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Aquilae's FE9 Playlog

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First playthrough of FE9 here, I'm going mostly blind so I don't want important spoilers. However I'd appreciate information on how to recruit scrubs as well as how the game works.



Chapter 1:

Turn 1:

Oscar weakens a Fighter for Ike to kill. Boyd weakens a Fighter as well, Titania hangs back.

Ike weakens a Bandit, Oscar weakens a Fighter and the Myrm. Boyd kills the Fighter.

Turn 2:

Ike, Boyd and Oscar kill off some weakened enemies, and Titania gets the Steel Sword. Also, FE4 canto. @_@

I didn't know that was a house until the guy destroyed it >_>

Ike counters a Fighter.

Turn 3:

Ike kills a Fighter. Titania gets the Seraph Robe, Boyd moves up and heals himself and goes into the left Brigand's range, Oscar moves into the Myrm's range and heals himself.

Ike, Boyd and Oscar counter an enemy each.

Turn 3:

Ike kills the Myrm. Titania gives Ike the Steel Sword and heads in front of the boss.

Oscar and Boyd finish the Brigands

Titania kills the boss.

Turn 4:

Ike seizes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      03.83  21  06  01  06  08  08  06  00
Oscar    03.87  26  06  01  06  07  05  08  00
Boyd     02.93  30  07  00  04  06  04  05  00 
Titania  01.26  33  12  04  13  14  11  11  07

Also, what is up with the enemy AI? *attacks Ike instead of Boyd / Oscar / Titania* At least in FE7 they bothered to suicide themselves on Marcus just to give you the finger.

Chapter 2:

Oh no Mareeta and Nanna have been kid... wait nevermind.

Turn 1:

Ike and Boyd kill the right Fighter. Oscar gets in range of the Myrm and the two Fighters over to the left. Rhys follows Ike and Boyd.

Oscar counters two Fighters and a Myrm, Ike counters a Fighter.

Turn 2:

Oscar kills a Bandit and cantos away. Boyd kills a Fighter, Ike weakens a Brigand.

Rhys gets hit by a Fighter.

Turn 3:

Titania, Ike and Boyd kill a Brigand each. Oscar kills a Myrm, Rhys retreats and uses a Vulnerary.

Rhys gets hit by a Fighter again >_>

Turn 4:

Oscar kills the weakened Fighter and cantos forward. Ike weakens another Fighter, Boyd moves forward and Rhys uses a Vulnerary.

Oscar counters a Brigand.

Turn 5:

Ike kills a Brigand, Boyd a Fighter, Oscar and Titania kill the Myrm. Titania retreats. Rhys waits.

Ike weakens a Brigand, Oscar weakens the boss.

Turn 6:

Boyd, Ike and Oscar kill the boss, Titania kills the Brigand.

IT'S A TRAP!!! Meh, I wouldn't have minded if that bandit silenced Rofl anyway.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      04.85  22  06  02  06  09  08  07  01
Oscar    05.66  27  06  01  06  08  06  09  00
Boyd     03.99  31  08  00  05  06  04  05  00 
Titania  01.29  33  12  04  13  14  11  11  07

Chapter 3:

It's the attack of the spastic pirates!!!111

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Shinon, Gatrie

Turn 1:

Gatrie and Ike take out a Fighter. Shinon takes out a Brigand, and Titania goes into the first house to meet the weird guy and grab an Elixir. (Fish market he says...)

Gatrie gets tinked by an Archer, and counters a Myrm. Ike counters a Brigand.

Turn 2:

Ike kills a Myrm. Gatrie and Shinon kill the Archer.

"Boat Monkey" haha

Marcia dodges a Hand Axe but gets hit by the second. She counters a Myrm. Shinon dodges a Brigand.

Turn 3:

Holy crap...

Shinon and Gatrie kill a Brigand, Titania kills another, Ike rushes forward as well.

Marcia dodges a Hand Axe but gets hit by both the Iron Axe Pirate and the Hand Axe Pirate.

Turn 4:

Shinon and Gatrie Shove Ike forward (so that's what it does >_>) and Ike tells Marcia to GTFO. Ike busts up a Hand Axe Pirate. Titania kills the Myrm.

Ike dodges both Hand Axes and counterkills the Brigand. Shinon gets hit by the brigand.

Turn 5:

Gatrie shoves Shinon up, but I didn't notice that the bridge could only be approached from the front >_>

Shinon rushes up, Titania shields him. Ike rushes right and heals himself.

Ike gets attacked by a swarm of Hand Axe guys including the boss, but dodges all the hits. Gatrie counterkills the Brigand. Ike weakens the Myrm and weakens a Pirate.

Turn 6:

Shinon kills a Pirate, Ike kills a Myrm. Titania weakens the boss.

Ike gets hit by the boss, Shinon counterkills a Hand Axe Brigand with a crit, and weakens another. Titania dodges a Hand Axe.

Turn 7:

Gatrie and Titania get some last minute EXP, and Ike kills the boss.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      06.78  23  08  02  08  10  08  08  03
Gatrie   09.72  31  12  00  06  05  05  14  00
Shinon   01.12  32  09  06  15  13  09  09  06 
Titania  01.39  33  12  04  13  14  11  11  07

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I wonder how long you'll last giving turn-by-turns. I made it about twelve chapters in my FE8. :o

Just about everybody for the next ten chapters is recruited by Ike. That's it.

EDIT: Did you talk to Marcia with Ike in C3?

Edited by Integrity
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You can see my FE4, FE5, FE6 and FE8 playlogs if you wish, heh.

Chapter 4:

A lot of enemies here @_@

Turn 1:

Gatrie takes out a Soldier, Shinon takes out a Myrm. Ike kills a Fighter with a crit, Titania kills an Archer. Rhys and Soren stay out of range (Soren gets 2HKOed here, which made me reset =/)

Ike kills a Soldier and weakens two others. Gatrie kills a Soldier and weakens two others, Shinon dodges one.

Turn 2:

Shinon kills a Soldier. Soren, Ike and Gatrie take out a Soldier each, Titania kills an Archer. Rhys heals Ike.

Soren counterkills a Soldier and weakens another.

Turn 3:

Soren takes out the Soldier. Gatrie, Ike, Titania and Shinon charge forward.

Ike weakens two Soldiers, Gatrie weakens a Myrm.

Turn 4:

Gatrie kills a Soldier and Titania weakens Majin. Soren and Ike kill two more enemies for EXP and Shinon kills Majin, ending the chapter.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      08.06  24  08  03  08  11  09  09  05
Gatrie   10.72  32  13  00  07  05  05  15  01
Shinon   01.53  32  09  06  15  13  09  09  06 
Titania  01.48  33  12  04  13  14  11  11  07
Soren    02.33  19  00  07  09  09  05  02  07

Soren managed to anger Titania before the last chapter, and now he's pissed off Shinon as well. I like how this is going.

