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Everything posted by Tequila

  1. That's why he's doing INTERPRETIVE dance; as long as he interprets it as dance, it's a dance. That is how that works, right?
  2. I believe it's supposed to mean he got a little overwrought and...er...ejaculated. Make of that what you will, Freuds.
  3. I sure will. And if you're looking for beta testers, I volunteer as tribute.
  4. [spoiler=Character overview and ending] Could have been worse. I did spent some time support grinding. Hey Klok, would it be possible to change the names here with your new chapter names? Actually, now I read the epilogue again, you have changed some of them. Actual death count: 0 Matthew started out amazing, with a perfect and near-perfect level-up in the beginning, but afterwards he didn't proc strength for about 10 levels, so I dropped him. Came back with a vengeance once he received a stimulant and capped everything on his own (although he did get 3 energy rings before the stimulant). He would be good with swords; his high speed and skill overcome the large weight and inaccuracy of the iron sword, while its fairly high might offsets his shoddy strength. Actual death count: 0 Marcus is pretty much mandatory to use. He didn't see much combat in the beginning because he couldn't attack, then was kept busy doing staff-y things. He capped strength by himself and was close to (if not actually) maxing resistance. His speed and defense were lacking, so he got quite a few dragonshields and speedwings, then got maxed out during the chapter 31x bonanza. He got A rank support with Lowen, which didn't do THAT much. His S rank in staves was essential for Rescue and Physic. Actual death count: 2 The first flying tank. He didn't turn out as blessed as he did during my first run, but he still had very nice defense. He didn't steal the spotlight like he did in that run because I had other fliers, and Nino's insane growths kind of made him redundant in the end-game. Again, the A rank with Marcus wasn't terribly useful. His speed wasn't too bad, but his resistance was pretty bad, so he got fed quite a few talismans. Still a great character to have, especially to get the villages in ch 13 and rescue Priscilla in ch 14. He got S lances. I kind of regret not building up his sword rank, but steel lances and axereavers did their job. Actual death count: 2 Dorcas capped HP, strength, skill, and speed both times. His defense isn't bad, either. But his resistance is absolutely terrible. That is what his description says, and it is the entire truth. But he's amazing in the early-game, and together with Priscilla and Lucius rocked the middle-game. His support options this run were Bartre (who only got used until I got Canas) and Geitz, and by the time I got Geitz I was done with supports. He got S swords because I needed an S sword user, or so I thought, but Regal Blades kind of suck compared to the other legendaries. Would use again. Actual death count: 0 Comes with a great lance (horseslayer), amazing growths, and nowhere to go but up, Priscilla is easily the best paladin. She capped strength, speed, and defense on her own (I think), but her resistance lagged, despite a 50% growth. Her A support with Lucius was really helpful in the endgame. She got S axes but never had a chance to wield Basilikos because Matthew and Lyn are greedy bastards. Actual death count: 5 He procced strength quite a bit early on, which was good, because otherwise he'd be shit. He needs a robe to be useable, and some dragonshields wouldn't go amiss either. I kept him around for the triangle attacks, and he didn't disappoint. The delphi shield he brings is essential if you want to use him in Ch 17 (not recommended, but it's your funeral). He got a stimulant and responded favorably, I think. HIGHLIGHT: Killing Uhai in the final chapter. 63 hit and 0 crit goes out the window when you're part of a triangle attack. Actual deaths: 4 Glass cannon to the MAX. NEEDS NEEDS NEEDS a robe; his base 18 hp wilts if anyone even looks at him funny. But that rapier is fucking dangerous. I think he has one of the highest killcounts of this run. Durandel plus his great resistance growth makes him nigh-invulnerable to any magic that isn't Erishkigal or Luna, and he doesn't suffer as badly from his proof weapon's weight as Serra does. However, physical damage is the bane of his existence. If he has to attack, make sure he kills whatever it is. Also, caring for helpless nipples is a very altruistic goal in life. I wish him well. Actual deaths: 5 Canas is frail. His class is not exactly known for high defense, but his stealing capabilities puts him in the forefront more often than not. He capped strength, speed, and resistance by himself, and came close with skill. He wielded the wyrmslayer with great aplomb; it seems tailor-made for him, although I never saw Silencer activate (maybe it doesn't work on non-1 range weapons?). Has mommy issues. Actual death count: 5 His HP growth notwithstanding, Legault's not too bad. He's practically guaranteed to cap speed and probably strength, although his resistance is kinda low. But his HP growth should be boosted to 50% at minimum, 60% would be even better. 