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Shadowed war

Lance Masayoshi

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Since when Valm had fallen in the war to Ylisse it's been on good terms since. But at least 500 years in advance Valm has attacked once more. Having their country united they attacked the other continent with relentless fury. Now Ylisse has fallen to Valm, Plegia has sided with Valm in it's rein and Ferox has been wiped out. These are the darkest of times. But 20 years later from this...there is one man. His name was Light. The man who would eventually conquer and retake his country. And his story begins here...

And this is where my sign up thing goes. Since this is Awakening format, you can have 5 skills. Skills range from FE9-FE13(Except enemy only skills.) and having a skill from a class gets you that class you can reclass into. If you have Dreadfighter/Bride classes then you you get sed class as well.(FE9 or 10 skills take one reclass off.) Having a character bio is helpful to me so message me it. Classes you can have to FE4(This might change.) to FE13. I want all availability. But no Enemy only classes.No Necromancer. As much as I love that class. You can have a statsheet or a character sprite(I'll have links.) But most importantly no Godmodding. As much as being an utter god, being it here isn't allowed. Now if anything else contact me or tell me. THANK YOU! And lets get started! Also! If you want a signature weapon tell me before hand. And make a statsheet to see it's stats. Thank you.

THE LINKS: http://www.feplanet.net/sprites-tools-statsheet

http://www.famitsu.com/freegame/tool/chibi/index1.html (You need to translate this one.)

[spoiler=Jiac2001]Axel:Axe Lord (like FE 7 Hector)

Skills: Astra,Axefaire,Agressor,Armsthrift,Adept

Weaponry:Brave Axe,Tomahawk,Killer Axe and Swordslayer

[spoiler=Anon]Anon: Assassin

Skills: Acrobat, Pavise, Movement +1, Luna, Swordfaire

Weaponry: Peshkatz, Killing Edge, Longbow


Sword Dancer

Weapons: Iron sword,Slim sword, Pure water, Vulnerary.

Skills:Skills: Luck +4, Swordfaire, Lancebreaker, Sol, and Vantage.

[spoiler=Merida]Merida:Divine Manakete

Skills: Astra,Corona,Galeforce,Lethality,Miracle


[spoiler=Carter]Name: Carter

Class: Dark Flier

Skills: Tomefaire, Luna, Miracle, Renewal, Galeforce.

Equipment: Ivaldi (FE8), Silver Lance, Brave Lance.


Class: Saint

Weapons: Light Pulse Luce Mend

Skills: Healtouch, Renewal, Aegis, Corona, Vengeance

[spoiler=Dusk]Name: Aurora

Birthday: 30th July

Birthplace: Doesn't remember

Last Known Residence: Is constantly on the move

Class: Rogue

Skills: Lancebreaker, acrobatic, swordfaire, astra, lockpick

Speciality: Persuasion, barter, stealth

Crit/Skill Activation Quotes:


I consider you special!

Shh... This won't take long!

Let me sing you a lullaby!

Appearance: Has similar hair to Rutger, but is coloured pink. "Wears a moderately thick dark red and black checkered long-sleeved shirt", which only exposes the chest. Wears elasticated indigo jeans and thick black boots. Wears black gloves and a pendant, which is connected to her belt

Bio: A somewhat naive and spoilt 20 year old woman, she believes she should be able to get whatever she wants, even if it means going through rather... suggestive methods. As a child, she quickly abandoned her parents, believing that she was destined for greater things. This quickly turned south however, and with no money or trade, she quickly turned into a petty thief and stole whatever she could see from whoever she wanted, believing that able should be able to do whatever they want. Because of this belief however, she thinks that the weak, elderly or sick must be treated decently and must be given as much support as possible, so most of her time was spent helping them, and pilfering whatever extra she could get. Over the years, this made her adept to stealth, but whenever that failed, her blade or seductive nature didn't. She keeps mostly to herself, and hunts in the wild for food. This has made her rather knowledgeable when it comes to nature, and because of the many wild animals, she quickly learnt how to use a dagger/sword*, although she doesn't like confrontation due to not being that good with her blade

[spoiler=eggs4king]Aeran:Merc (Male)

Skills: Armsthrift,Swordfaire,Gamble,Zeal

Weaponry:Brave sword, Steel blade, Master seal, Steel bow

appearance: A young man with white spiky hair. Wears a happuri with many cuts,a blue sleeveless jacket and a black scarf. Has a tattoo on his back of an hourglass, but doesn't remember where he got it.