Number of people Soren pissed off: 2

Well, so Elincia is the princess of Crimea. I'm betting she has mysterious powers or something that would drive Daein to capture her alive (they would have just killed her off if she was just a princess).

Chapter 5:

FoW Defend chapter!

Turn 1:

Gatrie and Soren move to plug the right gate, while Ike, Boyd and Oscar move down to plug the main entrance, revealing two Soldiers. Shinon and Titania kill them.

Boyd, Ike and Oscar get hit by an Archer each, Ike counters a Soldier. Titania kills a Soldier. Oscar and Boyd counter a Soldier each.

Turn 2:

Boyd takes out a Soldier, Oscar and Ike take out another Soldier. Rhys heals Oscar. Shinon takes out a third Soldier. Titania kills an Archer. Soren and Gatrie head back left (Greil's taking the back entrance, d'oh >_>)

Oscar misses his shot on a Fighter. Ike dodges an Archer and counters a Fighter. Titania takes out a Cav.

Boyd gets hit by an Archer and counterkills a Soldier. Boyd weakens two Cavs and a Soldier. Shinon weakens a Soldier.

Turn 3:

Soren weakens an Archer. Boyd falls back and weakens a Fighter. Ike kills the Archer, Oscar misses a Soldier. Titania takes out the Hammer Fighter, Gatrie grabs Oscar's Javelin and kills a Fighter. Shinon takes out a Soldier, Rhys heals Boyd.

Soren counters an Archer. Oscar misses his counter on a Swordcav. Ike counters a Soldier. Oscar misses his counter on the Lancecav as well >_> Oscar weakens a Soldier. Gatrie gets tinked and counters a Soldier. Titania counterkills a Soldier.

Turn 4:

Soren retreats. Oscar kills a Soldier and cantos back. Boyd kills a Soldier, Ike kills an Archer and Gatrie kills a Soldier. Titania takes out the Lancecav and cantos back. Shinon takes ou the Swordcav, and Rhys heals Oscar.

Shinon dodges a Sowrdcav and takes out an Archer.

Turn 5:

Shinon retreats, Rhys heals Ike. Oscar and Boyd weaken a Swordcav.

The cav retreats, and Oscar weakens a Soldier.

Turn 6:

Boyd and Oscar kill a Soldier. Oscar cantos back, and Rhys heals him. Gatrie takes out a Soldier near the main entrance, Shinon takes out a Soldier and Titania weakens the boss.

Boyd gets hit by an Archer, Ike counters a Soldier. Shinon gets hit by a Soldier and weakens another. Titania kills two Soldiers and gets hit by an Archer. She dodges a Javelin from the boss.

Elincia: Mist! What is that thing around your neck?

Mist: MmmmmMmmy Precioussssss....

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      09.12  25  08  03  08  11  09  09  06
Gatrie   10.72  32  13  00  07  05  05  15  01
Shinon   01.53  32  09  06  15  13  09  09  06 
Titania  01.85  33  12  04  13  14  11  11  07
Soren    02.57  19  00  07  09  09  05  02  07
Oscar    06.74  27  06  01  07  09  06  10  01
Boyd     05.67  31  09  00  05  07  05  07  01 
Rhys     04.90  22  00  10  08  05  08  00  14

Ike the awesome Res tank! ~_~

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First playthrough of FE9 here, I'm going mostly blind so I don't want important spoilers. However I'd appreciate information on how to recruit scrubs as well as how the game works.

What are you looking for? Mechanics new in FE9, not present in FE7/8, that you might need to be aware of?

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Another FE9 play log? I guess this is becoming the new fad. Anyway, good job starting on hard. Everything below is much too easy.

Too bad you didn't kill the ch. 5 boss. He drops a nice Ashera Icon.

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What are you looking for? Mechanics new in FE9, not present in FE7/8, that you might need to be aware of?

Yeah, pretty much. I skimmed over Biorhythm and the new AS formula, so I should be fine for now. Explains why Boyd had such atrocious hit in Chapter 4.

@Mekkah GAGGLES!!!!! Rofl is Gordin reincarnate.

@Kinata I didn't know about him until Gatrie revealed him, and by then it was too late since Titania couldn't ORKO him, heh. Is it like a Goddess Icon in the GBA Games?

Chapter 6:

Turn 1:

Oscar and Boyd take down the Steel Bow Archer. Ike, Soren and Titania move forward.

Ike counters a Soldier.

Turn 2:

Ike kills the Mage. Soren weakens the Soldier further. Boyd and Titania kill the Pole Axe knight and Oscar kills the weakened Soldier.

Soren counterkills an Archer with Adept. Ike weakens a Myrm and a Soldier, Boyd weakens a Axe Knight.

Turn 3:

Soren kills the Myrm. Titania kills the Cav and cantos forward. Oscar kills a Soldier, Boyd weakens one and Rhys heals Ike.

Titania dodges a Javelin and kills a Soldier. Rhys gets attacked by a Soldier.

Turn 4:

Boyd kills the Soldier. Rhys heals him. Titania weakens the Armor and moves in range of the mage. Oscar heals himself, Soren and Ike rush forward.

The Armor retreats and a Priest heals him. Titania gets hit by the Mage, and the Swordfighter advances on her as well.

Turn 5:

Ike heads up. Titania kills the Mage, and Oscar weakens the Myrm.

Ike gets hit by an Archer and the Armor. Oscar counters the Myrm, and the Priest heals him.

Turn 6:

Oscar weakens the Archer and cantos back. Ike kills the Myrm. Soren weakens the Armor, and Titania Rescues Soren and Boyd drops him, and Rhys heals him.

Ike gets hurt by the Archer and the Knight.

Turn 7:

Soren and Boyd take down the Archer. Rhys heals Ike, Ike takes out the Knight. Titania takes out the Priest and cantos forward. Oscar moves up and heals himself.

Titania takes out a Soldier.

Turn 8:

Rhys heals Oscar. Titania takes out the boss and parks herself next to the boss. Oscar weakens the Soldier while Boyd misses his shot. Ike and Soren rush forward, Soren staying out of range of the Soldier.

Titania dodges two Javelins and counters the boss. Ike weakens the Soldier.

Turn 9:

Soren kills the Soldier. Titania kills the Armor, Boyd misses his shot on the boss (with 72% hit >_>) Ike weakens a Soldier, Rhys and Oscar Rescue / Drop Soren.

The boss heals himself, Ike counterkills a Soldier.

Turn 10:

Titania kills the boss, Boyd misses his shot on the Soldier again, and Rhys heals him.