40 is just too low. The axereaver he wields (which makes him a bitch to recruit) is a welcome addition to the arsenal. As he is, unless you want triangle attacks or really want a flier about abandoning Lowen and Kent, I wouldn't use him. Actual death count: 0 I'm pretty sure Nils and Ninian are the only ones who can reliably dodge a poison lance. The rings were all but useless, unfortunately; it's usually better to get a second turn than to get a 1 turn bonus. Some discrepancies I noticed: they have different speed growths, and if I recall correctly, Ninian starts with A staves and Nils comes with C (have not verified). Potential idea for dancers in FE8CM: When they dance, they have a chance, say, (level %) of activating a random ring's effects (which they have to be carrying) in addition to refreshing the character. Actual death count: 1 Geitz actually has HP! And defense! Which one kind of hopes for, considering this is the chapter with max str/def wyvern riders out the wahzoo. Kind of unexpected, since I was aiming to get Wallace, but I managed fine, and he made up for the lack of healing by helping 1-shot Uhai. Actual death count: 0 Didn't see much action, mainly because he comes late and I had too many people at that point. It's not you, Karel, it's me. Actual death count: 0 Lowen on steroids. Not much to say here, but she's freaking amazing. Maybe a little low on HP, but she's gotta have some drawbacks, after all. Actual deaths: 1 Died to a dragon crit. That's all I have to say on the matter. Actual deaths: Lyn (3), Florina (2) These two fucking decimated. A support mean crits everywhere. I think Lyn parked on a mountain was nigh invincible. It was beautiful. Aside from her strength, or rather, lack thereof. She got seriously strength-screwed in the beginning, whereas Florina got blessed. But Lyn killed the dragon, so all is forgiven. Actual deaths: 0 Ok in the earlygame, essential once promoted, and HOLY BALLS DID THAT GUY JUST FLY HALFWAY ACROSS THE FIELD awesome in endgame. Not much to say. Forblaze made up for his somewhat lacking resistance, and as one of two healers, he shares MVP with Lyn and Hector this run. Plus, A support with Hector and B Lyn did wonders for his accuracy, back when that was actually an issue. Actual deaths: 1 A god amongst mortals, Hector was seriously speed-blessed this run (he only got 2 speedwings that I can recollect). He caps str, def, and HP naturally. And with Reinfleche and an iron Ballista, he potentially rains pointy death further away than anyone on the battlefield. A shame that not many ballistas exist that he can take advantage off. His heroic stand against waves of enemies on the first enemy phase of Light part II ensures he will go down in the annals of history as a Very Important Person. Honorable Mention: The two Laus regulars that somehow, much like Aphrodite from the seas or Athena from Zeus' head, sprang out of thin air. They didn't do much besides scare the shit out of me with ghostly portraits (see the chapter 29 update, I think it was). Much like his compatriots above, Dorcas 2: Electric Boogaloo contributed nothing, but JESUS LOOK AT THAT STRENGTH! YOU SEE THAT, LYN? THAT'S THE WAY TO DO IT! I really regret not trying to give him an angelic robe and see whether I could actually use him. Alas. Too late to find out now. I would also like to give a posthumous medal of honor to the brave archsage who attacked the dragon. He did precisely jack shit, but it was funny. "For fuck's sake, Eliwood, stop looking at my tits!" "Oh, now you're saying I'm not a good enough father? Is that it? HUH? THIS MEANS WAR, MARQUESS PHERAE! THIS MEANS WAR!" I bet Hector's nipples do better on the stock exchange than I do. Ain't that right, Zephiel? Great run, y'all. Thanks for reading. Thanks to Klok for making this. I'll be doing a thwomp run when the next update is released. Stay tuned!
  5. [spoiler=I've Got the Fire] I brought this to berserk Linus the way the LTC'ers do, but I kinda forgot about it. Turns out that was a good thing. A nice side effect is that berserked npcs can't use staves, so that's 1 sleep staff out of the count. That's the other one, but I can't be arsed to rig a 2% crit. Hopefully I can take care of him later (Spoiler: I don't.) Luna guy #1 goes beddy-bye. This also has a nice side effect of leaving the berserked archsage with something to kill besides the dragon. They have a berserk staff of their own, so I chip away at that while conveniently blocking the magic seal from one direction. That's luna #2 dead (also, it has an anima tome (I think Excalibur, but it might have been Fimbulvetr, that it can't use). Berserk staff disposed off and seal hemmed in from 2 directions. Needless to say, this guy did not survive. Hector and Florina exchange reinfleches, since Hector's going to be tanking quite a few things on this turn, and I don't want it to break. 2 silences and a sleep are still around, but everyone's out of non-staff range except Hector. Eliwood and Florina support too OP YOUR BEARD WON'T SAVE YOU NOW Take a bow, Hector. You totally deserve it. Eliwood's silence splashed, Athos' did not. But I don't care, since I'm just going to wait under the seal's effect anyway. Luna #2 neutralized. That's all the non-mages down. Sleep staff #2 down. Only 1 silence staff left (the berserked guy will hopefully do something stupid before the berserk wears off. Otherwise, I'll just put him to sleep or something.) Took out the Excalibur!Sages with axereavers, leaving only 3 Gespenst!Sorcerers and one Erishkigal!Dark Druid for berserked archsage to choose from. I anticipate he'll go for one of the sorcerers; hopefully they'll do more than chip damage to each other. Sigh. Well...the aforementioned dark druid and sorcerers were silly enough to come near the seal. Their berserk comrade, angry at their being out of range, goes after his fellow archsage. Aureola vs Forblaze is a bit lopsided, and berserksage finds himself a little worse for the wear. Axereavers take care of the sorcerers, and even erishkigal isn't enough to counter 4 Durandal attacks. 