Bio: Born in Plegia, though his father was from Chon'sin. Trained to wield a blad by his father, but both his parents were killed in a small rebellion when the monarchy changed. Is opposed to the war, but is glad for a chance to earn some more coin. Became a sellsword to earn a living, but seeks companionship before money. Likes his drink, but can still fight capably when drunk.


Class: Swordmaster

Weapons: Paragon (A engraved ancient sword that belongs to Makotos' past.)

Skills: Nihil, Vantage, Acrobat, Sol, Galdrar

Bio: Makoto was born in a far away land, but grew up in the cold northern towns of Ferox. Makoto's parents died when he was 9, with the only memories of them being a family sword, Paragon, and the almost magical songs his mother taught him. His mother was different than others, she had wings that she would always hide from public view. After his parents death, Makoto was left as an orphan in Ferox until a mercenary company rescued him and trained him how to wield a blade. Makoto soon realized of his mothers heritage and that because of it his blood was different than others. He hid his brand from the rest of his company. During the great war, his mercenary company was ambushed by the Valm, Makoto was lucky enough to escape, but witnessed the destruction of his country. Makoto began to realize that everyone he's known has died and that, because of his heritage, he will always be alone. Makoto, lost to the darkness of his thoughts, wonders around the torn lands doing mercenary or rogue work, in solitude.

[spoiler=Suzuka Gongen]Name: Iscariot

Class: Duke Knight (Eliwood's Knight Lord Class)

Weapons: Silver Sword, Killer Lance, Spear, Wind Sword, Iron Rune

Skills: Luna, Sol, Swordfaire, Tomebreaker, Acrobat

[spoiler=Dark_Huntress]Name: Leia

Class: Falcon Knight

Skills: Iote's Shield, Miracle, Renewal, Galeforce, Ignis

Weaponry: Killer Lance, Shockstick, Whip, Elixir

A Peg from Ylisse that was once good friends with Stella(who was a priestess/Light Sage) before she died in the dark war of Ylissian Peg Knights against the Plegians(Validar's army). Leia is from the time 500 years in the future after Validar went successful. This harsh life has made her into a brash, conceited, and a bit of a wise acre and trigger happy. The most trigger happy person in the army.

Edited by Shadowfrost Zenbiniar
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Hm...international warfare...nice.

Now introducing, the day by day summaries!


Day #: Initial Page

Week 1:

Day 1: Page 3

On day one of many in out epic journey we meet our central three heroes. Their leader is the priest Light, an honest saint who, ironically, is also organizer if the rebellion, an upright and logical individual. In his company is the pugnacious blue Manakete mercenary Merida and the worlds least aware assassin, the wise cracking Anon, a turncoat from Valm oblivious to Merida's passive flirting. Quite the colorful and awkward trio, they have a very simple mission. To overthrow the iron fist of the Valmese occupation throughout the world. And as with all epic plans, the first day followed is the beginning if it's construction.

Day 2: Page 9

We see our heroes awake and begin their plot to liberate the town. Their plan is to disguise Merida as a a blind beggar to draw pity from and distract the guard, giving them an opportunity to surprise the enemy. After Light says that he might make Anon his second in command if he proves himself able, the set their plan in motion. Victory was swift and thankfully little blood was shed on either side (with not a single rebel falling). Soon after the battle they begin to move on in their campaign. However, quite the twist arose first as Light met with his twin sister Rift, and a grander plot began to unfold as the violent journeyman Axel, son of Swordin, began his quest to join the rebel army in search of revenge for the death of his father at the hands of Valm.

Day 3: Page 17

Early in the morning when the sun had yet to rise, a strange cavalier who's attitude seems anything but appears only to vanish along with the dawn, in obvious search of something specific with the punishment for lack of use being death. And as for our heroes, it seems Light is next on his list...

