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(FE7) Yet another gimmick draft: The Support Chain + Weapon Draft


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I have been in a few drafts in my day; some in the beginning and some recently. What has become obvious to me is that draft lists are stagnating. There is very little fluxuation in the top of draft; there's a general consensus in the top 5-10 units and that's how virtually every draft goes. So, in an effort to change it up, welcome to the strangest draft yet:

The Support Chain draft

with additional weapon draft

Each drafter will recieve Hector, Marcus, Athos, Eliwood, Lyn, Merlinus, and Ninian/Nils for free. The remaining 36 units will be drafted in a randomized snake order draft. Karla is packaged with Bartre to create an even 35 units, or 7 picks per drafter. However, unlike a normal draft, where every unit is up for grabs, your pick must be connected to the unit you selected in the previous via the support list. For the first round, you must a selected a unit that supports with one of the free units. I have looked ahead, and there are what I consider to be 5 relatively even strong first round choices to be made, albeit that one is a little off the radar, so drafters, do your homework. If at any time there is not a unit on the board that supports the unit you last chose, you may move back one selection until you find a unit you can pick.

Example: I picked Florina, Fiora, Kent, Sain. On my fifth round selection, no unit that supports Sain is available. I then move back to Kent. If a unit supporting Kent is avaiable, I would select that unit. If no unit is avaible, I go back to Fiora, then Florina, then free units. If no unit on the board supports any of my units (highly unlikely I'd imagine), any unit may be selected.

Secondly, after the complection of the character draft, a second draft of the weapons of the game will occur. The first pick of the weapons draft will belong to whomever would have draft next if another round of character drafting had occurred. This means the person who had the last pick in the first round of characters will have the first pick in the first round of weapons. There are 65 unique weapons in the draft. Each drafter will recieve all Iron weapons, Luna, Heal, Flux, Fire, Lightning, Javelins, Hand Axes, Warp, Rescue, Restore,and all PRF weapons for free.

Other rules:

HHM difficulty without Lyn mode

Matthew is free to open chests, doors, and steal when undrafted

All gaidens are required, except 19xx, 23x, and 28x which are strictly forbidden

Undrafted units are only allowed to find buried treasure, recruit other units and interact with other undrafted units.

Any other action by an undrafted unit recieves a 4 turn penalty per chapter used

Using an undrafted weapon is a 4 turn penalty per chapter used

Draft Picks must be made within 24 hours of the last pick. If they are not, I will randomly select a unit/weapon for you.

If I missed anything, let me know. Suggestions are welcome. Who else is man enough?


1. General Horace: Fiora, Kent, Sain, Isadora, Harken, Lowen, Renault

Weapons: Silver Sword, Killer Lance, Brave Sword, Brave Lance, Swordreaver, Longsword, Devil Axe, Fortify, Wvymslayer, Divine, Purge, Recover, Gespenst

2. Whitefang: Oswin, Priscilla, Lucius, Serra, Erk, Karel, Dart

Weapons: Silver Axe, Physic, Thunder, Brave Axe, Auerola, Short Spear, Torch, Shine, Steel Lance, Wo Dao, Luce, Aura, Silence

3. FionordeQuester: Florina, Farina, Bartre + Karla, Vaida, Dorcas, Geitz, Canas

Weapons: Silver Lance, Horseslayer, Unlock, Iron Blade, Spear, Slim Lance, Heavy Spear, Slim Sword, Eclipse, Swordslayer, Mend, Rex Hasta, Sleep

4. Janissary: Hawkeye, Pent, Louise, Heath, Legault, Guy, Rath

Weapons: Killer Axe, Brave Bow, Hammerne, Elfire, Axereaver, Armorslayer, Barrier, Light Brand, Short Bow, Bolting, Tomahawk, Longbow, Fimbluvetr

5. Integrity: Wil, Raven, Rebecca, Nino, Jaffar, Matthew, WALLACE!

Weapons: Killing Edge, Steel Sword, Steel Bow, Hammer, Lancereaver, Steel Axe, Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Rienfleche, Excalibur, Basilikos, Regal Blade, Nosferatu

[spoiler=Characters remaining]

Characters are done, broski

[spoiler=Weapons remaining]



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The support chain concept is kind of cool, but what's the point of drafting weapons? Drafting is a long enough process as it is without needing to make 70 additional picks.

I just though it was cool so I put it in. *shrug*. If no one likes it, I'd take it out.

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Well, I'm not participating (I'm in like, 3 RD drafts right now), so my opinion doesn't really matter. It would definitely be interesting to see what weapons go first, though.