3 archsages and a dragon walk into a bar... Not much happened. The non-berserked guy walked into the seal, the berserked one attacked him without counter, and the one in the southwest, whose silence staff ran out last turn, is twiddling his thumbs. Gift horse in the mouth and whatnot I moved everyone out of range. Will berserksage dare go against the mighty dragon? YES HE WILL! NO! I HAD SUCH HIGH HOPES! Well...so much for that one. Still, he fought valiantly, and he did get rid of one of the Luna sorcerers. I'll add him to the death list. Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (4), Kent (5), Canas (5), Lyn (3), Legault (5), Florina (2), Lowen (2), Geitz (1), That One Archsage That Inadvertently Fought On My Side (1) I savestate and move up to see whether the dragon moves. OH SHIT HE DOES TIME TRAVEL IMMINENT Also, the dragon has a 7-square attack range. Overcompensation much? The one-use Basilikos gets yet another top-up. Our whole team equips various legendary weapons and get a HP boost. LET'S ROLL Trapcius is...well...the trap. Ow. Tink, Tink squared, and Tink to the fourth, respectively. WHO WILL RID ME OF THIS FOUL BEAST? MATTHEW I DID NOT GET YOU S AXES FOR THIS SHIT GET IT TOGETHER Better. Eliwood starts us off. Lyn with a good hit. Athos with more chip! Athos with the highly embarrassing death Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (4), Kent (5), Canas (5), Lyn (3), Legault (5), Florina (2), Lowen (2), Geitz (1), That One Archsage That Inadvertently Fought On My Side (1), Athos (1) Let's fix that. Once more, with fury. RAAAAAAAARGH I can just envision Ninian asking Eliwood "does this transformation make my chest look big" Of...of course. Did you really need to ask? Stay tuned for FE6: Attack of the Nipples. Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (4), Kent (5), Canas (5), Lyn (3), Legault (5), Florina (2), Lowen (2), Geitz (1), That One Archsage That Inadvertently Fought On My Side (1), Athos (1)
  6. How about making it so all terrain that can normally be traversed by them costs 1 movement (except maybe mountains)? It wouldn't change anything on indoor maps, but it could help with forest-heavy maps where cavs don't do too well.
  7. [spoiler=Still Life] So...Originally I was just going to kill Kishuna with axereavers and call it a day, but I decided to get all the loot (and there's quite a bit of it). The Stimulant Squad are here this evening to use up some poison weapons and get some levels for the final battle... ...as seen here. Loot. A level. More loot. Another level. More loot...I can do this all day! But seriously, this chapter isn't really exciting. It's just a bunch of berserkers that can't hit. Well...most of the time, at least. (Yes that was a crit). So...here's the rest of the loot And the levels. Now for something more exciting! [spoiler=Powerslave] So...how hard can this be, anyway? Dorcas and Canas are sitting this one out. Klok seems to have moved the people and order of the doors around, but that still shouldn't be a problem. I know the southwest one is going to open next, so I send the pegasus squad to deal with that, and the others spread out (I hadn't gone past this point). Kenneth and Uhai, with Luce and Reinfleche, respectively. That was easy. I'm sure you can all guess what happens next... DIE UHAI DIE! I'm not sure what sector will open next, so I just sit tight for the moment. Er...Ok, I guess you can open all of them and the same time... YOUR SPEEDY MAGIC WON'T SAVE YOU NOW The lack of a delphi shield screwed him. Legault and his axreaver take out a rather annoying Sorcerer and get more useless tomes. Didn't even have to rig this, oddly enough. Sometimes the RNG is in my favor. He'll be left for last. Athos with Forblaze is blocking Ursula to the southeast. Forblaze!Eliwood or Basilikos!Lyn will settle Jerme's hash to the northwest. Linus is snoozing. And everyone is out of range of Lloyd, Darin, and Darin's lieutenant, who has better weapons than his boss for some reason. Ursula suicides on Athos. How the hell did Jerme get 103 HP!? That looks like an ordinary runesword... Things happen and people die, in that order. I...seriously did not see that one coming. Oops. Nino doesn't like people who steal from her. Next turn, the Nergalator will make his appearance. You snooze, you loose. OH HI NICE TO MEET YOU Granted, I was expecting these troops. Jesus, look at that def/res boost. How the hell am I going to hit him? Well, first we rescue Lyn... Since I foolishly forgot to give Lyn her own Devil axe, Priscilla kindly loans hers... Eliwood moves into support range and does a little chipping. ...not that it seems to make an appreciable difference. But it's enough to kill him. I drop the tome because no one in my party can use it. Rawr rawr meow meow yada yada. Also, Ninian runs offscreen during the cutscene instead of killing the dragons (although the ice still happens) so I seriously thought I'd have to face all 3 dragons, despite vaguely remembered reassurances to the contrary. ...Mother of god. Forblaze and excaliburs in the front row, Gespenst with one lone Luna in the middle, regal blade/rex hasta and a lone basilikos in the middle, dark druid with erishkigal, 2 archsages with sleep staves, a medley of staff users with range-boosting tomes in the little cubbies on the side, and to top it all off, a magic seal in the middle of my troops. This should be fun. Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (4), Kent (5), Canas (5), Lyn (3), Legault (5), Florina (2), Lowen (2), Geitz (1)
