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Best pairings for combat


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Surely Sorcerer is preferred for Nosferatanking?

I think the most optimal combination possible of two units would be a Sorcerer and a fantastic supporter (like a Dark Flier or a Berserker or something). You want the Dark Flier/Berserker to do as much damage as possible with Brave weapons with Dual Attack, and the Sorcerer to be immortal with Nosferatu. What do you guys think?

Here's a strategy that is impossible to defeat. Get your Sorcerers to pair up with support units who can reliably kill things. After killing something with Galeforce, switch to the Sorcerer.

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Ehh I kinda liked Palladin + Sorcerer, Dark Knight + Sorcerer and Dark Flier + Sorcerer

Especially if the Sorcerer uses Pavise and Aegis while the other one has Galeforce and DG+

In general though, the game prefers Defense over Offense because Offense is a joke, so the only important stats is like.... Speed. IMO either go Tank + Galeforce or Galeforce + Galeforce on every character

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I like Dual Support+ so that the support pair almost always critical. Doesn't matter if the lead miss or not.

General or Wyvern Lord as support with Dual Guard+ in one, for physical blocking, and the lead can be flier with Iote's shield for movement coverage.

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My strategy is to have one tank (General or Sorcerer) and a powerful supporter with Galeforce and Dual Guard+ for most of them. So far I have:

Kellam!General Yarne S Donnel!General Kjelle
Frederick!General Gerome S Vaike!General Nah

Kjelle gets Galeforce from Donnel and decent enough stats. Nah is the only supporter of my team who is probably not getting Galeforce.

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I would suggest something like this

Frederick!Gerome + Paladin Chrom!Cynthia

Vaike!Kjelle + Paladin Lon'Qu!Brady

simmilar concept, except Brady has Galeforce + Luna and Agressor for Galeforce. Kjelle is the better tank because she can get PavGisSol.

Paladin is used because it gives +7 SKL for some proc chance for Pavise, while also giving Defense

Another cool one

Dark Flier Sumia!Lucina + Sorcerer Gregor!Laurent

Laurent uses NosferTank, maybe with Aversa Night + Armthrift while Lucina runs the generic Galeforce set up of DG+, Luna, Aether, Limit Broken

All in all(excluding MU for obvious reason)

Reccomended Luna and DG+ Dark Fliers: Cynthia or Olivia Lucina, Donnel or Gaius Noire, Any Cynthia, Frederick or Stahl Severa(Frederick Severa can become the Pavise Aegis Sorcerer though)

Paladin with Galeforce: Ricken or Stahl Owain, Brady, Chrom or Frederick Cynthia, Galeforce Lucina, Frederick or Stahl Inigo

Non DG+ Dark Fliers: Gaius or Donnel Nah

Tanker General: Frederick Gerome, Kellam Yarne, Frederick Severa, Vaike or Donnel Kjelle

Vantage Sorcerer: Lon'Qu or Gregor Laurent, Stahl or Lon'Qu Severa

Manaketes: Gaius Nah who has Galeforce

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Dark Flier Sumia!Lucina + Sorcerer Gregor!Laurent

I came up with this one too. But why can't I do the same thing with, say, Henry!Sorcerer Inigo and Dark Flier Cynthia?

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Yes, although personally I would use Inigo for the Galeforce half of the pair, and giving him Luna, preferably from Frederick or Stahl

Also in case you want to give a father for Inigo, Libra is prefferable because Libra's redundant class set is not as redundant for Inigo

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I think people with Armsthrift might be the best choice for tanks (Aversa's Night), and supporters with Galeforce. Though it's hard to make a team like that when the tank can have both... like Severa and Inigo.