Our fine non-Freudian trio however is unaware of this as they wake in the morning hours of their carriage ride to the capital of Ylisse, having truly set there sights high. Along the way they run not just into but over a sleeping Axel, and in a display of his Atlasian might he quickly wakes up and brushes this off to inquire of the three. Revealing his desire to join them, he is soon enlisted among their ranks and shows himself to actually be an alright kind of guy, who even shows concern for the happiness of Merida. After a long time of discussion they finally stop and set up camp for a night, sleeping around a fire.

Day 4: Page 23

In the dead of the night the un-cavalier rider begins an inquiry about our hero Light, quickly obtaining information on both his army from a bartender before riding off to in his search, hiding his name and secrets as he travels.

The four warrior eventually arrive at the capital of Ylisse, not knowing that the mysterious rider has informants helping in search for them there. They a manage to enter by deceiving the simpleton guards into believing they are carrying cargo, and Light reveals he has managed to secure a base and residence through his sister, Rift, but keeps her existence a secret. The misfit quartet makes themselves at home, eating a meal, cleaning up, and the like. Right after Merida had gone to sleep, Axel retold to Anon events of the previous night, where a kind old man had placed a gift that turned out to be a powerful Dragon Stone in Merida's bag in the night and how felt guilt for killing him on impulse.

Hearing their story Light reveals to them that the elder was likely sent by Rift, with him finally revealing her identity to his troops and saying it was likely an action of pity. He sends Anon into the night to gather information while Axel heads out to fight in the arena. Eventually Merida wakes up and she, Anon and Axel find each other in the city, with the Axe Lord (Axel) telling of how he saw a mysterious group carry some unidentified material into the drainage channels. Anon heads under to investigate, followed by Merida whom he begs to return to the surface for fear of her safety. After she out-argues him, a rare occurrence, by bringing up her concern for his safety, they both search the sewers, with Anon revealing his admiration for Merida's wit (an admiration she also has for him) and expansive skill set, as well as expressing sorrow for times she must spend alone. Axel, unable to follow them, instead displayed his idiotic aspect and got drunk, and was locked out by Light until morning, at least until Anon and Merida returned and let him in.

Day 5: Page 34

The enigmatic detective finds a true lead as a female informant of his tells him of the rebel location in Ylisstol. He soon sets out, the two destinies preparing to merge...

Light's army fitting to their name woke early that day with the unfitting exception of Light, only to darken it with a conversation inappropriate for young children occurring between Axel and Merida about personal matters of the latter, leaving Anon shocked. This escalated to violence, with Anon bursting into the most aggressive behavior shown by the three and wildly attack Axel for his behavior. This woke Light, who broke up the scuffle and showed his justified scorn towards their childish behavior, setting Anon aside and telling him that unless be pulled his act together he would never trusted by Light as a commander. Threatened to clean it up or leave Merida and Axel said that they would stay, the former due to Anon and the latter for reasons he kept hidden, both simultaneously continuing their argument. In frustration Merida ran off into a woodland, with Axel and then Light and Anon running after her. Axel eventually finds Merida and reveals the reason for his immaturity, a lack of social skills and his (poorly) hidden love for her.

Light continued to speak to Anon about the idiocy of his actions as they searched for Merida and Axel, causing him to feel heavy hearted, his thoughts betraying that he too had (poorly hidden) feelings for Merida. Meanwhile she and Axel could not help but dwell on painful memories as she said she could not love him, with them deciding to drop the matter and head home.

However, sudden danger strikes as the mysterious paladin corners Light and Anon, even trampling on the assassin and knocking him unconscious. This recklessly determined rider reveals himself as James, who drastic measures are the result of the search for his wife.

This unknown reunion is cut short when Merida comes across James and attacks him for trampling Anon, causing the rider to retreat with Light. The rider reveals himself as the husband of Rift, the sister of Light.

As Anon awakes it becomes apparent that he had caught amnesia, and in response Axel (to make up for his actions) and Merida (because of her affections) try frantically to jog his memory. In the end all they can do is try to fight flames with flame, as Merida knocks out Anon again and they take him home, leaving them to wait and pray that his memory would return.

