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Another question for Europeans

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I'm currently trying to register the game but each time I enter the code I'm promted with "Product code entered is invalid.". Anyone else getting that? Indicating NOE havn't bothered to activate the regisration on thier end (it happens...I remember it was about a week before the gmaexbe verison of Zelda TP worked)

My code is 16 characters long.

Edit2:Seeing as it doesn't appear in the eligable games list I'm geussing they've forgotten to enable it. Meaning I'll miss out on my 50 bonus stars (and use up one of my 5 cases of signing up for them but not reciving them) since codestorms e-mail backlog is so long they'll get back to me at the end of the month.

Edit3: An e-mail ad for the game just popped into my inbox here it is:


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Oh yeah, I forgot I had one of those code things. I don't take notice of them anymore since I don't think they give away exclusive "goods" by registering products anymore (like the exclusive FE7 and FE9 wallpapers).

I might give it a try when I'm bored ^^;;;

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Oh yeah, I forgot I had one of those code things. I don't take notice of them anymore since I don't think they give away exclusive "goods" by registering products anymore (like the exclusive FE7 and FE9 wallpapers).

You need a lot of stars to get anything good on the stars catalogue and even then it is yesterdays goods. The Super Mario Galaxy soundtracks up for grabs would have been great...a year ago when Japan had them when I had over 16,000 of the stars from years of stars catalogue neglect but the great stars wipe made me spend them on 2 DS game racks, the notebooks and Kirby & The Amazing Mirror

I thought it had something to do that I scratched the code with my fingers instead of a coin, but good to know that it's not the case

At least you didn't peel with the sticker bit...the only tales I hear of are people losing the code due to peeling back the sticker and the paper coming off with it :(

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I forgot to add something. I would appreciate it if you could contact customers services of your respective country because here in the UK our customer services are codestorm who suck.

It'll be at least a week before I get any response to my e-mail (if I ever do!) and I'm reluctant to phone as I hear horror stories of high phone bills and hour long engaged tones.

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My code doesn't work either. Animal Crossing worked fine. They did this with my DS Lite but that was a present for Christmas so I don't have my code at the moment to see if it works yet.

I didn't get the stars bonus for Wario Land: Shake Dimension, so I e-mailed them last Thursday and so far nothing.

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Codestorm got back to me with instructions. Basically you give them some details (username, the invalid code, some evidence of code) and they will manually reigster it...

...which will probably fail for obvious reasons but it should make them realise what has happened...

More on this as it progresses.

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Bump. It works now. I'm going through the registration. That was close 2 days till stars bonus expired

Sadest thing is codestorm have yet to manually register it. Should be interesting to see what happens :(

Do it now if you can they've messed up the game value. You are supposed to get 200 stars but you get 250 stars instead. Those 50 stars might just save your life one day :lol:

Edited by Starwolf_UK
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