Turn 11:

Everyone escapes.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      10.60  26  09  03  09  11  10  10  06
Gatrie   10.72  32  13  00  07  05  05  15  01
Shinon   01.53  32  09  06  15  13  09  09  06 
Titania  02.89  34  12  04  13  15  11  12  07
Soren    03.96  20  00  08  09  10  05  02  07
Oscar    07.97  28  06  01  08  10  06  10  01
Boyd     06.73  31  09  00  06  07  05  07  02 
Rhys     05.58  22  00  11  08  05  08  01  14

Chapter 7:

Turn 1:

Soren and Oscar kill a Soldier, Boyd and Titania kill another.

Boyd and Oscar weaken a Soldier each. Mia gets knocked down to 14 HP.

Turn 2:

Soren, Ike and Oscar kill a unit each. Boyd weakens a Soldier and Titania kills it. Rhys heals Oscar.

Ike kills a Fighter, Boyd counters a Soldier.

Mia counters a Fighter, and dodges a Hand Axe.

Turn 3:

Ike recruits Mia and shoves Soren forward. Mia kills a Soldier. Titania weakens a Thief, but Oscar misses. Boyd and Soren kill a Soldier.

Titania takes no damage from the Archer. Ike counters a Soldier. Titania counters two Knights. Soren counters a Soldier.

Turn 4:

Boyd kills a weakened Knight. Mia kills the weakened Soldier and gets the Chest Key. Oscar weakens the Soldier guarding the second chest room. Soren moves left to lure in the Knight, Rhys heals Mia. Titania kills the Archer.

Soren weakens a Knight, Oscar kills a weakened Knight.

Turn 5:

Boyd kills the Soldier and Oscar kills the Thief for the Ward Staff. Titania blicks the top Armor, Soren kills the Knight and Rhys heals Soren. Mia goes to grab the chest. Ike kills the Archer.

Greil and Petrine go on an insane sexually charged romp, or so it seems.

Turn 6:

Ike kills the Fighter. Mia grabs the chest for an Armorslayer. Gatrie kills the Myrm, Shinon and Titania kill Balmer. Rhys heals Oscar, Soren gets in range of the Mage and Boyd in range of the Soldier. Oscar moves up to protect Rhys.

Soren gets hit by the Mage and counters for.. 2 damage. Shinon gets hit by a Knight and dodges the Soldier. Titania kills a Soldier. Boyd counters a Knight and a Soldier.

Turn 7:

Ike moves left and heals himself. Soren and Boyd kill the Knight, Oscar kills the Mage. Shinon kills a Soldier, Gatrie kills the Priest. Titania kills the Knight and heads left to kill more Knights. Rhys heals Oscar.

Titania counterkills two Knights. Ike counterkills a Soldier and weakens another.

Turn 8:

Mia passes the Chest Key to Soren and he grabs the Miracle Scroll. Oscar and Rhys grab Gatrie's stuff, and Rhys heals Shinon. Boyd kills the Soldier and Ike kills the Mage.

Also, Greil may be badass but he doesn't know anything about the weapon triangle. TAKE THE SWORD.

Gatrie's and Shinon's stuff end up in the convoy anyway >_>

BEXP: 1490 EXP (What? This seems way too much)

After BEXP allocation:

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      13.00  29  11  03  12  12  11  10  08
Titania  04.10  36  12  04  14  15  12  12  07
Soren    05.51  20  00  08  10  11  05  02  08
Oscar    13.00  30  09  02  12  12  07  12  03
Boyd     13.00  38  12  01  10  10  09  10  03 
Rhys     07.00  22  00  12  09  06  09  02  15
Mia      11.00  23  11  02  12  15  08  08  03

Ike x Oscar C

What's up with Mia's Strength, lol. Is it normally that high? For some reason Myrms always like to screw me over in STR (see: Guy).

Also, Soren doesn't get any BEXP because he's an annoying scrub that gets 2HKOed and doesn't deal much damage at all, and isn't good at killing Armors either way.

Also, I forged a +2 Mt Iron Lance for Oscar named Larry. Playing around with Forges is fun!

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Yeah, pretty much. I skimmed over Biorhythm and the new AS formula, so I should be fine for now. Explains why Boyd had such atrocious hit in Chapter 4.

Some tidbits:

- Biorhythm not a big deal unless you are Boyd.

- STR is your con in this game as far as AS goes (sucks for Soren).

- you already noticed Titania's Canto behavior. This is the same for all mounts.

- effective weapons are only 2x mt in this game

- some characters give crit bonuses to each other, and/or prevent enemy crits entirely. Adjacent only.

- Shove. it's godly.

- you can Steal anything that is not nailed down. This includes weapons, as long as they are not equipped.

- support growth is chapter-deployment-based, not adjacency-based.

- you are only allowed one forge per chapter. The opportunities do not carry over either, so use it or lose it.

- skills disappear when they are removed, and cannot be switched once you assign a new one to somebody. choose wisely.

There's probably more, but that's what I could think of offhand that you might find helpful.

BEXP: 1490 EXP (What? This seems way too much)

It is. Welcome to FE9 Hard Mode, aka JP Normal mode. You get so much BEXP that it trivializes the game.

What's up with Mia's Strength, lol. Is it normally that high? For some reason Myrms always like to screw me over in STR (see: Guy).

She's definitely STR-blessed for you.

Edited by Interceptor
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It is. Welcome to FE9 Hard Mode, aka JP Normal mode. You get so much BEXP that it trivializes the game.

Yeah, pretty much. You could just stop using it if you want something slightly more challenging, but since your playlogs tend to be efficiency ones I suppose that's not an option.

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Chapter 8:

Turn 1:

Oscar goes to plug the right hole and Titania plugs the bottom. Ike, Mia, Soren and Boyd go left to recruit Ilyana.

Titania dodges two Javelins, and counterkills 3 Cavs and weakens 1. Oscar weakens a Knight.

Mia gets hit by an Archer and weakens a Knight. Boyd weakens another.

Turn 2:

Soren kills a weakened Knight. Boyd and Mia kill the of the Knight, and Ike kills the Archer. Titania weakens a Javelin Cav, Oscar weakens the Knight further.

Titania dodges a Javelin and kills a Cav. The injured Knight retreats and uses a Vulnerary, Oscar weakens another Knight.

Ike weakens a Myrm, Boyd kills two Soldiers and an Axefighter. The Priest heals the weakened Myrm, and another Priest heals the weakened Cav.

Turn 3:

Boyd kills the Priest, Ike recruits Ilyana and weakens a Myrm. Mia heads up and heals herself, Ilyana kills the Myrm. Soren heads back right. Titania kills one of the Javelin Cavs. Rhys heals her.

Oscar weakens the Knight further. Ike weakens a Myrm and a Soldier.

Turn 4:

Ilyana kills the Soldier, Mia kills a Myrm, Ike heads back right and Boyd kills the last Myrm. Titania gets rid of the last Javelin Cav and goes to kill the boss. Rhys heals Ike, Soren finishes off the Armor. Oscar heads right and weakens another Armor.