Day 6: Page 45

In the wee hours of the morning Light and Anon, each with their own headaches, rose to the subtle sound of the exploding rune that Light had placed at the door for a security system. The non lethal paralyzingly blast had net them a captive, the master thief and seductress Aurora. Deciding to put on a probationary membership of their army rather than kill her, they send her inside only to find a mysterious woman eavesdropping from the bushes, who upon trying to escape was shot in her leg and her feet turned to stone. Quite literally a drag. However, through some strange spell, she is able to break Light's effects and she flies of atop a Wyvern, with the priest remarking how, as far as he knows, only his sister had the ability to do that. Soon it becomes apparent Anon had completely forgotten the day before, though all his other memories were intact. Leaving his troops to socialize and grow accustomed to their new member, Light heads out on a walk, whereupon he encounters the recently unemployed bluntly honest and rather lighthearted mercenary Aeran. Entering him into the services of his army he soon takes him to their base of operations, where Light finds Anon trying to figure out about his lost memories, Aurora hitting on every present member, and Axel missing. Aeran has a fair bit of time to get to know the policies and members of the army, though there seems to be some minor strife between some of them. Soon the time or preparing meals arrives, and it is decided that they will go hunting or the night's dinner, with a contest being held among them to see who can claim the biggest prey. In the forest Aeran and Aurora mostly stay together, while Anon sticks close to Merida (who he asked to call a coin flip to decide whether or not he would go) upon meeting up with her. He assists her in carrying her catch, a large dear, as he had no food catch of his own. At the same time a strange woman appears to Aurora and Aeron, and takes them and their catch of a bear to the camp in a snap, displaying powers like those of Light. Though the lattest was initially very suspicious the duo of As brushed it off very quickly. Back in the woods Anon and Merida talked as they carried the deer, eventually bringing up the topic of their interests and likes. Here, finally, the two confessed their love for one another. Axel arrives barely in time to see the two engage in a kiss.

Meanwhile, a cloaked Swordmaster flees from a troop of Valmese guards, headed unintentionally towards the camp of Lights army. Seeing the man, he stepped in to assist him and upon hearing his origin as a Valmese prisoner swiftly convinces him to join. As these events wrap up, however, another set unravels as Axel loses his sanity and becomes outraged at Anon for stealing to heart of Merida, challenging him to a death match for her affection. This behavior is

encouraged by the actions of the woman from earlier, who reveals herself to be a general of Valm. Upon him acting in a manner that annoyed her, the woman petrified Axel and revealed herself as Rift, sister of Light.

She quickly reanimates Axel, using his anger as a weapon and means to torture Merida and Anon. They are saved only by the sudden arrival of Makoto and Light, the former ambushing Axel and leaving him unconscious. Rift causes a brief pause in time so that only she and Light can talk or move, using the chance to taunt him about his army before releasing them and heading of, so that they may fight against each other another day. At the same time a duke knight named Iscariot begins a trip to the city of Ylisstol.

Despite having survived his sister, Light is openly unhappy with his army and their childish actions, especially there near killing each other over a love triangle. As punishment he subjected both Axel and Anon to runes that created feelings of immense suffering, such as hell fire, freezing, repeated stabbing and even being blown apart. Anon, who had to endure noticeably less pain, was rendered completely broken, while Axel, in spite of his immense pain tolerance, was barely able to maintain his cocky attitude.

Makoto took pity on Anon after his punishment, displaying the ability to song the Galdr of Rebirth. As Anon regained his ability to speak and move he began to beat on himself for allowing the events of the night to happen, and how he felt as if he had betrayed Merida in his actions. However, Makoto convinces him that there was no fault in him holding onto the ones he cares about, and he should not waste the fleeting moments of his life away from someone he so deeply cares for. This inspires the assassin to run off in search of Merida, and upon their reunion they pledge there hearts and lives to each other, until death would they part.

However, while Makoto showed compassion towards Anon, he instead turned his boot upon Axel. Feeling alone, rejected, and that his own father would have no pride in his recent actions, he turned suicidal and hung himself late in the night, leaving the message "Farewell my friends, you've all despised me so I shall no longer burden you any longer."

