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Everything posted by Tequila

  1. Yeah, I don't think it's spoilery to inform you that ocean seals don't exist here; Geese and Gonzalez promote with Hero's Crests.
  2. It's the lipstick, right? Gotta be the lipstick. That, or her lips are blue because it's so damn cold and she has no headgear whatsoever.
  3. I've been informed that people actually look at this, so here's an update finally. [spoiler=Assault on Wheat] Oops, that's Bulgur. MY BAD! Team Left and Right, with Hangers On. Let's begin by getting rid of the lads to the sides, Klain fortunately crits because he STILL can't double anything. Sue gets a not-great level. I've more or less divided my group into three parts. The warriors go left, Roy, Dorothy, Shin, Astore and Saul go up the middle, and the rest go to the right. The EP consists of me counter-killing many things, although Dorothy doesn't kill the NT. But that's ok, I did it on purpose. You're mistaken. The carnage began many maps ago. You're slightly late to this party, hag. HELLO FINAL BOW USER WHY DO YOU SUCK SO GODDAMN MUCH And that's why I didn't want Dorothy to kill that NT. Now, of course, I have no compunction about killing him. Unfortunately, Roy didn't crit (his promotion time's drawing near, so it's time to get him to level 20). Shin takes the kill. End of turn two, with people moving up and not much else happening. People moving into javelin range, that is. On the left side, the one with the javelin gets blocked from his impending doom by one of his sillier comrades. But that's ok, I'll just get them now instead. On the right-hand side, more or less the same thing happens, with Klain getting a pretty nice level. The ones I was forced to leave alive retaliate, and DID YOU JUST GET HIT WITH A 6% HIT WADE? Yes, yes he did. Sigh...I hate status staves. REVENGE What do you mean, you can't open the gate? What kind of a shitty excuse of a thief are you? Guess they're going around too. Saul douses Shin with a bucket of cold water. They're lagging a bit behind...but they'll get there. Eventually. Firing over the city wall, and...there's a damn good joke. I don't have a staff user on the right side to wake him up, and now I don't have a healer. Right team has reached the wall and will commence breaking it down. YES KLAIN YOU'RE THE NOT WORST The wall comes crumbling down. Left team's moving a little slowly, but they'll begin taking it down next turn. Clarine restored Elen, which the sage found offensive, so it targets her this turn. No big deal; Elen has her own Restore. Dorothy gets a pretty nice level on EP, and that's about it. "Left wall has been breached. I repeat, left wall has been breached. Switch to Defcon 2." "The intruders are inside the palisade! Whatever shall we do?" Ooooh...that's how you open the front gate. Also, hi Kel. You're another favorite boss of mine because you aren't an irredeemable douchebag. I will be sad when I kill you. Right, statuses are over. Time for the grunts to get to work. Pictured: Grunts getting to work. Your guess is as good as mine as to what's happening here. "Oh gods, they're inside the left side as well! WE'RE DOOMED!" Also, Bartre needs strength. This guy's actually...kinda dangerous. Cheers! Been needing some of these. I don't think you can buy them until chapter 23. Lamentations of the womenfolk coming up in 5...4... Saul finally woke up. I've been rescue-dropping him for 5 turns now; he can haul his lazy carcass the rest of the time. Igrene knows how to make her 1-stat levels count. Left side's got things pretty well in hand. So, for that matter, does the right side. I'm making the brilliant move of letting Roy chip the wyvern reinforcements. Hopefully he gets a crit. Spoiler: He doesn't. The rest of the EP goes smoothly. Unfortunately for me, one of the nomad troopers that went to the left has the elixir I was gunning for, and Astore's on the right side. I could surround him, but I decide to just dispose of him. Right side gets Roy out of range and prepares for wyverns. Left side kills nomad troopers, regardless of elixirs, and Lot gets an item he needs desperately. Not much happens on EP. However, to the left... This guy had, until recently, 3 more companions. They were brutally exterminated when they made the mistake of trying to get past Bartre. The last one joins them shortly. Yep. God knows you need it. One last attempt to have Roy crit. It fails. You're a little late, but hey, more xp is always nice. I didn't expect this to hit, much less crit, but...OK then! Igrene still gets good 1-stat levels. Screw it. I'm not waiting for them. Roy seizes. And you're not half-decrepit either. Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1), Shin (1), Klain (2), Saul (1), Roy (1)
  4. ...Wow. And I thought getting all those villages and recruiting everyone was hell in NM. With 2 new combat-readyish units, you'll have left the worst behind. Right? Right?
  5. Didn't you need that hero crest for Fir? Also, great job on making sure no males see combat! This is probably the best Roy I've seen, like, ever. Poor Shanna though. Clarine's never ever ever turned out good on my runs. Lilina should resolve some of your strength issues, though. And then Wendy's going to pour salt in every single wound.
  6. What's wrong with Matthew? Besides str he's got amazing growths, and this one is blessed. Use the hell out of him! Oswin's growths aren't that great (but they're not *that* bad either) but he's the only playable merc/hero. And, no offense, but run-on sentences are somewhat hard to read. Commas and periods are your friends.
  7. Wait, did you actually go through with Shanna talking to Tate? Because that's supposed to turn her and her units green. Klain can talk to her directly, but oftentimes Tate's units are blocking off their commander, so Shanna is helpful. Plus, if Klain's lazy ass doesn't get moving (which can happen to Tate too) you can just rescue Tate and bring her south. Also, if all of Klain's archers survive you get a reward at the end, and if Tate's pegasi survive you get another one. The hero crest is indeed from saving all the villages. Using Lot or Wade to go to the two northern ones do give you better rewards. Better than a bloody door key, at least.
