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Shin Megami Tensei Mafia The Second- Day 3


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Time for super sub to save the day!

Best girl's case on Hiiro is good and really breaks down the oddity of their thought process. Their turnaround on Cutie seems completely random: he wanted answers, didn't get them, and so now doesn't suspect cutie enough to mention them? This is all apparently because an unproven motivator claim is sufficient evidence of townliness? People thinking your prime suspect is town is cause to push it harder and I think that is a more natural response: townies generally become frustrated that people are seeing who they think is scum as town. In a sort of no-way-can-I-let-this-happen way.

##Vote: Hiiro

All aboard.

I have a couple of town reads but the only other suspect imo right now is Camilla. For starters, reducing the glory of Camilla's bust is a lynchworthy sin upon itself, but what bugs me more is how they jump from person to person. I can't really follow how their reads evolve too much from each of their lynch priorities, despite the justification being there most of the time. Camilla what was it that you wanted to say at the end of the last phase but couldn't? Can you go into a little more detail as to what you particularly like about Best girl/Bolt to justify your 180s on them? Why is Santa scum and not just frustrated town, do you have an opinion on the quality of his reads or his thought process? I agree they're being a bit too defensive though, looking back.

That's it for now, I might reread Cutiefly because they didn't impose much of an impression on me despite being a hot topic of yesterday's discussion.

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yThis throws me off, because of these parts, primarily because you're painting YHVH and cutiefly as a team when it's basically an accusation of D1 bussing by a weak player. Unless you're going to tell us until you're blue in the face that YHVH and cutiefly are scumbuddies with bold attempts at a D1 bus, you're grasping.

If you're playing by this logic, you should be looking at cutiefly and myself as being a scumteam, as there's virtually no benefit in building such a cruddy association betwixt two controversial players this early into the game, and cutie's efforts to ignore me until about now should look stranger than a vote on a player that's basically a mirror of myself. There has to be a reason as to why YHVH would vote for cutiefly, and why the opposite would basically happen. I'd almost rather you scumread me over YHVH here, just so I can tell that your thinking cap is on straight.

My apologies, but I think you're the one who's grasping here. Why should I be trying to work out the complete scumteam together on Day 1? I don't think I'm good enough to guess the entire mafia based off of one day's worth of posts! My vote on YHVH was for different reasons to

The only reason I even brought up a potential link between the two players in the first place was because I was asked to; not because I thought anything was there. I myself D1 bussed my teammates before when they weren't in a bad spot as a side suspicion or even a main suspicion to try and distance myself (if I don't think the lynch is going to work) which is why I wasn't willing to draw conclusions based on what little we had so far. I don't know how you interpreted that as me reaching to link the pair together when it is in fact the exact opposite.

I didn't vote for you because you were just not posting, whereas YHVH barely posted and had posts I disliked. Why would I have tried to lynch you if there was nothing to gain from it if you flip town? It'd be a crapshoot and we'd be stuck in Day 1.2.

Reading over late yesterday again before casting my vote. The extended night kind of messed with how involved I felt in the game. I do think that Hiiro visit looks makes him look bad on him based on the context of the game (he ignores it, we already have a dead tracker) and basically what Bast said.

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Looking back at phase end, one of the things that really pings me is cutie's vote which is... pretty awful. I get that its consolidation but I'd at least expect an opinion on YHVH with the amount of time we had left! Based on them dropping YHVH completely earlier on in the day, I'm definitely not happy with this.

The nightkill confuses me because logically Brexit makes the most sense as mafia for doing it, but I like what the new Brexit has posted so far! Mainly about Camilla because I don't think scum have any reason to pick a fight with her currently, even if they aren't pressing it too hard. Based on ISO reading though this also kind of leads me back to cutie because Azure was questioning them an awful lot!

... where did you say you thought cutie was null? I can't tell from reading through your ISO.

and wait what??? I never said anything about your interactions with YHVH.

Here! As I said in a previous post I accidentally typed my own name instead of cutie, but it makes sense in context. I'm... fairly sure that you did but I'm honestly too lazy to look back right now and I don't particularly have a problem with you so I'm willing to drop it.

I have short thoughts on Santa written up but I want to hear what he has to say first because they kind of affect them.

##Vote: cutiefly

This is following on from yesterday as well as the general weirdness of their end of phase vote and the kill. The Hiiro lynch is also pretty good.

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Oh, well, it could have been worse, right?

At least YHVH was a vainilla Townie. I'm grateful it wasn't anything more vital, but it was a mistake, nonetheless, and I feel that some information could be found in those late votes (yes, including me, I guess)

I don't think Camilla is scum. She was the first to push for an extension when things looked grim, and I can't imagine a Mafia pulling a stunt like that, right? Why would you want more time for the town to find you?

Besides she's consistently making long and informative posts, so should she be Mafia (that she's not) she would eventually say something that would nopt click, I think.

I have no idea about what to think of Hiro. I have no idea of everything, I'm affraid. But I'll be here if you need me to talk, or everything :)

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Regarding how the last day phase ended:

- Cutie doesn't even try or put up a case in terms of lynch candidate and flows too easily into YHVH. Pretty bad post/vote IMO.

- Sharp likewise has a poor vote- the listed reason behind it is "I'll trust my biggest Town read, Camilla, and vote what she said. That's the reason behind my vote, not a read, or anything". Are you SERIOUS? This spells out either an extremely lazy and scummy gameplay straight up (not even bothering to look into lynch candidates, find any sort of logical reason to support your own voting/lynching of them, etc.), or you just don't care enough to get into this game. Either way, I do not like this action from this slot, and reads terribly scummy to me.

- I do not like the way in which Santa ends up hammering. For one, there was a post made several minutes prior (which makes it possible for Santa to have seen it prior to posting up their own post) from Camilla asking NOT to hammer, and then saying something like, "Part 2 coming before phase end I wanted to make sure my vote gets out" and then vote dropping anyways makes little to no sense to me. If there's something you wanted to get out, while someone else ASKS to not hammer, it's common sense to not put a vote in the first post and instantly hammer as a result. I feel as though this post was actually scum tactic in ending the day phase before Camilla could get any other thoughts in beforehand, assuming Camilla is town-side.

Start of Day 2:

- Hiiro has avoided (as mentioned by others) responding about that odd announcement in the mod post, which seems weird. Post itself also doesn't say a whole lot, so not feeling great about it, and he remains as a Tier 1 scum read for me.

- Brexit's sub's post actually reads half way decent to me, which makes my initial thoughts on the player slot on D1 shift a bit more towards positive, albeit slightly.

