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Posts posted by Mitsuki

  1. I have something else I want to try doing, and it doesn't involve shooting someone this time.

    For the first time in forever, I won't be collecting alias this game!

    As I pretty much gave away on this post and SB guessed I'm not going to shoot anyone this game, nor try to put anyone at a disadvantage by any other means. That's only half of what I'll do, though!

    My alias is Amiya (She's an OC of mine, if you're wondering).

    I guess exposing my alias here is pretty risky but that's the point. I want to see what happens.

    If you need my help with anything, just contact me! I'm not sure I'll be able do much, but if I do I will do my best. I'm pretty good at keeping information secret, so if for example you need to communicate something anonymously to another player I can do that for you. Or whatever you come up with, really. As long as it doesn't put anyone in a disadvantage it's ok.

    If you do shoot me though, or screw with my slot in any manner, don't expect things to go well for you. And either way, I don't have any problems with breaking my truce with you if it's for the sake of revenge.

    That's it guys, good luck and have fun!

  2. I'd love to meet everyone, or almost everyone I guess. To me socializing on the internet feels like something is always missing. I like to see people's reactions, to laugh with them and to spend time together walking around, or playing card games. SF mafia has a lot of lovely people around, it'd be really cool to get to know more people IRL.

    If you ever come to Spain, let me know

  3. also what was "the pizza incident"?

    Kaoz's answer was pretty boring, let me tell you the whole story:

    If I recall correctly, it was the day before Kaoz left, and he totally needed to take some serrano ham with him to Germany because serrano ham is the best thing in the universe and we absolutely want the best for Kaoz. So we went to a shopping mall and I reccomended some ham to Kaoz and he was happy. But that wasn't enough food. We needed more food.

    We decided to go to the supermarket to get more food. "Hey, this pizza brand is German" said Kaoz. Kaoz is pretty picky about what he eats so finding that pizza was pretty cool. He bought a "freezer bag" as well so that the pizza didn't defrost.

    But as you'll see later, that strategical move was his biggest mistake.

    We went back home, and Kaoz was pretty hungry so he unboxed the pizza fiercely. But then he realized something, an obstacle he hadn't planned on overcoming. The pizza had a cardboard under it, and it was stuck to it. "These pizzas aren't like this in Germany" said Kaoz.

    Kaoz tried very hard to move the pizza to a dish to cook it, but since it was uncooked and so stuck, his tries only ruined it even more. The pizza was starting to look less and less round and more like an amoeba. "Leave it to me, Kaoz!" I said as I tried to move the pizza and ruined it way more. Meanwhile, Vhaltz remained in the distance, playing Smash.

    After a long while, the pizza was in the oven (while on the plate), and it didn't take long for it to be ready to eat. Kaoz took it, but then he realized something: the pizza was stuck to the dish, and it was way worse than before.

    Kaoz took a total of one hour and a half to eat his pizza.

  4. Tricking Mitsuki three times during LYLO Mafia.

    You didn't trick me, I just suck at being scum when I've been rolling scum on a streak. My play as town is pretty good, though.

    How much do you miss playing Uno with us???


    It was a normal day in Batland and what the fuck, I always begin my stories with the same line.

    EXCEPT NOW IT'S NOT BATLAND, IT'S YOLOGODDESSREFALAND!!!! Remember to praise your leaders at least 86 times a day.



    You were an innocent townie not long ago, but decided that being vanilla sucked ass and became mafia. With the help of your beloved scumbuddies you have now achieved the miracle of having a power role! Which is the most important thing in a mafia game. Obviously.

    People in town have been quite friendly with you due to your past vanilla town status, and they will tell you what their role is immediately if you ask them.

    Since everybody's known for years that you were a VT nobody pays attention to what you do at night anymore! You can use your rolecop and perform the factional kill, and nobody will notice.

    Also, here's the SCUM QT: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/N5UHKbwtcWj5m

    You are the Mafia Ninja Rolecop (safeclaim: VT)

    You win when all the batman are eliminated or nothing can prevent you from doing so.

    I'd try to give advice on how to read this sneaky bastard but he always outsmarts me.


    You are THE BATRADIO

    You have disguised yourself as Batman's communication device, but you are such a bad radio! Worst pun ever.

    You may use your powers to send a message to a player of your choice saying anything you want, 150 words maximum. That way you'll seem SO TOWNIE.

    You can also prevent a townie from using their action during the night. You may choose to roleblock and send a message to the same person or to different people. If you go with the former you will also be able to take on the factional kill, however, if you choose the latter you won't be able to.

    Here's the scum QT!: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/N5UHKbwtcWj5m

    You are the Mafia Roleblocker Courier. (safeclaim: courier)

    You win when all the batman are eliminated or nothing can prevent you from doing so.

    You have a meta of not being very active, but man, I feel like people totally ignored the EVIL coming from you.