  8. [spoiler=Bring On the Bows] "When in doubt, murder"-Bishop, 2015. Yep. He did. It was glorious. Look at this army. It is glorious too. Well, except Roy. He kinda sucks. Oh, hello. Might as well use these up. I think I have 1 more. End of turn 1. YAWN IS THIS SERIOUSLY THE BEST YOU CAN DO Ur...this guy might be a challenge. Actually, he wasn't. Shin gets a salvageable level. Down south, Igrene takes out a mercenary with an earth-shattering kaboom. Oh, hello. I should have known there'd be wyverns appearing. Also, Wolt, you're a disgrace. Well, I slightly retract that statement. And...there's the culprit. I'll get him next turn. Things are going great down south, thanks for asking. You're mine now, bitch. Wade gets a better Heal staff and Astore goes and buys 3 iron, 4 steel, and 2 silver bows. Another increment for the redundant critical counter. As promised, he was mine. Well, Shin's. But who's keeping track anyway? Some nice chaps showed up on EP, some more dangerous than others. Speed is nice. I can live with this. I could have gotten this guy had I seen him. Alas, he'll wreck the village (unless he decides to attack, which I doubt). Some others did, but the thief didn't. I believe that village held an Eclipse. Nothing terribly important. Seriously, who thought that 10 hit was sufficient? I know they didn't want to make it OP, but c'mon, give it a sporting chance, IS! I exterminate that thief. Oh, hello. It's reinforcements time. I somehow miscounted the distance and Elen almost died. She's at 1 hp. That'll learn ya to fire on Bartre the Brave! Meanwhile, Wade takes care of the lone reinforcement back where we started. Clarine might be a lousy healer, but she's pretty damn dodgy. Oh, gee, lemme think. Treason, extortion, murder...need I go on? Igrene decide to help out with effort a few turns later, but to no avail. Shin finishes off Arcardo with a flourish and gains an OK level. Everyone else finishes off their reinforcements and Roy seizes. [spoiler=Get In the Ring] The law of Sacae, apparently, is that all the clans shall band together to stand against intruders, i.e., us. Great to know we've stirred up the hornet's nest. I brought Astore along to steal some elixirs to increase my cashpile. Igrene uses up the last Angelic Robe, bringing her to a respectable 50 HP or so. End of turn 1. I'm trying not to lure the elixir carriers too quickly. A nomad trooper thinks Dorothy looks like a good target, rues it immediately, and HOLY CRAP THAT IS AN AMAZING LEVEL. This is about the most noteworthy thing from from turn 2. On turn 3, I find myself in a bit of a quandary. One of those myrmidons and the wyvern lord have elixirs, both of which I wish to steal. However, Astore is a mite fragile, so I need to set up a ring to protect him. Like so. Unfortunately, my dumb idea to put Saul forward coupled with his inability to dodge led to his death. Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1), Shin (1), Klain (2), Saul (1) New setup. I sacrificed some defense to take out more mooks and hope SOME people can dodge. And yet, it turns out they can't. Still, it means everyone else is (probably) safe. I'm not putting Merlinus on the death list since I didn't restart for this. Merlinus is avenged! Klain fails to crit a nomad, but gets a great level nonetheless. Igrene wants to show she's still got it too. More elixir stealing, then prepping for the reinforcements that should be showing up...soonish. Well, uh, that wasn't it. Sue and Shin whisk him back to relative safety. OH I'M SO SCARED Still no reinforcements. I prepare the line of doom, keeping my healers a safe distance behind. No speed, you suck. As you can see, he got this level from the eclipse druid; he didn't attack anything. Dorothy rids us of the physic user (more annoying than Eclipse) and gets a good level too. My team is on a roll this chapter! I have a sudden feeling that reinforcements will spawn from the tents, and may go after the healers even if I shield them. So away they go. I'll have to survive on luck and supports. Unfortunately, I need to keep Roy close to capture. He almost goes on the death list. Wade to the rescue! This is why I brought Astore to the circle instead of sending him to healing central. 5 free elixirs. I approve. Shin's doing amazing on the strength front. Very astute observation, Monke. Sue fails to crit both times, while Monke misses one of his shots. This was on EP by the way. On PP, Sue puts and end to this farce and continues her resistance training. Now I'm basically farming reinforcements. They've stopped coming out of the tents, so maybe we're done...? GODDAMNIT ROY I was really hoping to complete this run without him dying. Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1), Shin (1), Klain (2), Saul (1), Roy (1) I made a savestate after those great levels, so I only had a couple turns to redo, on which nothing interesting happened. The noise is hilarious. A bit of a close call. I decide to end things after this EP. But first, Dorothy must get a decent level. I am OK with this! Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1), Shin (1), Klain (2), Saul (1), Roy (1)
  9. Just a note for the future: Nomad troopers with 1-range bows and Patriarch/Matriarch/Archsage (maybe others, but these are confirmed) with Fortify freeze the game. Be sure to set map animations off if any of these occur (the former is mostly a problem on Limstella's chapter; I can't think of another one with an excessive number of NTs).
  10. Can you edit that out, Monado? I think that's way too spoilerish, considering his prior wishes.
  11. Ok, normally I'd wait a bit longer to double post, but holy crap this chapter had my heart pounding and I had to post it while it's still fresh in my mind. [spoiler=How the Hell Did I Survive This?] Yes indeed. Glorious is certainly a way to describe this. Bartre and Klain sat this one out to give the newly-promoted folks some quality target practice time. Making my guys a little harder to kill. Especially Roy. End of turn 1. Wolt and Sue outstripping everyone else with their 8 move. The sage in the middle decides to say hi. Oddly enough, the mercs on either side don't move, so not much happens on this EP. Good-bye, bolting sage. Get your act together, Sue. The stragglers are catching up, slowly but surely. Eh, screw you, Windam. We came prepared for this. See? Your berserks are worthless. Igrene kills a knight and gets a great level. End of turn 3. Things are about to start getting real right about now. ...what exactly was the point of this? You berserked one of the two people on my team who can't do damage. Some mages and cavaliers show up and get wrecked. Oh...no... Yep. This is fucking diabolical. I have no healers for a while. Still not the end of the world, right? Wade gets a great level while chipping a paladin for Shin to kill. Sue, alas, doesn't crit hers. Sue got hit by the gimmick of this chapter: the Spears of Heaven. They're bolts of light like in the last floor of the Tower of Valni in FE8 that hit anything in their way. Here, however, they appear to be random. Igrene and Wade get bow ranks doing bow stuff. Damn, at this rate you might actually cap strength. This time, only an enemy unit gets hit. Serves it right. These guys are kind of annoying, but they don't move unless you're in range. Sue and Wolt draw closer, while Shin