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Prologue might end abruptly, if so, I apologize. It's just a short...prologuey thing. But with that out of the way, the part where it talks about the wind in Crimea was inspired by the wind in my home state, Wyoming xD People actually say that here. I figured Crimea is mostly a plains area like Wyoming so...yeah.

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Hey, prologues are usually much shorter than the actual chapters, don't worry about that. Trust me, mine are really short too (when I have them). :P

Nice start btw! I chuckled at the Petrine part. lol Also, Samba's "ever heard of a comb?" lol

Also, if you need a little assistance on writing Jerec, take a peek at my fic titled The Secret Sword. It's under my DoD short stories on ff.net. It's his latest appearance in a story.

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Yeah, Petrine's not exactly butt ugly. I'm sure she could use her looks to her advantage, lol, and I wouldn't be surprised if a few of the Crimean soldiers thought that way. And well, if I got woke up like that, I'd probably have bedhead too xD

I might consider that when the time comes. Is your name on there Great Aether like on DA?

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Recruitment, yay! Synel is kinda my friend's OC. She used to have FE OCs but she doesn't do much with them anymore, one of them was a priest named Rahsynel or something who liked to whittle his staves...I liked that so I borrowed it. And I had to look up the name of the leader of a medieval town because mayor wouldn't fit. And I had to use one of those name generators for the town name.

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Nice shout-out to the Battle-cleric class, but I'd think the priest would know enough about the Laguz to know about the Laguz Stones. They're not exactly 'hidden knowledge' after all. Tellus has one Goddess as well (Ashera), so 'by the gods' doesn't make much sense since Yune's existence isn't known.

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Huh? Where are you getting laguz stones...oh I get it. Lol I was meaning more like eating random rocks for food. Like the gorons from Zelda.

Libra mentions more than one god too, and they appear to just have Naga, so...yeah. And Grima, but of course he's evil.

Yeah, I liked that shout out too. I'm hoping to have him promote into one ;)

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First of all, Valmas and Xemar aren't entirely mine. Long time ago when I was trying to make this into a game, a guy by the name of Seraphim Swordmaster submitted those two. He has told me I can do what I please with them, so...

Kenth is Ana's OC. I hope I wrote him correctly. I'm not entirely sure I even wrote Valmas right. I don't know if he'd tell his sob story to someone he just met. But, I had to get that out of the way.

And yes, Kamrell is the Goldoan capital.

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You're welcome. ^^

If you want to see a taste of how he is when things are serious, you can check out the latest Dawn of Darkness chapter. He shows up in the latter half of it. He's also a bit star-struck and considers Ike a role model.

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Snowy's character introduced! I know she's supposed to be shy, but...I had her approach Darcen anyway. He DID help her. If it's okay, I might let those two develop a bit of a romance. Random idea though...still going back and forth on it.

Jerec will come in soon. As in, probably next chapter. Still don't know when Goliath will be though.

Also, kudos if you know who the brown haired rich guy is already ;)

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I forgot about that. I knew she wasn't strong enough, yeah, but I forgot about her blacksmith dad.

You're okay with how I wrote her, or the romance, or both?

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Not much to say that I didn't PM to Ana. Except...the mention of Cerai being drunk and slamming into the wall. Lol, right? Sometimes I'm so mean to my OCs.

Wait I take that back. There is more to say about this chapter. I did my research and found the name of the guy who attacks Ohma in RD(Yeardley). And now that it's been revealed that the tavern hogger was Ludveck, I had to look at his mugshot thing because I forgot what color his hair was. It's nice to have all the info I need right at my fingertips/on the main site.

I don't know how Jerec knows all that...I just needed a reason to introduce him. Maybe he overheard some of the Crimean nobles complaining and plotting. Maybe he's sneaky like a thief and can spy effectively. Idk...

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Damn it, I forgot about this thread again. xP

But I already said stuff in the story topic... I liked what I read though! :)

Haha I noticed. It happens to the best of us...

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