    N5, JBCWK was murdered, ensuring the non Batmans supremacy in this game.



    You are probably a ladder that leads to THE BATCAVE in the Batman works that we didn’t read, or at least that’s what you do in this game. The batneighbours will descend to the Batcave with your help, and they’ll be so nice that they’ll leave the entrance open so that you can also communicate with them! QT link: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/2BF9Sw99mqY

    If you happen to disappear they’ll find some other entrance, so don’t worry too much!

    You are the Town Neighbour.

    You win when all threats to batman are eliminated.

    It was nice having you around, thanks for replacing in! You put a lot of effort in the game and it really showed, sadly the way people play here has changed a lot over time so this probably was a hard game for you. But I hope this game was a good opportunity to update your tells!

    Rapier? Did someone say Rapier? I'm pretty sure nobody who goes by that handle ever played this game.

    Seeing what happened, Dreamer and Shin decided to leave the place forever, before the non Batmans could lay their hands on them. Each went a different direction, since this would be such a terrible pairing.



    Just like any efficient fire alarm ever, you can travel to people’s homes and inhale their smoke. This way, any fire hazards will be DETECTED AND REMOVED, including any fireplaces or cooking efforts. You’re just that efficient!

    In short, you are the town prime remover and firefighter.

    You win when all threats to batman are eliminated.

    Hey, you did really well! I like how you didn't just agree with people for the sake of it and went with your own thoughts. I think that's the basis for being a good town player, so I encourage you to keep playing. And hey, your scumhunting will be more accurate over time.



    You’d think you’re just like any other card, but you are entirely different. First of all, you are a BATMAN GADGET!. That’s all really.

    You’ll make people pay for their debts by dealing out some post restrictions you’ve been saving for this special occasion. These include the following:

    • Every post must explain in depth why a particular meme is cool
    • Every post must ship two SF Mafia players (past/present relationships excluded, horrible homo pairings are preferred) and explain why it’s a wonderful pairing.
    • Every post must roleplay very poorly by referring to themselves in the third person.
    • The player must suggest new avatar choices to all players in the game until all listed players in the game are covered (including dead players and people who have subbed in/out). Avatar suggestions must be customized towards the player.
    • Every post must treat other players like feline oppressors and defend the interests and rights of the cat community.

    Surprise! You may also communicate with a bunch of people in this neighbourhood QT: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/2BF9Sw99mqY

    You are the Town Post Restrictor Neighbor.

    You win when all threats to batman are eliminated.

    Shin barely had the time to post, but I'm sure he had fun with the role! And I think the same goes for Gaius. Deep inside, they both were the EVIL MASTERMIND behind this game.

    Thank you for playing! I hope you enjoyed the silly flavor and roles, this game spent forever on queue so it was super nice to finally be able host it! Make sure to join ODMGUADTMAS whenever I host it, it will be amazing.

  6. Selfvoting in MYLO is, indeed, a very bad idea [Final Votals]

    Elieson (4): Shin, Elieson, Yoloswag, Refa

    Not voting: JBCWK, Dreamer

    This is the most anticlimactic town lynch ever.


    You are THE BATBAT!

    As you may be able to tell from your flavour name, you are a perfectly generic town player. Blame the mods, we couldn’t think of anything else.

    However! Your genericness grants you the amazing powers you had always dreamt of! You may do everything that a vanilla townie does, but TWICE. Except dying. So that means you have two votes that you can move independently and you can post in the thread twice as much!

    You are the Town Doublevoter.

    You win when all threats to batman are eliminated.

    May you rest in peace, Elieson, knowing that you were the only one still alive who actually wanted to lynch scum.

    But hey, it's just normal when Refa and Yoloswag did so well! Refa is an amazing player as scum (and as town, but scum!Refa is the best) and Yoloswag... I seriously need to learn how you can make yourself ignored when you have so little content. Like wow.

    CONGRATULATIONS TO SCUM FOR WINNING THIS GAME! I'll post the rest of the PMs in a while. Feel free to DISCUSS.

  7. Me: We need to update the phase

    Vhaltz: WOAH

    *10 minutes later*

    Me: we need to update the phase


    So yeah Sniper Knight died. Yay?


    You are THE BATCOP

    Except you’re not a cop after all, but you are an investigative role! Flavour is a bitch.

    Every night you can choose to follow some scrub wherever they go and learn who they visited. You’re totally not a stalker though, so you will have no problem keeping it PG-13 amirite?

    You are the Town Tracker.

    You win when all threats to batman are eliminated.

    Well, this just HAD to happen.

    BUT WAIT! I have an important announcement to make:

    IT IS NOW MYLO. You will lose after a mislynch. Be careful!

    Also, this phase will only be 48 hours long. Best of luck!

  8. Game is now officially in pause

    I had my doubts when I accepted to have you in my game, Baldrick, but I decided to give you another chance. You've disappointed me. But I guess that's just the kind of player you are.

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