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Anouleth's HM Playthrough


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Completed at 222 turns.

A nice, efficient HM log. Differs from my last playthrough in that I will not be an idiot. This playthrough is kind of blind in the sense that I'm not going to copy dondon, but I have caught a few glimpses of his videos and I will use his turncounts as something to aim for.

Transfers are:


-HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, Defense




-HP, Strength, Skill, Speed


-Strength, Speed


-Strength, Skill, Speed, Defense


-Magic, Skill, Speed, Resistance


-Strength, Skill, Speed


-Strength, Skill, Speed


-Strength, Skill, Speed


-Strength, Skill, Speed, Defense


-Strength, Skill, Speed


-HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, Defense


-Strength, Skill, Speed


-Magic, Skill, Speed


-HP, Skill


-Speed, Defense


1-P   7 turns    2-P   9 turns    3-5   2 turns    4-P   2 turns
1-1   7 turns    2-1   7 turns    3-6  13 turns    4-1   3 turns
1-2   8 turns    2-2   5 turns    3-7  13 turns    4-2   4 turns
1-3   8 turns    2-3   5 turns    3-8   4 turns    4-3   5 turns
1-4   7 turns    2-E   3 turns    3-9   5 turns    4-4   6 turns
1-5   6 turns                     3-10  4 turns    4-5   1 turn
1-6   9 turns    3-P   7 turns    3-11  5 turns    4-E   8 turns
1-7   5 turns    3-1   6 turns    3-12  7 turns    
1-8   3 turns    3-2   3 turns    3-13  3 turns    
1-9   7 turns    3-3   7 turns    3-E   5 turns    
1-E   6 turns    3-4   7 turns    

Part 1 Silver Haired Maiden

1-P Under Gray Skies

7/7 turns


Simple stuff. If Edward gets missed, he charges forward and takes multiple bandits, if he gets hit, he wrath-kills. Either way, I win. Eddie gets bosskill, which is a little unfair to Micaiah I guess. Edward also procced speed, which will be useful next chapter.

Name     Level EXP HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res Other
Micaiah   1    76  15   2   7   8   7  10   2   4
Edward    5    77  20   8   0  11  13   8   5   0
Leonardo  4    12  17   8   0  12  10   6   5   4

Part 1

Silver Haired Maiden

1-1 Echoes of Daybreak

7/14 turns

60/90 BEXP

Turn 1

Nolan goes north and eats the Dracoshield and is manly after Leonardo trades with him. Leonardo moves to block up the alleyway, out of range of Msr. Javelin.

Turn 2

Edward 3HKOes the Fighter, so he doesn't even need any help. Micaiah Sacrifices for Edward, while Nolan and Leonardo finish the guys that attacked him. Edward procs more str/spd.

Turn 3

Edward and Micaiah finish off Nolan's work, Leo visits the church. I also forget to heal Nolan, herp derp.

Turn 4

Nolan finishes the Soldier, Edward kills the Archer with a lucky crit. Leonardo originally had to kill the archer and take a hit from the fighter due to Nolan being almost dead, but he has to move there anyway because otherwise Edward would die. He weakens the Fighter and Micaiah Sacrifices 2 HP for Nolan, for lack of anything better to do.

Turn 5

Apparently that Fighter next to the boss area doesn't move? I guess I bugged out over nothing. Leo weakens, Micaiah kills from 1-range, and Edward kills the Iron Axe Fighter to the left (he dodged on enemy phase). Nolan moves next to the Hand Axe Fighter and chugs a Vulnerary.

Turn 6

Micaiah weakens Isaiya, Edward finishes (he doubles :D and he procced speed again!), Leo weakens Msr. Hand Axe, Nolan takes the Hand Axe and finishes.

