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Everything posted by Tequila

  1. Well, I'm not turning it off to actually play it. I just turned it off to have a look at what I should be expecting. For instance, I now know that the sniper that suicides on Jaffar by turn 2 has something nice, so if I want the warp staff, I have to rescue him fairly quickly. When I actually do the chapter I'll turn the fog on again. I didn't know Aureola boosts staff range. But I dunno how helpful that is since I'm assuming Aureola is S rank, and so it can't boost Rescue range.
  2. Oh well. I'll use her next playthrough. Unless she's not thwompy. Whatever. She'll get her spot in the limelight, don't worry. For now... [spoiler=Fumbling and Fuckery, Take 1] The map's called Death Dealt in Darkness. No picture for some reason. The usual gang of misfits. New peeps. Well...he can do some minor damage I guess. Let's see what we're dealing with. Excellent. I know Maxime's somewhere in that corridor, and I don't want him going after Jaffar, so hopefully Lyn will lure him. Kinda useless, unless I use Harken. Defense is OK. Selling that. Nino and Jaffar come under fire. Nothing too worrying, yet. Well...the lure worked. Lyn has WTA, but he has a decent crit chance. Hopefully he can't double. Well. Guess we won't find out. YOU FUCKIN' IDJIT Fortunately, Marcus can still rescue him. Barely. He gets an Aureola. Not your best one-stat levelup. Even with Duradel equipped, he can't cope. Character deaths: Serra (6), Matthew (4), Marcus (4), Rebecca (1), Lowen (3), Oswin (2), Lyn (2), Canas (5), Sain (4), Hector (4), Guy (2), Dorcas (5), Wil (3). Eliwood (3), Bartre (1), Lucius (3), Ninian (2), Isadora (1), Legault (1) Still not great. i notice that that female sorcerer has eclipse, which has 1 range, an angelic robe, which I want, and is going to suicide on Jaffar next EP. I want that robe. So I go back to my savestate at the start of the turn. That's more like it! I move Sain to the north of Marcus' projected point so that when he rescues Wil, he'll drop him to the west rather than the north, putting him barely in range. I love it when a good plan comes together. YOU GOT HIT BY THAT? YOU OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF. Good girl. Not so good guy. Eliwood still doesn't understand how to chip. It's strength. Strength is good. Eh. OH SHIT WHERE THE HELL DID YOU LOT COME FROM Character deaths: Serra (6), Matthew (4), Marcus (4), Rebecca (1), Lowen (3), Oswin (2), Lyn (2), Canas (5), Sain (4), Hector (4), Guy (2), Dorcas (5), Wil (3). Eliwood (4), Bartre (1), Lucius (3), Ninian (2), Isadora (1), Legault (1) New plan: Warp Jaffar away and deal with the rest as they come. And here's where I give up. The right team was in shenanigans because Bartre went left and Sain (who also went left) had the only door key. So they were kind of hanging around, being useless. Gonna restart this and try again. [spoiler=Fuck it, turn off fog. (ACTUAL SPOILER! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED)] Character deaths: Serra (6), Matthew (4), Marcus (4), Rebecca (1), Lowen (3), Oswin (2), Lyn (2), Canas (5), Sain (4), Hector (4), Guy (2), Dorcas (5), Wil (3). Eliwood (4), Bartre (1), Lucius (3), Ninian (2), Isadora (1), Legault (1)
  3. I was going to do a mount run next... Damn. What's a thwomp run? Is that the one with highest growths in hp/str/def get used?
  4. Jerme's version of Pale Flower of Darkness. The sum of Dorcas, Bartre, Raven and Guy's levels needs to be higher than the sum of Priscilla, Serra, Lucius and Erk's levels. Because Serra and Lucius get used so much and everyone on Team Melee (except Dorcas) usually doesn't, most people get Kenneth's version. I, being a good Samaritan (also a contrary bastard, but we don't get into that), went for the chapters Klok hadn't done yet in the original release so he'd have a save file. Then I proceeded to psychically nag him until he finished it.
  5. Well, I added the chapter to my original post. I had a bunch of free time over the weekend, followed by a bunch of homework on Monday. So...yeah. Dunno when I'll get around to 28. I hear bad things about it. Very bad things.
  6. In the inventory screen, select a character and hit 'List' (I think), scroll down to the item that Merlinus has, and trade it to someone else. Also look at Erk's resistance growth. I think he's supposed to complement Karla. Finally, the killer lance, of the top of my head, usually has 30 crit, so Klok hasn't forgotten it. But it is kinda lame.
