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Fire Emblem: The Tactician Wars


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Greetings, all. I am the All Mighty and Super Cool One, His Awesomeness Todas J. Miles III

Or, in less modest terms, I am a complete greenhorn! Of course, a modest one such as me has no need for such un-modest statements.

Now, to cut to the cheese chase. I am currently working on a Fire Emblem 7 ROM Hack set in an alternate universe. This ROM hack follows the events of the fabled "Tactician Wars", an event that happens every few hundred years. It includes along the way three tacticians, and a number of characters from an RP that I and several others roleplay on a different board. It is actually quite well developed. Stop chuckling. No, come back!


Anyways. It is still in VERY basic stages; I haven't even finished editing the characters in yet. I have the first three scenes of text edited in, and it is surprisingly easier than I'd have thought. This is with Anti-Huffman, because as far as I know, Text Editing Suite could not handle this level of change. I've had a few glitches, mostly me forgetting a step or STILL trying to figure out a way around the female thing, but nothing that I can't handle.

The female thing is, BTW, people like Rebecca and Serra staying female even after I have taken that little ability out. It's quite annyoing, because it is messing with my wants for who recruits who.

I'm HOPING to increase the difficulty on ENM to that of at least HNM, or even HHM. It's just a bit time consuming. Actually, I have a question about that: I've ntoiced that in Nightmare, on the Chapter Unit editor, some people are shown multiple times, such as Zagan in Chapter 12. (I think that's the name...)

Do I have to change ALL of these instances, or only the first, or certain ones?

As it is, the game is looking heavily pushed in the 'Easy' direction. To give you an idea:

Serryn is a Thief who replaces Dorcas in ENM. Against the Bandit that starts near the two (Alongside Serryn is Wuste, a Fighter with a +15 Crit bonus because the person who RPs him didn't like the Berserker sprite, and favored the Warrior sprite. Wuste is a Berserker in the RP.), the Bandit has 8 displayed hit, if Serryn is in the fort, I believe. I can't remember if it's the fort or not...

Regardless, Serryn can solo the first, second, and third chapters with only his base stats and equipment; an Iron Sword and a Vulnerary. (The hack starts on ENM, so when I say Chapter 1, I mean Chapter 11.). He is way too overpowered, but Serryn in the RP is basically the fastest thing alive, and putting that into FE meant enormous Speed and Luck stats. Of course, he can be awesome without a base 18 or so Speed and 10 or so Luck, but this is what I mean when I say 'Balance Problems'.

Anyways, I thank anyone who took the time to read this, and also to anyone who replies- helping or critisising.

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I'm HOPING to increase the difficulty on ENM to that of at least HNM, or even HHM. It's just a bit time consuming. Actually, I have a question about that: I've ntoiced that in Nightmare, on the Chapter Unit editor, some people are shown multiple times, such as Zagan in Chapter 12. (I think that's the name...)

No, you can ignore the first one. IIRC that's the sprite that appears on the map. Then you only need to edit the first one after that.

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Alright, balance patch!

Also: I've only text-edited a few names and the first... 1/4 of the first chapter, and most likely poorly. This is my next project, after the gameplay is done.

I used the US version of Fire Emblem 7. The games starts on Eliwwod Normal Mode, so you'll need a save.

Anyone who wishes to may download and play via this URL: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qiwqlzz5tw4

I appreciate any playing, and would also like it if ANY glitch-like things were pointed out, no matter how small.

Thank you.

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Criticizing, yes, you should thank me for criticizing. Not balancing is bleh. If people want to play extreme stat hacks they can use Nightmare and change that up in 5 minutes. Try expanding a little bit.

Also, only true nubs and chumps still use the Text Editing Suite or raw Anti-huffman patch--use FEditor Adv or be ridiculed for your lame excuse for a hack.

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I've never even HEARD of FEditor Adv...

Also: Whu? To the first part.

EDIT: It CANNOT be this easy to text edit with this thing... I must be missing something...

Edited by Todasmile
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