Far later that night we again see James taking with his flier associate, discussing how the woman was caught yet escaped and the recently unbidden behaviors of Jame's wife, Rift, and how he is having difficulty comprehending it all. So much that he makes the out of character request of asking his ally to stay for the night to help him handle matters.

Day 7: Page 72

One by one the army awakes in the morning, except for Merida whom Anon lays down to sleep in. Aurora causes Aeran to wet his pants before he wakes up, as well. Shortly after he wakes up Light calls a meeting and it is noted that Axel is missing, though Light brushes this off before announcing that the army will be changing locations, heading to the ruins of Ferox. Makoto formerly introduces himself to Aurora and Aeron, revealing his origins from Tellis, while Light explains his reasoning for the move, it would be easier to liberate than the capital Ylisstol and they would have control of the port, making it more difficult for Valm to send reinforcements. As they pack, Makoto tells them more if his homeland, explaining that it is a place of chaos between humans and animal-like creatures called 'Laguz,' during which point Light exposes him as a Branded, a cross between the two species.

Soon everyone finished packing and the army headed out for Ferox. As Aeran and Aurora continue to flirt suggestively during the trip, Light explains that they will be fighting of bandits, freeing the locals from tyrannical oppression and, as the ruffians are subservient to Valm and control the port, accomplishing their goal of controlling and limiting the arrival of new Valmese soldiers. When the point of Axel being missing is brought up again, Light, unaware of his suicide like the rest of the army, brushes it off with the reasoning of him having left a note for him.

During the travel to Ferox, a sudden obstacle arises as a forest along their path had been set ablaze! Sensing something wrong, Makoto rushed into the burning woods with Aeran and Aurora, who shows herself to be very protective of nature, giving chase, the others avoiding the obvious danger. They find and rescue a villager trapped under a fallen tree, and during there escape from the flaming organic maze find a group of suspicious unmoved, black robed mages observing the fire from a clearing. The suspicion of them being somehow plotting and/or evil is quickly confirmed when they strike first at our three heroes with flaming magic. A fight breaks loose, but the robed figures have a distinct upper hand due to their ability to warp about and away from attacks. As they are about to be forced to flee or die, Light benevolently uses his runes to rescue them from the blaze and battle.

Except for Makoto, who had sudden flashback of a similar event strikes Makoto, giving his foes the opening to attack him and stopping his being warped out. Worried for him, Aurora rushed back into the woodlands. However, shortly after this Light managed to reestablish his connection and warp Makoto back to base. Opting to treat his wounds, he send Anon and Aeron to save Aurora from wondering endlessly in the fire until she dies from one of several numerous factors. Although distraught that no one else ran into the fire to find Makoto, Anon (who had far outrun Aeron) tells her that Light had managed to warp Makoto to the carriage later on and that they needed to hurry out. The assassin quickly lead his two companions out to safety, his distance lead giving them a chance to continue flirting.

Meanwhile, a trigger happy Pegasus Knight named Leia comes across Light as he finishes treating Makoto, stating that she was looking for the killers of her once friend Stella. Light promises to help her find the killer if she joins the army, and she happily obliges. She also reveals that she knows something about the Black Robed Individuals, that they are a Plegian cult of an undefined religion. And are evil.

Eventually Makoto wakes up, briefly reflecting on his flashback, it's similarities to his homeland and how there were many people fleeing from the chaos in it, one of which looked much like his mother. However, he decides to not think about this and instead rests.

Also later that night Anon finally wakes Merida, and during their exchange she tells him that, as a youth, she desired very much to be a mage, but either her performing magic or it being used on her would drain a lot of energy from her, and after telling Anon this the two have a romantic conversation. At a similar time Leia was cooking dinner and had a brief exchange with Makoto before everyone had fallen asleep.

Yet even as our protagonists sleep the world still revolves, as a horseman named Iscariot heads out in search of Light's Rebellion, saying that his fate depends on him. An as fate would have it, his search begins in the city they had just left.