is actually in range of the one on his side. Incidentally, it's worth noting that Berserk!Clarine is just following Saul around. Way to go, Shin! The sage that silenced Saul earlier has now fallen victim to the spears. Sue's in range of her side's bishop, but I'm not too concerned since she has all her supports close by. Meanwhile, Shin teaches his bishop not to mess with him. So much for supports... Igrene and Wolt are the ones to get hit. But on the bright side, Clarine and Saul are restored! The only problem is, I don't have a healer for the right side. Guess they'll just have to go without. Ok, that's THAT bishop down. Shin attempts to take out a stationary sniper, but fails to crit. OH GOD NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A surprise bishop tries to silence Clarine and thankfully fails. Thank goodness, although that sniper hit Shin on EP Fortunately, I have backup. Sue twirls her bow and gets a pretty good level. I have to get Shin out of the way because Wade will 1-hit him, and pray that he doesn't crit. He doesn't. Whew. Uh...things are getting a little tight here... Wade and Dorothy got hit by the spears, leaving Dorothy at 3 hp. There's no way she can survive another hit. So I retreat her and stick Lot in the way. Meanwhile, Shin gets rid of the last really annoying enemy, and Sue takes care of that knight (I doubt he'd hit, but now's really not a time to take chances). Wade smacks Lot, but again doesn't crit. Douglas gets smacked by the heavenly light. This fucker shows up in the northeast corner. I'm not going to deal with him. I decided to take a chance and just end this map, rather than trying to cure Wade before he kills someone. I savestated, but didn't even have to rig this. Shin is my hero. I rescue-chain Roy to within throne distance. However, that knight can still ruin someone's day. Lot's gonna have to eat another hit. HALLELUJAH HE CRIT I don't even care about the lack of strength. WADE MISSED I WON YEEHAW Let's get the hell out of dodge. Man, that was nasty. Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1), Shin (1), Klain (2)
  12. [spoiler=Goddamn It, Astore] He of the 'hm hm hm'. I'm going to enjoy killing him. VIGARDE, YOUR TIME IS COMING SO-wait, wrong game. The conversation's long, but the gist of it is that Murdock is pissed at Narcian's failures. I love this guy. Murdock, that is, not Narcian. This is the same feeling I get when someone says "the reinforcements are ready" except reversed. The troops. Sorry for the open menu. BOLTING MUST DIE Each team moves up. Nothing unusual there. GALE JOIN US WE HAVE COOKIES AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND Nothing else noteworthy happens on EP. You actually do need speed, so I shan't begrudge you this. Hugh, that pose looks absolutely silly. You don't have a beard to stroke. Someone failed to crit last turn, so this guy survived. I take back every bad thing I said about Klain not dodging. Ditto here. Astore earns his keep. I accidentally wander into a bishop's Purge range. Retreat a bit and let Wade tank the Purge. Except I didn't realize the bastard moves. On the eastern side, I prepare to recruit Hugh. Oops. Fortunately, Clarine's there to patch things up. Hugh regales us with tales of his grandmother... ...who has headaches. On her back. Despite this, I recruit him anyway because why not. That bishop going after Roy put him in Wolt range. And believe me, you don't want to be in Wolt range. Dorothy's gonna grab some xp off that mage and paladin yonder. On the eastern side, Douglas is fast (well, as fast as a general can go) approaching. Mage missed her, but paladin didn't. She hits back but doesn't crit. Yeah...let's temporarily stay out of range, shall we? Shin gets a decent final level killing a mercenary. Time to deal with this bad boy. She doesn't crit either time, alas. You got tankier, so I approve. You're staying out of combat for the foreseeable future. Operation Surround Douglas is a go. Douglas doesn't like being caged in. Klein nearly kills the manakete and gets strength :D Meanwhile, the western team is breaking into the reinforcement chamber. Which is currently empty. Ow. Oh hell no. You are not starting this shit up again. Western team is dealing with reinforcements. Igrene gets some welcome speed. I've blocked off this staircase because I want to head off to the throne room, leaving Sue and Wolt to block Douglas from following me. Next turn I realize Hugh can do something useful and he blocks off the stairs, allowing Roy to lend his support bonuses to the blockers. That moment when you walk into a manakete's range without noticing... ...But it doesn't move. This guy has a bolting, I just noticed, but he's doomed to stay there for all eternity. Ooh blue gem...that I can't steal, because Astore has 15 speed. GODDAMN IT ASTORE! I don't take the shot, electing to leave Bartre to chip on EP. What is this chip you speak of? It was fortunate he hit, because Narcian actually doubles him. Which is kind of sad. No, scratch that. It's really sad. Anyway, all there is to do is loot chests. Like so. Wait, something's happening up north. Oh right, there's still a recruitable character! "They told me you're a traitor..." "Yep. I am." "Oh." However, THIS is what I'm excited about. There's also angelic robes, of which I buy about 10 (might not use them all, but whatever). NOW we're in business. And that's the rest of the treasure. Onwards to 16x! Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1), Shin (1), Klain (2)
  13. [spoiler=Waterworld] I kinda preferred the previous translation's title, which was 'The Infernal Element'. Fun fact, Roy: Under every desert is a goddamn water temple. Wolt wants to keep up with Sue and Bartre wants to double. I don't really need to show off who I take, because it's more or less the same every time. End of turn 1. Lot and his support avoid Oates' first strike. The second bolting sage also shoots and misses, while Wolt is lazy and fails to dodge a 20 hit pirate. Klain crit-kills a berserker but fails to level. The floor is lava water, which gives Lot an extra 10 avoid. Quite nice. On PP, I get rid of some annoyances, and Wolt gets a great level. Bartre joins the 'can't dodge for shit' team. Sue kills the pirate, allowing Bartre to go kill the one near Wolt, while Milady picks up Clarine since she's needed for healing. Oh no! He finally hit! Wolt shows Bartre how to dodge. Any speed you get is fine by me. Just clearing out some annoying enemies. That's his last shot. Now I can get Lot and Wade somewhere more useful. Er. Maybe not, then. Team Not-Stranded-In-Water is making their way to the central island before the bridges disappear. And then the other sage I kind of forgot about decides to make his presence felt again. Which proves to be a mistake. Bartre gets everything I'm looking for, and then some. Sue chips the boss, dodges the counter, then crit-kills him for a not-so-great level. I sent Bartre to get rid of this last wyvern before ending, but the ground dropped out from under him, so I said sod it and ended the chapter. The Infernal Element is mine. [spoiler=Kids Will Be Kids] Honest question: Has anyone EVER used Fae or Myrrh? I never like to use them because they become useless once their stones are used up (unless you steal the fire dstone or use the gorgon egg glitch). THAT HAIR THAT