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Just thought I'd share my thoughts on this.

The first revealed video on the official site showed chapter 3 of the original, the maqp theme, battle theme, boss theme and victory is near theme were all the same as those in FE3. No surprises here (except that Guile has become Gheb II)

But these newly revealed videos (on the 'weapons' page, I believe) contain a point of intrest. The first uses a totally new map theme, and the battle theme from Shadow Dragon. The second also has a new map theme, but this time the battle theme is also completley new.

Here are my interpretations of this:

-These appear to be prologue chapters, which use a different map theme. The absence of Marth seems to support this. Either that or they're sidequests or 'extra chapters' (related to the BS ones)

-Regarding the new battle theme, there are several possible explanations. The first is that RD's system of different battle themes for different points in the game is making a return. Seems likely, but dosen't explain the re-used SD one. (maybe that was a design oversight, leftover data from that game's engine?)

The other possibility is that this is some kind of visual tutorial like in PoR. My kanji isn't great, but that Peagusus Knight's army name didn't look like that of any paticular country. (it looked more like 'one soldier' or something)

This does at least confirm that there will be new tracks. I'm interested in how they'll be used though, since in SD, the new tracks were pretty much necissary (the original used the same player and enemy map themes for the entire game) whereas Mystery (book 2) already had a relatively 'complete' soundtrack.

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Personally, I want to hear the Dragon's Altar. They had better not disappoint with that.

Glad to know there are seperate battle themes though. The normal player phase music alone is just boring as sin. Glad to know the old one is back too, loved it.

Looking forward to the new ones, and also the enemy phase music all around, because FE3 I feel had the best ones.

Fun Fact: Did you know the music they used for the enemy phase after dragon valley was reused as Laus's main theme in FE7?

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Fun Fact: Did you know the music they used for the enemy phase after dragon valley was reused as Laus's main theme in FE7?

That's For Whose Sake and yeah that did surprise me. I didn't think FE7 would use a song from waaay back then. (Together we Ride, was used only because it was used in Melee aka for Americans. And A Knight's Oath is a recurring theme in the series). That why I want to hear it get remixed again.

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Glad to know there are seperate battle themes though. The normal player phase music alone is just boring as sin. Glad to know the old one is back too, loved it.

Looking forward to the new ones, and also the enemy phase music all around, because FE3 I feel had the best ones.

Fun Fact: Did you know the music they used for the enemy phase after dragon valley was reused as Laus's main theme in FE7?

I actually like all of the Player Phase songs for FE3 except for the chapters where you're fighting the dragons, that goes for Enemy Phase as well.

Nah, I think FE5/4 had the best phase songs

Yep, when I first heard that enemy phase I was like "lolwut I recognize this from FE7"

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I'm wondering how they're gonna handle the music in the Shin Akanea Senki portion.

Do they perhaps have the original Soundlink Audio to work with? Are they gonna use the original music, a remixed score inspired by it, or just the same music as in the rest of the game? And of course, how about "WIND"?

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I like the battle music in FE3. Haven't played it personally, but it's kinda neat sounding. I like the payer phase map theme too, though it would get really boring after a while (... I'm looking at you, FEs 1-5 except for 4. Especially FE5! Right after the game with the most varied music too. Unforgivable).

Maybe they could throw in remixes of music from other FE games.

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(... I'm looking at you, FEs 1-5 except for 4. Especially FE5! Right after the game with the most varied music too. Unforgivable).

FE5 had some of the best player phases, dude. Manster chapters come to mind along with the endgame music. Even Leaf's theme was pretty good.

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