Titania weakens the boss. Oscar further weakens the Armor.

Turn 5:

Titania further weakens the boss and cantos back. Soren kills the Armor and Oscar kills the Longbow Archer. Ike moves behind Oscar and shoves Soren back. Mia retreats, Rhys heals her. Boyd and Ilyana retreat.

Titania counterkills the boss. Oscar weakens two Armors and the Priest heals one. Oscar gets hit by a Mage. Titania weakens a Soldier.

Turn 6:

Titania retreats and Rhys heals her. Oscar kills a Mage with his Javelin and retreats. Ike kills an Armor with his Regal Sword, Ilyana, Boyd and Mia fall back.

Ike weakens an Armor and kills a Myrm. The Priest heals the Armor. Titania counterkills a Soldier.

Turn 7:

Ilyana weakens a Soldier, Titania and Soren kill it. Rhys heals Oscar, Oscar kills the Archer. Ike retreats.

The Armor retreats and heals himself, Oscar counters a Soldier.

Turn 8:

Soren kills a Soldier. Rhys heals Ike, Ike kills the Mage. Oscar kills the Priest, and Titania kills a Cav.

Ike dodges a Javelin, Boyd weakens an Armor, Ike weakens yet another Armor. Oscar weakens a Soldier, Titania kills a Cav and a Soldier.

Also, Soren pissed off Mordecai!

Number of people Soren pissed off: 3

IkexSoren is available but Soren is a scrub so...

I didn't get the Red Gem because Titania missed her shot on the Cav.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      14.15  30  12  03  12  12  12  11  09
Titania  05.00  37  13  04  15  16  12  13  08
Soren    06.98  21  00  09  10  11  05  02  08
Oscar    14.55  31  09  02  13  12  07  12  03
Boyd     14.08  39  13  01  11  10  09  10  03 
Rhys     07.67  22  00  12  09  06  09  02  15
Mia      11.52  23  11  02  12  15  08  08  03
Ilyana   06.67  20  01  08  10  09  06  03  10


Ike x Oscar C

Chapter 9:

Mist and Gaggles join the crew. YAY! Rofl has his own personal bow >_>

Turn 1:

Everyone heads up, Oscar and Titania Rescue / Drop Ike.

Lethe transforms and moves up, Mordecai moves up.

Ike counters a Myrm and a Soldier.

Turn 2:

Mist heals Ike. Boyd kills the Soldier, Mia kills the Myrm. Titania kills a Soldier and rushes forward, and Ike kills the mage. Oscar heads left but stays in range of Ike's support. Lethe attacks a Knight. Mordecai moves up.

The Knight retreats and heals. Titania weakens another Knight.

Turn 3:

Boyd and Mia head towards the houses on the left. Titania takes out a Knight and moves forward. Rhys heals Ike. Oscar weakens an Archer, Ike moves up and Directs Lethe and Mordecai to move to the Target Area where the Knight is.

Lethe and Mordecai don't attack </facepalm>

Oscar and Titania take two Archer shots, and Oscar weakens the Knight. Titania takes out another Knight. Mia weakens a Fighter.

Turn 4:

Ilyana kills the Fighter, Boyd and Mia charge forward. Ike takes out the Knight. Oscar takes out a weakened Archer. Titania takes out a Myrm. Everyone else follows Boyd and Mia.

Lethe takes out the Archer. Mordecai heads up.

Mia weakens another Fighter. Ike dodges a Javelin. Mordecai takes two hits from the Myrm and transforms. Oscar counters another Myrm.

The Brigand destroys the first house >_>

Turn 5:

Ilyana kills the first Fighter. Boyd kills another Fighter. Rolf chips at another Fighter and Mia weakens him further. Mist shoves Ilyana forward and Rhys heals her.

Oscar kills the weakened Myrm and Titania kills another. Titania cantos up to kill the Mage. Ike weakens a Soldier.

Mordecai kills the Soldier and Lethe kills a Mage. Mia counters two Fighters and kills the second. Boyd gets hit by a Mage. Ike counters a Myrm and a Soldier. Titania kills a Mage.

Turn 6:

Titania smacks the boss with her Hand Axe. Oscar finishes off the Myrm. Ike falls back to recruit Marcia. Rolf weakens the Fighter, Ilyana misses. Boyd kills the Mage and Mia kills the Fighter. Rhys heals Boyd.

Lethe kills the weakened Soldier and reverts back to human form. Mordecai kills the boss. Rolf gets doubled by the Swordfighter, and Boyd takes a hit from the Mage. The second house is destroyed.

Turn 7:

Ike recruits Marcia. Marcia Rescues Ike and Oscar drops him. Boyd kills the mage, Soren weakens the Myrm and Ilyana misses.... again. Mia kills the Myrm and Rhys heals her. Mist heals Rofl.

Turn 8:

Ilyana misses her shot on Nadata. Boyd, Soren and Mia whack Nedata, Rhys heals Boyd. Ike Seizes.

Marcia better be worth it, after slowing down to wait for her >_>


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      15.00  31  13  03  12  13  12  11  09
Titania  05.42  37  13  04  15  16  12  13  08
Soren    07.26  21  00  10  11  12  05  02  09
Oscar    15.46  32  09  03  14  13  07  12  03
Boyd     14.90  39  13  01  11  10  09  10  03 
Rhys     08.22  22  00  12  09  06  09  03  15
Mia      13.00  25  12  04  13  16  09  08  04
Ilyana   07.26  21  01  08  10  09  07  03  11
Mist     01.22  16  01  04  04  07  06  02  07
Rofl     01.31  rofl
Marcia   08.00  22  09  00  08  13  07  09  08

Ike x Oscar C

Ike x Titania C

I forged a +5 Iron Lance named Harry for Oscar, and gave Larry to Marcia. Also, level 15 Oscar has the same strength as level 8 Marcia @_@

Chapter 10:

I hired Volke since an extra guy would be pretty useful, and I'm swimming in G atm.

Deployed: Ike, Boyd, Oscar, Titania, Marcia, Mia, Rhys, Lethe, Volke

Turn 1:

Lethe transforms. Titania and Marcia take care of the first Soldier. Everyone else moves out.

Oscar weakens a Soldier. Lethe counterkills a Myrm and a Soldier.

Turn 2:

Volke opens the door and Ike speaks to Sephiran. Lethe kills a Myrm and Boyd weakens the Knight. Mia kills the weakened Soldier. Titania grabs the door key from her and rushes up to free Kieran and Brom. Oscar weakens a Soldier.

Oscar dodges a Mage abd counterkills a Soldier. Oscar weakens two Knights. Boyd gets hit by an Archer and counterkills the Knight. He weakens the Soldier.