- I haven't had any problems with Upbeat as of D1, and I find myself agreeing that Cutiefly is far from in the clear currently.

- Sharp's content, once again, is terrible even now. Start putting forth some effort to scum hunt, will you? "No idea about this, no idea about that", and then just asserting that Camilla is a town-read for you for X/Y/Z reasons? (And the fact that she agreed/asked for the extension, when it was CLEAR we needed one at that point, means that it's not necessarily a town-side assertion at all. Don't see how something like that can clear someone remotely as town-side.) Secondly, having lengthy posts in themselves means little, as it can be done by any sort of alignment.

You're not making any effort on your own to scum hunt or care to read into anyone else but Camilla and you are only shadowing her votes at this point, which makes your player slot basically Camilla 2.0, which is really bad IMO, especially if one/both of you end up as Scum. (Worst case scenario would probably be Camilla as scum, you as town, and you're basically dogging her the entire way mindlessly (and giving her extra support/voting/lynch power) because you don't care enough to put forth your own cases/thoughts and make your own votes as a result.)

There are sufficient votes on Hiiro's slot atm, so I'm going after my other priority currently, given the most recent post(s). Sharp needs to kick it into gear, or get removed if the lack of effort/interest in doing things himself doesn't change. We don't need people shamelessly sheeping for an entire game for zero reason.

##Vote: Sharp

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- Sharp likewise has a poor vote- the listed reason behind it is "I'll trust my biggest Town read, Camilla, and vote what she said. That's the reason behind my vote, not a read, or anything". Are you SERIOUS? This spells out either an extremely lazy and scummy gameplay straight up (not even bothering to look into lynch candidates, find any sort of logical reason to support your own voting/lynching of them, etc.), or you just don't care enough to get into this game. Either way, I do not like this action from this slot, and reads terribly scummy to me.

Well, yeah, pretty much.

I really had nothing on YHVH, so of course I wan't going to make something up to look "less scummy", I guess. Better be honest and admit that I was merely following the vote, right?

- Sharp's content, once again, is terrible even now. Start putting forth some effort to scum hunt, will you? "No idea about this, no idea about that", and then just asserting that Camilla is a town-read for you for X/Y/Z reasons? (And the fact that she agreed/asked for the extension, when it was CLEAR we needed one at that point, means that it's not necessarily a town-side assertion at all. Don't see how something like that can clear someone remotely as town-side.) Secondly, having lengthy posts in themselves means little, as it can be done by any sort of alignment.

You're not making any effort on your own to scum hunt or care to read into anyone else but Camilla and you are only shadowing her votes at this point, which makes your player slot basically Camilla 2.0, which is really bad IMO, especially if one/both of you end up as Scum. (Worst case scenario would probably be Camilla as scum, you as town, and you're basically dogging her the entire way mindlessly (and giving her extra support/voting/lynch power) because you don't care enough to put forth your own cases/thoughts and make your own votes as a result.)

There are sufficient votes on Hiiro's slot atm, so I'm going after my other priority currently, given the most recent post(s). Sharp needs to kick it into gear, or get removed if the lack of effort/interest in doing things himself doesn't change. We don't need people shamelessly sheeping for an entire game for zero reason.


Now, I'm affraid I will have to stop you right there, and let something clear.

Maybe I might be a complete n00b at this game, but you have no right, my friend, to call me a waste of a slot. How can you be so entitled to talk to me like that? Slow your revolutions and sit the fudge down, man.

I accept the fact that I'm not as top poster, but I'm, in no way, an idler. I post what I need to say, and when I feel is necesary. Not to just flood the game with my ego like you're doing right there.

That was extremely uncalled for.

Unfortunately I digress.

My post count might not be high, but I am, like it or not, producing content at a normal rate. No need to rush things when there isn't much to add.

You'll see at least 2 of my posts per page, so your argument falls flat on its nose.

Not to add, I have beenadding input that was totally overlooked (like the upbeat claim) and the fact that you're so desperate to find something scummy in an otherwise completely normal and honest behaviour, is, funnily enough, scummy :/

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I didn't know I was supposed to acknowledge the announcement of who I visited last night. If you want to ask questions about it feel free to, but I targeted a scum read and I didn't see any reason to post about what I targeted them with.

What would you expect exactly? Did everyone want me to come into the day phase going "OH WHAT IS THIS SHIT" Or "OH YEAH I DID SO AND SO TO HIM" Like really? Are people really gonna give me flak for not responding about that bullshit? There is zero things to say about that and everyone who is actually commenting on that must literally be thinking on some crack because that is bullshit and it fully seems like your all digging for a claim for bullshit reasoning. I'm not gonna claim about some fucking announcement that only shows I targeted someone I targeted last night. There is zero reason for that.

One sec, I've basically all but stopped roleplaying now cause I have to respond to the amount of BS in this thread.

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reducing the glory of Camilla's bust is a lynchworthy sin upon itself

I have a picture where it’s even smaller. Wanna see?

what bugs me more is how they jump from person to person.

I did that on purpose. I couldn't see the game moving, and I posted to try to motivate people... but it was kind of stupid to wait for others to produce content when I could do that myself. So I analyzed everything everyone was doing and interpreted stuff that I'd usually ignore. I didn't make up anything, of course. I just lowered my standards for what I consider scummy, as if it was a long RVS, and tried pushing most people even if it was just a little bit. That way I could produce content that people could talk about, and I could derive better reads from the responses to my suspicions.

Camilla what was it that you wanted to say at the end of the last phase but couldn't?

I don't remember. I'm quite sure I wanted to tell people not give Santa a free pass and to pay attention to him, and I think I wanted to say that I agreed with Best Girl on Hiiro. Probably something else as well but when I saw the hammer I basically flipped the table and left.

Can you go into a little more detail as to what you particularly like about Best girl/Bolt to justify your 180s on them?

My cases on them weren't very strong from the beginning. I think I know who Best Girl is and both her reply and her content sound townie. I can give examples if you want, but I'm quite sure I can't explain this in a better way with my own words. I had a guess on who Bolt is from the beginning and going from that it was really weird that he didn’t post at all, so I tried to provoke him into posting. But now he’s here and his content is good, and that overrides my previous suspicion because that one was way weaker. I’m still skeptical though, I wouldn’t say that Bolt is definitely town, but rather a town lean.

Why is Santa scum and not just frustrated town

Because when he replied to me he focused on conveying emotional meaning, and clearly left the facts off. It's the kind of aggression people use when they know they're at fault but they don't want to admit it.

do you have an opinion on the quality of his reads or his thought process?

