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Mafia Round 5 Postgame Discussion

General Spoon

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Well, overall this game definitely had some of my stupider moments, but it was pretty fun in the end. Also 5 minutes night phases are great

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Darn you mafia for killing me night 2!

Anyway, Ether: I got a guilty on Russell night one. After that, your little conversation on day 1 at the start made me suspicious, so I investigated you. I was hoping to claim and get you both killed day 2, and have the game in the bag for the town, but unfortunately Ulki got outsmarted and the town had to waste time.

GG, we needed another Mafia win to balance things out too.

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So close, and yet so far...

Still, it was fun, even though I never got to make use of my Nurse powers much. :/

So, I'd like to know if the Stalker knew that I was the Nurse, of if my death was random.

Also, I guess I could have prevented some mislynchs had I still been alive, or in Ulki's case, simply been online at the time. :/

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I see. Well, that sucks. I was hoping to lure the mafia into trying to kill someone I protected through bluffing, but if they already knew about me before I even got to make a move, there was of course no way it could've worked out. Oh well, better luck next time.

Edited by Raymond
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I wasn't expecting this to end so quickly, actually...

Edit: I mean, there were 5 people alive, I was expecting another day. Hik, you shouldn't have shot :(. Doesn't matter now though.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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I don't even know how I got that lucky with my stalks. I went with both good players and a gut feeling; by the time I died, we already knew who all of the power roles were, including the bomb, so Ninji could pick off anyone else one by one.

I'm really glad my slip-up didn't cause us to lose. When Hika voted Ninji I thought, "shit, I missed up, Ninji's going to be so mad at me~" but the reverse psychology came into play~

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I got unlucky that Tables found me on the first night. Either way, I single-handedly got the town to lynch Mordy. And I loved it.

No hard feelings, eh Mordy?

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Well, overall this game definitely had some of my stupider moments, but it was pretty fun in the end. Also 5 minutes night phases are great

Worst possible final move though.

You should definitely have NOT shot anyone that phase. You had a 1/3 chance of getting the Mafia that night. If you shot no one, you'd have a 1/2 chance of getting the good lynch (and the town knows that you're innocent at this point too, so the other townie doesn't vote for you) and you win If it's a tie and a no lynch, you shoot whoever voted for you to be lynched, and town wins. At worst, by not shooting, you're no worse off...

I'm just saying that you were too trigger happy at the end.

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I wasn't expecting this to end so quickly, actually...

Edit: I mean, there were 5 people alive, I was expecting another day. Hik, you shouldn't have shot :(. Doesn't matter now though.

I shouldn't have, now that I think about it.

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Dracohon was clear as the bomb, and would've had a 50/50 shot of winning.

Then Hika still doesn't shoot, tries to get a no-lynch, and blasts Ninji at night (if Ninji shoots Lux like he did).

My problem is that Ninji really should have shot Hikarusa, since it was clear as day that he was vigilante.

Ninji, why did you shoot Lux, anyway?

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Then Hika still doesn't shoot, tries to get a no-lynch, and blasts Ninji at night (if Ninji shoots Lux like he did).

My problem is that Ninji really should have shot Hikarusa, since it was clear as day that he was vigilante.

Ninji, why did you shoot Lux, anyway?

He did shoot me

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I was pretty sure we were going to lose as soon as Mordy threw out those accusations, but I got really, really lucky. ~_~

You probably know all of the kill orders we gave already, but for anyone who didn't:

Night 1: CATS, as we were a bit clueless as to who had what role and CATS has shown himself to be good player in the past.

Night 2: Tables, because of Bizz's investigation.

Night 3: Core, because Russell said so and we didn't have anything else to run off of. In retrospect, it might have been a better idea to kill Hika here, but I'm sure Pride would have protected him.

Night 4: Pride, because of Bizz's stalking, again.

Night 5: Raymond, because of Bizz again.

Night 6: WoMC, to try to make Crysta seem more suspicious, but Hika got Crysta as well.

Night 7: Lightning, because I didn't want to shoot Hika, as I would look guilty, and I wanted to set Trompe up.

Night 8: Hika, for obvious reasons.

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Apparently the Cop left some messages(Tips) before he died... I wouldn't have role claimed if he hadn't said anything.

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Apparently the Cop left some messages(Tips) before he died... I wouldn't have role claimed if he hadn't said anything.

Actually, you did the right thing. Had I been in your position, I would have also role claimed Deputy. But I would have pushed harder. It seemed like you just gave up once I came up with my "perfectly explanation". You could have called me out, pushed much harder for my lynch and then get the doctor to keep you alive or better yet, confuse the mafia by telling Hika to alternate posts between the two of you so that we don't want to guess wrong and hit the guy who's actually being saved. You could have stayed alive at least 3 more nights this way (Bizz found the Doctor and Nurse back to back).

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Hey, you guys know me, and you know that i suck as a detective, just look at the last time I was cop. I just left it there for people to assume, i didn't feel like arguing, especially not with you.

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