow from Aether in a certain way and ONLY in a certain way, it will heal him a little bit.

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It's official: Nintendo is Darwinist.

Either way I don't think it really matters, Sakurai will add (or as it is, added) another Zelda character if he wants to, and if you only go with characters that are part of the main Mario series, Zelda had more reps than Mario back in Brawl anyway.

We knew that long ago. Nintendo are behind Pokémon after all.

Well, whatever Nosferatu is, I'm surprised Robin got any dark magic at all. She/he can't normally use it unless she/he reclasses. :P

And I'll reiterate the idea I brought up before. Since Nosferatu heals, Ike's Aether should too. Who agrees?

I do find the idea of a heal on the downward slash to be interesting.

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We knew that long ago. Nintendo are behind Pokémon after all.

I do find the idea of a heal on the downward slash to be interesting.

Actually, Game Freak made Pokemon. Nintendo just publishes it. :P

And yay! I think adding Aether's healing property can also give Ike a needed buff.

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The thing is, Lucina has her own animations to draw from. Marth's were drawn from SNES swordmasters. Lucina had a base they could from. This is lazy design. Come on, now. I mean for goodness sake why does she even have Marth's stance when she has her own sword wielding stance? This smells fishier than a seafood market. As much as I wanted Chrom, I definitely wouldn't have minded Lucina if they actually made her.... Lucina. If she had a few similarities to Marth then fine, but the whole moveset?

Why is any criticism of Smash instantly written off as butthurt? :MarcusYoung:

Oh, I would've appreciated Lucina having a totally unique moveset as much as anybody, to be sure, and it's not like they couldn't have done it, as you say. That said, though, part of my point is that seemingly-minute differences in attack properties, even things as small as startup+recovery frames and hitboxes, and of course actual "differences of kind" (and other differences to be accounted for in the characters themselves, such as weight and movement speed) can combine to make even characters that look very similar play VERY differently, in a final analysis. Like, moves with the same animations can suddenly find themselves being used in very different capacities, such that somebody who tries to do everything exactly the same for both characters can easily end up punished for it.

And overall, even if they're not the most hardcore players, I don't think people tend to pay enough attention to what those de facto differences do account for.

Also, she was literally disguised as the guy in her game. I think it's smartest to just let em have this one. (besides, it's not like the vast majority of new characters this time around haven't been totally full of 100% new characters who've presented plenty of exciting new playstyle possibilities. we have reason to be happy with our lot)

Edited by Rehab
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I'm sure it can be balanced. Like I said before, just have Aether heal less damage than Nosferatu and only be able to heal under a certain circumstance. Like how Luigi's insane Fire Jump Punch can only happen if he sweet-spots it. If Ike lands a blow from Aether in a certain way and ONLY in a certain way, it will heal him a little bit.

That'd be nice. Except, I don't use Luigi or Ike a whole lot. Well, at least compared to my use of Peach, Zelda or Zero Suit.

And, I noticed that the 3DS version has brighter colors compared to the Wii U version...? This is completely based on the pics, but I was looking at Zero Suit's pics again, and it seemed like her suit was a lot paler in color compared to her 3DS suit.

And with Peach, it seems like the Wii U version of her dress seems to be paler, while the 3DS dress is more colorful and vibrant (just not HD).

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Nosferatu isn't a weapon unique to Robin either. And Aether has healing properties just as it does. The two are comparable.

And what does it not being an ability unique to Ragnell have to do with anything?

you're not getting what I mean. Nosferatu is a weapon. Aether is a skill. In the eyes of Smash, Aether is merely a cool looking move. Were it not, it'd prolly never have been included to begin with, or if the move wasn't a skill, it'd just have a different name.

Nosferatu doesn't need to be unique to Robin, cause either way you look at it, its a magic spell. And as the only one to be able to use magic in Smash FE, there's really no reason NOT to give it to him/her

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Aerith doesn't need healing effects. It works fine the way it is. If anyone needs a buff, it's Zelda, not Ike. Or Link, Ganondorf, Kirby, ect. Not Ike.

Although Kirby seems to have gotten a buff.

EDIT: aether not aerith

Edited by Rinoa Heartilly
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Are you kidding? Ike was almost low tier in Brawl. He needed a buff or two. And I never said he was the ONLY character that needed a buff. xP

Also, relevant to the thread:


Just...LOL. XD

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It would be cool if Aether got healing frames but it would be entirely unnecessary. It's serving it's function in Smash now as a recovery, It would represent Fire Emblem and it would be a plesent addition but it isn't needed and would likely just confuse people who haven't played Fire Emblem. unless it was one of his alternate special moves that sacrifice recovery range in order to add a healing ability, or sacrificed recovery in order to deal more damage (reflecting the Luna aspect of the attack).

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