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Custom Moves and other competitive discussion


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OMG a new thread.

So what are y'alls (I'm Texan) thoughts on custom moves? I really like them and they can diversify the game a lot, but their execution is terrible. It seems like major tourneys (Apex) don't allow them and mostly for logistical reasons.

-It takes too long to set-up a custom fighter and god forbid you need to change customs after each match. You need to flip through at least 6 screens and then select up to 4 different moves per fighter, which means adding at least 1 minute to each customization.

-You expect to have all set-ups to have all 400+ custom moves unlocked. Maybe expect everyone to bring their own 3DS with their customs on it, but it wouldn't be fair to players without access to such systems.

For the most part, customs seem pretty balanced (or even outright inferior in most cases) with the exception of a few like the tripping sap and piston punch.

So if not in a competitive setting, custom moves would fit in casual settings right? Wrong. Casuals have trouble remembering even default moves and you think they'd bother tweaking them? And again, there are way too many custom moves to unlock and Sakurai sure made it a headache to get them with equipment and duplicate moves sharing the same spot.

TL;DR - Nintendo, you done ****ed up when it came to custom moves. Might as well not have put all the effort into them if you made them so inaccessible.

Edited by Knife
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Customs seem to have been designed for local and For Friends play. Not all custom moves are great, but not all of them are bad either. Just like amiibo, the customs are there to spice up non-competitive play of the game. Collect all the customs and tweak a fighter the way you want. I get the feeling this thread was created with the hidden agenda of whinging about casual players.

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Custom moves are fun, and I don't feel they were created exactly with competitive in mind. They'd work amazingly with it don't get me wrong, but I kinda like that you don't get them all at once.

It'd be like the old DBZ Budokai games giving you all the fighters Death Move capsules right off the bat and that isn't fun

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What? I've not seen a single tournament that didn't allow custom moves (except for the GameStop one that I was a little too late to enter. xP). I don't see why they wouldn't be, they add new potential to each character. Characters like Ike and Palutena are much better with custom moves, for example.

I think they're great and that the execution was just fine. I just wish they'd be allowed in For Glory. Equipment though, yeah, waaaay too many factors and waaaay too much possible OPness there. :P

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What? I've not seen a single tournament that didn't allow custom moves (except for the GameStop one that I was a little too late to enter. xP). I don't see why they wouldn't be, they add new potential to each character. Characters like Ike and Palutena are much better with custom moves, for example.

Apex isn't allowing it, and well. Apex is a very huge Smash scene. They are also going 2 stock for some reason.

Does anyone actually use custom moves offline? If so, congrats, you have friends that have actual attention spans.

Yep mine really enjoy the concepts of custom moves.. Some of them even like the concepts of equipment so we all have like Vanilla stat sets with customs and sets with customs and equips and then the good ol vanilla matches.

Edited by Jedi
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Also, I hate Apex and their new 2 stock rule. And their stage list. But I shouldn't get into that too much.

Also green team is banned.

Why if I may ask.

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I promise I'm not spreading misinformation, but an older version of the Apex Rulebook (which I cannot find a copy of) clearly said green team wasn't allowed due to consideration to colorblinded people.

I guess Apex got a lot of complaints about this and decided to amend to rule into this.

Colorblind Rule: Players may request that their opponent change colors to
accommodate colorblindness or if their color is indistinguishable from either the
other team color or the stage background. The request must be made before the
match starts.

Also, read the current rulebook if you're curious:


Oh yeah, the green team rule change was noted in the appendix on the last page.

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I promise I'm not spreading misinformation, but an older version of the Apex Rulebook (which I cannot find a copy of) clearly said green team team wasn't allowed due to consideration to colorblinded people.

I guess Apex got a lot of complaints about this and decided to amend to rule into this.

Ok, I will admit that DOES make sense.

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Does anyone actually use custom moves offline? If so, congrats, you have friends that have actual attention spans.

No, but that's because I haven't shown my friends custom moves yet.

They barely know a thing about Smash, and I'm glad. When I play against my brother, I actually have to give some sort of an effort to beat him. When I play against my friends, I just tap the A-button because they don't know how to use recoveries xD.

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No, but that's because I haven't shown my friends custom moves yet.