Day 8: Page 87 (exposition)/88

Valm's army is renowned across the charted world, and not just for its strict training, elite cavalry and organization being second to nothing, but also for it's Three Astral Generals. Rift, Archsage of the Day, a peerless master of magic and runes, sister of Light and known as 'The Mage Queen'. Apollo, Great Knight of the Dawn and Dusk, also known as the Red Knight. And Shadowfrost, a blood hungry swordsman and the Trueblade of the Night. Though they show little cooperation and even competition among them, each one is a beast in battle and feared throughout the continents...


Light awoke early as always, Aurora (sort of) to Light telling her to get out of the way of the cart before she got trampled, Makoto and Anon to their own memory-based nightmares, and Merida to Anon falling on his face. After Anon and Merida have a short exchange and Light finally gets Aurora to move from her sleeping place on the ground, their leader announces that they will finish their journey to the Feroxi ruins that day, and everyone obeys his order to get ready. Aeran woke up later to be met with Aurora accusing him of tampering with her clothes, something he denies and probably didn't do. As he had not unpacked however, despite doing more flirting with Aurora than moving, both and everyone else were ready when they moved out. There was even time for a card game and attempt a version of Banana Foster before leaving (an effort unfulfilled due to Anon's dull strikers).

Heading out to the marketplace to replenish supplies, Anon and Aurora form a bet to see who can get a whetstone the cheapest. Aurora paid 20 gold and sex, and felt very confident, even growing panicked and refusing to believe Anon when he said he had gotten his for free. However, Anon had indeed legally gotten the whetstone for free by trading the free knife that came with a bundle of a knife and a whetstone for another whetstone. Overall, the succubus was pretty upset about being outdone by a common sale.

The festivities of the market place are shot down as a quail with a lead arrow, as Light removes them from the premises and tells them that the city, markets included, are under tyrannical bandit reign, and that they should stay at base and plan how to liberate them instead of shopping. Thankfully from a selfish perspective though, everyone had finished their shopping, except Anon forgot to purchase a replacement to his worn out flint strikers. On the way back, Aurora did actually break from her flirting with Aeron to tease Anon and Merida about their relationship, but otherwise, it was a calm, sunny day for our heroes.

However, night has a tendency to be different than the day, as Makoto, enjoying singing alone in the world of nature around him, when he is approached by a new face he is to familiar with. A man named Uso appears from the night, speaking to Makoto about his days as an assassin, and that he even killed an Exalt. When the Swordmaster claims he can change, Uso taunts him about how he cannot change as when his comrades were massacred or his sister hanged, proclaiming that he will always be alone in a miserable existence. Filled with anger, Makoto lashes out, but Uso has already begun leaving via his shocking ability to fade into and out of shadows, leaving Makoto to state that Uso had killed those people, and fall upon the ground in despair.

And as always, James and his female friend are seen plotting as the night passes. This time, their plan, which is purposes for James to be able to talk to his wife Rift directly, is to somehow make Light and his group more threatening, so that Rift will more actively seek them out to defeat them and, as a result, be as easy to find as Light's Liberators are, which is not very hard for the detective-minded James. All we hear of his plan, however, is that it has an odd aspect for something he devises, it requires many more people than the two of them.

Day 9: Page 99 (thoughts)/100

Aurora's inner thoughts could only be considered revealing to the cast of our adventure, as oblivious as a cliff is sheer. They reveal that she is a bisexual rogue trying to hide we criminal past from the army. Though she finds Light boring, Anon tolerable and Makoto, though like able, not 'doable,' she does find Merida and Aeran physically attractive, even pondering an affair with said people (...sorry kids).

But there is (currently) no time for perversity in the army of a priest! Rather, Light, followed by Anon and Aeran, awake early to hear the foremost's plan to ambush a bandit camp. Snow begins to fall as Aurora and Makoto awake and join in the plotting. Light explains that he intends to send Aeran into the bandit camp undercover as a distraction, pretending to be seeking employment by them. At the formers signal, they will attack the bandits from inside and out.

Bringing up concern for his safety, Aeran unintentionally convinces Aurora to aid him is being a distraction, likely so she can flirt with him more. The main attack party was to consist of Light, Makoto and Anon, however the assassin stayed to keep watch on the camp and the still sleeping Merida. Light leaves with the rest and the instructions to, if Rift I seen, run.

