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Everything posted by Tequila

  1. Just wanted to show off a few pics of my latest run, starring the members of team Critty Critty Bang Bang (Hector, Rebecca, Lyn, Wil, Dart, Fiora, Heath, Farina, Pent, Louise, and Vaida, with Eliwood, Canas, Ninian, and Athos along for the ride). First, I wanted to see how whether I could max out my cashpile by abusing torch/mine glitch. As you can see, I was successful. Fun fact: the spear (not the uber-spear, the regular one), sells for 13.5k. Its slightly more powerful cousin sells for a mere 5k. You can use a mine on chapter 25 and get a ton of them, if you're so inclined. But I find it's much easier and faster to abuse the torch glitch on 29. SO MANY ECLIPSES! Despite not having an innate 25 crit, Eliwood manages to do some serious damage. Trying to see how close I could get to 100 hit, damage, and crit. I think Heath came the closest. I'm sorry, WHAT did you say about dodging?! Also, I think this beats Sandy's hit chances in Moniker's LP of Corrupt Theocracy. Getting close to 100 crit! Guaranteed pain. This was with Thor's Ire; I didn't think of using it earlier. Just imagine FE7CM with Corrupt Theocracy's boosted support bonuses. IMAGINE IT!
  2. Are these things possible to do? I thought staff effects were hardcoded. Not that I know what that means.
  3. Damn, I never managed to kill Puzon that quickly. Kudos! Also, I regularly bench Serra too. It happens. But you shouldn't diss Dorcas; out of the 4 times I've used him, he capped HP, str, skill and speed every single time. Without boosters. Yeah, his resistance is shaky nonexistent, but he does have a higher strength cap than Priscilla, not to mention a nice Fire affinity, compared to Prissy's Wind (which isn't bad either, though). And this won't even be relevant after the next update.
  4. How about 2-3 range? It can't be TOO op, and if you give it 0 might to mitigate the large range that's just a Fimbulvetr knock-off, albeit one you can buy in most shops. Or maybe 2 range or 3 range locked, but keeping the same stats?
  5. The folks of FE6 don't eat enough spinach, so they'd normally be unable to easily wield their forefathers' (and foremothers') weapons without aid, so IS took pity on them.
  6. I dunno if it's just my mindset, but I don't use Aura because there's only 1 (2 if you get Wallace over Geitz, which is likely) in the game, and I prefer to sell it and buy Lightning and Shine, which are generally enough to wreck physical units (except maybe the 50+ hp wyverns). Perhaps if you did those changes AND added it to a secret shop, that might be more of an incentive. Same goes for Nosferatu, incidentally.
  7. Well, he does have 15% def and res growths. He's supposed to be the ultimate glass cannon (with HP), though I think that huge con is kinda useless; it'd be more useful to someone like Raven, since anima tomes tend to be really heavy (thunder has 13 weight) and light magic is...well...light. Lightning, Shine, and Aura, which are pretty much the only useful ones, all weigh 5 or less. Even Heath can use them on promotion without AS loss. The only advantage Dart has is he can use Aureola without AS loss. But there's still Luce, which weighs Heath down by 1 when he becomes a Patriarch, and that exchanges some might and a slight def boost for speed and crit. EDIT: Actually, I forgot about Dark magic. Flux is 6, Luna is 8, Nosferatu and Eclipse are 9 weight. Heath still isn't inconvenienced. Dart CAN use Fenrir with no AS, which is the only dark tome with 3 range (Luna's kind of expensive to throw around like that), and IIRC you can only get one of those if you don't exploit any glitches. Light magic is still the way to go. Raven should get the con boost because he kind of sucks compared to Eliwood. Eliwood comes practically from the start, is required in the final chapter (and a few others), has higher hp and str growths (compared to Raven's skl/spd), and their def/res growths are reversed. Raven comes with 2 less con than Eliwood; even the Elfire he comes with weighs him down by 2 (tied with Fimbulvetr and the lightest anima tomes), and Thunder (which is pretty much the only buyable tome that is also useful) throws his AS in the shitter (-7). Both have OK supports; Eliwood has a really fast one with Hector and so-so ones with Lyn and Marcus, whereas Raven has pretty fast ones with Lucius and Priscilla, which are both good units, so not much advantage is conferred there. TL;DR: Dart's major selling point (his high con) is wasted because all the useful light tomes are light. Give that con to Raven.
  8. Well, what do you make of this? Wait... Originally, Ninian looked relatively normal. Then she got berserked. Now she looks like... This. COINCIDENCE?!? WAKE UP SHEEPLE SHE'S BEEN PERMANENTLY BERSERKED!
  9. This what you have to look forward to. No statboosters (except for icons, obv), no stimulant, and only rigged 2 levels so he'd cap res. And of course, you saw how Renault turned out with merely a stimulant. I gotta admit Dart gets wrecked badly, so capping his luck right off the bat is a really good idea. I gave mine like 4 dragonshields. Here he is, for comparison:
  10. Here, this will cheer you up: I honestly don't know why I found this funny, but I laughed for a good 5 minutes. Also, how exactly did you break res? This sounds like a good story.
  11. Yes, triangle attacks do exist for enemies. It happened to me on Ch 25 during my first playthrough. Also, don't forget to fix the fact that dragoons are still vulnerable to armor-slaying weapons.
  12. In the beginning I was thinking "why the hell isn't he moving Merlinus out of range" and then it hit me.
  13. What I meant was, out of the possible magic types they can use, are they supposed to all be S when they promote? Ie was Renault not getting S anima a glitch or not?
  14. Question: Is Dark Druid supposed to get all S ranks upon promotion? Renault got S dark while he was a sorcerer, S staves upon promotion, but remained at A anima. I have no idea what the other T3s are like because I've only used Eliwood and Renault so far.
  15. How did the light brand come into play? Also, your super-secret Silence strategy was used by me. I'm suing for copyright infringement.
  16. Are you also going to fix Ninian starting with A staves and Nils starting with C?
  17. Is it a passive bonus for Ninian/Nils exclusively or for anyone who holds them?
  18. In that case, you could maybe replace the physic with a Fortify?
  19. I gotta ask, is there some modification you can make to the AI of the sage on Legault's chapter so it makes an effort to heal rather than just rescuing the same injured unit over and over? It'd be nice if that rescue staff was actually obtainable without the mine glitch. If not, make it be the last object in the inventory so that you can get it with a mad rush of steel swords.
  20. Poison now grows stronger every turn that it's left uncured, right?
  21. I don't think he's carrying a mine, otherwise he might very well have used it. Perhaps restart the chapter, now that you know what to expect?
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