They barely know a thing about Smash, and I'm glad. When I play against my brother, I actually have to give some sort of an effort to beat him. When I play against my friends, I just tap the A-button because they don't know how to use recoveries xD.

You should probably slowly teach em haha.

I've had to do it multiple times

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I didn't think of the colorblindness thing, but I still don't think the green team should be banned to players who AREN'T colorblind. Also, I'm pretty sure that there are forms of colorblindness that can leave people unable to see blue or red as well.

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Custom moves should not have been unlockables at all. If there had to be some unlockable customs, it should have only been 1 set (4 moves) per charactes without the chance of repeats. That's my biggest gripe. My next biggest gripe is that they can't be used online in with anyone.

What? I've not seen a single tournament that didn't allow custom moves (except for the GameStop one that I was a little too late to enter. xP). I don't see why they wouldn't be, they add new potential to each character. Characters like Ike and Palutena are much better with custom moves, for example.

3DS tournaments allowed them because people had their own consoles and, therefore, their own customs. Unlocking all of them wasn't important, they just each needed the ones they would actually use because no one else was using their console. But for Wii U tournaments, obviously people aren't bringing their own Wii U, and so to be fair to everyone, allowing customs would require every Wii U in use at a tournament to have all the custom moves unlocked. Can you imagine what a pain such a thing would be?

And that doesn't even touch on the other factor Knife brought up, which would require allowing players to create their custom sets on scene, which also was never an issue for 3DS tournaments.

Custom moves are fun, and I don't feel they were created exactly with competitive in mind.

I'm not so sure about that, actually. Are casual players going to bother with them? I can tell you that if I have friends or family over to have some fun with Smash, they're not going to think about changing specials on any character. In competitive, however, the advantages to customs are obvious. It definitely seems like a feature for the bigger fanbase. Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I'm not so sure about that, actually. Are casual players going to bother with them? I can tell you that if I have friends or family over to have some fun with Smash, they're not going to think about changing specials on any character. In competitive, however, the advantages to customs are obvious. It definitely seems like a feature for the bigger fanbase.

I see my more casual friends enjoying the customs more than the hardcore competitive friends I have, but thats just from my particular set of friends.

The hardcore ones always ask for customs off, my casual buddies ask for em on most of the time especially during our randoms

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You should probably slowly teach em haha.

I've had to do it multiple times

I've tried! I think they're getting the hang of playing offensively, just not defensively.

We had 3 stocks each, and one of my friends Kei just dies without even using a recover. So I told her to do Up-B, when she can't jump anymore. But she has a hard time finding that button because we used the GameCube controllers in Brawl, but she was using the gamepad.

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I've tried! I think they're getting the hang of playing offensively, just not defensively.

We had 3 stocks each, and one of my friends Kei just dies without even using a recover. So I told her to do Up-B, when she can't jump anymore. But she has a hard time finding that button because we used the GameCube controllers in Brawl, but she was using the gamepad.

That is understandable, i'd try to point them into the right direction, maybe do some training with them.

Like a bunch of stock or the actual training mode, explain and demonstrate.

Edited by Jedi
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There's still online tournaments though.

Online tournaments aren't popular because of lag.

And you can use customs online with friends.

When I said "with anyone," I specifically meant the "with anyone" option.
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Online tournaments aren't popular because of lag.

When I said "with anyone," I specifically meant the "with anyone" option.

It's still an option if Wii U tourneys want to have customs on. And I know, I wasn't directing the friends thing to that sentence. My bad.

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It's still an option if Wii U tourneys want to have customs on.

Obviously, but the kind of tournaments we're talking about here - the ones with highly-skilled competitive players - are local. Like, if we had a Wii U tournament here, we would allow customs because we don't need to follow anyone else's ruleset to the letter, but that kind of thing isn't the issue here.
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That is understandable, i'd try to point them into the right direction, maybe do some training with them.

Like a bunch of stock or the actual training mode, explain and demonstrate.

I thought of telling them to "go in the direction of the stage" but I figured "go up" is much easier to comprehend. Saves us about 1 second, which is pretty useful!

I would go into training mode, but Kei likes Little Mac, and Chelsea likes Rosalina. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't wanna be the same person. One has an AWESOME recovery, and one has the worst in the game.

I'll set the stock to 5 next time. And then MAYBE show them customs, but that'd be way too mind-boggling.

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