  7. [spoiler=Things get nasty] Ok, so alot of my early screenshots got overwritten again. I still have no idea why. So I can't show off the enemies with items and stuff, although they show up later and you can consult the google doc for a full list. The only thing I remember doing is giving Bartre a speedwing because with that and proccing speed on every levelup he can reach level 30 and I heard there's goodies held by enemies with 30 speed next chapter. So...yeah. I think I used some goddess icons too. Also, I took this chapter REALLY slowly because I knew there'd be unpleasant surprises, so quite a few turns were just me ferrying around 1 person. The snow doesn't help. Next run I'll be better prepared. The earliest screeny I can find. Dorcas is off-screen; he's headed northwest to deal with some berserkers. The rest are Ninian, Marcus, Lyn, Raven, Eliwood, Hector, Wil, Lowen, Bartre, Sain, and Serra. My first test playthrough, I kept this one alive because she has a barrier staff. Then I got Bartre over there and realized you can't steal staffs. So I restarted and took her out right away. Wil is confirmed albino Grim Reaper. Don't think I rigged this one. Those berserkers are on peaks. 40 avoid. And Dorcas still has 95% hit chance. I love this guy. Sain having the mother of all bad hair days. This guy had a steel sword so he had to go. Got a killer bow out of it. The first door is opened. Druid has Nosferatu, Sage has Fimbulvetr, Heretic has Fenrir, Bishop and monk have Aura. Didn't rig this either. Looks like you might still need that last energy ring. And that's the last one. Capped resistance. I dunno if this is a blessed Marcus, but I like him. Still never use him in vanilla, though. Capped HP, str, and skill so far. Capped strength (GO SERRA YOU DA MAN GIRL) The current situation. That paladin has an axereaver and Lyn has axes. This will not go down well. Pegasi make a tasty snack for Lynzerker. The next enemy phase, with slightly less enemies. Defense and HP are great for you. Str would be nice...but...whatever. Capped speed. Archsage promotion imminent. The new and improved recruitment scheme. Karel appears in the SW, where your units start. Harken appears at his usual spot. You can pick one. WHO WILL IT BE? Heh. Dorcas wants to be a mage tank. I thought you were supposed to cap things. :( And now to prevent you from doing something stupid, Merlinus will hold on to you for the rest of the chapter. Ultimate level, and it ain't a bad one. That's what I'm talking about. I think Serra caps resistance, or will soon. Well then. Not bad. Bartre is tanking two Luna druids, both with 25 magic, behind that building. While highly inefficient, I decide to just let them waste use up their books and then go and steal in peace (both, of course, have goodies). Had to rig that one. Oh hello. And in the hero's case, good-bye. Remember when you got 1-hit with embarassing regularity? Holding a horse and rider makes Merlinus unable to dodge; he gets doubled by an axereaver cavalier. Which Lyn takes care of. You still have 10 levels, I suppose...but you're only expected to proc str 4 times. I think I'll wait to use the energy ring. You're still not going to cap anything. Just a few monks and some promoted magic units, one of which has goddess icon (I think it's a monk). That's the last Luna use. Those druids are ripe for the plucking now. Took me like 15 minutes to rig this. CAPPED SPEED BARTRE IS A GO. (Spoiler: This turns out to be very useful later.) Offensive Raven is offensive. Speed AND resistance in the same level? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY HA! This is also the point where I realize there's 1 item left to steal, but neither Lowen nor Bartre has space. So Lowen drops a 2 use iron sword. NOTE TO SELF: On next run, buy less shit. More yoink. So here's me, casually opening another door, expecting a bunch of mage units, and then this. The assassin has a 5 use chest key I want, a silver sword I should try to not get hit by, and LOLWUT 5 STRENGTH!? Dorcas takes out the Nosferatu Druid at the other door. Sain, between his godly 21 def and the assassin's pathetic 5 strength, gets tinked. OR NOT. Fucking silencer. Character deaths: Serra (6), Matthew (4), Marcus (4), Rebecca (1), Lowen (3), Oswin (2), Lyn (2), Canas (5), Sain (4), Hector (4), Guy (2), Dorcas (5), Wil (1). Eliwood (3), Bartre (1), Lucius (2), Ninian (2), Isadora (1), Legault (1) Dorcas gets the same level, Eliwood uses Bolting to chip the assassin, and Sain finishes it off. Lowen crits the dragoon for a OHKO. After that unpleasantness, Bartre goes around opening chests, since he was busy tanking Luna earlier. Probably gonna need those legendaries for the next chapter. Now, only Jerme's building remains untouched. The counter says 6 enemies reside within. How bad can it be? Maybe you'll get the angelic robe. In fact, you almost certainly will. Well, hello there. The middle myrmidon has a silver sword, so Wil places himself in range to lure it out... Oops. I forgot Jerme moves. Wil got silenced. Character deaths: Serra (6), Matthew (4), Marcus (4), Rebecca (1), Lowen (3), Oswin (2), Lyn (2), Canas (5), Sain (4), Hector (4), Guy (2), Dorcas (5), Wil (2). Eliwood (3), Bartre (1), Lucius (2), Ninian (2), Isadora (1), Legault (1) Ok how about this side? Nope. Character deaths: Serra (6), Matthew (4), Marcus (4), Rebecca (1), Lowen (3), Oswin (2), Lyn (2), Canas (5), Sain (4), Hector (4), Guy (2), Dorcas (5), Wil (3). Eliwood (3), Bartre (1), Lucius (2), Ninian (2), Isadora (1), Legault (1) ONCE MORE, WITH FURY 8 turns later. the regal blade has been used up. With Jerme out of the fight, the rest of my crew mops up his subordinates except one. OI GIMME DAT Good-bye, light brand myrmidon. And that's that. Nino swears at Sonia, Jaffar disapproves, and Hector leaves us with this last gem. Character deaths: Serra (6), Matthew (4), Marcus (4), Rebecca (1), Lowen (3), Oswin (2), Lyn (2), Canas (5), Sain (4), Hector (4), Guy (2), Dorcas (5), Wil (3). Eliwood (3), Bartre (1), Lucius (2), Ninian (2), Isadora (1), Legault (1)
  8. A quick experiment reveals that it does, in fact, move. Now to actually do the chapter.
  9. Sorry, I meant peaks. There's no mountains up there. EDIT: I like the new Harken/Karel recruitment scheme.
  10. When I first saw the map, I noticed the two druids up top with stealable items, but thieves can't land on mountains, so I thought I'd need to warp Bartre up there. Then I realized I just have to lure one of those druids away from the mountain tile so Lowen can drop him off instead.
  11. Prepromotes have 6 luck, Marcus is T1 with T2 bases, hence the luck.
  12. Forced warp...Clever. Well. Quasi-forced, I guess. Looking forward to trying this out.
  13. I like the idea of different great knight classes, even if it just an excuse to throw some extra def/res into a promotion. Definitely needs armor weakness, thought.
  14. https://docs.google.com/a/ncf.edu/spreadsheets/d/1A8878i9gzAmo2XXI53VL2dMcIeWJeJZs13ZwXN_f3uA/edit#gid=0 Shameless plug. You'll want the Desert items tab.
  15. Hector/Lyn/Eliwood/Athos/Nils are forced, then there's 10 others, for a total of 3 extra.
  16. Sorry; got confused because the Character Editor says they're both male, but I checked the chapter data and ofc they're female.
  17. Promo gains and caps are done, with a few Q's. How do you find out how much WXP is given to weapons that can already be used? IE SE says male Heroes get 40 sword xp; how do you find/change that? Why are Fiora, Nino, and Leila male versions of their classes? I can understand the pegasi bros or the berserker girls, but there's female versions of the aforementioned trio's respective classes. Especially Leila, given she has a female map sprite and stuff. What does the Witch unlock with the Katti lock? Has the crit rate been changed to 25%, and does it apply to everyone (Sniper, Dragoon, Swordmaster and Berserker)?
  18. While I'm not AGAINST mounted mages having a T3, wasn't it supposed to be a trade-off between mounted with +2 movement vs another promotion? Although that could be fixed by capping the MK's stats a bit lower than archsage/witch/dark druid. On the other hand, Marcus could use another 20 levels with his kinda-sorta-meh growths (mine seems unusually blessed, especially the resistance).
  19. Use Guy! My only problem with him is his pathetic movement and he's too heavy to be rescued by pretty much anyone that isn't Marcus. But he's a great tank. Also, a request. If you show stealable items in the chapter, can you tell us the speed of the unit carrying it? I'm updating the spreadsheet as you go along. Good luck, and have fun!
  20. Worst case scenario, you just drop them. Although that's kind of a shame.
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