Turn 7


Name     Level EXP HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res Other
Micaiah   2    55  15   2   8   9   7  11   2   5
Edward    7    16  22   9   0  12  15   8   6   0
Leonardo  4    52  17   8   0  12  10   6   5   4
Nolan     9    66  29  12   0  11  10   7  11   3 Took Dracoshield

Edited by Anouleth
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I'm never sure what to do with Sothe in 1-2. On the one hand, I always feel like I can take on everything on my own (generally false), but on the other hand I'm gunning for a quick completion. On the other hand though, I've cleared half the level in three turns. And also I want to steal vulneraries :awesome: .

arrrg Nolan died because of getting doubled by Archers....

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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He didn't, his adventure sadly had to end due to death. *Plays Shadowgate Grim Reaper theme*

Anyways, Anouleth, try this. Eddie goes north and waits to counter the fighter when he climbs the ledge (or you could attempt to try your luck and take a swipe at him), Miccy or Laura blocking the south ledge so the guy can't climb down, and Nolan goes right. Afterwards, have the rest of the group go left to take care of the treasure room while Sothe goes right for the boss's room. The soldier on the upper ledge will come down if someone's in range, so by the time Sothe gets to the boss room, Nolan could be ready to climb up. In the least, it gets everyone a good amount of EXP, you still get the Energy Drops, and you can get Laura to the arrival square still in good time along with Thani.

1-2 is annoying, you have to be so precise yet you are such a victim to acc on this map. It's why I prefer sending Nolan tot he right, because even if he misses the bronze soldiers, they barely do dick to him (then again, I had given him the Dracoshield...).

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I gave mine the Dracoshield too! Main problem was forgetting to switch to Hand Axe to avoid getting doubled, since he failed to proc STR/SPD.

Thing it, it just feels like a waste to not kill the fighter to the north, since it's easy for me to do on turn one whether I use Eddie or Nolan. I admit that accuracy is super-painful, there were many times where I relied on a 80 display hit to not die, but watcha gonna do.

I'll come back and work on it tomorrow. I was so close to a 6 turn as well, but I needed some luck with hitting to get that so we'll see.

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I know it's so easy to get that kill on the first turn, but this is not only easier, but can overall get a more even spread of EXP among your team. Once Nolan kills the enemies on the right side, you're done having to watch your back. This beats Eddie just trying to block the way and ticking them off one by one while he runs back or otherwise sits there like a goon while Nolan whiffs his way to the treasure room and allowing even more resistance between Sothe and the Energy Drop.

Have Eddie lead and let Nolan go rambo on the right half of the map. More fun, and chances are it at least makes getting to the treasure room easier since there's sparce people in Eddie's way so he doesn't have to worry about getting killed.

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Really, my strategy was fine, I just forgot to check if the enemies doubled Nolan. I even checked to make sure they wouldn't 2HKO, it didn't even occur he might get doubled (even though it was constantly happening with other enemies.)

aaaaahhh Edward got critted by the Myrmidon


Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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1-2 The Dispossessed

8/22 Turns

90/180 BEXP

Turn 1

Edward goes to engage the Soldiers, and Leo shoves Micaiah. She weakens the Fighter for Nolan to kill. Laura moves to the ledge.

Turn 2

Edward killed one Soldier on enemy phase and crippled the other. He climbs the stairs and uses a Vulnerary, switching to Steel. Leo moves out of range of the Soldier (he can't climb the ledge). Nolan attacks the fighter. Nolan and Edward are positioned so that between the pillar, Nolan and Edward, the Fighter can't move - this is important, because Nolan gets doubled and needs healing. If it weren't for the Dracoshield, he would be 4HKOed, as well :( Micaiah weakens the fighter further for EXPs

Turn 3

With everything on the south RHS dead, I can send people left. Micaiah and Leo weaken the Fighter, Nolan kills and levels, but no str/spd :( Laura heals Edward. Sothe heads to the doorway, switching to Bronze Dagger.

Turn 4

Nolan was attacked by two Soldiers (one doubled him <_< ). He misses one, so Mickey finishes the other and positions to counter the Javelin Soldier. Nolan + Edward take the other, Laura heals Nolan. Sothe kills the Archer.