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Well, all things considered there are only a few child who can have the full combo of tanking stuff namely

Lon'Qu and Stahl Severa; Has Vantage and Armthrift, and GF

Gregor Laurent: Severa without GF

Gregor or Donnel Noire: Gregor gives Vantage while Donnel gives Galeforce. Noire has Pavise, so you can use something like Pavise, Galeforce, Luna, Armthrift as a Sorcerer. Alternatively, she can also become the Galeforce carrier with DG+ and Luna

Frederick Severa: Pavise Aegis Sorcerer with Armthrift

Frederick Inigo: Pavise Aegis Sol Armthrift

That being said, in case I want to make a set up like this, I would allocate MU into Cherche or Yarne because they happened to lack AT unless they are fathered by Donnel and Gregor, and both of them have better options, not to mention being on the exact number for maximizing DG+ Flier and Sorcerer Combo

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Well, the Generals don't need Armsthrift. Only the Aversa's Night people do.

I want the best possible team for Apeotheosis.

Use nothing but Sage/Dark Flier pairs and rally them up at all times. EZ. You can 1-round just about everyone in the normal thing this way.

Also good pairings if you want other things. (Probably not completely optimal but wtv)

Lissa x Ricken - Owain (Sage)

Sully x Vaike - Kjelle (General)

Miriel x Gregor - Laurent (Sorcerer/Sage)

Sumia x Henry - Cynthia (Sorcerer/Sage/Dark Flier)

Maribelle x Chrom - Brady (Sage), Lucina (GL/Paladin/Sage/Dark Flier)

Panne x Stahl - Yarne (Berserker/Paladin)

Cordelia x Lon'qu - Severa (Dark Flier/ Sorcerer)

Nowi x Gaius - Nah (Dark Flier/ Manakete)

Tharja x Donnel - Noire (Dark Flier/ Sorcerer)

Olivia x Libra - Inigo (Sage/Sorcerer)

Cherche x Frederick - Gerome (General)

MU then marries a second generation character or is inserted in!

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Sumia x Chrom
Cherche x Frederick
Sully x Vaike
Maribelle x Henry
Miriel x Gregor
Tharja x Gaius
Cordelia x Lon'qu
Olivia x Libra
Lissa x Ricken
Nowi x Donnel
Panne x Stahl

Noire x Avatar

General Kjelle x Berserker Yarne
General Gerome x General/Manakete Nah
Sorcerer Laurent x Dark Flier Cynthia
Sorcerer Severa x Sage Brady
Sorcerer Avatar M x Dark Flier Noire
Sorcerer Inigo x Dark Flier Lucina
Sorcerer Morgan F x Sage Owain

All the pairs except Yarne get Galeforce, and all of them have Dual Guard +. What do you guys think?

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Sumia x Chrom

Cherche x Frederick

Sully x Vaike

Maribelle x Henry

Miriel x Gregor

Tharja x Gaius

Cordelia x Lon'qu

Olivia x Libra

Lissa x Ricken

Nowi x Donnel

Panne x Stahl

Noire x Avatar

I don't like Chrom x Sumia... otherwise it looks pretty good although Gaius and Donnel should be switched because Manaketes don't need Armshift.

With this setup I'd say go +magic -strength/defense and marry Severa because she has better caps than Noire (45 speed Sorcerer? 45 speed Sorcerer)

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pretty good

I would suggest

Donnel x Tharja

MU x Panne

Gaius x Nowi

Cost you an S support which is not that important, but gives you a speedy Morgan and 2 Sorcerer with Armthrift

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Not much since you can grind the children stats

However, some parents are a good filler character, namely Sumia(full set of DG+ Galeforce) and MAYBE Cordelia(Sol Armthrift)

Chrom also need some stats since he is forced. However Staff acess + Convoy is worth it that I would always deploy him if hes not forced anyway

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I think I could have Chrom pair up with a Rally bot to keep him away from combat. I'll probably have two Rally bots, one for Spectrum and one for Heart.

I'll bring Sumia for Rally Heart and keep them as a pair to help out.

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Oh, I'll probably need Olivia as well. Lol. Will I even be able to fit that many Rallys on my team?

I guess Sumia can get Rally Speed right? My favs like Mia could have Rally Heart and someone else could have Spectrum (maybe DLC Micaiah for Mire as well).

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