Turn 3:

Mia kills the weakened Knight. Marcia kills the Mage, and Titania kills the Knight. Oscar grabs the Door key and unlocks Kieran's and Brom's cell. Volke shoves Ike to block the hallway and Rhys heals Marcia. Lethe kills the Archer, Boyd misses his shot on the Soldier.

Boyd counterkills the Soldier. Ike weakens another Soldier.

Turn 4:

Oscar takes out the weakened Soldier. Ike goes to talk to Kieran and Brom. Everyone else heads toward the exit, and Rhys heals Mia. Marcia unlocks Nephenee's cell.

Marcia weakens a Soldier.

Turn 5:

Ike speaks to Brom, and directs him to the exit. Funny, Sephiran didn't turn yellow after Ike spoke to him...

Marcia weakens the Soldier further and Mia finishes him off. Lethe takes care of the Soldier, Oscar weakens the last one. Rhys heals Marcia. Volke goes to grab the right chest.

Oscar counterkills the Soldier.

Lethe detransforms.

Turn 6:

Ike doesn't seem to be able to speak to Kieran...

Ike rushes off toward the exit. Titania kills the Knight. Rhys heals Oscar, Oscar weakens the other Knight. Volke opens the door.

Lethe gets attacked by the Halberdier and the Knight. Oscar gets attacked by an Archer and the boss.

Turn 7:

Boyd weakens the Knight. Oscar kills it. Titania weakens the boss, and Rhys heals her. Lethe moves back. Volke gets a Statue Frag... whatever that is.

Boyd counters the Halberdier but misses. Titania further weakens the boss.

Turn 8:

Ike talks to Nephenee. Boyd and Titania take down the boss. Mia takes out the Archer, Rhys heals Boyd, Marcia and Oscar Rescue / Drop him.

Titania weakens the Soldier, Mia takes an attack from the Archer, Titania weakens the Halberdier.

Turn 9:

Mia takes out the other Archer, Oscar and Marcia open two chests. Boyd misses the Halberdier, and Titania kills him.

Turn 10:

Lethe transforms (>_>) Marcia and Oscar open the next two chests. Lethe and Mia escape.

Turn 11:

Everyone escapes.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      15.08  31  13  03  12  13  12  11  09
Titania  06.46  38  14  04  15  17  13  14  09
Oscar    16.85  32  09  03  14  14  08  13  03
Boyd     15.71  40  13  01  11  10  09  10  03 
Rhys     09.10  23  00  12  09  06  09  03  16
Mia      14.16  25  13  04  14  17  09  08  05
Marcia   12.00  23  10  00  09  16  10  09  08

Ike x Oscar B

Ike x Titania C

Titania x Boyd C

Also, Gamble sounds like the most retarded skill ever >_>

Chapter 11:

Deployed: Ike, Brom, Nephenee, Kieran, Marcia, Titania, Rhys, Lethe, Mordecai, Oscar, Boyd, Mia

Turn 1:

I send Titania, Ike and Lethe over to the right to take care of the Vigilante fools. Titania, Oscar, Kieran, Ike and Lethe take care of 4 enemies between them.

Also, Gamble is optional. I thought it was permanent. That was certainly worrying.

Everyone else moves to the left.

Boyd dodges a Hand Axe, Brom smashes a Fighter into the ground. Brom counters a Knight.

Turn 2:

Titania and Lethe move up but stay out of Zihark's range. Mia kills a Myrm, Boyd and Nephenee kill a Cav. Brom kills a Fighter, Marcia weakens a Cav. Kieran takes out a Cav with his Pole Axe. Oscar rushes forward to block the hallway with Marcia. Rhys heals Brom.

Oscar gets hit by a Mage. Oscar weakens two Cavs and two Knights.

Titania kills three Vigilantes. The Thief destroys the left house.

Turn 3:

Lethe recruits Zihark and Shoves him further up. Zihark gets a Killer Lance. Mia visits the southern house for a Dracoshield. Kieran and Boyd kill one of the Armors, allowing Marcia to kill one of the mages. Brom and Oscar kill one of the Cavs. Rhys heals Oscar.

Oscar gets hit by another Mage. Zihark dodges an Arrow from the Bow Knight. Boyd counterkills a Cav and weakens a Soldier. Lethe counterkills a Myrm.

Turn 4:

Lethe, Titania and Zihark kill the two Cavs. Oscar kills a Thief and cantos off. Kieran kills the Knight and Marcia kills the Mage. Rhys heals Boyd, everyone else heads for the ship.

Titania weakens a Cav.

Mordecai goes into Beast Mode1!!!!111

Turn 5:

Jill enters the field! I don't think I can recruit her since she won't be moving at all. Ike, Zihark, Titania and Lethe take care of 3 Cavs.

Marcia kills a Priest, Oscar moves into the boss' range with a Javelin equipped.

Oscar doges 1 damage to the boss. Titania counterkills the cav.

Turn 6:

Mordecai and Kieran take out the boss. Rhys heals Marcia, Marcia and Boyd Rescue / Drop Rhys. Everyone else charges forward.

It's the Black Knight!!!!

Ike counters two Cavs. Lethe detransforms.

Turn 7:

Holy fuck @ the Black Knight's stats.

Mordecai takes out a Priest. Oscar and Kieran take out a Cav each. Titania weakens the Armor.

Everyone else rushes forward.

The Armor attacks Marcia, but misses.

Turn 8:

Boyd kills the Armor, and Mia arrives at the point to clear the map.

Boyd finishes off the Armor.

Anyway, I chose to aid Sothe because I'm a nice guy. Sothe seems like an Est, but 7 Attack isn't doing him any favours.

Kieran is excellent. Brom is... Oscar without a horse, heh. Nephenee seems sub-par as well.

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      15.43  31  13  03  12  13  12  11  09
Titania  07.00  38  14  04  16  17  14  14  09
Oscar    19.00  35  11  03  16  15  10  15  03
Boyd     16.54  40  14  02  12  11  09  10  03 
Rhys     09.54  23  00  12  09  06  09  03  16
Mia      14.34  25  13  04  14  17  09  08  05
Marcia   14.00  24  11  01  09  18  10  09  08
Kieran   14.00  31  12  01  11  14  08  10  01

Ike x Oscar B

Ike x Titania C

Titania x Boyd C

I forged another +5 Mt Iron Lance for Oscar named the Oberisk.

Chapter 12:

Deployed: Ike, Mordecai, Lethe, Mia, Titania, Boyd, Rhys, Oscar, Kieran, Marcia

Quite an... odd rout map. Like Pirate Ship except with 100 less enemies or so.

Turn 1:

Lethe transforms, Rhys stays out of range.

Oscar dodges a Bird and counters it.

Turn 2:

Kieran misses his shot on the Bird. Titania finishes it off. Oscar hits a bird with his Javelin, Marcia hits it with Larry and Boyd misses it.

Boyd misses his counter on the Bird. Kieran hits two. Mordecai gets attacked by one.