Cutiefly vote doesn't make much sense to me. Upbeat vote was placed when he was already under some pressure, and reasoning is similar to what others said before him. His earlier Upbeat read was very similar to mine as well. His Best Girl and cutiefly reads from his post before deadline are the same. The rest of his reads there are prods on inactives or townreads (or his read on me, which I already talked about). Overall not great.

I still can’t get a good grasp on his thought process, but I have a hard time believing that all of the things I found questionable about him are a coincidence (Promising posts that didn’t end up happening twice, one of them 12 minutes after what was supposed to be deadline, hammering early without having posted all of his reads). Pair that with the fact that his reads are not very original, and I think he’s actively avoiding contribution.

All of these questions were really well thought and productive in terms of getting me to explain my reads better. I think Brexit is town because I can’t see scum questioning someone like this.

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I read this post as going "RVS sucks, why can't we have proper discussion instead =/" which is a pretty easy way to look townie since you're pushing for useful discussion in the thread. Exceedingly minor point, though.

yo yo yo you're gonna head off without leaving your vote on anyone?

this actually really really stinks tbh

You wanted cutie to respond to your questions before you took your vote of her, but her only posts between your 5 and 6 are this and this regarding why she voted YHVH. and those reasons cutie gave are really really shitty. Are you saying that those 2 posts made you change your mind from voting Cutie to voting... nobody???

Yeah it did stink, I didn't notice the time/phase end and was swapped with other shit. It stinks about as much as your gameplay has been and the fact that you only started doing shit when people started calling you out. And as I had stated previously after cutie's claim I didn't intend to lynch them at the point in time. The vote was wasted on them, the vote being on nobody was a mistake that I acknowledge was my fuck up. I'll go back to acknowledge the rest of your posts shortly, considering one of them was basically full of unneeded text of you guessing who players were maybe you should examine yourself before you start calling others out for doing jack all.

Excuse my French, but this is a ridiculous logical jump, after a pointless promise. For a come-back post, this is awful scummy.

Additionally, Hiiro, for living with a "Wait and see" playstyle while hanging on a single point of one particular player, and also for adopting a "I'll explain why Best Girl is scummy" thought process, for two phases now, without yet posting a reason for it. Active or not, you indicate that you'd have had something, yet there's still not even a hint of thought in here.

Defintely awfully scummy, why didn't you state that yesterday. You had to have been on or you would have gotten prodded or subbed. This is a load of bullshit. Also considering other people had actually agreed with my logic at the time are you saying all of them have ridiculous logic as well or are you just trying to throw shit at me? For two phases is exaggerating it and you should stop trying to bullshit people. I posted about best girl at near the end of day 1 without knowing about it, intended to recap on it the following day after I got home, didn't get a chance to cause phase was ended and I'm an idiot. This is now the start of the second phase that I posted this and because of my work hours you won't see me on at times and I sure as hell won't spend all the time I have sitting here typing up responses to shit like this post ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Everything you've stated has been shitty, also for all this fucking reasoning you seem to have against me you drop a vote on fucking cutiefly like you don't actually give two shits to push me? Any reason for that?

Hiiro, can you confirm that you indeed visited Bolt last night? I think the announcement is fake. Chain follower plus another investigative role (tracker/watcher?) that announces results in thread don't go very well together, and if so this would explain why there's a rule about investigation results not being accurate.

I'm ok with Bolt, he sounds townie. I hope you don't run away again.

##Vote: Hiiro

I bothered to check his words and his explanations sound really fake. It's as if he's trying hard to make all his actions fit into his previous logic, instead of following a train of thought. I also find myself agreeing with Best Girl and Bolt on him.

So you're doing what is required, instead of what you feel like doing/what you think is the right choice? This is a really scummy point of view.

I dislike Santa more now, too. His reply to me is overaggressive and doesn't really get to the point. Do you think that my content is scummy?

Saying that you think Bolt sounds townie is just weak, why does he sound townie? Frankly his cutiefly vote is as weak as overcooked pasta and both of you need get out of here before the place becomes a manure factory. He posted reasons for voting me that were way better than his random Cutiefly vote but dropped a cutiefly vote on them without actually commenting much on them. The most he has is one quote and a link to one of the posts they made but even then the reasoning stated is pretty weak and seems fake and more like a pressure vote to make them just post than he actually finds them scummy. If that's not false and forced and lying then I don't know what is.

Yes I visited Bolt last night, the announcement was accurate, why it happened I don't know but I could haphazard guesses. The fact that Bolt themselves didn't take any account to me targeting them is something I would find more interesting than me targeting them and not acknowledging it right away which apparently people give me shit for, WHICH IS JUST DOWN RIGHT STUPID.


Completely ignores the bit where it was announced he visited bolt, gives vague scum reads, then doesn't vote. Add into a lackluster day 1 and I'm cool with this for now.

*Claps* Nice post. C'mon you can do more than that. Great you think I'm scum and you want to vote me, let's go over the reasoning. "COMPLETELY IGNORES THE ANNOUNCEMENT" WELL FUCK DUH. Use your brain people. You and the other people who commented about this should actually straight up think about what fucking bullshit it would be to pointlessly comment about it.

If it's false, I would have pointed it out right away.

If it's true, it doesn't matter, the most I would say is "Yes I did target Bolt" But that doesn't give out any useful information to ANYONE. Unless you are trying to dig for a claim saying that I'm scummy for ignoring it is bullshit and if you are digging for a claim fuck off, I have ZERO reason to claim because of that. Vague scum reads I can definitely agree with my day 1 was lackluster and my scum read was primarily on cutiefly who had my primary attention. Most of the other stuff happening in the game didn't set off many scum radars to me. Sorry to tell ya but that's how shit overall of day 1 was and if you disagree than we can agree to disagree because day 1 itself was so lackluster and filled with nothing we had to get an extension to even do anything and that's the blunt fucking truth.

NOW ANYWHO WHAT ABOUT YOUR OWN THOUGHTS FRAND? I give vague scum reads? Okay what about your other scum reads? You voted me but obviously that can't be your only one and obviously that can't be the only thing you would care to say at the start of the day phase. Everyone else's post look all big and at least have a paragraph. Your little one liner stands out for it's laziness.

Time for super sub to save the day!

Best girl's case on Hiiro is good and really breaks down the oddity of their thought process. Their turnaround on Cutie seems completely random: he wanted answers, didn't get them, and so now doesn't suspect cutie enough to mention them? This is all apparently because an unproven motivator claim is sufficient evidence of townliness? People thinking your prime suspect is town is cause to push it harder and I think that is a more natural response: townies generally become frustrated that people are seeing who they think is scum as town. In a sort of no-way-can-I-let-this-happen way.