SHOULD NOT BE KILL IT WITH FIRE Uh...how about you just join us with no hard feelings? No? Fine. Introducing our new sniper. Outclasses Klain in every way and possesses some pretty nice defenses. Also comes with her own killer bow. This is the second-to-last character I'll recruit and actually use this run, and the last halfway decent one. You'll see why later. Here's hoping Clarine will be able to heal on her own. I'm going with the best defense is a good offense strategy here. This guy is recruitable with Elphin. The hard part is making sure he doesn't die first. Lot gets C bows, meaning all the warriors have access to killer bows now. Shin does not care for your spell tomes. End of turn 1. Sue and Wolt have gone north because there's a wyvern rider with a silver lance that will destroy Perceval's cavaliers when you recruit him (they turn green and stupid). Sue's barely in range to lure it down. Bartre has also gone north to tank Perceval's troops once they come down. Everyone else heads east to prevent Garret from looting the village with the hammerne staff. Excellent. Those cavaliers will be safe now...once I can get them on my side, of course. Well...this is damned convenient. I don't even need Bartre after all. Could you use bows, just this once? Pretty please? Bartre takes out his frustration on that wyvern, and Shin gets a good level. That valkyrie would double a few people, especially Roy, so it's good that Lot didn't miss. End of turn 1. Clarine's carrying Lilina. Nothing interesting happened on EP, but the allied greenies are charging. Perceval's already nabbed one, while Clarine, Garret, and probably Bartre can scoop up the rest if they look like they're doing something stupid. Death and destruction accompanies my army wherever they go. And...here's another useless prepromote. The usual dodges and Klain failing to dodge. Shoot. Lilina's barely out of range to recruit Garret this turn. What shall I do? Well, let's start out by taking out his entourage and getting the all-important strength. And then neatly box him in. I'm not too worried about his steel axe hitting. See? Wolt takes out the other bandit and gets a great level. Boulderhead is mine! You can go shoot the shit with Perceval and hold onto the greenies now. More things that aren't bows. Roy almost dies thanks to my silliness. Next turn, useless battle ensues. Wolt hits but doesn't crit, then Wade finishes her off for a thwompy level. Whatdya know. It looks like the greenies do escape! I thought I'd have to hold onto them the whole time. Just meandering around the spiral... This bad boy's wandered up to greet us, and he has a silver bow. This could be bad... If, you know, Sue wasn't such a dodge-tank. Can't wait to promote you. You're gonna be awesome. There's that travesty of follicles again. I wonder what kind of reinforcements there are. Probably something coming out of the forts. The warriors three set up a roadblock to prevent this. O...k...nothing happened. I am suspicious. Ah, there they are! Two guys up north did squat against my warrior wall, Clarine dodged a javelin, and Roy failed to dodge a javelin, but is still alive. C'mon guys, gotta wake up earlier if you want to hit Clarine! Igrene finishes off Raith for an ok level. She seems to want to take Dorothy's position as mage tank, and I won't complain about that. I love it when Merlinus gets all paternal. Courtesy of saving Perceval's cavaliers. Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1), Shin (1), Klain (2) Next time: Promotions!
  14. The torch glitch works in FE7 because the tile that you select becomes an action tile, similar to the one that you put a mine on. It doesn't work in FE6 because the torch staff functions as a torch, just one that gives experience. Also, I suppose it's not too spoilery to inform you that yes, you do need Sue to recruit Shin (and yes, he is better than her, especially with hard mode bonuses) and those two villages decide which path you're going to take for a couple of chapters. Judging by your reaction, you're going to love a certain someone that shows up soon. Or maybe you won't. We shall see.
  15. [spoiler=Savestates Galore] Aka my favorite chapter. Not. I warn you, I will abuse savestats and maybe do some rigging, because this chapter has the potential for bullshit. We meet two new characters, both of whom suck, and neither of which I shall use. Except I think I used Cecila once for healing. Didn't rig this. End of turn 1. Fun fact: Warriors only get 2 move in desert, while every other 6-movement non-horse non-flier gets 3. What gives? I brought Astore along for these kinds of things. Shenanigans abound, although those wyverns are significantly less dangerous than I remember them being. Probably cause I have promoted units now. Well, Cecila does serve as a useful decoy, so that's nice. I have Elen restore her to do it again. I wanted a crit but didn't get one, alas. This proves to be a bad thing. This is what you should aspire to, Klain. OHKOing all the things. Ah, there's the wyvern lord I fondly remember. And there's the other. And the mage that he couldn't kill earlier kills him. Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1), Shin (1), Klain (2) A little rigging later... OH HOLY FUCK THESE MOVE I NEVER KNEW THAT Probably cause I never let them live long enough to find out. This time, Klain survives and gets a better level. Whew, I can breathe easily now. Go away. Yes, Bartre crit (thankfully). Here I am, thinking this guy's going to be a real pain to kill, and then Wade decides to be awesome. This is where that 2 movement is REALLY a pain, so I move him back behind Wade and get him healed up. This is how awesome Wade is. He dodges a goddamn dragon. Final use of the sleep staff, so I don't care too much. I'll just let her recover naturally. This guy had a silence staff, so he had to go. Going to Bartre. Wolt, Roy, and Sue (with their triangle support) are going to mess up the boss's day (along with anyone else along the way). Will sell. Supports too OP. Might as well make him good for something. If only I had this last chapter. Guess I'll use it to buy silvers later. Good for you, you're proccing strength again. Oh for fuck's sake. Not these jokers. Yep, it's these jokers, and their entourage. ...Shit. Ok. Gotta prioritize. I don't trust Klain to dodge those bandits. First, let's get rid of boss #1 and OH MY GOD LOT GOT STRENGTH Marginally less impressive. And let's get Klain and Saul out of bandit range. Saul uses the torch staff, revealing a mage. He doesn't crit, unfortunately. See Wolt, this is how you do it. Uh oh. Klain's in range of both the wyverns. Hopefully he'll crit the one with the javelin with his killer bow (yeah right). Wade scorns your silly axe. Can you dodge ANYTHING? To add insult to injury, he can't even kill it. Situation doesn't look good for the lone sniper. Over here though, things are going great. So, let's provide that last wyvern with lots of tasty targets that it can't 1-hit. And also the bandit with a handaxe can hit Klain. Ow. He survives, barely. Ok, that's better. Unfortunately, Saul can't tank another hit, so Astore places himself to shield Saul from that mage. Wade can use killer bows. Be afraid, enemy units. Be very afraid. Lot gets more strength! So does Sue! I'm unwilling to deal with the potential counterattack, so I let him use the killer. That, or he couldn't double. Can't remember. Klain dodges something (finally) and gets a ok level (cause it has res) Sue and Wolt utterly destroy the boss, and Wolt gets a great level. Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money confirmed. YES IT BLOODY WELL WAS Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1), Shin (1), Klain (2) @Klok: This is Gringe's patch, and it's supposed to say that: http://serenesforest.net/binding-blade/scripts/supports/dorothy-shin/