Turn 5

Sothe steals the Vulnerary from the Soldier guarding Zaitan's room (if he attacks, the guy will just use the Vulnerary). Edward moves up, Nolan sits next to Micaiah who continues to work on her Soldier. Laura healed Edward.

Turn 6

With the Soldier dead, Nolan drops down into the room and stands next to the Thani chest. If things go right, he'll weaken himself on Nolan, then Mickey kills him and Nolan grabs the Key and opens the chest. Edward attacks the Steel Bow Archer, he doubles with the Steel Sword. Sothe nabs the Energy Drop.

Turn 7

Edward finishes the Archer, and Sothe shoves him next to the boss and is healed. But disaster in the south! The Myrm moved to block the ledge, so Micaiah can't climb down. I have to take an extra turn to get Thani, but I also get the Wind Edge bosskill so it's not all bad?

Turn 8

Sothe Kards the boss, and unfortunately, he crits so Edward can't take the kill ;_; stupid sothe! Nolan and Micaiah open chests, Laura arrives.

Name     Level EXP HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res Other
Micaiah   3    70  15   2   9  10   8  12   2   6
Edward    8    74  23  10   0  12  16   9   6   0 B Swords o_O
Leonardo  4    90  17   8   0  12  10   6   5   4
Nolan    10    15  29  12   0  12  11   8  11   3
Laura     1    55  16   3   8   3   5   8   2  10
Sothe    --/1  51  35  18   4  20  20  15  14   9

1-3 A Faint Light

8/30 turns

170/350 BEXP


This is a horrible map, just because it's so RNG-reliant. I had Nolan/Laura hold the starting area, while Sothe/Edward/Micaiah went off down the right. I don't have a turn-by-turn for this, I couldn't be bothered.

Kurth/Aimee pissed me off as well. They were in range of the exit, and I assumed that set to Roam, they would escape on their own volition, but they just ran off back towards the prison!

I recruited Aran, as if I'm ever going to touch him again. Pfft.

Name     Level EXP HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res Other
Micaiah   4    98  16   2  10  10   8  13   2   7
Edward    9    63  23  10   0  13  17   9   6   0 
Leonardo  4    90  17   8   0  12  10   6   5   4
Nolan    11    31  29  12   0  12  11   8  11   3 B Axes
Laura     2    21  16   4   9   4   5   8   2  11
Sothe    --/1  80  35  18   4  20  20  15  14   9
Ilyana   12    36  22   6  12  12  13   6   3   9
Aran      7     2  24  10   0  12  10   6  11   2

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Yeah, but even going down the left side and leaving Nolan to take the leftovers is horribly risky, since if they gang up on him he can easily die. I had to leave Laura with him to keep him alive. And er, recruit Aran I guess.

Any advice for 1-4? I'm never sure what to do with Sothe in this chapter. I really have three characters to do stuff with - Edward, Sothe and Nolan, and while I want to send one north, one south-east, and one south-west, I'm not sure which one to send where.

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Yeah, but even going down the left side and leaving Nolan to take the leftovers is horribly risky, since if they gang up on him he can easily die. I had to leave Laura with him to keep him alive.

This isn't a problem for him at all. Simply make it so that Nolan faces one enemy at a time. I did this almost an infinite number of times when I was trying to figure out exact steps to low turning 1-3. Going down the left side is more suicidal and RNG-dependent than going on the right side.

Any advice for 1-4? I'm never sure what to do with Sothe in this chapter. I really have three characters to do stuff with - Edward, Sothe and Nolan, and while I want to send one north, one south-east, and one south-west, I'm not sure which one to send where.

Sothe should hang out in the north since he needs to find the treasure chests, Beastfoe, and he's also capable of shutting down any laguz at whim with Beast Killer. Everyone else should just gang up on the south side of the map.

Edited by Tyranel M
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This isn't a problem for him at all. Simply make it so that Nolan faces one enemy at a time. I did this almost an infinite number of times when I was trying to figure out exact steps to low turning 1-3. Going down the left side is more suicidal and RNG-dependent than going on the right side.