##Vote: Hiiro

All aboard.

I have a couple of town reads but the only other suspect imo right now is Camilla. For starters, reducing the glory of Camilla's bust is a lynchworthy sin upon itself, but what bugs me more is how they jump from person to person. I can't really follow how their reads evolve too much from each of their lynch priorities, despite the justification being there most of the time. Camilla what was it that you wanted to say at the end of the last phase but couldn't? Can you go into a little more detail as to what you particularly like about Best girl/Bolt to justify your 180s on them? Why is Santa scum and not just frustrated town, do you have an opinion on the quality of his reads or his thought process? I agree they're being a bit too defensive though, looking back.

That's it for now, I might reread Cutiefly because they didn't impose much of an impression on me despite being a hot topic of yesterday's discussion.

The first comment about my turnaround on cutiefly is basically already answered so I'm not gonna go into this. I DID actually state during day 1 that I felt the claim was town, that should have been enough reasoning for people to understand I didn't plan to go through with a cutiefly lynch. However sitting around and being petty because Cutiefly ignored my fucking questions is going to help how? Can anyone of you actually think of a reasoning as to why I should have kept voting cutiefly even thought I thought she had a townie claim and there was no more discussion going on between me and her? Would you all have rathered me to bombard Cutie for answers to my, like, two(?) questions WHICH TO BE SPECIFIC B-CUP CAMILLA ACTUALLY ANSWERED ONE OF THEM FOR ME. Unproven motivator claim isn't sufficient evidence but an unproved motivator claim is enough for me to not want to lynch them day fucking 1 and apparently enough reason for others to back off of them as well. For a super sub your 'super' part isn't seeming to show at the moment. This further explains why your vote on me is bullshit. If people actually used their brains, go back and see what I posted, what b-cup camilla actually responded to me and Azure about my question involving cutie's thoughts on YHVH, then you could use your brain and have the common ability to think about how I would not be voting them at that current time. So I guess in a sort of way YOU CAN LET IT HAPPEN BECAUSE IT ALREADY DID. Got any other trash reasoning's I need to take out to the dumpster?

Regarding how the last day phase ended:

- Cutie doesn't even try or put up a case in terms of lynch candidate and flows too easily into YHVH. Pretty bad post/vote IMO.

- Sharp likewise has a poor vote- the listed reason behind it is "I'll trust my biggest Town read, Camilla, and vote what she said. That's the reason behind my vote, not a read, or anything". Are you SERIOUS? This spells out either an extremely lazy and scummy gameplay straight up (not even bothering to look into lynch candidates, find any sort of logical reason to support your own voting/lynching of them, etc.), or you just don't care enough to get into this game. Either way, I do not like this action from this slot, and reads terribly scummy to me.

- I do not like the way in which Santa ends up hammering. For one, there was a post made several minutes prior (which makes it possible for Santa to have seen it prior to posting up their own post) from Camilla asking NOT to hammer, and then saying something like, "Part 2 coming before phase end I wanted to make sure my vote gets out" and then vote dropping anyways makes little to no sense to me. If there's something you wanted to get out, while someone else ASKS to not hammer, it's common sense to not put a vote in the first post and instantly hammer as a result. I feel as though this post was actually scum tactic in ending the day phase before Camilla could get any other thoughts in beforehand, assuming Camilla is town-side.

Start of Day 2:

- Hiiro has avoided (as mentioned by others) responding about that odd announcement in the mod post, which seems weird. Post itself also doesn't say a whole lot, so not feeling great about it, and he remains as a Tier 1 scum read for me.

- Brexit's sub's post actually reads half way decent to me, which makes my initial thoughts on the player slot on D1 shift a bit more towards positive, albeit slightly.

- I haven't had any problems with Upbeat as of D1, and I find myself agreeing that Cutiefly is far from in the clear currently.

- Sharp's content, once again, is terrible even now. Start putting forth some effort to scum hunt, will you? "No idea about this, no idea about that", and then just asserting that Camilla is a town-read for you for X/Y/Z reasons? (And the fact that she agreed/asked for the extension, when it was CLEAR we needed one at that point, means that it's not necessarily a town-side assertion at all. Don't see how something like that can clear someone remotely as town-side.) Secondly, having lengthy posts in themselves means little, as it can be done by any sort of alignment.

You're not making any effort on your own to scum hunt or care to read into anyone else but Camilla and you are only shadowing her votes at this point, which makes your player slot basically Camilla 2.0, which is really bad IMO, especially if one/both of you end up as Scum. (Worst case scenario would probably be Camilla as scum, you as town, and you're basically dogging her the entire way mindlessly (and giving her extra support/voting/lynch power) because you don't care enough to put forth your own cases/thoughts and make your own votes as a result.)

There are sufficient votes on Hiiro's slot atm, so I'm going after my other priority currently, given the most recent post(s). Sharp needs to kick it into gear, or get removed if the lack of effort/interest in doing things himself doesn't change. We don't need people shamelessly sheeping for an entire game for zero reason.

##Vote: Sharp

Hindsight is 20/20 but cutie wasn't the worst person to vote for YHVH. I really do need to go and look at your other massive wall post but who has the time to read that. I see that shit and skip past it holy fuck.

I figured you had a brain initially but apparently you also think I should comment on an announcement. Seriously people, ask yourself WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE IF THE ANNOUNCEMENT HAD SAID YOUR NAME THERE INSTEAD? Would you instantly claim? Would you bullshit it and say it was a lie? Would you waste the time of day to comment on if it's true or not? Is there any actual fucking reason to comment on it? If one of the two people bring it up and bring information to the table, then cool. If not then that means most likely no information was really gained if neither of them cared to post anything about the night phase or it would be something to keep secret.

Hypothetically about this:

If I was an inventor, neither me or Bolt would care to fucking comment about it because more than likely Bolt wouldn't want to just reveal a role like that right away?

If I was a cop and I got an innocent claim on Bolt, then I definitely wouldn't just out that for any fucking reason right away.

There are others but you get the idea.

I can't help but notice how everyone's vote on me is starting to stink, clean it up.

For now though as mentioned during this post, FUCK BOLT.

##Vote: Bolt

Another quote post will probably entail Best girls and my thoughts on all hers later. But for now I'm done typing and I'm gonna go read my book or play League.

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I'm annoyed cause half the people voting me are literally just not even thinking though.

Like legit. What did people expect me to say regarding the announcement? I want a legit an well thought out actual answer regarding that. Like I want something logical that I should have stated that isn't far-fetched that apparently half the player base posting expected me to comment with.

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Defintely awfully scummy, why didn't you state that yesterday.

