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Highest Caps Possible


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OK, so I was wondering (I was bored), and decided to test this out. Highest speed cap (or cap of anything) involves a 3rd Gen Morgan, so I had to find the highest speed modifier out of the 1st gen males: Lon'qu. And the fastest promoted class is Assassin (Swordmaster as well, but I like Assassin more). First, I did this experiment to see the fastest Lon'qu!child:


So, the fastest Lon'qu child is Yarne. The FeMu here is +Spd -Lck, which has a modifier of 4. Lon'qu!Yarne has a speed modifier of 7: so that's an ELEVEN SPEED MODIFIER.

Now, Lon'qu!Yarne!Morgan as an Assassin has 57 Speed, and that's 67 with Limit Breaker. With a Swordmaster in his pocket, that's 77 speed. Rallies (Spectrum, Heart and Speed) make that 87 speed. All Stats+2 and Speed+2 makes 91 speed. Tiki's Tear = 93 Speed. Balmung makes it 98 Speed, Defender makes 99 and then 103 with a Barracks boost.



+Str - Magic. 3rd Gen Morgan: the one with the highest strength overall is Vaike!Gerome!Morgan. Morgan's cap here as a General is 61 Strength, 71 with Limit Breaker, 81 with pair-up bonus. Gungnir makes 86, Str+2 and All Stats + 2 makes 90, Barracks makes 94. Tiki's Tear makes 96, rallies make 106. Lancefaire makes 111, Special Dance makes 113 and Defender makes 114.



+Magic - Str. 3rd Gen Morgan is Ricken!Laurent!Morgan. Morgan's cap as a Sage is 56, 66 with Limit Breaker, 75 with pair up. Valflame makes 80, Mag+2 and All Stats+2 makes 84, Barracks makes 88. Tiki's Tear makes 90, rallies makes 100. Tomefaire makes 105, Defender makes 106 and Special Dance makes 108.



+Skill - Lck. Max Skill stat for promoted class is Assassin. Highest Skill modifier for first gen parent is Lon'qu. Highest Skill modifier for second gen is Lon'qu!Severa. So Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan. Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan's Skill Cap as an Assassin is 58, 68 with LB, 76 with pair up, 86 with rallies. All Stats +2, Skill+2 and Tiki's Tear makes 92. Barracks makes 96. Mystletainn makes 101, and Defender makes 102.



+Lck - Skill. Donnel!Inigo!Morgan (Brady has a higher mod, but Inigo gives Luck+4, which overrides the mods loss) has 53 Lck in a promoted class. LB makes 63, pair up makes 72, rallies make 86. All Stats +2 makes 88, Luck+4 makes 92, Tiki's Tear makes 94. Barracks makes 98, Nidhogg makes 108, and Defender makes 109.



+Def - Lck. Kellam!Nah!Morgan. Manakete, since while General has a higher Defense cap, Dragonstone+ overrides that. BUT THEN, General has Helswath, so General wins overall. Morgan's max defense as a General here is 61. LB makes 71, pair up makes 81 (?), rallies make 91. All+2/Def+2/Tiki's Tear make 97. Barracks makes 101, Defender makes 102, Special Dance makes 104 and then Helswath makes 109.



+Res -Lck, Libra!Brady!Morgan. Cap as a Sorcerer is 52, 62 with LB, pair up makes 71, rallies make 81. All+2/Res+2/Tiki's Rear makes 87, Barracks makes 91, Book of Naga makes 96. Then Defender makes 97, Pure Water makes 102, Special Dance makes 104 and Res+10 makes 114.


Edited by Vapo
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Axefaire doesn't work with Gungnir

Lancefaire is an option if you pass it from MU though

Also for the res one, wouldn't it be better if you made a male morgan by pairing with a male gen2 and then gotten dread fighter's res+10 skill on him? Sacrifice a little on the physical cap mod itself but actually get more res.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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STR: Warrior, Zerker

MAG(9): Mage, Sage

SKL(8): Hero, Sniper, Bow Knight, Villager

SPD: Swordmaster

LCK(9): Great Lord

DEF: General
RES(9): Falcon Knight

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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OK then, dunno what to do with the pair up bonuses since I couldn't find them anywhere, but here are all the caps now with stuff mentioned (assuming +10 pair up for every stat):

Speed: 102

Strength: 112

Magic: 107

Skill: 104

Luck: 110

Defense: 107

Res: 112

For Res, Libra!Brady!Morgan (same Res mod as Libra!Nah) and LB-Res+2-AllStats+2-Res+10-Defender.

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Libra!Brady!Morgan - Sorcerer

52 RES

72 with LB, Rally

81 from Pair Up

83 from Tear

87 from Surges

92 from Book of Naga

107 from DEFENDER, RES+10, AS+2, RES+2

112 from Pure Water

The max res is 112

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A point, just for a bit of utilizing some of this:

Want to drop a bomb on a Vanilla (I.E. No DLC) FE:A player with a Streetpass?

Try this one:

Typically, SPD is ...frankly, not that great in streetpass. However, LQ!Yarne!Morg is so blazingly fast, he... can pose a threat.


L'Q!Yarne!Morgan pulls 57 SPD without LB.

Add in an inherited SPD+2, and All+2 And you're looking at a healthy 61. Throw on Limit Breaker, and that's 71. That's Faster than Apo Anna.

Give him a Balmung or Yewfelle, and suddenly he's at 76. Want a SPD threshold to "Not Get Doubled by anything in the game, without counting DLC? Well, look, get this, that guy can show up on a fresh, no DLC game: Making the all-important "Do Not Get Doubled" threshold at 72.

That said, it's entirely probable to actually double him in the vanilla game.

If you're forgoing DLC, you do not have access to:
Limit Breaker (-10 SPD), All+2 (-2 SPD), Rally Heart (-2 SPD)

To double that monster, it'd take 81 SPD

LQ!Yarne!Morg (57)

+ SM Pair Up (67)

+ SPD+2 (68)

+ Tiki's (70)

+ Rallies (78)

+ Balmung (83)

You're 2 high, so you might have wriggle room.

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That could work, especially with the Donnel!Inigo!Morgan > Donnel!Brady!Morgan thing, since I always see Donnel!Brady!Morgan for highest caps.

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OK then, thanks. :D

Speed: 102

Strength: 114

Magic: 108

Skill: 102

Luck: 109

Defense: 109

Res: 114

^those are the final numbers afaik

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