  16. [spoiler=Hail to the King] The question is, why are we rescuing her again? Flaer's boss seems to be a little uneasy. Maybe because his boss is rather ticked. The good. The bad and ugly. Team Wot (it was either that or Lade) is going to tank the snipers along with Klain and Clarine. Everyone else is going to head north and deal with the cavaliers and paladin that will recklessly charge. Good-bye, Cecila. You're not wanted, or needed, this run. Lot takes a couple of pinpricks on Ep. Perceval is not going to stand for these shenanigans. No sir. Klain gets hit on the counter, while the other two don't. This proves to be a bad thing later. Sue and Bartre are in the forefront; Bartre can tank alot of hits and Sue has 66 avoid or so courtesy of her supports. North side is doing good. East side is doing good. Oh, bugger. Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1), Shin (1), Klain (1) This time, he survives because I rigged a miss on that archer he attacked on PP. Also, 2 cavaliers with javelins attack Bartre and 1 attacks Wade. None of them survive. Oh good. You're on village visiting duty. Wade avenges Klain. Shin misses both his attacks, so Sue has to step up and destroy the paladin before someone gets hurt. Roy doesn't crit, but neither does the cavalier. Unfortunately, no one else can attack him. Hopefully he won't crit on EP. He doesn't, and Sue gets rid of him next turn. A bunch of enemies attack Wade; most miss, and this guy gets a crit to the face in return, making Wade luckier and tankier. This one's going to Klain. I feed a paladin kill to Klain; he gets a good level. Had this for a while and forgot to use it. Klain steps onto the middle island and makes Flaer fly into a panic. The first time I've ever used a ballista in FE6. It ain't spectacular, that's for sure. Lot kills a cavalier and gets D bows, meaning he can finally use steel. See, if I had used this on the first turn, he might not have died. Hell, I've been carrying this since chapter 11 (Elphin had it in his inventory). A wyvern makes the brilliant idea to attack someone who can fight back. You can guess the outcome. So long, and thanks for all the fish! With Perceval's departure, another group of cavaliers shows up. I proceed with defensive formation Delta. Klain can't quite kill that wyvern, so I move the squishies out of range. Bartre sure is popular! C'mon Shin, get your act together. Gotta leave that paladin alive thanks to Shin's fuck-up, but I think everyone can dodge or eat a hit. The wyvern that took Klain's ballista bolt earlier flies north for some reason. There's no forts that I know of? Yeah, he can eat a hit. And then gets his revenge and a good level. That same 2-hp wyvern then decided to fly west, thinking there was easier prey. Shin put paid to that idea. Roy getting doubled again. Fortunately, he didn't miss. The last set of reinforcements on this map. Yes, defensive formation Delta is a go again. Actually, I decide to go on the offensive and whittle down their numbers first. Lot kills a hero and...still doesn't get strength. Giving this to Roy, even if he loses 1 AS from it. Business as usual. This lone troubadour charges out for some inexplicable reason. Wade goes out and 1-hits her. Hooray...not. HOORAY I hoped Bartre would crit, but alas, he didn't. Doesn't matter though. The troubadour's cousins are rushing forward too, now. I pull back and wait for them. Uh...guess I didn't pull back far enough. That could have been bad. But Roy's a bro even without supports. Don't worry, no one expects you too. Wade's just going to chip until Lot can come and... Wade doesn't understand the meaning of chip. Milady finally brings over the body ring, allowing Klain to wield steel bows without AS loss, Since I'm taking the Sacae route for obvious reasons, this is the only place where I can buy killer bows until chapter 23. I buy about 25 of them, along with 3 restore staves. While waiting for this to occur, Milady hit the arena and made back some money for more killer bows. There's only one more support to do, and the second character involved won't show up for quite some time. Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1), Shin (1), Klain (1)
  17. [spoiler=Cath Gets Cornered] I can't show off the setup in 1 picture, so here's a list of who's coming. Gronda Gronda. Oh god. What could this be? The biggest annoyance of this chapter is the priest with a sleep staff, skulking behind the wall to the south. Let's get rid of him, shall we? Wade obliterates a poor fighter. Shin does the same on the other side and gets a great level. Ya know, I've never realized in all my playthroughs that Eclipse has 10 hit. 10 Fucking Hit. This is pathetic. Bartre's gonna lure a longbow user, everyone else hangs loose. GRONDA GRONDA Fun fact: I had to restart this because I had Astore earlier and no way to recruit Raigh. Stormtrooper accuracy right there Chad reveals a cowering mage, but no one can hit him this turn anyway. I didn't realize that out of my entire crew, Dorothy is tied with Wade for highest strength growth. At 50%. In fact, there's only 6 characters that have higher than 50% strength growths: Karel (130), Fa (90), Lilina (75), Barth, Zeiss, and Gonzalez (60). CRITTY CRITTY BANG BANG More money! You can also see Klain has eradicated the Eclipse guy. These guys can actually do some damage, but Bartre has such a high HP pool he can tank them all. Yeah. You just got Bartre'd. For reasons unknown, Raigh doesn't come with his own Flux tome. Hence, this. Shin wants to be a def tank. I approve of this. There's a door, you say? Eh, fuck it. THROUGH THE WALL WE GO, BOYS! Allowing Sue to get rid of the second sleep staff user. Normally, I have mages to deal with this guy, but now...he has 26 effective defense. This ain't gonna be pretty. "There she was just a-walkin' down the street, singin' do-wah diddy-" When suddenly she is brutally accosted. Pineapple recruits Eggplant. Finally, she's mine. I swear I didn't mean it in that fashion. Loot time. Yep. Real fun. Oh noes! Whatever will I do! Even 20-strength Wade is finding it hard to hit. No, YOU burn! Brave bow's good; everything else is gonna get sold probably. Wade becomes tankier and more accurate. Probably selling this too; Roy doesn't see much combat these days because of his late promotion time. Klain almost gets his ass beat. Jesus! More importantly, they boxed him into a corner. Can Dorothy and Shin get him out? Yeah, I think they can. Shin deals with a wyvern that Dorothy didn't dodge and gets a great level. Other reinforcements didn't show up because I managed to slowly chip the boss down quite some time ago. Forgot a screeny though. [spoiler=Bandits with Speech Impediments Are Funny] Worst comes to worst, this will be my backup weapon since Wade got S axes on promotion. Generic bandit #391, now with built-in echoing