You had to have been on or you would have gotten prodded or subbed.

This is a load of bullshit. Also considering other people had actually agreed with my logic at the time are you saying all of them have ridiculous logic as well or are you just trying to throw shit at me?

For two phases is exaggerating it and you should stop trying to bullshit people. I posted about best girl at near the end of day 1 without knowing about it, intended to recap on it the following day after I got home, didn't get a chance to cause phase was ended and I'm an idiot.

This is now the start of the second phase that I posted this and because of my work hours you won't see me on at times and I sure as hell won't spend all the time I have sitting here typing up responses to shit like this post ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Everything you've stated has been shitty,

also for all this fucking reasoning you seem to have against me you drop a vote on fucking cutiefly like you don't actually give two shits to push me? Any reason for that?

I wasn't around yesterday to a capacity that would encourage worthwhile posting. If you and I both have reasons to keep us from being involved in the game, then let's not get too carried away in turning this into an argument. In this instance, I'm looking at the fact that you had posted, rather than the quality of your posts.

I was prodded, and if the mod'll let me quote it, that'll save him the need to announce his own prod on me and whoever else. I still wasn't immediately available right when he prodded me.

You posted twice about having something on Best Girl, and with the entirety of night 1, you could've easily jotted down some notes to copypaste into your opening day 2 post. I wouldn't have called you out for your empty promises if you hadn't promise twice to deliver and then not. I don't see why you're getting so bent out of shape when you've

And last but not least, cutiefly has been far more vocal and active than you, while you had a case on cutiefly which I was anticipating. If you don't want to acknowledge everything before the part where I called you out, that's basically a big chunk of me calling cutiefly out for things, and even taking a tangent of what Azure said about cutiefly and taking what they said to call cutiefly out further, then I don't know what to tell you. I've seen what cutiefly's capable of and providing towards the game. I'd not seen the same from you. I didn't need a vote on you to get this explosion of expletives thrown out at every other player. All I needed to do was call you out for something and see if you'd respond before feeling the need to place a vote or not.

Yes I visited Bolt last night, the announcement was accurate, why it happened I don't know but I could haphazard guesses. The fact that Bolt themselves didn't take any account to me targeting them is something I would find more interesting than me targeting them and not acknowledging it right away which apparently people give me shit for, WHICH IS JUST DOWN RIGHT STUPID.

Since nothing happened to me, I don't really know and/or care that an announcement came up about you visiting me, because:

Without reason, I don't have to necessarily believe that the announcement is a result or just somebody like prims posting a "result" within an announcement

You're the one who was caught visiting me, and since I have nothing on me that I know of due to your role, why should I sit here and panic in public when you're the one who has the fire lit under your feet? With time would come a reaction from you regarding the result, and I can gauge things from there.

I guess I'll end with Who's scum? You've still got this case on Best Girl that we're all waiting for. Did you just vote me to exercise your frustrations or do you actually think I'm scum, and is that about all you've got right now? Your post left a lot more questions than answers.

I don't think Camilla is scum. She was the first to push for an extension when things looked grim, and I can't imagine a Mafia pulling a stunt like that, right? Why would you want more time for the town to find you?

For the record, this isn't an Alignment-indicative move, as Mafia has just as much reason to push for an extension with the purpose of blending in, (or making the game more fun for themselves) as town does to genuinely take advantage of more time to scumhunt. I wouldn't put too much weight in this thought, and instead, look more at the player herself.

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Hiiro's wall is a great counterexample to one of the points against Santa that Brexit asked me about:

when (Santa) replied to me he focused on conveying emotional meaning, and clearly left the facts off. It's the kind of aggression people use when they know they're at fault but they don't want to admit it.

Scum rage = Santa, Town rage = Hiiro. Even if Hiiro was just as annoyed, or more, than Santa, the actual thoughts are there and they're just as important.

Earlier I stated that his tone felt weird, but if he was roleplaying that would explain it.


##vote: Santa (nothing about him changed, but strongest scumread right now)

I have stuff to reply to but it'll probably have to wait.

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I don't have a lot of time currently to post, but I will say this.

Hiiro, I more said I found it weird due to the lack of response in general, and to hear your thoughts thereafter. I never meant to imply that you were to react in any specific way, whether it'd be a denial, acceptance (confirming the announcement itself), or something in between. The secondary part of my notion basically just said that my stance hasn't changed much since D1, given that I hadn't seen much reason or post(s) to do so. That is all.

On a side note, I do find Hiiro's posts/reactions and responses to sound more townie than scummy atm. I may need to look into his longer posts more closely when I have the time, but I'm viewing the slot in a slightly better light.

And sorry if my posts end up longer than what most people like or care to read. It's just my style of posting and such.

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Well, yeah, pretty much.

I really had nothing on YHVH, so of course I wan't going to make something up to look "less scummy", I guess. Better be honest and admit that I was merely following the vote, right?


Now, I'm affraid I will have to stop you right there, and let something clear.

Maybe I might be a complete n00b at this game, but you have no right, my friend, to call me a waste of a slot. How can you be so entitled to talk to me like that? Slow your revolutions and sit the fudge down, man.

I accept the fact that I'm not as top poster, but I'm, in no way, an idler. I post what I need to say, and when I feel is necesary. Not to just flood the game with my ego like you're doing right there.

That was extremely uncalled for.

Let me put it in another way then, since you seem to believe that my case/notions against you are more of a personal attack than actual legitimate points (which results in me viewing your slot as T1 scum currently). I will ISO surf and make a note of literally EVERY post you have made and what they've brought to the table.

Post #1: RVS Post. Okay, cool.

Post #2: Dump post. (literally says nothing content-wise)

Post #3:Some extremely vague thoughts wrt Cutiefly, which is some minor attempts at content. Okay.

Post #4: Really timid vote on Brexit that is only supported by you saying (and I quote): "I just feel that you're acting strange." This is important to note for the following post.

Post #5: Here, in this NEXT post, you assert: "I think that I explained my vote well!" concerning the BREXIT vote. Clearly, based on looking at the prior post, you did NOT. You also admit to backseat voting (which is basically SHEEPING), and not even putting up your own case/notions against him, and find his response(s) to your actions questionable or scummy as a result? Quite frankly, if I were him, I'd assume the same thing.

Post #6: Yes, you did typo.

Post #7: Some hypothetical situations regarding the vague two shot claim made by Upbeat. Okay, fair enough, but others had already submitted prior thoughts/concerns of not voicing claims and such (myself included), so no actual scum hunting or content outside of that was made.