Turn 3:

Jill: Are they.... bird half-breeds?

Oscar and Mia take care of the weakened Bird. Ike smashes a Bird with his Laguzslayer, Boyd finishes it off. Titania and Kieran kill the last invading bird. Rhys heals Kieran.

Marcia picks up Mia.

Turn 4:

Ike gives the Laguzslayer to Mia, Marcia flies over to the right. Rhys heals Boyd.

Jill speaks to Ike and recruits herself.

Turn 5:

Mordecai transforms. Marcia moves down, but out of Seker's range. Jill follows Marcia.

Jill gets attacked by a Bird. Seeker pursues Marcia, and Mordecai kills one of the Birds.

Turn 6:

Marcia retreats, Jill takes Mia and Titania drops her. Rhys heals Jill. Oscar passes her the Oberisk.

Lethe counters the weakened Bird.

Lethe detransforms.

Turn 7:

Marcia kills a bird. Rhys heals Marcia.

Seeker.. can't board the ship? That's dumb.

Turn 8:

Marcia misses her shot on Seeker. Mordecai kills a bird. Titania misses her shot on Seeker.

Seeker hits Jill twice, Jill hits him back for 12 damage.

Ike counters a Bird.

Turn 9:

Mordecai kills the bird. Seeker dodges Oscar's attack and gets hit by Marcia. Larry breaks =( Titania and Mia finish him off.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      15.86  31  13  03  12  13  12  11  09
Titania  07.43* 38  14  04  16  17  14  14  09
Oscar    01.00* 39  13  05  19  17  10  18  06
Boyd     16.95  40  14  02  12  11  09  10  03 
Rhys     10.09  23  00  12  11  06  09  03  17
Mia      15.45  25  13  04  14  18  10  08  05
Marcia   14.72  24  11  01  09  18  10  09  08
Kieran   14.70  31  12  01  11  14  08  10  01
Jill     08.38  24  11  00  10  09  06  11  02
Mordecai 03.05  43  16  02  08  09  10  03  04
Lethe    03.90  34  12  04  10  12  15  09  07

Ike x Oscar B

Ike x Titania C

Titania x Boyd C

Oscar x Kieran C

Also, Soren seems to be Laguz. Nasir and Kurthnaga have the same... uh.. tatoo on their foreheads. Nasir was probably going to get screwed over by Goldoa if he left the ship because he is of Goldoan descent.

I forged a +5 Iron Axe for Oscar

I pumped some BEXP into Oscar to see what would happen, and apparently units autopromote at 21. Then what are the Master Seals for anyway >_>

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-Gamble does suck, never use it. Apparently a trained Rolf can make some use, since he has decent skill/bows/hit boosting supports/innate crit boost, but Rolf has uh, other issues.

-I wouldn't be too liberal with BEXP. Astrid, Makalov, and Tormod have yet to join, and if you want to use any of them a BEXP dump is in order. They're all good once trained, but they need a push to get going.

-In the desert chapter, you can get a large amount of BEXP by killing ONLY the boss. However, the enemies in that chapter give enough CEXP that you might not care, and it's quite demanding to kill the boss without killing anything else.

-Yep, characters auto-promote at 21. Master Seals are for Mist/Rhys/Mages, since they level sooo sloooowly, and mages just get lots of benefits from more str/mag/spd/move/staves.

-Ike does not auto-promote at 21.

-The Knight Ward, which you get in the next chapter, increases the Speed growth of any character that has it equipped. It's pretty much the only way to get Brom/Gatrie/Devdan to be fast.

-Sothe is not an Est. While his average 20/0 stats are good, he's locked to weak Knives, and worst of all, he cannot promote EVER. Tormod is the real Est of this game, although you could also consider Astrid and Makalov Ests as well.

-Statue Frags increase CON, which is used for shoving and rescuing and absolutely nothing else. I understand you can get Brom to be able to shove Marcia with them... but I'd rather just have another forge.

-There is a hidden character in the desert chapter. I say 'hidden' in the sense that if you do not look up how to get him, you are NOT going to get him.

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-The Knight Ward, which you get in the next chapter, increases the Speed growth of any character that has it equipped. It's pretty much the only way to get Brom/Gatrie/Devdan to be fast.

Only for horse knights, armors, and soldiers (and their promoted versions).

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Chapter 13:

Deployed: Ike, Mordecai, Lethe, Mia, Titania, Boyd, Rhys, Oscar, Kieran, Marcia, Volke

Gatrie!!! Well, admittedly I feel like letting him die right here, but I'll save that honour for Shinon.

Turn 1:

Oscar kills a Soldier with a Javelin. Titania has a leisurely chat with Gatrie and kills an Archer. Jill weakens a Myrm, Lethe heads over to the upper left. Marcia follows Jill. Boyd and Mordecai shove Ike over and he recruits Astrid. Astrid then... uh.. persuades Gatrie to come over with Ike. Astrid cantos to safety. Everyone else moves up. Gatrie weakens a Halberdier.

Gatrie counters the Halberdier and takes no damage from a Javelin. Jill weakens a Soldier.

The Soldiers take turns trying to hit the enemies, but failing.

Turn 2:

Gatrie and Jill kill a Soldier. Kieran attacks the middle Halberdier. Volke gets Elfire, Marcia chips at a Soldier at the left bridge. Oscar and Ike weaken the Archer and Myrm, Titania kills a Soldier. Mia moves over to the left, Rhys heals Jill.

Ike counterkills a Myrm, Marcia weakens a Soldier. The Ravens attack Lethe and a Soldier, Lethe counters. Ike counters a Soldier.

Turn 3:

Boyd and Mordecai shove Mia over to the right and she kills a Raven with Laguzslayer. Marcia kills a Raven, Jill and Lethe kill a Soldier and Gatrie misses his shot on a Halberdier. Oscar and Titania kill the right Halberdier, Ike kills the Archer. Volke gets the Longsword. Kieran weakens the Halberdier further. Rhys heals Mia.

Kieran misses his shot on the Halberdier. Titania kills two Mages and a Myrm.

Turn 4:

Jill kills a Halberdier. Kieran kills a Soldier. Oscar, Titania and Ike kill the boss. Volke grabs the Speedwing. Gatrie retreats, Lethe weakens the halberdier. Rhys heals Jill. Marcia weakens the Halberdier further.

Lethe counterkills a Myrm and the Halberdier, Kieran weakens a Soldier. Oscar counterkills a Myrm and a Fighter.

Lethe detransforms and Mordecai transforms.

Turn 5:

Gatrie and Jill take out the Archer, ike kills the Fighter. Volke gets an Energy Drop, Titania and Kieran kill the last two enemies on deck.

Turn 6:

Naesala activates the Raven reinforcements. Volke gets the Occult scroll. Titania and Astrid Rescue / Drop Volke.

One of the Ravens get the Killer Bow.