capabilities. You might notice a distinct lack of thieves. This was kind of silly, but I didn't know that the items the thieves steal don't become droppable in this game. And when I did, I wasn't going to restart because I really hate this chapter. Roy has a chest key and that will have to suffice. Wade starts us off with a kill and gets D bows in the process (meaning he can use steel). He also reveals some other characters, one who takes the fast train to Tartarus courtesy of Lot. Might as well use the Torch staff. Hello and good-bye, in that order. In hindsight I should have given this to Lot, but whatever. End of turn 1. You wanker. Bartre gets his first level-up on a dodge and it's actually quite nice. You wankers. This is where I figure out the looted items aren't droppable. Wolt puts his new-found strength to good use. Roy getting doubled; how embarrassing. I thought this was some worthless item like a torch or something and let the thief get it, instead of killing him first. There goes a potential killer bow, alas. Well, he dies anyway. Better late than never, eh? 2 to go. Some more smackdowns. You wank-ah, you know the song already. Oh yeah, forgot about you. I'm pretty sure she was in Nosferatu range, but the druid decides to be stupid. She (predictably) dodges and gets a lousy level. Let the flames burn 'way the shadows! 2 down. Oh, hello. Thankfully, he didn't get doubled. I think this is the first time I've seen a non-zero hitrate for Eclipse. It still misses. The druid's folly is my gain, allowing me to kill him easily. Meanwhile, Roy and his big burly entourage are on looting duty. Not too bad. Got speed at least. See, previous thief, why couldn't you have nabbed this so I wouldn't care so much? That's like 1k, so I'm happy. WHAT THE HELL KIND OF WAR CRY IS THIS More money. Yeah, speed's nice and all, but seriously: get strength. You're embarrassing every other fighter ever. Better than a Shin level. Which, now that I think about, hasn't happened to him yet. Great, now I jinxed it. Ah, now we're talking! Boss went down under an onslaught of arrowfire fairly easily, giving me THE THUNDER AXE OF THUNDER. Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1), Shin (1) @Klok Bartre's strengths (haha, see what I did there) are his great HP and Strength bases. He doesn't double, but get him to C bows and he'll kick ass with killer bows. His growths are actually quite nice for a pre-promote: 70/40/20/30/20/20/5. On average he'll cap strength, and frankly that's all I really want out of him. Especially since Lot thinks he's supposed to be a nomad trooper. In regards to weapon levels, he has A axes and D bows, which isn't amazing, but it does mean he can start out with steel bows.
  18. [spoiler=The Warriors Three] Aka Prevent the Silly Greenies from Suiciding Easy, right? Think again. Those guys have 0 defense and 10 hp, and this guy could pick them off 1 by 1 with ease. Fortunately, it prioritizes my units over them. Some stuff I should be able to do on the prep screen -.- In hindsight, I should have given that speedwings to Bartre. Oops. Clearing out the units nearby. The first and only time I do this, since I remembered I can't use Elphin this run. I crave your forgiveness, audience. End of turn 1. Sue is BARELY in ballista range; she's gonna take the first hit. Like so. Also, I want to promote Lot on this map, so he's gonna do most of the damage. He and Wade, along with Klain, Saul and Fir are going to head west to help out the greenies. The rest go south. Roy does some killin', some on PP, some on EP. And also dodges like a pro. Lot goes on a mountain with his silver axe and awaits the coming of the troops. There's also an archer behind the 'Wait' window. Ye Olde Clearing Shit Out Except Shin missed his first shot. Lot killed the first fighter on EP but missed the second, so the berserker didn't come forward to 'get some'. Back on PP, Klain kills Lot's attacker so he can scoot forward and go toe-to-toe with the berserker. Shin corrects his earlier mistake and gets a decent level. Not being able to hit the broad side of a barn, seen here in action. In a twist of fate, Lot crits the berserker to death. The archer attacks, but doesn't get counterkilled. Fortunately, I still have a turn before the greenies get into the danger zone. Woo go Klain! On PP, pop goes the archer. On EP, Elen almost becomes a shish-kebab. Oops. Pirate reinforcements are met with the full force of Geese's fury, which doesn't really amount to much. Elen was the last target. Those guys are just gonna chill there since I don't have anyone that can reach them. 'Yeah, I do. Your hair looks stupid!' This is Geese's sole contribution to this chapter. Pirates keep coming out, but Dorothy and Sue keep chopping em down. Or feathering them down. Whatever. Oi. Not cool. OI! NOT COOL! He just had enough HP to get 1-hit. I should have healed him up. Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1), Shin (1) I savestated at some point around Geese's recruitment, so it doesn't take much to get back to this point. Shin STILL doesn't dodge but has the HP to survive. I'm on a bit of a tight schedule here, since Bartre is due to appear soon and I don't want him charging off to kill Morgan (the boss) right off the bat. Lot clears the way for Wade (who's carrying Fir) to drop her south. Shin still knows what's important. Enter Bartre. Oh yes you will. *swoons in delight* "I'm smashing puny insects, dear. What are you doing here?" A comparison between Wade and Bartre. Note that Wade got that earlier speedwings. Bartre's green guys are cannon fodder; I don't particularly care what happens to them. To my surprise, this one hit. He and his mate took out a guy with a lancereaver, but he paid with his life. The other one won't last long either. Can you put some of that speed into strength, please? The greenies have escaped! I'm gonna get a goodie at the end of the chapter. Some surprise reinforcements kill Bartre's second helper. Good, good. Ugh. Still, it's a useful stat. Clarine almost gets OHKO'd but survives on 1hp. All bows, all the time (except Roy.) Sue's gonna do some boss abusing and get the second Orion's Bolt. Like so Pretty nice res gain. Wade wants to get tanky. DorothyxShin B support. I bet Merlinus is all "Hey, you with the jowls!" My reward for saving those greenies. Definitely worth it. Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1), Shin (1)