Wait, I meant going down the rhs. When I played, I had issues with Nolan taking the units on the lhs, since you have the myrm/fighter/armour initially (and the myrm can crit), then a pile of soldiers. I shudder to think how horrible it would be with the Frail Brigade or Micaiah/Laura/Leonardo tagging alone too.

rhs is much easier to chokepoint, plus some of the enemies are archers, which are generally easier to deal with because you don't eat counter-attacks.

wrt 1-4, it feels like a waste to have Sothe in the north since a couple of the laguz are untransformed scrubs. I guess he's probably the best to deal with the bosses though. Guess I'll need to cross my fingers for the Master Seal.

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Ah okay. I think I got what you mean.

I had Sothe go south on Turn 1, then charge North. You could do what Interceptor did with Edward (or SCAran) and have him "lure" the untransformed Tiger. If done correctly, the Tiger shouldn't attack him nor transform, and Ilyana can KO it.

...Wow I found this post again due to sheer luck. Here it is from Int himself (from the past):

By the way, I was just skimming posts, so if this has already been mentioned, please disregard.

In 1-4, the most effective first-turn strategy, in my opinion, is to break the wall and place a tank (Eddie is the best for it, obviously, since Aran is bad and should use his jav on the wall anyway) just t the right of the elbow in the corridor. This accomplishes two major things:

1) You've reduced the number of squares to cover down to three, and covering the corridor is twice as easy as covering both broken walls.

2) The laguz boss in the northwest will move up, and stop next to Eddie. The boss will remain untransformed, and won't even attack Ed. I'm 100% serious. Try it for yourself. You will **** bricks.

Clever strategists among us will notice that someone can fire over Eddie's head, and another can fire through the wall. Not everyone here is a clever stragegist, so this needed pointing out. Ilyana doubles him easily, and add that to a shot from Micaiah and perhaps a swipe from Ed, and you've killed a boss on the second turn, without getting hit. Makes the chapter verifiably easier (half the enemies lose an authority star, boss is no longer a threat, etc), and you are in a position to just hold that spot and have Micaiah/Ilyana blow the north to smithereens. Laura, Leo, Nolan, and Sothe can easily handle the south enemies.

Viola. You folks should use this strategy unless you have something more efficient.

PS: Notice how Aran doesn't even need to exist.

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*Distracted by Silith's avatar*

...Anyways, I think going down the left side in 1-3 is just asking to go bald from all the hair you'll be pulling out. It's possible (I've done it before), but there's no need to make it 1-2 The Reckoning when you can just take the right side. You got a trained Eddie, he should be able to help Sothe get you to the door for what it's worth, while Nolan watches your back. Pretty simple, as you can understand. Aran can go to hell for all I care, you won't miss him.

As for 1-4, I found that you could split up as well, one team taking the left side and the other taking right, approaching both sides form the south after said luring of boss form the north. Problem is, I'm not exactly sure how fast you can go through it that way. You could always try doing the same from the north, , but I feel southern reinforcements appearing might be a cause of the chapter suddenly going longer than it needs to, or that weird sand shit in the north making it more annoying to nab the treasure near the other boss.

Try something like this. Whoever you have planned going north, give them your treasure key for taking hte northeast chest. Everyone else basically goes south, splitting up. You'll want to do this with at least Sothe, because A. Master Seal, and B. Some badass tigers approach form the area that happens to have said glorious treasure. Once done there, Sothe goes left for Beastfoe. I recall that he is just barely out of range for the chest if he tries getting Beastfoe, so after a key on the southwest chest (I believe an enemy here drops a set of keys) you will want to shove them towards the next chest, while the team you had go east goes to pull the other boss away while whoever went north goes in to get the last chest. Even then, I don't think this will work without being a bit linient a couple turns.

This chapter's kookoo with the hoops you gotta jump through to get all the treasure here in record time. Doesn't help that even thieves are not garunteed to get hidden treasures. They have a better chance, but that doesn't help. Seriously, why would they do that?

