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The Sumia hate is irking me...

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SumiaxFrederick is beast gameplay wise, no wonder its popular since both complimenting each other

Mm-hm. Easy to get, easy to own half the field with, easy to appreciate. It's a win-win situation.


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Win-win for you guys, maybe. But not for someone like me who adores Frederick but hates Sumia more than any other character, even god damn Tharja. I found the support boring too. Plus, I like Cynthia more with Chrom's blue or Henry's white. Orange and brown are terrible on her, imo.

Edited by Anacybele
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Win-win for you guys, maybe. But not for someone like me who adores Frederick but hates Sumia more than any other character, even god damn Tharja. I found the support boring too. Plus, I like Cynthia more with Chrom's blue or Henry's white. Orange and brown are terrible on her, imo.

Which is an opinion and I fully respect that. I never said you HAD to like the pairing, Ana. ... Although I'm curious as to how Sumia scores less points with you than hex-slinging, Robin-stalking, sunshine princess Tharja.

The only problem I have with the orange is it clashes with the ruffles on the neck of her outfit, and with Chrom's navy, it almost matches a little... too well. - Frederick's brown is lovely on her.

Of course, once again, this is just me, since I don't want to seem like I'm chiding you for what you think - that's hypocritical on top of being extremely rude.

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I find Frederick x Sumia pretty meh. It's good early on, but it falters later because Frederick does lose some power, with everyone quickly raising above him.

Frederick!Cynthia looks pretty bleh to me and the class inheritance isn't that good.

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Why all the hate for Tharja... I mean: she has... uh... black hair. And I think black hair is good. So why y'all hating on her?!? I mean, come on people.

People are going to have either some valid or some not-so-valid reasons for hating/liking a character, but letting it bother you that people like/dislike a character is meh. I hate Sumia because I hate the "clumsy girl" stereotype. It's not really anything other than that.

I'm jumping ship before the shipping warz start.

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I like the bonuses Fighter!Gaius gives Sumia better than the bonuses Frederick gives her.

I still think it's silly to harp on Frederick/Sumia because of your intense dislike for Sumia and your undying love for Frederick. They're just video game characters. :P Cynthia would rather have Gaius's orange or Chrom's blue, though, I agree.

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Why all the hate for Tharja... I mean: she has... uh... black hair. And I think black hair is good. So why y'all hating on her?!? I mean, come on people.

People are going to have either some valid or some not-so-valid reasons for hating/liking a character, but letting it bother you that people like/dislike a character is meh. I hate Sumia because I hate the "clumsy girl" stereotype. It's not really anything other than that.

I'm jumping ship before the shipping warz start.

I can't really say I hate her, but I certainly couldn't care less about her.

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I like the bonuses Fighter!Gaius gives Sumia better than the bonuses Frederick gives her.

I still think it's silly to harp on Frederick/Sumia because of your intense dislike for Sumia and your undying love for Frederick. They're just video game characters. :P Cynthia would rather have Gaius's orange or Chrom's blue, though, I agree.

Cynthia looks best in Chrom's blue hair. I wonder how she would look if my male avatar gave her pink hair like olivia's though,

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Cynthia looks best in Chrom's blue hair. I wonder how she would look if my male avatar gave her pink hair like olivia's though,

Try it and see. I reckon she'd look adorable.

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I still think it's silly to harp on Frederick/Sumia because of your intense dislike for Sumia and your undying love for Frederick. They're just video game characters. :P Cynthia would rather have Gaius's orange or Chrom's blue, though, I agree.

That's not the ONLY reason. I said the support bored me too.

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That's not the ONLY reason. I said the support bored me too.

Yes, but your hate for Sumia and love for Frederick seems to be the most prominent reason to me.

Besides. The vast majority of the supports in FE13 are boring.

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I like the bonuses Fighter!Gaius gives Sumia better than the bonuses Frederick gives her.

I still think it's silly to harp on Frederick/Sumia because of your intense dislike for Sumia and your undying love for Frederick. They're just video game characters. :P Cynthia would rather have Gaius's orange or Chrom's blue, though, I agree.

People can get emotionally attached to the most mundane thing, and fictious character is no exception. So I thought "they're/it just X!" rule isn't particularry useful. It is the intolerance that should be questioned. For me I just tend to have my mouth shut when see people expressing different opinion than mine, except when they express it thoughtfuly with rational argument to back it up.

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People can get emotionally attached to the most mundane thing, and fictious character is no exception. So I thought "they're/it just X!" rule isn't particularry useful. It is the intolerance that should be questioned. For me I just tend to have my mouth shut when see people expressing different opinion than mine, except when they express it thoughtfuly with rational argument to back it up.

I guess I'm kind of a hypocrite in that case... *looks off to the side* I see the point you're making, though.

The only reason I'm posting here is because I feel Sumia is getting undeserved hate. It's okay if people don't like Sumia, I understand that. I just don't think it's cool to claim Sumia is various, negative things she isn't.

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I'm alright with Sumia. Aside from the whole pie schtick she has, she's tolerable at worst. I actually found the development process of Cordelia a lot more problematic than the pies, but once you get past the whole part where she was explicitly developed as 'a non-subtle Catria', she's alright too.

