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I Eat Tables' FE9 Mafia Postgame Discussion


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Congratulations to the Town. Here's the initial details

Ether the Thief

Hikarusa the Citizen: 50G - Iron Sword, Rescue Staff, Spy Kit

Lux Aeterna the Daeiner: 50G - Crimean Flag, Rescue Staff, Warp Staff

Balcerzak the Priest: 50G - Rexaura, Spy Kit, Warp Staff

King Russell the Citizen: 150G - Iron Sword, Spy Kit, Warp Staff

BK-201 the Backstabber: 100G - Lockpick, Bribe

General Spoon the Citizen: 150G - Rescue Staff, Spy Kit, Warp Staff

Ninji the Citizen: 100G - Iron Sword, Rescue Staff, Warp Staff

The Dragonslayer the Citizen: 50G - Iron Sword, Rescue Staff, Killing Edge

Ulki the Citizen: 50G - Iron Sword, Warp Staff, Killing Edge

WeaponsOfMassConstruction the Raven

Lightning the Raven

Trompe le Monde the Citizen: 50G - Iron Sword, Spy Kit, Killing Edge

Core the Wyvern Rider: 0G - Group Flight, Iron Sword, Spy Kit

Dracohon the Paranoid: 50G - Beer, Warp Staff, Spy Kit

Fayt Zelpher the Merchant: 0G - Iron Sword, Rescue Staff, Spy Kit, Warp Staff, Killing Edge

Order of deaths:

Balcerzak the Priest (boring death) - Night 1

Ulki the Citizen (Rocked out) - Day 1

Lux Aeterna the Daeiner (Flag through the throat) - Night 2

King Russell the Citizen (Awful taste in music) - Day 2

General Spoon the Citizen (It's a trap!) - Night 3

WeaponsOfMassConstruction the Raven (Mercenaried) - Day 3

Hikarusa the Citizen (Beheaded & dropped in ocean) - Night 4

Ether the Theif (Buried Alive) - Day 4

Ninji the Citizen (Cheating at pokemon) - Day 5

BK-201 the Backstabber (Cat attack) - Day 6

Dracohon the Paranoid (Fell to death) - Night 7

Lightning the Master Raven (Paranoid'd) - Night 7

The Dragonslayer the Citizen - Survived

Trompe le Monde the Citizen - Survived

Core the Wyvern Rider - Survived

Fayt Zelpher the Merchant - Survived

I'll post some details of the night phases and interesting tibits later. For now here are the main things:

  • Core and Fayt Zelpher were working together from about day 2. Later, Dracohon got added to the mix, and with clever use of Beers they tried to lure the Ravens into killing themselves.
  • The Ravens managed to steal something like 100G over the entire game, thanks to getting unlucky on choosing targets.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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... I deserved a death like that.

On night 5 or something, i was promoted to Master Raven. These were our kill orders:

Balcerzak the Priest (boring death) - Night 1- I suggested to kill him because he's a very good player and I wanted him out fast.

Lux Aeterna the Daeiner (Flag through the throat) - Night 2- He'd already roleclaimed so i think he was killed since there was no use keeping him alive

General Spoon the Citizen (It's a trap!) - Night 3- I suggested we kill him because he's good. I liked his death scene.

Hikarusa the Citizen (Beheaded & dropped in ocean) - Night 4- I dunno why he was killed.

Night 5 and 6 I sent BK to attack Fayt because he was dangerous. Probably should've learned after the first time, but whatever.

Dracohon the Paranoid (Fell to death) - Night 7- Well, I wanted to kill The Dragonslayer, but the Wyvern Rider screwed it up.

We really screwed up stealing, though.

Edited by Lightning
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On Night 1, I am switching General Spoon with Furetchen

On Night 2, I am switching Fayt Zelpher with BK-201.

On Night 3, I am switching Core with Hikarusa.

Night 4(using group flight)

Actions done on Core will go to Hikarusa.

Actions done on Fayt Zelpher will go to Hikarusa.

Actions done on Hikarusa will go to Fayt Zelpher.

On Night 5, I am switching Core with Dracohon.

On Night 6, I am switching Core with The Dragonslayer.