Turn 7:

Titania kills a Raven. Mordecai and Jill kill another. Boyd, Oscar, Astrid and Kieran kill another Raven. Volke grabs the Laguz Axe.

Turn 8:

Rhys gets more EXP healing.

Ike is a pretty cool guy, eh sticks it up to the girl and doesn't afraid of anything. Sanaki and her troop of advisors (Oliver, Hetzel, Lekain) are just infuriating.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      17.25  33  14  03  13  15  12  12  10
Titania  08.25* 39  15  04  17  18  14  14  10
Oscar    01.75* 39  13  05  19  17  10  18  06
Boyd     17.49  40  15  02  13  11  10  10  03 
Rhys     10.75  23  00  12  11  06  09  03  17
Mia      15.82  25  13  04  14  18  10  08  05
Marcia   15.43  24  11  01  09  19  11  09  08
Kieran   15.62  32  13  01  11  14  08  11  01
Jill     10.63  26  12  00  10  11  07  13  02
Mordecai 03.15  43  16  02  08  09  10  03  04
Lethe    04.57  35  13  04  11  12  15  09  08

Ike x Oscar A

Ike x Titania B

Titania x Boyd C

Oscar x Kieran C

Kieran x Marcia C

Chapter 14:

Deployed: Ike, Mordecai, Lethe, Mia, Titania, Boyd, Rhys, Oscar, Kieran, Marcia, Gatrie, Zihark

Turn 1:

Mia and Jill kill the first fighter. Titania grabs the Spirit Dust. Ike, Boyd, Marcia and Lethe kill two Brigands. Rhys heals Mia.

Lethe dodges an Archer.

Turn 2:

Boyd and Kieran kill a Brigand, Mia kills a Brigand as well. Lethe moves up to reveal another Brigand. Gatrie and Mordecai Shove Ike and he kills the mage. Titania moves left and reveals a few fighters, Marcia and Jill rush left.

Ike dodges an Archer and weakens a Brigand. Titania weakens two Fighters.

Turn 3:

Lethe goes left and kills the Fighter. Titania weakens a Sword Knight revealing a Lance Knight, which Jill promptly flattens. Ike kills a brigand, Oscar rushes left and Kieran kills an Archer. Marcia rushes to the left, revealing Makalov... well, I hope he doesn't suicide on me here.

Marcia kills both Fighters and the Sword Armor. Makalov attacks Marcia, but doesn't die. Ike counterattacks two Fighters.

Turn 4:

Marcia recruits Makalov and Makalov runs for cover and uses a Vulnerary. Titania, Oscar and Jill kill the Brigand. Kieran kills another Brigand harrassing Gatrie. Boyd kills a Fighter and Mordecai shoves Kieran up further.

Mordecai transforms.

Turn 5:

Oscar and Titania grab the items. Boyd heads up, revealing the Feral one and the boss. Mordecai kills a Fighter, Kieran a Mage.

Boyd counters a Brigand.

Turn 6:

Jill kills the Brigand. Mordecai, Kieran and Mia kill the boss.

Also, holy crap it's Red XIII... oh, it's just Caineghis. Anyway, Dehginsea seems to be the most rational among the Laguz kings, but Tibarn and that other guy are just pirate dicks.

And seems Duke Oliver is planning something! This could be fun, I'd appreciate any opportunity to beat up any of those old fags.


Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      18.00  34  14  03  14  16  12  13  10
Titania  08.36* 39  15  04  17  18  14  14  10
Oscar    02.00* 39  13  05  19  17  10  18  06
Boyd     17.83  40  15  02  13  11  10  10  03 
Rhys     11.08  24  00  13  11  07  10  03  17
Mia      16.71  26  13  04  15  19  11  08  05
Marcia   16.35  25  11  02  10  20  11  09  08
Kieran   16.56  33  13  01  12  14  09  12  01
Jill     11.47  26  13  00  11  11  07  13  02
Mordecai 03.39  43  16  02  08  09  10  03  04
Lethe    04.71  35  13  04  11  12  15  09  08

Ike x Oscar A

Ike x Titania B

Titania x Boyd C

Oscar x Kieran C

Kieran x Marcia C

I forged a +5 Steel Sword for Ike, named the Chaos Blade, so that he can ORKO more stuff.

Chapter 15:

Deployed: Ike, Mia, Titania, Boyd, Rhys, Oscar, Marcia, Jill, Volke, Lethe, Mordecai

Turn 1:

Lethe transforms. Everyone moves left. Marcia kills an untransformed Raven.

Marcia counterkills a transformed Raven.

Turn 2:

Marcia and Jill kill an untransformed Tiger. Rhys heals Marcia.

Turn 3:

Everyone heads up, Volke finds a Silver Blade.

Jill weakens a transformed Cat.

Turn 4:

Lethe kills the Cat, Jill kills an untransformed cat. Volke gets a Shine, Marcia weakens a Cat.

Boyd misses his hit on a Tiger. Marcia kills a Raven.

Mordecai transforms.

Turn 5:

Rhys heals Marcia, Oscar and Boyd take out a Tiger. Mordecai and Lethe kill a Tiger, Jill kills an untransformed Cat. Jill kills a weakened Cat.

Jill weakens a Tiger. Marcia counterkills a Raven.

Turn 6:

Mia kills the Tiger. Rhys heals Jill.

Mordecai counters a cat, Lethe detransforms.

Turn 7:

Marcia hurts Muarim. Oscar kills a Cat.

Turn 8:

Volke finds a Boots, Marcia misses her hit on Muarim. Mia hurts him, Jill finishes him off.

Also, Astrid has Elite (Paragon). It might be worth using her. Tormod and Muarim join, but I don't really need another Mage. Lesson learnt from TRS, FE4 and FE5, anyone who has Elite and has decent combat is godly as hell.

BEXP: ~500

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      18.00  34  14  03  14  16  12  13  10
Titania  08.36* 39  15  04  17  18  14  14  10
Oscar    02.39* 39  13  05  19  17  10  18  06
Boyd     18.21  40  15  02  13  12  10  10  04 
Rhys     11.63  24  00  13  11  07  10  03  17
Mia      17.24  27  14  04  15  20  12  08  05
Marcia   18.60  27  11  02  10  20  11  09  09
Kieran   16.56  33  13  01  12  14  09  12  01
Jill     13.50  28  13  01  12  12  07  13  03
Mordecai 03.60  43  16  02  08  09  10  03  04
Lethe    05.15  36  13  04  12  13  16  09  08
Astrid   16.00  24  14  05  16  19  12  09  08

Ike x Oscar A

Ike x Titania B

Titania x Boyd C

Oscar x Kieran C

Kieran x Marcia C

I gave the boots to Ike so he can clear Seizes earlier and keep up with Oscar / Titania. Also, BEXP dump on Astrid @_@

I forged a +5 Steel Bow named Gastrafitis for Astrid.