I thought of the idea while trying to think up new ideas for draft. SS has a command draft, so I thought weapons were the best (only) thing left that hadn't been drafted. Doing a straight weapons draft would be kind of lame, so I added it to the end of the support chain draft I thought of. The theory is that more choices=more fun.

Plus, it's going to fun to watch frustration of the 4 people who can't use Silver Lance Marcus early game, or who can't use Killing Edge as a bosskiller weapon, etc. I think that providing more choices and restrictions would create more diverse and interesting gameplay.

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Sure, why not? I'll sign up.

Maybe to speed things along we could draft 2 weapons with each character?

Drafting weapons and characters at the same time would create serious issues imo. However, after a certain point in the weapons draft, it's definately concievable that we could pick two weapons at a time.

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Drafting weapons and characters at the same time would create serious issues imo. However, after a certain point in the weapons draft, it's definately concievable that we could pick two weapons at a time.

Yup, that makes sense.

One more dumb question. Merlinus? Can we chain his supports for the first pick? Not that you'd want to, but maybe you would.

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Yup, that makes sense.

One more dumb question. Merlinus? Can we chain his supports for the first pick? Not that you'd want to, but maybe you would.

I forgot about his existance. Go ahead and chain off him, I doubt he has better options than the others. Personally, I think I already know who the top 5 picks are. I highly suggest you look at support chains before this draft begins. One wrong pick in this draft can completely screw your team.

Edit: Merlinus's options suck. For what it's worth.

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Personally I'd suggest one gimmick at a time until you're sure one works, but I'm just like RK in this one so do what you feel like doing.

I don't think the support chain is as much of a gimick as it is a different way to draft. Anything that happens as a result of that is probably going to be able to be traced to poor drafting, which I am quite alright with punishing.

But weapons is definately pretty gimicky.

Yeah. Nino and Vaida aren't exactly first round picks. Also, aren't Karla and Ninian the only girls without seven options?

Vaida actually has decent support options. If she was a better pick herself, she might be in the running (ok , not really, but she is a prime example of why this draft style changes thing, as she's definately not as bad she is in normal drafts, since she comes with access to Heath [a fairly hard to get to unit], Harken, and Canas, who are both units likely to be skipped for better options early in the draft).

But that's just speculation of course.

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@Janissary: I meant that she wasn't normally a first round pick.

Anyway, here are the units that are available for first pick (I don't think I missed any, but I might have):

















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You have Fiora twice and are missing Farina, but otherwise that seems correct.

I don't want to give away too much, but let's just say that I don't plan on drafting Rath first.

Interestingly, I believe that Karel is the only unit that can't be drafted by round 2. (Bartre comes with Karla, otherwise he would be undraftable by round 2 as well.)

I think the first draft round is going to be very important, and going 5th is probably a big advantage.

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I already know who my first round pick is regardless of my spot in the draft. Hopefully that unit will still be available. I'm definately interested to see who people will take. There's some clear top tier units available, as well as some cusp units with decent support chain options. Should be fun.

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*checks schedule*

FUCK IT. I'm only in, what, four other drafts with no free time that I'm somehow making progress on (except the fe9 one fuck that) anyway.

I say drop the weapons draft and go for one gimmick at a time, but I'm in either way.

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I feel like having a team connected by supports (read: one that probably isn't as effective as a normal draft team) coupled with being limited weapon-wise will make this draft impossible. Unless it were HNM.

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*checks schedule*

FUCK IT. I'm only in, what, four other drafts with no free time that I'm somehow making progress on (except the fe9 one fuck that) anyway.

I say drop the weapons draft and go for one gimmick at a time, but I'm in either way.

Awesome. Don't worry about time; I have 3 other playthroughs are various games + work, so I doubt I'll be making fast progress. I just wanted to get it started.

I feel like having a team connected by supports (read: one that probably isn't as effective as a normal draft team) coupled with being limited weapon-wise will make this draft impossible. Unless it were HNM.

What weapon exactly is so gamebreaking exactly that I can't beat the game without it? And, like I said before, if you mess up your team in the draft, sorry kid, I am totally cool with punishing bad drafting. This draft simply requires more thought and planning and it actually matters who others pick.

I guess if someone else who wants to be in the draft doesn't want to draft weapons, I'll drop it. Maybe I can try that in a normal draft in the future.

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What weapon exactly is so gamebreaking exactly that I can't beat the game without it?

I'm thinking of one that comes close. Not sure if it makes things strictly impossible. Not gonna say which one because I'm curious to see if it is the obvious first pick.

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