Night 7

I am buying and using Group Flight.

Core --> Dracohon

Dragonslayer --> Dracohon

Dracohon --> Dragonslayer

I only hit twice, lol.

Yeah. Me and Fayt were awesome, you guys should try to not lynch him on day 1. Basically me and Fayt coordinated our night actions and discussed strategy. General Spoon contacted me at some point before he died. I didn't really trust him because I really thought he would be killed on night 1 or 2. Me and Fayt's strategy involved getting rid of influencial people. However, by the time we got to it, Russell was all who was left and he was suspicious(or set up) Then we found out about Dracohon, and we had total control during day phase and very good coverage during the night.

Edited by Core
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I only hit twice, lol.

Yeah. Me and Fayt were awesome, you guys should try to not lynch him on day 1. Basically me and Fayt coordinated our night actions and discussed strategy. General Spoon contacted me at some point before he died. I didn't really trust him because I really thought he would be killed on night 1 or 2. Me and Fayt's strategy involved getting rid of influencial people. However, by the time we got to it, Russell was all who was left and he was suspicious(or set up) Then we found out about Dracohon, and we had total control during day phase and very good coverage during the night.

You got lucky. It's as simple as that. I didn't see any sort of proper thinking. Read the postgame report for Ether's game and you'll see what real control looks like outside of luck being involved with 10 million players.

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Actually, they really did have good control. They made some lucky predictions, of course, but mostly they had a strong thread running through, with plans to keep themselves alive and generally win.

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Actually, they really did have good control. They made some lucky predictions, of course, but mostly they had a strong thread running through, with plans to keep themselves alive and generally win.

Some? 3/4 of the mafia members that were lynched were absolutely lucky kills. Strategy to keep themselves alive? Yeah, buy Iron Swords (from Fayt's end).

I'm not saying that Fayt and Core are stupid. They just benefitted from lucky lynches and once Ether died, the last 2 mafia members were stupid by trying to kill Fayt at night TWICE. That's not smarts from Fayt and Core to find them. That's the mafia just generally making bad avoidable mistakes with Fayt and Core benefitting from them.

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I was considering having a role like that in my game XD

That would've been great if you posted it (or had the chance to) :awesome:

I wouldn't have actually posted it, because I figured he was actually town, and didn't want to discredit his claim. That said, the idea that things could not be easily shooped is hilarious. That took me maybe 45 minutes at the longest, and that's because I suck at image editting and kept forgettin bits and pieces, and was being anal about trying to get the text size accurate.

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Some? 3/4 of the mafia members that were lynched were absolutely lucky kills. Strategy to keep themselves alive? Yeah, buy Iron Swords (from Fayt's end).

That's all that was needed. We controlled day phase the minute you were dead. I intentionally tried to make myself a bigger target than Fayt, because I was busy switching myself with inactive mafia possibilities. Lucky kills? That is what this game is. Most of the time you can narrow down your choices, but the rest...is up to luck. Especially if more than one of them don't post.

I'm not saying that Fayt and Core are stupid. They just benefitted from lucky lynches and once Ether died, the last 2 mafia members were stupid by trying to kill Fayt at night TWICE. That's not smarts from Fayt and Core to find them. That's the mafia just generally making bad avoidable mistakes with Fayt and Core benefitting from them.

I think you've either overestimated yourself or underestimated us. And you're bitter for eliminating you as a threat(Fayt's idea, btw)

The point is, the town won with a sweeping victory.

You got lucky. It's as simple as that. I didn't see any sort of proper thinking. Read the postgame report for Ether's game and you'll see what real control looks like outside of luck being involved with 10 million players.

You mean Ether's current game? I'm not sure that's a valid statement. I know of at least 3 people who were against you, and I'm sure there were several more.

Edited by Core
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Night 4(using group flight)

Actions done on Core will go to Hikarusa.

Actions done on Fayt Zelpher will go to Hikarusa.

Actions done on Hikarusa will go to Fayt Zelpher.