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I recently just did 1-4 (7 turns, not the crazy fast 6), and I am thoroughly convinced that sending Sothe south is viable. Have him kill the tiger that starts down there (Beastkiller) and a bunch of Laguz will suicide into him. He should eat a vulernary, move next to the right jar and get the seal next turn, then head up to have the boss suicide into him, kill the untransformed laguz and then nab the robe, eating vulernaries when possible. In the north, break the wall on the first turn and send Nolan up where he can be hit by three laguz, then kill the boss untransformed (don't remember if you can when you send Nolan up this high. Point is send Nolan up ahead of your scrubs and be sure to kill the boss while untransformed.). By healing with laura, then rescue + dropping her out of the way so that Ilyana can chip Nolan does fine there.

Of course I didn't use Eddie. Are you using him long-term?

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What I did on Chapter 1-4 Was sending Sothe North and then west till he reached the Beastfoe square. After that he rushed past Leonardo (who was right behind him all the time) to the north east corner for the chest.

Leonardo moves south from the NW corner to the SW chest with the chest keys. (he took them from Sothe)

Nolan and Aran make a wall and move as a wall pulling the SW enemies before Leo arrives there and them move east and finally north.

Ilyana and Micaiah Chip with magic.

Laura heals.

Meg and Edward gain Wind edges but I believe both use them only once.

Funny how you think Edward is more valueable then Aran and I totally disagree. Edward has the first 3 chapters but by chapter 1-3 I don't use him anymore (except for a low chip damage when the other Chippers aren't nearby). Aran on the other hand has a great P3 performance and you can get him there without wasting major resources on him. (as proven in my current PT)

EDIT: I took 7 turns for chapter 1-4. So if your way gets all the chests, beastfoe, the seal AND both bosscakes on someone not Sothe in 6 turns I'll admit your strategy is better. I got all those things in 7 turns.

Edited by Silith
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1-4 A Distant Voice

Bought Beast Killer, forged +5mt/20hit Iron Axe for Nolan (Manly Axe), forged +2mt/10hit Iron Axe for Nolan (Iron Axe+2), forged +1mt/5hit Iron Knife for Sothe (Iron Knife+), forged +5mt/15hit Iron Knife for Sothe (Steakknife). Gave BEXP to Micaiah (+SKL/MAG/RES) and Edward (+HP/STR/SPD). Formed NolanxEdward C.

7/37 turns

225/234 BEXP

Turn 1

Edward goes down, attacks the Tiger with Steel, wrathcrits and kills. Laura heals him from the left, and Nolan stands below Laura, exposed on three sides. Ideally, he will only get attacked by the two cats and they will prevent the Tiger from also attacking, but either way works.

Meg, Leonardo and Ilyana break the wall, and Micaiah attacks the Tiger (useless, but saves a use of Beastkiller). Sothe moves as far north as possible, equips Beastkiller and Aran shoves him.

Turn 2

I have a dilemma - Sothe risks death by not healing, but on the other hand, I want to steal the shiny Chest Key! So he steals from the boss, Micaiah moves to give support bonuses, and Ilyana takes the Chest Key and weakens the boss with Elthunder after a shove from Meg. Leo chips the Tiger through the wall to the right.

In the south, Nolan moves to block the Tiger and kills the cat (he 2HKOes with his Manly forge). Edward kills the other, and Laura heals Edward.

Turn 3

Sothe, having slaughtered the enemies in the northwest, moves right to take out Pain and uses a Vulnerary. Ilyana opens the chest for gold, while Aran moves to be attacked by the last Tiger in the west. Leo and Meg look for coins.

Laura heals Nolan and Edward chips with Wind Edge. This continues for a while as they work on the load of Tigers in the west.

Turn 4

Aran/Ilyana/Micaiah finish their Tiger, and Sothe grabs the Seraph Robe.

Turn 5

Micaiah/Ilyana look for Beastfoe, Micaiah gets it. Aran moves out of range of the reinforcements, and Sothe blicks the Cat.

