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photobucket fire emblem weapon pics

master of aura

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hello fire emblem fans and famous gamers from other countries my name is isaac and i have an announcement. i recently came up with an idea for the fire emblem weapon of radiant dawn. i figured how can someone view an item that is so cool like the holy sword alondite and ikes sword when u deafeat an enemy and u go back to picking a person when u say to ur self. whom i wish i got a close view on ikes sword or the alondite. also with the other weapons such as magic, staffs, knifes, bows, crossbows, axe, lances, and sword (obviously). well i just want to tell u nice folks that i update my fire emblem pics on photo bucket and wish to be viewed by many of u fans. u may critqu on the pics if u cant view them very well or if there is a glitch. because some of these were hard to shot but that actually didnt stop me. plus i got the hard to get and limited addition bolting. thanks to heather and harrs courage. (may he rest in peace). so any way please view my picks on photobucket and i dont care if its bad critque because i want ur opinion and want to make the video great. so hope u enjoy. from master of aura. p.s. thanks and have a great green day.

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A rather late intro, but welcome nonetheless.

It really isn't that hard to get the bolting though...Do you not give Haar Nullify? And what do you mean about looking at the weapons. Are you talking about their appearance in battle animations?

Edited by Kinata
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Dude, I just want to say, your post is hard to make sense of but I think you're awesome.

thanks to heather and harrs courage. (may he rest in peace).

You sacrificed Haar for a bolting. That takes testicles. You are a hero in my book.

Edited by SeverIan
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A rather late intro, but welcome nonetheless.

It really isn't that hard to get the bolting though...Do you not give Haar Nullify? And what do you mean about looking at the weapons. Are you talking about their appearance in battle animations?

correct such as seeing a weapon up close but the hatdest part is the tomes but the magic is more easier. by the by its only on photobucket and i would love to hear ur opinion on it so please view my pics

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Dude, I just want to say, your post is hard to make sense of but I think you're awesome.

You sacrificed Haar for a bolting. That takes testicles. You are a hero in my book.

hey thanks sorry i get nervous when talking to the whole cyber space world.

and by the by ur right it was stupid to get a bolting. but thats what i get for not equiping him with fortune skill. because yes he could have survived, but sadly it was a 10% chance of critical and BAM! dont worry i gave him rest in peace, but thank u harr. by the by please look at my photobucket and Harr would be (or not)happy for his bravery.

Edited by master of aura
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These weapon images sound interesting. Except, where exactly do I find them? Searching for "Fire Emblem weapons" give me nothing ^^;;;

just go on photobucket type in brave sword and important to put it in video catagory. but hey thats not the only pic i have just so u know. just go in my albums and viola. by the by u may critqu and tell me if these r good video shots or not. i just want ur oppinion. thank u and enjoy. have other questions or comments please notify me ASAP

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Kudos on going through the trouble of getting staves.

It's too bad laguz strikes don't change laguz appearance somehow during battle anims, huh?

(Or maybe it's a good thing since seeing SS gareth or SS nasir would be a gigantic pain in the ass)

Edited by SeverIan
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  • 2 weeks later...

Kudos on going through the trouble of getting staves.

It's too bad laguz strikes don't change laguz appearance somehow during battle anims, huh?

(Or maybe it's a good thing since seeing SS gareth or SS nasir would be a gigantic pain in the ass)

well at least they dont got there special skill like ire

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hello fire emblem fans and famous gamers from other countries my name is isaac and i have an announcement. i recently came up with an idea for the fire emblem weapon of radiant dawn. i figured how can someone view an item that is so cool like the holy sword alondite and ikes sword when u deafeat an enemy and u go back to picking a person when u say to ur self. whom i wish i got a close view on ikes sword or the alondite. also with the other weapons such as magic, staffs, knifes, bows, crossbows, axe, lances, and sword (obviously). well i just want to tell u nice folks that i update my fire emblem pics on photo bucket and wish to be viewed by many of u fans. u may critqu on the pics if u cant view them very well or if there is a glitch. because some of these were hard to shot but that actually didnt stop me. plus i got the hard to get and limited addition bolting. thanks to heather and harrs courage. (may he rest in peace). so any way please view my picks on photobucket and i dont care if its bad critque because i want ur opinion and want to make the video great. so hope u enjoy. from master of aura. p.s. thanks and have a great green day.

Hello "Isaac". I'm Isaac55. :awesome:

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Hello and welcome...

As for the videos... they're really nothing special >_>

If you want to see what the weapons look like... I would think it's better to use a capture card, or extract the model files out of the Wii using Wiiscrubber or something and viewing it in a 3d program...

Edit: Click

That's the link if you guys want to see his photobucket without looking for the "Brave Sword" video...

Edited by shadowofchaos
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