Chapter 16:

Well, time to beat up Oliv... HOLY CRAP IT'S A NON WHITE GUY @_@

First human that isn't white I've seen in FE games (Nasir is laguz, he doesn't count =/)

Deployed: Ike, Astrid, Jill, Marcia, Volke, Rhys, Mia, Boyd, Titania, Kieran

Turn 1:

Ike moves up, Oscar weakens a Myrm. Everyone else moves right.

Kieran counterkills a Myrm. Astrid dodges one. Oscar kills the last.

Turn 2:

Astrid kills the Myrm and gains a ridiculous amount of EXP. Mia and Boyd kill the fighter, everyone else heads for the throne.

Oscar weakens a Mage on the counter, Ike kills a Myrm.

Turn 3:

Astrid kills the Hand Axe fighter, Kieran kills the Myrm. Everyone else rushes forward.

Ike gets hit by a Mage.

Turn 4:

Astrid kills the Mage. Titania, Oscar and Ike kill the south Armor.

Astrid dodges a Knight. Ike counterkills a Myrm

Turn 5:

Volke opens the top door to a room with a few enemies. Astrid kills the Myrm. Titania moves over to protect Volke. Boyd and Kieran kill a rushing Armor. Ike and Jill kill the Myrm, Oscar kills a Mage.

Ike dodges a Sniper. Titania weakens an Archer, while Ike weakens a Knight. Ike weakens a Myrm, Astrid dodges a Halberdier.

Turn 6:

Titania and Astrid get rid of the Halberdier. Volke opens a Chest for a Silver Lance, Jill kills the Archer. Boyd kills the Knight, Ike kills the Sniper. Mia and Marcia take care of the Myrm, oscar gets rid of a Mage and Kieran kills a Priest.

Kieran kills a Myrm.

Turn 7:

Astrid gets the second chest, Jill rescues Volke. Marcia takes Volke. Boyd weakens the Armor, Rhys heals Mia and Mia kills the Armor. Kieran and Oscar head left to lure Devdan in, Ike follows them.

Kieran counters Devdan, Oscar counters a Soldier.

Turn 8:

Kieran weakens a Soldier and runs off. No one can recruit Devdan apparently, so Devdan needs to die. Boyd puts him out of his misery. Mia and Ike kill the rest of the Soldiers, Oscar kills the Thief. Marcia puts Volke down. Rhys heals Astrid.

Oscar kills a Myrm and weakens another.

Turn 9:

Oscar kills the Archer and Mia kills the Myrm. Ike heads back to kill the boss. Astrid breaks open the door of the second chest room. Volke commences plundering. Kieran gets rid of the Mage, Titania weakens the General boss. Marcia kills a Priest.

Titania further weakens the boss. Boyd takes an Archer shot to his face, and counters a Soldier.

Turn 10:

Astrid, Marcia and Oscar Rescue / Drop Volke. Titania further weakens the boss, Kieran stands in front to kill it on the counter.

Kieran counterkills the boss. Jill weakens a Soldier and kills another.

Turn 11:

Jill kills a Soldier.

Jill counterkills a Soldier.

Turn 12:

Marcia and Volkex open the last two chests, Jill weakens a Soldier and Ike Seizes.

Oliver has a badass theme.

BEXP: ~330 EXP

Unit     Lv.Ex  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Ike      19.32  35  15  03  15  17  13  13  10
Titania  08.75* 39  15  04  17  18  14  14  10
Oscar    03.63* 39  14  05  19  18  11  18  07
Boyd     19.35  40  16  02  14  13  10  10  04 
Rhys     12.16  25  00  13  12  07  11  03  17
Mia      18.21  27  15  05  15  20  12  09  05
Marcia   19.03  28  12  02  11  20  11  09  09
Kieran   18.82  34  15  01  13  16  10  14  04
Jill     15.00  30  15  01  14  13  08  13  04
Mordecai 03.60  43  16  02  08  09  10  03  04
Lethe    05.15  36  13  04  12  13  16  09  08
Astrid   20.00  27  17  05  16  20  14  10  10

Ike x Oscar A

Ike x Titania B

Titania x Boyd C

Oscar x Kieran B

Kieran x Marcia C

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Chapter 13:

Turn 8:

Kieran weakens a Soldier and runs off. No one can recruit Devdan apparently, so Devdan needs to die. Boyd puts him out of his misery. Mia and Ike kill the rest of the Soldiers, Oscar kills the Thief. Marcia puts Volke down. Rhys heals Astrid.

That's why you check the unit list before you start the chapter. see who can talk to him. It's only the kids that can recruit him, and since you've (understandably) dropped all the kids, nobody on your squad could recruit him.

Oh, and why not build Mia and Rhys' support? You've deployed them together so much and it's not like either of them have any other (better) options.

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@ Narga You can? Well, it's probably too late now, I don't want to redo that chapter anyway so Devdan will stay dead. I don't plan on using Rhys for long, I'm probably dropping him once another healer comes around since his speed isn't going to fix itself. Rhys x Mia isn't useful at all because Rhys is squishy and Mia can't be around him much.

Oh, and @uzy5o, I made a mistake with the chapter numbers =/

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@ Narga You can? Well, it's probably too late now, I don't want to redo that chapter anyway so Devdan will stay dead. I don't plan on using Rhys for long, I'm probably dropping him once another healer comes around since his speed isn't going to fix itself. Rhys x Mia isn't useful at all because Rhys is squishy and Mia can't be around him much

I just figure that Mia's only options are Rhys, Ilyana, and Largo. You clearly aren't using Ilyana, so there is nothing to lose. Even if they only end up within 3 spaces once or twice for the rest of the game, +1/2 damage is +1/2 damage.

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Also, holy crap it's Red XIII... oh, it's just Caineghis. Anyway, Dehginsea seems to be the most rational among the Laguz kings, but Tibarn and that other guy are just pirate dicks.


Also, there's a boss you can recruit later on. Unfortunately, you won't know how to recruit him unless you check up a guide. Kind of like that guy in the desert.

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Also, I forged a +2 Mt Iron Lance for Oscar named Larry. Playing around with Forges is fun!


Is this your homework, Larry?

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@ Narga You can? Well, it's probably too late now, I don't want to redo that chapter anyway so Devdan will stay dead. I don't plan on using Rhys for long, I'm probably dropping him once another healer comes around since his speed isn't going to fix itself. Rhys x Mia isn't useful at all because Rhys is squishy and Mia can't be around him much.

Oh, and @uzy5o, I made a mistake with the chapter numbers =/

Don't hold your breath waiting for another healer. Rhys and Mist (who you're not using) are literally the only healers you have until Chapter 26, unless you promote a mage (which you're clearly not doing). So I'd get used to having Rhys around, since you really don't have much alternative.

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