Don't do much shipping myself, but I like to put her with Henry. Her erratic behaviour according to Cynthia suddenly makes a whole lot more sense. Plus, white-haired pretty girls are kinda cool. I sometimes pretend that she had a crush on Chrom until he married a woman he knew for all of 1 battle,(Olivia) so she goes for the bad boy to spite him.

Although in practice, Dark Flier Sumia and Sorcerer Avatar are best buddies, exchanging books and then using them to kill things. During battles Henry and Tharja just sit in the barracks playing cards and eating sandwiches and stuff I guess.

Edited by HeoandReo
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I'm alright with Sumia. Aside from the whole pie thing, she's tolerable at worst.

Don't do much shipping myself, but I like to put her with Henry. Her erratic behaviour according to Cynthia suddenly makes a whole lot more sense. Plus, white-haired pretty girls are kinda cool.

Although in practice, Dark Flier Sumia and Sorcerer Avatar are best buddies, exchanging books and then using them to kill things. During battles Henry and Tharja just sit in the barracks playing cards and eating sandwiches and stuff I guess.

Doing this right now in my current playthrough, LOL. I can't wait to get my hands on Cynthia. :D

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The only reason I'm posting here is because I feel Sumia is getting undeserved hate. It's okay if people don't like Sumia, I understand that. I just don't think it's cool to claim Sumia is various, negative things she isn't.

Eh, undeserved hate is just a fact of life. And what with it being a video game, I don't think many of the haters really care to examine or reconsider their opinions. And I don't think this thread is really the jolt that will turn on that light bulb. In fact it seems more of the circle jerk nature where we can congratulate each other on how enlightened we all are.

And on that subject, honestly, the number of posts I see complaining about the haters compared to the ones actually bashing Sumia are like 20:1. It seems like a very small minority who have some issue with her, and everyone else is blowing it out of proportion. It just seems like the threshold for claiming it's a rampant problem is really low...

Edited by Meteor
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Eh, undeserved hate is just a fact of life. And what with it being a video game, I don't think many of the haters really care to examine or reconsider their opinions. And I don't think this thread is really the jolt that will turn on that light bulb. In fact it seems more of the circle jerk nature where we can congratulate each other on how enlightened we all are.

And on that subject, honestly, the number of posts I see complaining about the haters compared to the ones actually bashing Sumia are like 20:1. It seems like a very small minority who have some issue with her, and everyone else is blowing it out of proportion. It just seems like the threshold for claiming it's a rampant problem is really low...

Maybe because the more irrational people aren't on this website? I've seen quite a bit of it on Youtube.

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Although in practice, Dark Flier Sumia and Sorcerer Avatar are best buddies, exchanging books and then using them to kill things.

Tempted to forge some Seisen no Keifu tomes.

Crusade all over everyone's asses.

... Although I'm curious as to how Sumia scores less points with you than hex-slinging, Robin-stalking, sunshine princess Tharja.

Still curious on this. Besides the whole "Stay away from my man you useless girl" thing.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Maybe because the more irrational people aren't on this website? I've seen quite a bit of it on Youtube.

Hmm yeah that would be a good explanation. I can't say I see too much FE content on Youtube, so I'm ignorant of that part of the fanbase.
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Hmm yeah that would be a good explanation. I can't say I see too much FE content on Youtube, so I'm ignorant of that part of the fanbase.

There's a bunch.

It exploded once the game came out in North America, but I have quite a few Sumia haters on my address book block list on Youtube.

Being one of the first people who had footage of the game, people used to flock to my channel and post their... *vocal* opinions on pairings in a game that wasn't even out yet.

That has led me to be more... jerkish when it comes to husbandos and waifus... if you've seen me slander a few of them.

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That has led me to be more... jerkish when it comes to husbandos and waifus... if you've seen me slander a few of them.

I've never seen you slander Cynthia, so it's all good. Though I probably wouldn't care.

Eh, undeserved hate is just a fact of life. And what with it being a video game, I don't think many of the haters really care to examine or reconsider their opinions. And I don't think this thread is really the jolt that will turn on that light bulb. In fact it seems more of the circle jerk nature where we can congratulate each other on how enlightened we all are.


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I actually find her character quite interesting, despite negative comments about her. She was my first choice as Chrom's wife actually.

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I can't say I see too much FE content on Youtube, so I'm ignorant of that part of the fanbase.

Here's an example of an infamous GameFAQs user... I found out about that after.


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There's a bunch.

It exploded once the game came out in North America, but I have quite a few Sumia haters on my address book block list on Youtube.

Being one of the first people who had footage of the game, people used to flock to my channel and post their... *vocal* opinions on pairings in a game that wasn't even out yet.

That has led me to be more... jerkish when it comes to husbandos and waifus... if you've seen me slander a few of them.

Tch... Youtube's so full of crap, sometimes. I think people intentionally want to start a riot.

I don't stalk you around the site and whatnot, so if you have I've never seen it, except for those series of joke posts you made. And, just like Zeem said, it's not like I'd care either. Most of us here are actually mature to handle a bit of criticism for our choices and opinions and don't turn into a bunch of rabid animals because someone has the audacity to disagree with us.

I'd like to see some of them try that on me. I know Henry's an odd choice, come at me haters.

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