After Makoto asked the age old question 'are we there yet?' almost As many times as Light replied no, Aurora and Aeran continued to flirt for several hours while discussing who would go in first and Anon resorted to poetry to entertain himself, the ambush party finally arrived at the bandit camp. Aeran and Aurora quickly set their use into motion, only for it to immediately fail and a fight to break loose. Quickly Light leads Makoto into the fray and the troop or liberators plow through the bandits.

Oddly enough, it is light hearted Aurora who feels unsure of killing the bandits. However, as the battle rages and foes approach, she must quickly accept the nature of her scenario and fight to slay. She remained seperate from the others as they had a cheeky battlefield conversation, only to be ambushed by a Myrmidon. Though she managed to kill her attacker, she suffered a large gash on her left arm. Having finished their skirmish in general victory over the ruffians, they quickly attend to Aurora and her wound as they set up a base in the former bandit camp. Light sends Aeran to get the rest of the liberators and supplies, and later Anon arrives with him passed out in the full carriage, stuck in rhyming as during his many hours of poetry.

Makoto was one of two awake during the darkness of the night, thinking about his medallion, a golden accessory embedded in his sword, and how it had an odd habit, occasionally appearing to be on fire. However, singing his signature Galdrer would remove this effect, so song he did. Leia, the other awake who normally at the time was prone to being away or otherwise separated from everyone else during the day and other important things, being drunk and in training, ended the night reminiscing about how her friend Stella desired peace, yet since her death her heart has held an uncomfortably violent edge.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Ah. By all means go ahead. I want to be versatile.

Thanks, the back story is that he's more of a recon guy, so I wanted him to be a trickier type who avoid direct confrontation (why doesn't he have lethality? Really because I don't use it, even if it has been shown to be able to be consciously activated in certain circumstances)

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Thanks, the back story is that he's more of a recon guy, so I wanted him to be a trickier type who avoid direct confrontation (why doesn't he have lethality? Really because I don't use it, even if it has been shown to be able to be consciously activated in certain circumstances)

Why not make him a trickster then? Unless assassin fits better.
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Anon's Bio (assuming Light comes from Ylisse):

In Light's initial army, Anon is in charge of recon. He was initially a street rogue turned Valm informant, using his natural nimbleness to navigate the crevices and pathways of the city with ease as well as listen in on people (hence his Acrobat skill). The Valmese attempted to make him an Assassin, a responsibility he took lightly, and he was quickly discharged for falling into a series of bar fights he had never lifted out of. When news came by of a rising hope for the nation, Anon investigated and, while greeting Light, was seen by the Valmese occupation and branded as a traitor, instantly turning him over to the rebellion army. While his Killing Edge was an issued weapon from Valm, his Peshkatz that never leaves his side was won in a bet and his Longbow was taken from an archer he beat in a fist fight, with them promising Anon 'anything of [theirs] [he] wanted' if he won the match. Anon's city life is filled with noodle incidents and his mentality is light and sharp, often he will crack jokes in even inappropriate situations and he is very fond of bets. He is very casual, takes almost nothing seriously, and is full of energy for no real reason.

And his statsheet:


Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Well if it's ok to post here...

Axel:Axe Lord (like FE 7 Hector)

Skills: Astra,Axefaire,Agressor,Armsthrift,Adept(althought it isn't in FE 13 but FE 9 and FE 10 if you don't accept it,you may replace with Aether)

Weaponry:Brave Axe,Tomahawk,Killer Axe and Swordslayer

Is this acceptable?

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Well if it's ok to post here...

Axel:Axe Lord (like FE 7 Hector)

Skills: Astra,Axefaire,Agressor,Armsthrift,Adept(althought it isn't in FE 13 but FE 9 and FE 10 if you don't accept it,you may replace with Aether)

Weaponry:Brave Axe,Tomahawk,Killer Axe and Swordslayer

Is this acceptable?

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Eh. I plan not to start majorly until we are done. I would like Advice I would like. If not join(for now.) at least give me advice along the way?

I can do that. Sure.

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