Post #8: This is where you shamelessly sheep Camilla's consolidation vote on YHVH, without any of your own thoughts or support. You also label her as your BIGGEST TOWN READ, which is to be kept in mind for your next post.

Post #9: "Oh well, at least we only lost a Vanilla townie. By the way, this is why Camilla's is probably not scum..." Is all that is said in this post. The latter is redundant regarding your prior post and the implication that she stood at your highest town read since last day phase. No other content is seen.

Post #10: And then your last post. Basically admitting to the sheeping, claiming that NOT HIDING IT makes it any better than just plain sheeping by itself, and then getting highly defensive when I made my case pointed at your slot.

So... what content is there to be found? My point exactly.

By the way....

Unfortunately I digress.

My post count might not be high, but I am, like it or not, producing content at a normal rate. No need to rush things when there isn't much to add.

You'll see at least 2 of my posts per page, so your argument falls flat on its nose.

Not to add, I have beenadding input that was totally overlooked (like the upbeat claim) and the fact that you're so desperate to find something scummy in an otherwise completely normal and honest behaviour, is, funnily enough, scummy :/

1. The only relevance POST COUNT has to a player is a matter of activity level. If they are posts that have ZERO content, which is about 99% of your posts from your ISO, then they fall flat on themselves and become meaningless to townside in terms of scum hunting. Period.
2. Point #1 basically makes the underlined section moot. You have no content, you have little to no interest in openly scum hunting and actually trying to make and think of cases, points, and votes from your OWN end, and you see no problem with it at all. That and you seem extremely defensive at the fact that I've pulled completely viable case points against you and have scum read your slot as a result.
3, You pulling up random hypothetical possibilities wrt Upbeat's claim (if it's even legitimate/true) doesn't do a whole lot for townside, especially at the point/time it occurred. No one ever attested to the fact of, "OH BOY UPBEAT'S CLAIM IS SUPER GOOD AND WE SHOULD OUT MORE INFORMATION AND OHBOY". It's pretty much an accepted fact that outing unnecessary information, regarding roles, day/night actions, etc. for little to NO reason is a bad play on townside's part. Because no one, especially townside, can truly accept everyone else around them as being townside- the only ones who have any sort of connection or means of support in this game are parties that have attachments/alliances that allow for open communication of some sort outside of this thread. Even townside roles like NEIGHBORS can often be Town/Scum pairs and not even realize it, due to the nature of the role (that the people connected are NOT guaranteed to be town or alliances of the partners aren't revealed to each other).
4. So, from my PoV at this point, your slot is doing close to nothing, and you're only spending 90% of your voting time sheeping people and not even bothering producing your own cases, thoughts, or attempts at scum hunting. This is why, from townside PoV, I ask myself, "What exactly is Sharp doing to help the rest of us?" Because, right now, I really can't say much of anything.
At this point, your reactions and assertions towards me hold absolutely no water, and the fact that you insist that my case against you makes me seem scummy (out of pure reaction/retaliation of my points against you) reads as OMGUS and far from the reaction Hiiro himself had concerning other matters. I stand at the point that your slot reads as scum, and your reactions make it seem even moreso.
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See, little fella? You're able to be agressive and give your points without needing to demean anyone. Try it more often, it might help you :3

As of what you said in that incredibly long post, my answers is simply "meh".

You're doing exactly the same thing you accuse me of doing, only in a more shiny way.

Half your posts are nothing but "Oh, hey, I'm late, I was busy, etc, etc".

Only your last 3 post are "content", as you call it, where you basically just make readlists. If that's what you feel is "Oh My Dog, what a content!" then you just had to say it!. I would immediatly create long posts with tons of words on it and reads, that ultimately would just fly by with little to no effect. Like yours! See, the truth is, you have absolutely nothing against me other than "lack of content" and the fact that I think Camilla is a Townie.
Oh, and that I was honest with y'all when I said I had no reason to vote YHVH.

If that's enough for you to cast a vote, feel free, dawg! But let me tell you, you're getting nowhere on this alley.

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I apologize about not being here at phase end. I forgot that it was scheduled to end at that time. In response to the above though, I wanted cutie to respond to my questions initially before I removed my vote, however I did state I felt the claim was town. I just wanted answers because I still didn't like some of the things stated. Cutie obviously chose to ignore me but I didn't feel like voting cutie would be of any good. We weren't gonna lynch cutie and cutie wasn't my #1 priority after the claim.

enough people have talked about how this sounded bad

[...] and I feel that some information could be found in those late votes (yes, including me, I guess)

I don't think Camilla is scum. She was the first to push for an extension when things looked grim, and I can't imagine a Mafia pulling a stunt like that, right? Why would you want more time for the town to find you?

Besides she's consistently making long and informative posts, so should she be Mafia (that she's not) she would eventually say something that would nopt click, I think.

I have no idea about what to think of Hiro. I have no idea of everything, I'm affraid. But I'll be here if you need me to talk, or everything :)

something something talk a lot say nothing god this sounds familiar

and yeah this sheeping of camilla is getting a bit out of hand. do you have actual reasons to townread camilla aside from "she is asking for things like extensions which benefit the town" - i.e., the things she's said?

I really had nothing on YHVH, so of course I wan't going to make something up to look "less scummy", I guess. Better be honest and admit that I was merely following the vote, right?


Now, I'm affraid I will have to stop you right there, and let something clear.

Maybe I might be a complete n00b at this game, but you have no right, my friend, to call me a waste of a slot. How can you be so entitled to talk to me like that? Slow your revolutions and sit the fudge down, man.

I accept the fact that I'm not as top poster, but I'm, in no way, an idler. I post what I need to say, and when I feel is necesary. Not to just flood the game with my ego like you're doing right there.

That was extremely uncalled for.

Unfortunately I digress.

My post count might not be high, but I am, like it or not, producing content at a normal rate. No need to rush things when there isn't much to add.

You'll see at least 2 of my posts per page, so your argument falls flat on its nose.

Not to add, I have beenadding input that was totally overlooked (like the upbeat claim) and the fact that you're so desperate to find something scummy in an otherwise completely normal and honest behaviour, is, funnily enough, scummy :/

i don't think his primary goal was to insult you and you're taking this entirely the wrong way

What Tetsuo is saying is, from his POV (I haven't given your slot a good look through; that's coming next), your slot's most notable contribution to the game has been to sheep townread Camilla and follow her every action. And yes, that is, to use his words, a waste of a slot, because you end up being an echo chamber instead of coming up with your own points and responses.