  19. [spoiler=The Bandit With the Heart of Gold] A struggle to not end everything in sight immediately, that is. Shanna's here to make Tate unaggressive and do some ferrying and Lilina is going to recruit Gonzalez. Everyone else is self-explanatory. Shanna picks up Wade and heads north; he's going to loot a couple of villages and help Lilina recruit. A fighter bit the dust and it's the end of turn 1. Gale. My favorite 'villain' in this game. Gotta wake up earlier than that to hit Sue, shaman. "No...more...late...night...benders...ugh..." You're lucky Wade's bow-locked, or your ass would be toast. Well, let's make it toast anyway. Shanna's headed back to pick up Lilina. Hell to the yes! You're gonna be the mage killer in this army, I think. Wolt's like "ME TOO" but neglects everything else. Shin knows what's important. Whew, that was kinda close. You're unlucky that Wade's bow-locked, because your ass is toast now. Fun fact: As of chapter 13, I still haven't used that dragonshield. I keep forgetting because there's no Use option on the prep menu. So irritating. I think you can guess what happened next. General idea: Wade, Lilina and Shanna are NW, looting and waiting for Gonzalez. Lot's poised to deal with a team of cavaliers that pop up with Tate. Roy, Wolt, and Sue are going to recruit Klain. Dorothy and Shin are wrecking havoc and breaking down walls. This is why I had Wade go there. If anyone either than he or Lot loots this village they get a door key instead. That's what you get for wielding a ridiculously heavy weapon. Look out, here comes Frankenstein's monster. This would be an Elixir otherwise. Gonzalez is behind a couple of bandits, so Wade opens up a path for Lilina to reach him. Shanna airlifts her out and Gonzalez drops her so Shanna can (hopefully) dodge a hand axe. Meanwhile, Sue gets the best 1-stat levelup. Klain appears. Shanna dodges! Fucker didn't move. I savestated last turn in case this happened. Sue got a better level, Shanna still dodged, and Klain moved. Excellent. Yeah, Klain. Why are you attacking us? His bases are...not terribly impressive. When I do hardmode bows only, I expect to see improvements. Plus his affinity is terrible. Not that it matters, he doesn't have any supports this run. Shin and Dorothy finally succeed in tearing down the wall. Gotta babysit these archers. They're my ticket to another Orion Bolt, and I won't get any after this chapter until 16. Unfortunately, they're often exceedingly stupid. And here's Tate, right on time. You can barely see Shanna, trying to make the smallest possible target. These guys are why I need to babysit the NPC archers. Oftentimes they will collide, and it ain't gonna be the archers that will win. Fortunately, Lot's attracted their ire. He's parked on a forest, so he shouldn't be too bad, but Wolt and Roy are gonna lend a hand next turn. Frankly, this is kind of embarrassing. Remember, this is BASE Shanna we're talking about here. See, if I hadn't left Lot down there, the greenies would be kebabs next EP. "You...hit me...you bitch!" Thankfully, I don't really care about the Elysian Whip, because I just know one of those pegasi is gonna suicide on those bandits. I wanted to kill the hand axe one, but I couldn't double him, so I had to settle for this guy. This is pretty much under control. Shanna for MVP. Seriously, how many dodges was that? Tate and 3 of her cohorts go after this priest, and I think all of them missed. This significantly dumber one, however, decided the bandit was a better target, got doubled, and died. There goes the whip. I don't really care what happens to the rest anymore, but I want this one. We're gonna drag her kicking and screaming to Klain for conscription. This turns out to be a bad idea. See if you can spot why. Uh oh. Killer axes are bad. Uh oh. Not killing killer-axe-wielding fighters is bad. I should be mad...but frankly, I think she kind of deserved that. Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1) I savestated after Shanna's amazing dodge, so I get back to this point and this time she kills the bastard. The healer's not going down without a struggle, but it's a struggle he's doomed to lose. Welcome to the bench, Tate. Probably will never use this. This is why that earlier move was a bad idea. I dispatch Shin and Klain to help out. They free Wade from his brigand-y prison and he exacts terrible vengeance on his captors, netting an ok level. Instead of going for the other healers, they decided to escape. I really don't get the AI sometimes. The most important item this run. Free money, since I already have one and Lot's not going to be using axes for long. Please not a repeat of the Dorothy incident... Dunno why I was worried. Shin's a champ. You can actually use skill, so I won't begrudge you that. Only Monsieur Zinque left. But first, buy lots of bows. Just chipping the boss while waiting for the ShinxDorothy support and the other villages to get looted. Hooray, the second bolt is mine! Time for a promotion! I never thought I'd complain about a fighter not getting strength, but I think I'm about to start. ShinxDorothy C support. Boss-killer, Lot's promotion, and Sue's promotion all arrive via Amazon. Deaths: Lot (1), Dorothy (1) @Zoruad Once they can use bows, they're bow locked. Unless I have a really tight time limit that I absolutely cannot beat without using axes/swords/what have you. But I don't see that happening.
  20. [spoiler=Hnnnging-I mean Henning] Molten magma holds no dangers for us! We have healers! Aka Roy retrieves his father's legacy. That's gotta be damned inconvenient. Rutger's gotta be like "Oi, Roy, help me get this stupid sword out!" Then the crisis is over, he re-sheathes it, and then he says "Oh, bugger." The usual. Wolt, Dorothy and Sue mess up the mercs. He has a lower growth than Wade, so I gave him the book. End of turn 1. Roy and Wade and luring fighters. Like so. Go Wolt! Angry Sue is angry. This fucker just won't die! Roy hits, but doesn't crit. Next turn, he finishes the bloody git off. I dunno what he got this off of, but it has defense so I'll take it. Wade leading the charge. Wade totally demolishing the opposition. Lot actually gains strength! Amazing! Just, ya know, chugging along. This is a pretty boring chapter, actually. I didn't actually go through with this. I'm not that stupid. Dumbass doesn't even move. Sue kills and gets a good level. A long time later, I finally reach the boss. Not an easy one to deal with. I want to get Wade promoted, so I decide to have Henning switch to his handaxe and then Wade attacks with iron and gets rescued away. Little better. Excellent. And then this happens. So much for boss abusing! [spoiler=Pea Soup] That smug laugh of yours is going to get you killed some day, Narcian. OH SHIT YOU JUST GOT OUTGUNNED SON Spoiler: It'll be moi. Or as I like to call it, pea soup. Brought along both Chad and Astore for vision. End of turn 1. Sue wiped out a fighter. And on the start of turn 2, wipes out another. Can't wait to see this lady with a killer bow. To laugh, or to cry, this is the question. More crits and a not-great level. Noah will now pick up Fir in a princess carry and skedaddle off to the southeast corner, where they will have wild...passionate...staring contests. HI SHIN! CURSES! Next turn, I get him. This is gonna be good. He starts out by ending this mage. WHAT A HIT! Excellent first level. You'll go far. I hope. Two important stats! Half a shin level? Uh oh, here come the pirates... Great..but more strength, please? The plan: Wade and Lot, with Saul on healing duties, will head for Scott and boss abuse. The other guys are gonna fill those pirates with arrows. Or in some cases, a sword. But arrows work too. *giggles excitedly* *weeps inconsolably* Urgh... Argh! NO! Better. Not liking the odds much here. But I go through with it anyway. Oh, come on. Chapter 10B has been chosen. SuexShin C. Sue has maxed supports now. Scott finally crits. Lol. More speed is good. ALL HAIL WARRIOR WADE The point at which I realize ShinxDorothy isn't happening. I really hate this limit. Deaths: Lot (1)
  21. ...so that's how you get access to the transfer items. I thought you only got those emblem weapons on the pirate ship due to this, but I guess those are completely different. Loving this LP so far.