  8. Well...I bought enough statboosters to max out my entire party. That may have something to do with it.
  9. [spoiler=Flight of Icarus] The last annoying chapter...right? Right? Spoiler: I don't get all the loot this time around. MONEY (That I don't need at this point) Everyone but Matthew and Karel is here (Matthew because he's maxed, Karel cause he's not) End of turn 1. Lucius is in the NW, luring down a general armed with Basiliskos, Rex Hasta, and Regal Blade. I really want him to equip the hasta because Basiliskos has a defense bonus. ...just as I suspected. Sigh. Legault lured out a Hero and gets an ok level Good thing Eliwood has a restore staff. Good thing Eliwood has Forblaze, too. Lucius, with Priscilla's support and Nils' music, slays that RFA (Really Fucking Annoying) general. Get defense ffs A bunch of bishops with divine spawn in on the center line, and one of them carries a goody. Too bad my whole team has maxed strength. End of turn 2. Lyn: "Drop the sword at my feet and step away very slowly..." Doubling doesn't help much when you can't hit This clump is TROUBLE. 4 silver swords, 2 regal blades, and 3 rex hastas = mucho ouchie. I wonder if it's possible to hit 100 non-crit damage in this hack... Needless to say, that wyvern doesn't last. Basiliskos!Lyn is going to tank that clump (or so I hope). Everyone else gets the hell out of dodge. The tanking was successful (I think she only got hit by a silver sword for 2 damage). Even better, that Basiliskos doesn't break because she misses one of the regal blade wyverns, which then blocks another one from attacking and leaves the axe with 2 uses. Why didn't I switch it out for a fresh one, you ask? Because I conveniently left that one in Matthew's inventory. This is not the last time this happens in this chapter. Florina and an enemy nomad trooper engage in a staring match for all eternity until I reset. Fortunately I made a savestate just before I ended my last turn. So this is the aftermath. The clump looks slightly less menacing, but those bishops are drawing a little too close for my taste... And Eliwood got silenced. This is not going well. Basilikos at 1 use now... This is the first time I've ever used a Hammerne in FE. EVER. Needless to say, Basiilikos is at full charges and ready to pwn. Some rescue-dropping and dancing later, Marcus waltzes over to Eliwood and borrows his restore staff. Operation Let's-Let-Lyn-Tank-It-All-Again is a go This time, she doesn't miss. And she doesn't need to double, either. To the northwest, Lucius is having none of this other guy's shit and caps resistance. Reinfleches are kind of annoying, so I decide to eliminate this one before it fucks up everything. Levels, some more exciting than others. You're safe now, Sophia. No nasty brigands will loot your...ruins...I guess. Eliwood gets Nino out of there. Sorcerous reinforcements near Limstella, one of which is carrying MORE USELESS CRAP Renault: "It's not useless crap; if you have me use this seal I come with, I can use it!" Me: "QUICK! TO THE BENCHMOBILE!" That magic...*cringe*. Then again, we do potentially get 2 or 3 rings on this map. Unfortunately, they're REALLY annoying to get, especially if you want the gaiden. Nino maxes out. Renault rescues Florina, and Eliwood rescues both, and gets level 20 at the same time (with no stats gained). ALL RUINS VISITED YEEHAW See, a nice use for an infinite use Rescue staff is getting those ballistas somewhere useful. And Reinfleche conveniently boosts ballista damage, too. For the Basiliskos, probably. Capped speed. My fliers do some sniping. I'm really happy Gespenst doesn't give a defense bonus. K. More reinforcements...with goodies...I'll try to snag one, since one of my fliers doesn't have one. Capped defense, I think. More money. Kinda hard to see, but I'm just 1 well-armed clump in a sea of well-armed units. Here's hoping everything goes well. I dun goofed...:S I accidentally moved him 1 space too far. Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (4), Kent (5), Canas (5), Lyn (3), Legault (5), Florina (2), Lowen (2), Geitz (1) Every single sorcerer goes for Florina...and there's about 7 or 8 of them. They never stood a chance. Uh oh, they realized something with actually DEFENSE was required. Alright... YEEHAW Significantly less YEEHAW Ok. There's simply too many reinforcements. I'm not going to able to carve my way through all those troops without loosing someone. But that's ok. I have a plan. First, we temporarily get rid of this one. Next turn, Hector double-crits Limstella for 132 damage (she has 120 hp). Nils plays... Merlinus rumbles up... WHAT DO YOU MEAN, I DON'T HAVE ANY WARP STAFFS A small voice in the back of my head reminds me that I gave a bunch of stuff to the benchees when I bought 30-odd goddess icons. That same voice snidely points out that there were at least 2 warp staves. I dispel the voice into the deepest pits of Tartarus for not having reminded me of this fact earlier. Ok. What to do now? First, I outfit the Royal Air Force with a medley of Rex Hastas and Regal Blades... Then I leave Eliwood to fend for himself on a peak. Will he survive? I think this time I actually stole it YOU MUST MAX NIGHTY NIGHT Right. Let's see how this works out. I forgot Limstella moves... Then I remember that that's a GOOD thing. See, I don't need another rescue staff. I don't need the xp from killing her. All I want is to finish this bloody mission. And if she wants to give me the throne, I, for one, will not complain. For lulz, I decide to grab this anyway. I didn't give Lowen as many boosters because I have him a stimulant, so I'm waiting to see whether it pays off. So far, I'm happy. And that's for Legault. (I actually would have triangle-attacked Limstella but I could only surround her with 2). Geitz also gets a FASCINATING level-up. FINALLY Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (4), Kent (5), Canas (5), Lyn (3), Legault (5), Florina (2), Lowen (2), Geitz (1)
  10. The Demon King also has all skills, of course (Pierce, Sure Shot, Silencer, whatever the General one is, etc) and since he's level 99 it will be nigh impossible to hit him because of the latter.