My cases on them weren't very strong from the beginning. I think I know who Best Girl is and both her reply and her content sound townie. I can give examples if you want, but I'm quite sure I can't explain this in a better way with my own words. I had a guess on who Bolt is from the beginning and going from that it was really weird that he didn’t post at all, so I tried to provoke him into posting. But now he’s here and his content is good, and that overrides my previous suspicion because that one was way weaker. I’m still skeptical though, I wouldn’t say that Bolt is definitely town, but rather a town lean.

[wrt Santa]

Because when he replied to me he focused on conveying emotional meaning, and clearly left the facts off. It's the kind of aggression people use when they know they're at fault but they don't want to admit it.

i'm not even trying to hide who i am

I'm also not feeling how this is different from Hiiro's anger? Are you saying that Hiiro's rageposts feel more townie because there's some content in there, as opposed to Santa? Because Santa did have content in the half-list he posted, sans his reply to you (and he's arguably showing his discontent towards Tether/Bolt too).

I didn't know I was supposed to acknowledge the announcement of who I visited last night. If you want to ask questions about it feel free to, but I targeted a scum read and I didn't see any reason to post about what I targeted them with.

What would you expect exactly? Did everyone want me to come into the day phase going "OH WHAT IS THIS SHIT" Or "OH YEAH I DID SO AND SO TO HIM" Like really? Are people really gonna give me flak for not responding about that bullshit? There is zero things to say about that and everyone who is actually commenting on that must literally be thinking on some crack because that is bullshit and it fully seems like your all digging for a claim for bullshit reasoning. I'm not gonna claim about some fucking announcement that only shows I targeted someone I targeted last night. There is zero reason for that.

One sec, I've basically all but stopped roleplaying now cause I have to respond to the amount of BS in this thread.

like for BabyRage share for PJSalt

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See, little fella? You're able to be agressive and give your points without needing to demean anyone. Try it more often, it might help you :3

i've heard this thing about "pot, kettle, black..."

apparently i know a lot of idioms

I didn't know I was supposed to acknowledge the announcement of who I visited last night. If you want to ask questions about it feel free to, but I targeted a scum read and I didn't see any reason to post about what I targeted them with.

What would you expect exactly? Did everyone want me to come into the day phase going "OH WHAT IS THIS SHIT" Or "OH YEAH I DID SO AND SO TO HIM" Like really? Are people really gonna give me flak for not responding about that bullshit? There is zero things to say about that and everyone who is actually commenting on that must literally be thinking on some crack because that is bullshit and it fully seems like your all digging for a claim for bullshit reasoning. I'm not gonna claim about some fucking announcement that only shows I targeted someone I targeted last night. There is zero reason for that.

One sec, I've basically all but stopped roleplaying now cause I have to respond to the amount of BS in this thread.

i left the 2nd half of my response out

When Marth gave information like that in the thread which could have been easily confirmed/denied by you, you had to expect there'd be some kind of response expected, right? I mean, literally all you had to say was "yes, i targeted bolt. no, i'm not telling you why." Done. Instead of making everyone chase you and... whatever you posted below this.


disclaimer: the below post left me rly rly tilted because i see sudden, unprecedented rage as a prime, #1 scumtell

##Vote: Hiiro

in response to BestGirl

1. Yeah it did stink, I didn't notice the time/phase end and was swapped with other shit. It stinks about as much as your gameplay has been and the fact that you only started doing shit when people started calling you out. And as I had stated previously after cutie's claim I didn't intend to lynch them at the point in time. The vote was wasted on them, the vote being on nobody was a mistake that I acknowledge was my fuck up. I'll go back to acknowledge the rest of your posts shortly, considering one of them was basically full of unneeded text of you guessing who players were maybe you should examine yourself before you start calling others out for doing jack all.

in response to Bolt

2. Defintely awfully scummy, why didn't you state that yesterday. You had to have been on or you would have gotten prodded or subbed. This is a load of bullshit. Also considering other people had actually agreed with my logic at the time are you saying all of them have ridiculous logic as well or are you just trying to throw shit at me? For two phases is exaggerating it and you should stop trying to bullshit people. I posted about best girl at near the end of day 1 without knowing about it, intended to recap on it the following day after I got home, didn't get a chance to cause phase was ended and I'm an idiot. This is now the start of the second phase that I posted this and because of my work hours you won't see me on at times and I sure as hell won't spend all the time I have sitting here typing up responses to shit like this post ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Everything you've stated has been shitty, also for all this fucking reasoning you seem to have against me you drop a vote on fucking cutiefly like you don't actually give two shits to push me? Any reason for that?

in response to Camilla

3. Saying that you think Bolt sounds townie is just weak, why does he sound townie? Frankly his cutiefly vote is as weak as overcooked pasta and both of you need get out of here before the place becomes a manure factory. He posted reasons for voting me that were way better than his random Cutiefly vote but dropped a cutiefly vote on them without actually commenting much on them. The most he has is one quote and a link to one of the posts they made but even then the reasoning stated is pretty weak and seems fake and more like a pressure vote to make them just post than he actually finds them scummy. If that's not false and forced and lying then I don't know what is.

Yes I visited Bolt last night, the announcement was accurate, why it happened I don't know but I could haphazard guesses. The fact that Bolt themselves didn't take any account to me targeting them is something I would find more interesting than me targeting them and not acknowledging it right away which apparently people give me shit for, WHICH IS JUST DOWN RIGHT STUPID.

in response to Bast

4. *Claps* Nice post. C'mon you can do more than that. Great you think I'm scum and you want to vote me, let's go over the reasoning. "COMPLETELY IGNORES THE ANNOUNCEMENT" WELL FUCK DUH. Use your brain people. You and the other people who commented about this should actually straight up think about what fucking bullshit it would be to pointlessly comment about it.

If it's false, I would have pointed it out right away.

If it's true, it doesn't matter, the most I would say is "Yes I did target Bolt" But that doesn't give out any useful information to ANYONE. Unless you are trying to dig for a claim saying that I'm scummy for ignoring it is bullshit and if you are digging for a claim fuck off, I have ZERO reason to claim because of that. Vague scum reads I can definitely agree with my day 1 was lackluster and my scum read was primarily on cutiefly who had my primary attention. Most of the other stuff happening in the game didn't set off many scum radars to me. Sorry to tell ya but that's how shit overall of day 1 was and if you disagree than we can agree to disagree because day 1 itself was so lackluster and filled with nothing we had to get an extension to even do anything and that's the blunt fucking truth.