  22. [spoiler=Quelling the Rebellion] Reuniting Lilina and her group with the bench, perhaps. Not really, actually. There appears to be a contradiction in this statement. Oh believe me, you already are. Perhaps not as much since you changed your name though. I can just imagine the higher-ups in Bern going "LOL HE SOUNDS LIKE GAY LANCE LOL". OH HELL TO THE NO Muttonheads. I love this insult, and I shall endeavor to use it at every possible opportunity in casual conversation. The crew. Brought Chad along even though I have Astore for speedier chest looting. End of turn 1. Lots of dodging, excellent. Sue kills the soldier that threatened Dorothy and gets a very nice level (but no strength :( ) RoyxSue B support. The phalanx is ready to march! He wasn't doing anything useful anyway. Without any supports, she still crits AND gets a great level. I like this gal. Only noteworthy thing to happen on EP. You are making one very foolish mistake, my friends. You assume I intend to use you. I'm not wasting money on that wall. You can sit there and rot. Clearing out a soldier and an archer in the way. WoltxSue B. I decide to speed things up by carrying along some of my team. I forgot how heavy the longbow is...can't even double. No matter. Oh christ, here she comes again. I did some trading hijinks to give Dorothy the longbow to finish off the mage. There's still some nasties to the south and I want to minimize casualties. Dodge, baby, dodge. Or learn to. Eh...well, it has speed. He doubled, but still. Chad opens the door to the treasure. Here comes Cath. Sue and Clarine place Roy to talk to her. HELL YES KILLER BOWS SHIT JUST GOT REAL Well...Wolt doesn't need one. Yep. It is indeed, her. Clarine and Sue move Roy out of the way and Astore nicks another lockpick. Roy gets some ranged weaponry. Well, can't say I was expecting much... Wade makes an unnecessary crit. Uh oh. This thief's gonna head for the other ones, and I can't catch him. Cash for the bow fund. "HE'S ESCAPING LADS! GET HIM!" "I...can't...reach..." Surprise reinforcements surprise me. I was going to steal this guy's chest key, but I figured it was more important to make sure he didn't kill someone first. You can do better than this! "HE MADE A MISTAKE, BOYS! GET HIM!" "Not yet, sir, gotta get my free stuff first." Surprisingly, no rigging was required for this. Dorothy almost dies and Wade gets an OK level. I didn't realize he had such a high luck growth. Armed and ready for trouble. Atta girl! ATTA GIRL! BOING Only Legance left. This is gonna take a while. As usual. Lot's gonna get the book, everything else will be sold. At last! Deaths: Lot (1)
  23. [spoiler=Here Be Dragons] And then later he wants her killed. Makes perfect sense. Guns Arrows blazing. Here comes the pain! The usual band of misfits Much loot will be gotten this chapter, and then sold. Wolt goes off to lure that archer to the east. Roy will be joining him for support. A knight gets wrecked and Lot boosts his kinda-sorta-abysmal luck. And Sue gets an HP boost. End of turn 1. Shenanigans occur; Wolt gets an excellent level. HELLO MEATSHIELDS This one needed to die so I could get rid of the cavaliers/wyvern to the north. Like so. Sue's exposed, but thanks to her new HP gains she should be fine. She gets a lousy level. Roy becomes the personification of the Doppler effect. Things are more or less in hand here, provided Wolt can dodge and those bloody Illians don't go off and do something stupid. Little to no dodging occurred here. OI! MY EXP! Enter XP Stealer #3. At least Treck was nice enough to head south... So that he can recruit his fellow mercenary who isn't a mercenary. Jerrot gives Treck his weapons and then rescues him, preventing them both from doing damage and making a wonderful target at the same time. Treck's target goes down under arrow fire. Risk it? Sure, why not. WHAT A SHOT Lot and a cavalier engage in a miss-off. Dorothy gets a pretty nice level. On EP, Elen tanks with her face and almost gets 1-hit. Noah helps out. More importantly, he's drawn close to Jerrot, who will recruit him this turn. Hooray this will be useful. Sue destroys Elen's abuser and gets a good level. Jerrot teases Noah about his new girlfriend. Wolt visits a house, gets loot, and sets himself up to lure an archer. Like so. The knight who doesn't say NI makes the mistake of attacking someone who can fight back. Ouch and ouch. I'm so glad I'm not using you for combat. As anticipated, the archer suicides on Wolt. Keep it up, Wade. Goodbye, annoying mage. See statement in regards to Clarine. One of the cavaliers buys like 5 heal staves and sells their lance collection. I also buy a chest key, but I'm not quite sure why. Lot's going to lure a rather dangerous mage with Elfire, but he has no supports. Turns out he doesn't need them. Has defense, so I'll grudgingly accept it. Well, you do need speed, but do try and do better in the future. The best item in this chapter. No one's gonna use this for a while. Oh no! Whatever will I do? WoltxSue C support. And more useless crap. As you can see, I'm prepared for this. Oddly enough, they don't move on the first turn. YOU HIT? WHAT IS THIS SHIT? "Ok lads, we're all gonna go for the guy who can OHKO us. Sound good? CHAAAAAAAARGE!" Elen fixes up the silver lance's damage and gets a level with magic. Time to lure down Mr Red Gem. Like so. And so. His death was not documented, but rest assured that it was not particularly glorious. I buy 5 iron bows and 5 steel bows. No! You must focus on strength! Chad and Jerrot have crossed the boundary to the northeast, prompting these to spawn. My archers await their prey eagerly. Usele-actually, I'll hang on to this. It may come in handy. Sue demolished a couple of mages and an archer, and Dorothy killed some more crap. She finishes off the archer to get a super level. Roy's is running low, so this is welcome. A few turns later, Chad finally admits the rest of the group. Only Debias the Duteous is left. So...how am I gonna deal with this guy? Oh. Right. A few turns later... Wade gets a great level. I realize RoyxSue B is not happening and end the chapter. Deaths: Lot (1)
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