  11. Instead of summoning generic mooks on the first turn, the Demon King summons 8 clones of himself, all of which must be killed.
  12. Cardinal Fang! Fetch...THE COMFY CHAIR! Oh, and organize a sons et lumieres while you're at it.
  13. There's not really much to say about 31x, but my game's glitched again for some reason, although it's still playable (for now). I think the proper response to every single one of these is a mindless scream of terror. The portrait that each one takes is the last actual portrait that you were looking at, hence why I can only get the guys around the Laus characters. Can I keep him? Yes, but it's closed for renovation apparently. Karla's mine, along with a few axereavers, hand axes, and a crapton of statboosters. Next time: STUFF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN BEFORE (unless you followed Mr Night's LP).
  14. I would assume 64, 0, and 32, respectively.
  15. [spoiler=Sea of Madness] I don't have pics of the title screen or the setup, so here's my first move. Fuck Gespenst. As to who's here, it's everyone but Karel. Nothing new here. Canas and Nino get loot, Matthew and Priscilla rescue them, and Marcus and Eliwood rescue them in turn, leaving those poor blighters to the southeast all alone. That green unit that you can barely see under the text is the sole survivor, and he won't last long either. GET HP GODDAMNIT I still think 40% growth is WAY too low. Maybe 60? I silenced the Excalibur sorcerer to the east, but there's still one with Luce. Matthew is posed with Basiliskos to wreck the warrior to the west. Lowen got this guy to 2 hp with a poison lance, and he succumbs to it on EP. GODDAMNIT LUCIUS Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (4), Kent (4), Canas (5), Lyn (2), Legault (4), Florina (2), Lowen (2), Geitz (1) I did more or less the same thing, except instead of moving Lucius to protect Canas I left him behind the line. Canas should be able to dodge everything. Should being the operative word. Matthew does his job (that warrior had 85 might, but with Basiliskos that was reduced to 45 damage.) Good thing I have restore staves. GET SOME RESISTANCE The annoying thing about this run is that I only have 2 mages. So I have to pick between healing or removing statuses. This is why Canas is still asleep. Oops, I keep thinking Merlinus can actually DODGE THINGS (he can't. Like, ever.) New and improved wall. Guh. She dodged a Luna sorcerer and didn't dodge anything else. So I bring out the big guns. Hey, I didn't realize you're actually kind of good! Basiliskos allowed Lyn to survive that time (and also 1 hit essentially everyone). Looks like the AI doesn't look at stat bonuses attached to weapons, otherwise they'd have gone for Hector (who could probably have tanked it). WAKEY WAKEY STEALY STEALY FLAKY FLAKY YOUR MOTHER WAS A TROLLOC How...useful. You're not quite as good as you were last time, but still good. Damnit, I wanted the ballista! (I saw no way to make him sswitch weapons) The usual. Preparing for Denning. ...didn't quite work out. Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (4), Kent (4), Canas (5), Lyn (3), Legault (4), Florina (2), Lowen (2), Geitz (1) Let's try someone different. As long as you max the left side of that statscreen I'll probably be happy. Who would have thought Matthew could tank?! I think the only person who could do better would be Serra/Fiora with the Sol Katti's speed bonus or Rath with Armads. GODDAMNIT KENT He got hit crit by that sniper. I keep forgetting they're actually dangerous now. IRON RUNES FOR ALL Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (4), Kent (5), Canas (5), Lyn (3), Legault (4), Florina (2), Lowen (2), Geitz (1) Good. Now the rest of you, come north and pilfer those chests, and then sit tight while I kill you. K. It's my turn. What to do with Denning? First, we take care of his cronies. Rock a-bye baby on the treetops... So...those thieves don't seem inclined to go after the other chests for some reason, even though I left them a clear passage. Not bad. Going to Lowen. To be used later. TRIANGLE ATTACK BITCHES COME GET SOME Since those thieves were awfully unobliging, Canas and Priscilla loot instead. More triangle attacks! Cause god knows you need it. Eliwood flambees the general. The lowest level in the party, so why not? Bought 3 robes and at least 30 icons. For some reason, everyone in my army has capped speed except Legault and Geitz, and they will do it the old-fashioned way. So yay, no speedwings. MONEY STATBOOSTERS BARTRE VS KARLA o this could get nasty. Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (4), Kent (5), Canas (5), Lyn (3), Legault (4), Florina (2), Lowen (2), Geitz (1)