Turn 6

The southern laguz are exhausted - there are only two left at low health and one has untransformed, and they've moved back to the healing jar. The chapter could be ended now, but I still need the Master Seal. Edward kills the transformed one. Ilyana gives Aran the Chest Key and he gets the Pure Water.

Turn 7

Sothe Vulneraries to take on the last reinforcements, Nolan finds the Seal, and Edward finishes the last enemy.

Name     Level EXP HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res Other
Micaiah   5    49  16   2  11  11   8  13   2   8
Edward   11    21  26  11   0  14  19  10   7   0 C Nolan
Leonardo  4    90  17   8   0  12  10   6   5   4
Nolan    12    37  30  13   1  12  13   8  12   4 C Edward
Laura     2    87  16   4   9   4   5   8   2  11 C Staff
Sothe    --/3  49  35  20   5  22  22  16  14  11 A Knife
Ilyana   12    54  22   6  12  12  13   6   3   9
Aran      7    28  24  10   0  12  10   6  11   2
Meg       3     0  herp derp

So yeah, Aran was useful. My strategy was definitely flawed, because I was reliant on people finding treasure, but I really needed Sothe in the north to wtfpwn the reinforcements.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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As for 1-4, I found that you could split up as well, one team taking the left side and the other taking right, approaching both sides form the south after said luring of boss form the north. Problem is, I'm not exactly sure how fast you can go through it that way. You could always try doing the same from the north, , but I feel southern reinforcements appearing might be a cause of the chapter suddenly going longer than it needs to, or that weird sand shit in the north making it more annoying to nab the treasure near the other boss.

If you see the southern reinforcements, the chapter has already taken longer than necessary. But I agree that the sand in the north is annoying, since the only people who get no penalty are Micaiah and Frailyana.

I recently just did 1-4 (7 turns, not the crazy fast 6), and I am thoroughly convinced that sending Sothe south is viable. Have him kill the tiger that starts down there (Beastkiller) and a bunch of Laguz will suicide into him. He should eat a vulernary, move next to the right jar and get the seal next turn, then head up to have the boss suicide into him, kill the untransformed laguz and then nab the robe, eating vulernaries when possible. In the north, break the wall on the first turn and send Nolan up where he can be hit by three laguz, then kill the boss untransformed (don't remember if you can when you send Nolan up this high. Point is send Nolan up ahead of your scrubs and be sure to kill the boss while untransformed.). By healing with laura, then rescue + dropping her out of the way so that Ilyana can chip Nolan does fine there.

Of course I didn't use Eddie. Are you using him long-term?

That would probably have been better than my strategy, simply because I wouldn't have to rely on a generous RNG for the Master Seal.

And yes, it looks like I will be using Eddie in the long-term. I am tempted to give him a Seal and a Robe to give him passable durability in addition to his already good offense.

1-6 The Lost Heir

did nothing in base except remove and sell Howl

7/44 turns


blah blah blah, everyone climbs up and 2-ranges the mages. I'm half-tempted to retry this to get Nolan more CEXP - while I managed to give him the boss kill, two weakened enemies failed to suicide into him and ran off - I hate them! That was like 40EXP down the drain. So yeah, I'm pretty worried about Nolan's level.

Name     Level EXP HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res Other
Micaiah   5    49  16   2  11  11   8  13   2   8
Edward   12    69  27  12   0  15  19  11   7   0 A Sword
Leonardo  5    36  18   8   0  12  11   6   5   4
Nolan    13    71  31  14   1  13  14   9  12   4 C Edward
Laura     3    53  16   4   9   5   6   9   2  11 C Staff
Sothe    --/3  49  35  20   5  22  22  16  14  11 A Knife
Ilyana   12    65  22   6  12  12  13   6   3   9
Aran      7    50  24  10   0  12  10   6  11   2
Volug    --/15  6  49  16   3  18  19  13  13   7 

So, does anyone think I should retry for better EXP on Nolan?

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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