Why the hell

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Here are the events of each night:

Night 1:

The Ravens decide to kill Balcerzak, thinking that General Spoon would be protected by the doc. They were correct, as Balcerzak protected General Spoon. Oh, and Core switched Trompe Le Monde with General Spoon anyway, so the Ravens, trying to steal from Spoon, actually stole 25G from Trompe (without being caught).

Day 1:

Ulki is bandwagon killed. Amusingly, the Ravens didn't vote for him at all.

Night 2:

Core switches Fayt Zelpher and BK-201, stopping the Ravens stealing anything from Fayt, and they decide to kill the cleared townie Lux.

Day 2:

Russell is killed for voting at night, or something.

Night 3:

General Spoon is killed for being awesome, while Fayt has 50G stolen. Core switches himself with Hikarusa, which does nothing today.

Spoon buys and uses a Spy Kit on WoMC, the results of which he leaks after his death. Ninji buys an Iron Sword for later use, as do Dracohon with a Beer and Fayt Zelpher with a Warp Staff.

Day 3:

A relatively inactive town uses Fayt's information to kill WoMC.

Night 4:

Thanks to Spoon's cheating, I promoted Lightning to Master Raven. He uses his new power to kill Core and steal from him, but thanks to Core's prediction, said action is moved onto Hikarusa, taking 25G from him.

Before his death, Hikarusa bought and used a Spy Kit on Ninji, getting an innocent result. The Ravens bought a Bribe, Trompe buys a Spy Kit but doesn't use it yet, and Fayt buys and uses a Spy Kit on Ether. Core bought and used Group Flight, Core > Hik > Fayt > Core.

Day 4:

Ether was found guilty by Spy Kit, and is killed.

Night 5:

Fayt Zelpher is ordered to be killed, but he protected himself. Core switches himself with Dracohon.

Dracohon, to let the above move work, bought a Beer and used his first Beer, while Fayt defended himself with a new Iron Sword.

Day 5:

Ninji is unanimously killed.

Night 6

Fayt Zelpher is again ordered to be killed, but saves himself. Core suspects Dragonslayer and switches himself with him.

Lightning orders BK to use a lockpick on Zelpher, stealing an amazing 0G, Zelpher uses an Iron sword again, and Dracohon also uses a Beer and buys a new one. Trompe investigates BK-201, getting a guilty result.

Day 6:

BK-201 dies. Obviously.

Night 7:

Core and Fayt decide to confuse me, using a Warp staff and Group Flight, before eventually simplifying their orders. Combined, their orders are as followes:

Core > Dracohon

Dragonslayer > Dracohon

Dracohon > Dragonslayer

Trompe Le Monde > Fayt Zelpher

Fayt > Trompe

Dracohon uses a beer, of couse. Lightning attacked Dragonslayer, and thus gets killed by Dracohon.

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Night 5 and 6 were stupid by the mafia. Had they not tried to go for the obvious target (Fayt) and actually score kills, they could have won this game. Then again, that merchant role was near broken if you could avoid getting your money stolen.

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Night 5 and 6 were stupid by the mafia. Had they not tried to go for the obvious target (Fayt) and actually score kills, they could have won this game. Then again, that merchant role was near broken if you could avoid getting your money stolen.

Stealing comes after buying essentially making the merchant an unkillable wall in the night.

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Stealing comes after buying essentially making the merchant an unkillable wall in the night.

So it was broken. Oi, Tables...

Edited by Life
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I dunno if it's really broken. I mean there's bulletproof, right? He's an unkillable wall in the night, too. It's not like the mafia has to kill everyone to win, they can just bypass the merchant. As long as he's just buying swords to protect himself, he's no more dangerous to them than the bulletproof.

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Yeah, the Merchant was probably a tad too powerful. I did consider that I should havelowered his money down to 200G per day, but that was well after the game started.

Also, it's no more powerful than the Granny role (immune to night kills, kills anyone who visits), if people know who the Granny is.

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Yeah, that's true. Hmm... looking back at the roles and items in the game, do you think the game was fair? I think that, if the merchant was toned down a little, it would be. In my opinion I overestimated the usefulness of the Thief, so perhaps I should have given the Ravens 3 roles from the start. Either way, I don't think it was anything more than slightly biased in it's current state.

The reason I ask is to help with balancing the next game, of course.

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