  16. [spoiler=Quest for Fire] AKA That One Map Where Merlinus Would be Useful Pegasus squad shouldn't get weighed down with steel lances, so I help them out, at the expense of not being able to rescue very many people. Oh well. Hector gets 3 icons and Eliwood 2. Eliwood, Hector, Marcus, and Canas make up our team. Good-bye, Lyn clone. 81 crit, jesus. Couldn't kill him last turn. REVENGE WILL BE HAD. Revenge was had. ...Shit. No restore staff, and no Merlinus. Oh well. Leaving that guy alive so that Marcus will go for the easy prey (I hope). Good AI! Loots are had, Marcus kills things down south, and Hector tries to stay out of his way (for some reason, this works until the last turn, when Marcus decides Hector with a Reinfleche is a more alluring target than a general with an axereaver. Go figure.) I forgot statuses can be overridden; I could have lured Marcus into a poison stream earlier. Oh well. He's now back under my control. I think he's 1 off capping both stats. CAN HE DO IT? Useless (in hindsight, I could have just discarded it now, but whatever). Somewhat less useless. Since Eliwood doesn't want to gain skill, it's probably going to him. I think this is uber? I forgot to check. Eliwood prepares to lure Kaim. Hopefully 88 avoid is enough to...well....avoid him. Are you, now? 100+ hp doesn't save him from a Forblaze crit. I rescue Hector with Eliwood and finish off that Excalibur sage for a great level and end the level at the same time. Bow down to the Master of Strategy. Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (3), Kent (4), Canas (5), Lyn (2), Legault (4), Florina (2), Lowen (2), Geitz (1)
  17. [spoiler=King of Twilight] I hate this map so much. Also, this time (the time I actually am showing here) I had this strange glitch where if I went to the Select units or Trade screens it went to black. Repatching didn't fix it. All I wanted to do was give Karel a halberd, so it wasn't the end of the world, but I really hope I can the run this time around. The usual stat-booster usage. So...this time, I'm trying to separate each group of reinforcements, which makes traversing the bridges kind of annoying. I manage to lure this Luna!Sorcerer with Legault and rescue Canas over there. Handling the influx rather well; only the bottom-left reinforcements are coming, and they consist entirely of sorcerers with Eclipse. Speaking of which, it's REALLY nice to see 0 hitrates; Eclipse's hitrate has been significantly boosted. Despite my best effort, the northeastern reinforcements are coming. Not sure why. I think I accidentally moved Nino over a bridge en route to owning things. This doesn't last. BECAUSE GEITZ CAN'T DODGE WORTH A DAMN (I had him placed to take the Luna hit, but he also got hit by a valkyrie with thunder with a ~20% hit, which lowered his HP just enough to get wrecked). Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (3), Kent (4), Canas (5), Lyn (1), Legault (4), Florina (2), Lowen (2), Geitz (1) New setup results in Geitz surviving. What a pro. MAXED STRENGTH WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I honestly wasn't sure if this was going to happen. I know I said this before, but Florina has worse or equal growths in all areas than Lyn, yet she's doing better. Flight of the valkyries...with thunder, elfire, fimbulvetr and fucking EXCALIBUR I suddenly feel like I'm playing Go. With thieves. And that's the last Luna guy on the map...right? That's...a surprisingly good Lyn. The flight of the valkyries comes to a screeching halt. WHAT WHERE DID YOU COME FROM I LOVE YOU FLO FLO Love you too. And you. And you (again) I was hoping for defense, but whatever. Fortunately this missed, since I forgot to give anyone a restore staff. Well...you're probably benched for the final level. I just brought him along because this chapter's all mages and Dorcas would have gotten shredded. WHAT WHAT HOW DID THIS HAPPEN (Luce crit with 32% hit and 12% crit. Such bullshit). Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (3), Kent (4), Canas (5), Lyn (2), Legault (4), Florina (2), Lowen (2), Geitz (1) This time she survives and someone else gives us phat l00tz. Matthew has capped everything except luck. I really want to do a run where he doesn't get trained until he gets a stimulant and then see how long it takes him to cap (recall he's had 3 energy rings and a robe at this point). Surprisingly good (in Geitz's case) level-ups. Vaida popped up last turn, but I put off dealing with her because I wasn't sure how to get both her and Hector out. Now, the situation has gotten even worse, since one of those wyvern lords has an uber spear and a Delphi shield. Still no def, but I wasn't holding out much hope anyway. All is NOT quiet on the western front, as Eliwood and the enemy archsage face off in an epic battle... ..with a distinctively non-epic levelup. Well...time to deal with her I guess. She can run off and Hector can tank the wyverns. And tank them he does. He crit every single one, too, although he only did 21 damage to the guy with the uber spear. Still. Hector makes a preemptive strike against the newest batch of wyverns (and one berserker) and gets a great level, and Eliwood gets resistance, which he kinda needs. The berserker crit with another ~30 hit and 10 crit chance. Fortunately, uber spear #2 missed, otherwise Hector would have died. Canas steals and gets whisked away. Canas steals next turn and...oh what the hell I'll leave him there. He can surely tank a Luce hit, right...? Yep. And he crit the fucker right back. It was glorious. Wyrmslayer too OP pls nerf. Number 1. Number 2. The end (I was trying to feed the kill to Karel, but he kept missing.) Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (3), Kent (4), Canas (5), Lyn (2), Legault (4), Florina (2), Lowen (2), Geitz (1)
  18. [spoiler=Sandy Secrets. Now with less secrecy] EDIT: I just noticed that the Fimbulvetr area has an extra square to the east. Oops.
