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About Aless

  • Birthday 07/31/1990

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  • Location
    Monkey Island

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. I'm having some problems with randomizer, I got to chapter 19 on Eliwood mode and Legault disappears the turn after he appears so I can't recruit him. I'm guessing it's because he has been reclassed and so could no longer open any chests so he's programmed to leave. Is there any way to get round this to recruit him?
  2. Happy Birthday Ares!!!

  3. Well that sucks, my dream of having +15 OP bonds is destroyed.
  4. Forgive this question is really old but, on the site it says that A supports transferred from PoR become +5 bonds in RD. However, does this work for bonds that already exist? I always just assumed that it +5 to the support if it already existed (such as upping Ike/Soren's bond from +5 to +10) however after some testing it seems that's not the case. Can anyone confirm whether this is true or not?
  5. The complete ending you get by finishing one game and then entering the secret password when you start your game on the other, plus there are a bunch of other passwords to get extras in the other game. So you'll have to complete the both unfortunately. They're both excellent games though, so I would count myself lucky if I were you.
  6. Yeah I wouldn't bother with most of that last list anyway, except maybe Kieran because he's a boss in PoR and his supports are THE best. I'm thinking a good list for now being Ike, Boyd, Oscar, Soren, Illyana, Marcia, Zihark (or Mia, maybe both), Jill, and Nephenee for now. Also I forgot how easy it is to gain levels on Easy, I'm on chapter 7 and Ike is already level 15, jesus.
  7. I know, but this was with early NoA releases only? I'm playing on a PAL version which I've never had issues. I'm probably gonna be playing on normal mode, it's been awhile since I've played and I remember hard mode being particularly annoying.
  8. I'm starting a playthrough of FE10 after ages, I also lost me old GC memory card so I'm doing a whole FE9 playthrough too. Who should I focus on for max play-off in RD? I'll probably do Sothe, Jill, Illyana and Ike/Soren (because I still never got that one convo). I'm gonna play PoR in Easy so it'll be easy enough to get 20/20 for most units.
  9. I just got to the Lucina confrontation scene with MU at the end of chapter 21 (maybe start of 22?) and I was just wondering if there's any difference if MU is married to Lucina or not, as mine is, to the conversation? It just seemed all a little cold for two people who were supposed to be married.
  10. PoR was underpowered where the skills weren't particularly great AND you could only get 5(?) occult scrolls to teach them. RD was OP because every uit got their mastery skill and they were complete overkill. That being said FE10 did the system better excluding this as you could swap skills between characters but there was incentive to keep them with the originals as for them it was "free" so you could build a pretty fun skill set like that.
  11. To expand on this, since internal level is only increased when you use a second seal. Whether you promote to a second-tier class from level 10 or level 20 your internal level will increase by the same amount when you second seal from that class, which is just the current level + 20 (even if you didn't promote at 20).
  12. Thanks for all the answers. I think my problem is since it's my first playthrough I want to use ALL the units and I just can't. Also I keep on going for pairing which I think would be cute despite probably not making the best children.
  13. So I've started this game finally and am a bit overwhelmed with the amount of choices I have, I just need some questions answered so I can decide how to go ahead. 1. When is it best to reclass someone with a Second Seal? If I'm levelling Donnel should I reclass him as soon as he learns Underdog or wait all the way until lvl 30? (I'm arguing the principle of doing this not necessarily Donnel's case, should you reclass as soon as you've learnt a skill you want). I know the internal level will rise more if they are higher level but is it worth it? 2. If I'm not levelling a character should I bother with their child? I understand a child inherits base stats from their parents stats so if a low level character has a child will that child be not very good then? 3. When deciding the father for the children is it best to go for a similar unit or a completely different sort of unit basically? i.e. Miriel's child is a mage, so should Ricken be the father as he will have good growths for a mage or go with something completely different like Vaike? I'm just having a hard time thinking of the best fathers for some characters. Thanks, I know all this information is probably out there but it's annoying trying to find it all.
  14. Happy Birthday!

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