NOW ANYWHO WHAT ABOUT YOUR OWN THOUGHTS FRAND? I give vague scum reads? Okay what about your other scum reads? You voted me but obviously that can't be your only one and obviously that can't be the only thing you would care to say at the start of the day phase. Everyone else's post look all big and at least have a paragraph. Your little one liner stands out for it's laziness.

in response to Brexit

5. The first comment about my turnaround on cutiefly is basically already answered so I'm not gonna go into this. I DID actually state during day 1 that I felt the claim was town, that should have been enough reasoning for people to understand I didn't plan to go through with a cutiefly lynch. However sitting around and being petty because Cutiefly ignored my fucking questions is going to help how? Can anyone of you actually think of a reasoning as to why I should have kept voting cutiefly even thought I thought she had a townie claim and there was no more discussion going on between me and her? Would you all have rathered me to bombard Cutie for answers to my, like, two(?) questions WHICH TO BE SPECIFIC B-CUP CAMILLA ACTUALLY ANSWERED ONE OF THEM FOR ME. Unproven motivator claim isn't sufficient evidence but an unproved motivator claim is enough for me to not want to lynch them day fucking 1 and apparently enough reason for others to back off of them as well. For a super sub your 'super' part isn't seeming to show at the moment. This further explains why your vote on me is bullshit. If people actually used their brains, go back and see what I posted, what b-cup camilla actually responded to me and Azure about my question involving cutie's thoughts on YHVH, then you could use your brain and have the common ability to think about how I would not be voting them at that current time. So I guess in a sort of way YOU CAN LET IT HAPPEN BECAUSE IT ALREADY DID. Got any other trash reasoning's I need to take out to the dumpster?

in response to Tetsuo

6. Hindsight is 20/20 but cutie wasn't the worst person to vote for YHVH. I really do need to go and look at your other massive wall post but who has the time to read that. I see that shit and skip past it holy fuck.

I figured you had a brain initially but apparently you also think I should comment on an announcement. Seriously people, ask yourself WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE IF THE ANNOUNCEMENT HAD SAID YOUR NAME THERE INSTEAD? Would you instantly claim? Would you bullshit it and say it was a lie? Would you waste the time of day to comment on if it's true or not? Is there any actual fucking reason to comment on it? If one of the two people bring it up and bring information to the table, then cool. If not then that means most likely no information was really gained if neither of them cared to post anything about the night phase or it would be something to keep secret.

Hypothetically about this:

If I was an inventor, neither me or Bolt would care to fucking comment about it because more than likely Bolt wouldn't want to just reveal a role like that right away?

If I was a cop and I got an innocent claim on Bolt, then I definitely wouldn't just out that for any fucking reason right away.

There are others but you get the idea.

I can't help but notice how everyone's vote on me is starting to stink, clean it up.

For now though as mentioned during this post, FUCK BOLT.

##Vote: Bolt

7. Another quote post will probably entail Best girls and my thoughts on all hers later. But for now I'm done typing and I'm gonna go read my book or play League.

1. k good that you acknowledged that you screwed up with your vote; still doesn't explain why you didn't leave it for the time being on any other scumtell. I mean, you've said you don't like me for like 4 posts in a row now...

i appreciate a good OMGUS every mafia game i play. didn't realise SF was so into this shit though - this is, like, the 3rd one in 2 day phases! we've got so many more to go!!!

also apparently someone isn't aware of the rapier meme :(

2. who agreed with your logic anywhere? Santa (who looks bad enough as it is), maybe Azure? Camilla's vote on her is a consolidation vote, YHVH's vote is because of Cutie being "aggressive", which was the exact opposite reason for yours.

also it's a sin now to have more than 1 scumread?

3. bolt gives a good reply on why the onus is on you to respond to the info posted by marth

elaborate more on how his case on you is better than his case on cutie, please. they're both his scumreads, after all; maybe you could deign to explain his thought process for him?

4. how fucking hard is it to claim that you have an active role

also more OMGUS :)

5. i think you could have pressured cutie to answer anyway while still doing something meaningful with your vote? (you did neither)

Actually, let me try to get this thought process down.

i. Vote cutie

ii. bandwagon builds, cutie claims

iii. you ask cutie some questions

iv. cutie ignores you, presumably Camilla answers one of them for you (and i'm taking your word on this because i'm too lazy to go back and read it)

v. you unvote cutie and don't raise these questions until now

vi. you actually don't vote anybody else

how is the above consistent with what you said about not planning to go through with a cutie lynch? She was the primary bandwagon at the time, and you kept your vote on her because you wanted answers while still thinking her claim was towny. and then you don't bother to bring up these ignored questions until now.

shouldn't your response have been to vote literally any other scumread and keep pressuring? And I'm struggling to imagine why in the blue hell you would keep voting Cutie - all I can come up with is that you thought a wagon could still happen, then backtracked when it became obvious she wasn't going to die and now you're trying to explain it away because there is like a 0% chance cutie will be lynched due to her roleclaim (based on what we know, of course).

6. this is actually nothing but insults and it's all already been addressed

7. still waiting

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(now I remember the acronym I was looking for!)

this sounds like omgus, don't see the point of keeping your vote on someone that obviously won't be around and needs a sub (like the actual reasoning [sheeping] is much better here if Brexit is around to respond).

now that i've actually gone and read more behind the circumstances behind this vote i might just retcon whatever i said earlier on regarding Sharp. my bad. gimme a while to think on this because ironically now i'm not ok with everything except the enhanced reasoning behind the vote.

yep i'm going to bring this back up again

the brexit vote felt bad, you explained it later, fine, but you kept your vote on him after he said he was subbing out! this either means you didn't realise how futile this was, or you had no other scum read - i'm leaning towards the latter because you did acknowledge Brexit was leaving.

why are you town-reading Camilla?

Like yours! See, the truth is, you have absolutely nothing against me other than "lack of content" and the fact that I think Camilla is a Townie.

Oh, and that I was honest with y'all when I said I had no reason to vote YHVH.

your lack of content is fairly egregious - even now you're doing nothing but trying to protest your innocence and not coming up with anything regarding anybody else. and your sheeping... enough has been said about it.

like you're right that it's 'just' those 2 reasons. but they're 2 p big reasons.

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i have a feeling i'd see hiiro in a much more positive light if that post wasn't so angry. and i'm still feeling the scumvibes because the reasoning first felt lazy, now it feels excessively forced.

but at the same time sharp is rly rly bad


##Vote: Sharp

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Hiiro(2): Bast, Brexit

cutiefly(2): Upbeat, Bolt
Bolt(1): Hiiro

Santa(1): B-Cup Camilla

Sharp(2): Tetsuo, Best Girl

Not Voting(5): Santa, Tether, cutiefly, Fly Amanita, Sharp

You have about 47 hours, 20 minutes until phase end.

Edited by Magnificence Incarnate
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