  19. [spoiler=The Tailgunner] Next run I do, I'm going to try doing this chapter WITHOUT mine abuse. Should be fun. The usual pre-chapter shenanigans. Lucius gets the ring so he can wield the rapier without AS loss, Lyn gets boots to keep up with Florina, and Matthew becomes even godlier. Flight crew makes an appearance, at last. SPOILER: I completely forgot to do any triangle attacks this chapter. But they weren't necessary anyhow, so I'll save the good stuff for later. BOMBS AWAY, with Lucius as bait (wielding Durandal, since he's in Sonia's Berserk range and I don't want her to attack before the archer does.) All your base are belong to me. In preparation for this chapter, I freed up 43 spaces. Wonder how many I'll use. We start things off the paladin north of us dropping his wares into Merlinus' wagon. Her witchy sisters, the berserkers, even the freaking wyvern riders can all use Forblaze. But Sonia can't. /logic Also, another oversight (at least I think it is): Jaffar comes with a silver sword and B ranks in everything. So he's stuck using either the uber-spear (kind of a shame) or the devil axe (potential ouchiness). Note the suspicious groupings. *blink* +2 hp and an almost perfect level? Kent I have underestimated you. You, on the other hand...actually, you're not that bad. Just need some defense. I believe he capped speed here. That paladin to the east has a brave lance and the rank to use it. Hopefully this won't bite me in the ass. Apparently it didn't. This chapter's pretty much levelups and loot pictures, since the AI doesn't move the guys without useable weapons (which is everyone except the reinforcements) (with a few exceptions). Yeah, I get some poison weapons cause WHYNOT. Then I realize they're more trouble than they're worth for the most part. They (especially the sword, which is pretty much the best) have pretty limited uses, and you can't sell them. Never showed off Jaffar's palette. Nino got +2 strength twice in a row. She's better than Lowen already. This is kind of sad. Probably for Ninian; can't really think of who else needs it now. If only Geitz could get a stimulant too...I think Denning has one, but that's a ways away, and most of my characters will be close to, if not already, maxed by then. What should I use this for? I hope I can sell these; I'm gonna have like 4 of them at the end. Got too many of these, but not complaining. And now to get the real good stuff. BOMBS AWAY! The reinforcements in the NW (pegasi and pirates) attack before the ones to the south. I left Lucius and Karel to kill things (by which I mean they got stranded when the bridges broke up and I never rescued them). Boom ba-da-boom, indeed. I think, in light of these events, the phrase "loot confirmed" is quite suitable here. Remember, I started out with 43 free spaces. I now have 0 free space and still a few droppables/stealables. Granted, some of the stuff I could have done without, but...still. Holy crap. I hope Klok's proud. The aftermath of the Great Mass Mugging of FE7. Nothing special. See, I actually wanted you to do that, so that Canas wouldn't have to waste his lockpick. See? Not much to say here. Just levels and loots. Eliwood caps strength, Kent gets another +2 hp level, Canas caps speed, along with strength and resistance. I forgot Nino gets a special quote conversation, whose tenderness is kind of ruined by Klok's mangling of the script. Might just sell this. Really have no idea who needs it at this point. Probably Marcus, if anyone. And that concludes my daylight robbery of the water temple. Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (3), Kent (4), Canas (5), Lyn (1), Legault (4), Florina (2), Lowen (2)
  20. AHEM EDIT: He's had one energy ring, one robe, and one body ring.
  21. [spoiler=Prowler] I love this chapter title. I really do. Durandal's new stats. Holy damn, that res. Unfortunately, I don't have any def tanks since I have no Armads users. Pre-chapter shenanigans. I left the horsebirds on the bench again. They'll be in play next chapter. Not a bad final level. Marcus is awesome. Loot confirmed (oh god I'm turning into MrNight) GET OVER HERE End of turn 1. Maxime might be out of range now... But not quite enough. Galloping Dorcas is a pretty scary sight The final character I can use on this run. Prepare for awesomeness. But first she has to go talk to Jaffar. Assassins spilling out of the darkness. But they don't attack so I ignore them. Goddamnit. He double critted the sniper and caused me to miss out on a Warp. Not that I really need it, though. I was prepared to RNG abuse like crazy, and Prissy crits him right off the bat. Beautiful. Unfortunately, no crit here. Armads gives no resistance bonus, as the wanna-be Hector lord finds out to his eternal chagrin. Hector kills the Lyn lord (This did take abuse since he had a ~35% hit chance). Meanwhile on the right side...Not much is happening. He used up his regal blade, so now it's time to get the little fucker out. Go the bench right now! You've been a very naughty boy! Team Eliwood needs wyvern lords. Great Ninian level and end of turn 5. I'm letting Canas lure because he needs 26 speed to steal the iron rune from the swordmaster. I didn't realize how much he's been slacking in that department. Yeah yeah yeah Let's see how this works... It doesn't. A fuckton of reinforcements appear out of nowhere and kind of destroy him. Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (3), Kent (4), Canas (4), Lyn (1), Legault (4), Florina (2), Lowen (2) This time, Dorcas lets his slightly tankier brethren lead the charge. Ninian's supposed to tank Luna (for some reason, that sorcerer really likes her. Not sure why, she has the best chance of dodging out of everyone except maybe Lyn/Florina with support. Fucking critted. Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (3), Kent (4), Canas (5), Lyn (1), Legault (4), Florina (2), Lowen (2) This time, Canas DOESN'T get critted. HOUSTON WE HAVE A SITUATION SPEED Situation somewhat ameliorated. The assassins that have already stolen stuff are boxed in (or so I thought). Not bad It's kind of embarassing for a SWORDMASTER to get crit with an AXE (especially after not hitting). Resistance/10. Luna magnet why? Shrug. The walled off assassins remember there's another way around. We will not stand for this. But first, the right side has an update for us. Yes, that's a crit. Four +2s. Jesus. I was trying to show Matthew galloping but screenied too late. What's hiding in the darkness now? Uh oh. UH OH Fortunately, that was all. I guess killing Ursula stopped the reinforcements. Money and strength! Everyone but Nino, directed at Nino: "SHOWOFF!" Going to Kent. My pegasi will SHINE! Well, except Geitz. No one likes Geitz. Lowen gets a case of wyvern-levelling envy. Hm. Problem. Canas isn't here because he has more important things to do, like... ...this. And there's 1 more chest. So I'm going to lose something probably. Lyn tries to sooth my feelings with some ass-kicking. It is successful. Last time, the Luna!Sorcerer ran out of Luna before I got there. This time, I ended things early. Right. WHAT DO Nothing to it. Next turn, the assassin is cut down with ease and his valuable loot retrieved. Quite a bit of RNG abuse later...(Canas couldn't steal it this time). Matthew, the god. Well, 1 hp to go. Whoa. You can get something besides 1 stat levels!? More money. Or I could promote Rath for no good reason. MINE TIME Deaths: Hector (1), Dorcas (2), Lucius (3), Kent (4), Canas (5), Lyn (1), Legault (4), Florina (2), Lowen (2) @Klok: Yes, Florina's palette is beautiful.
  22. [spoiler=More Tea, Vicar?] New map! Drops. Notice that the dragoon is a captain; these are the units that determine whether you get Karel or Harken. An excellent idea. Plus Kenneth's iron rune. Also, Luce has 1-4 range now. This should be fun. Use ALL the statboosters...oh wait. Of course not, go away. I did like 3 tries with the falcoknight trio, which went terribly because they kept dying to those MOTHERFUCKING WYVERNS So I abandoned them in favor of paladins. Hopefully there'll be opportunities for triangle attacks in the future. The new setup; it's everyone that's not a falcoknight. I didn't want to deal with poison lance shenanigans, so I rigged a crit. End of turn 1. Team 1 to the east consists of Lyn, Florina, Eliwood, and Lucius. Their mission is to infiltrate the Black Fang and kill people. Team 2 to the northwest consists of hiding out in the former dragoon's base of operations and snipe anything that walks by. Hoorah. Base of operations is now MINE! MUAHAHA And the fang has been infiltrated...more or less. Canas yoinks and hijinks ensue. Whoa whoa whoa WHAT!? It's not turn 10 yet. What the hell are you doing here? Well...he's just asking to get his ass kicked. Fortunately, I have a plan. Now I have 4 paladins. COWER IN FEAR, PUNY MORTALS! Eastern invasion is going quite smoothly. He's already maxed skill and speed. I think I'm in love. OH MY GOD DEVIL AXE BACKFIRED I HAVE FINALLY SEEN IT And Matthew gets S axes. Dorcas gets crit, but takes it like a man. I always get worried because the MISS takes so long to pop up so I'm like "no fucking way no fucking way OH PRAISE THE LORD YES" Reinforcements from the east, southwest, and west, plus 2 assassins headed towards the chest. What's a man to do? Lets begin by killing things. Matthew had to rescue Ninian and make a run for it, but he couldn't quite get out of reach. Fortunately, enemy paladins aren't very accurate. K NOW YOU DIE And...more reinforcements. Fuck. He'd almost used that staff up, and I figured a sleep staff would be handier later on than lightning. Not great... As you can see, Canas has taken advantage of the lack of snow to head east because that hero has an earth seal that I would like to steal, and Lyn's perfectly placed to lure him. Meanwhile, some heads roll to the southwest. End result. I'd pretty much resigned myself to losing this because as far as I could tell there was no way to prevent him from stealing another chest. But I was wrong. Steel sword!Lucius saves the day, but looses his sword in the process. Whatever will he do!? Get STRENGTH NO YES Oh yeah, I gave him an axereaver too. It's almost like I foresaw the need. Levels. Pocket change, but still satisfying. Not gonna max speed I noticed, but oh well. Enjoy it while it lasts... Which isn't very long. Money and strength. 2 very important things to have. Lucius is tanking the archer outpost to the NW until Canas can get over to steal the stimulant. But first there's a quick stop to be made. Not really sure who to give this too. I'm thinking Legault or Kent. I decided to see whether I can actually get him to use the elixir. Whatdya know, it actually worked. Lowen-Marcus A, Lyn-Eliwood B, Hector-Florina B, and Lucius-Priscilla B. Not a bad turnout at all. Other potential supporters are Geitz-Karel and Matthew-Legault; I might try and build those up (but probably not).
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