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Posts posted by Siuloir

  1. I think Elibe has had more than its day in the sun, for what it's worth. Thracia, on the other hand, is still relatively less accessible, and has garnered a somewhat offputting reputation.

  2. For the promoted cavalier types, I would do, Axe/Sword and Lance/Bow, because Sword+Bow has no common option for 1-2 range, making it inferior.

    A fair and reasonable point - Arguably this can also be mitigated by giving Sword/Bow Access to Range 3 weapons,. There also exists some form of precedent in these combinations of the form of FE9-10 Silver and Gold Knights.

    1-2 range weapons have a precarious place in the balance of Fire Emblem, due to their potence during the Enemy Phase and the fact that they erode the niche protection of Bows (and contribute to one of the reasons Archers are traditionally given a bad rap).

    It's very easy for 1-2s to get out of hand - Look at Awakening, where they outperform everything other than Brave weapons due to their range utility.

  3. I decided to leave it up to an RNG, from 1-8. First time I rolled a four, second time I rolled a five. All signs point to Jugdral.

    [spoiler=FE5 Concepts]

    • Flexible difficulty system that allows players to change difficulty modes in the prep screen. Recommends a level based on the ranks given to players for their performance on each map. Augmented by FEXNA’s built-in chapter replay system (which allows you to replay any chapter from that point in your save file), allowing players to replay maps with higher difficulty. Think of something similar to Kid Icarus: Uprising or Bravely Default.
    • Improved fatigue system, with more ways to offset fatigue naturally mid-map (waiting without movement perhaps, instead of just the S-Drink item, which just reset the fatigue count to 0). Visible bar on the unit bubble.
    • “Class Skills” system revamped; as members of the same group of classes gain levels, their “class level” raises; 5 levels total, with each level unlocking a new assignable class skill. Class skills can only be assigned to one unit at a time, but can be reassigned at will. Classes are divided into 12 groups (the infantry group, for example, consists of Archers and Soldiers).
    • Dismounted units use their primary weapon type, instead of defaulting to swords.
    • The obvious modernizations; second tier classes with distinct caps, fleshed out support system, etc.
    • Fusing the armor classes into two (Phalanx: Axe, Sword; Sentry: Lance, Bow), and the T2s for the Sword/Lance/Axe/Bow Knights (Champion: Lance, Axe; Ranger: Sword, Bow).
    • A four-part prologue based on the Lenster Falls story.

    My enthusiasm for that last point in particular is tremendous.

  4. I suppose it's just always been more interesting to me; fleshing out existing things, rather than building something completely new. Especially after playing the series and designing projects for so long, I've thought pretty extensively about what I'd change. Building an original work definitely interests me, and I trust that I could do a fine job at it, but it's a long, tedious process. I'm just at a point in my life where trying to build some magnum opus blockbuster original work is kind of unfeasible. This is a fun hobby and all, but focusing on a remake (finishing one has obviously been on my bucket list for a while) is generally going to be an easier project to complete. Not really "stirring" words, I suppose. It's just a matter of personal preference; there are plenty of other people capable of creating compelling original stories for y'all to enjoy. Maybe someday? It depends how long I end up sticking around, I suppose.

    Anyways, FE2 and FE5 are currently in a tie, blowing out the other options. FE5 really wants it, and FE2 really needs it. If it were just between those two, I'd probably choose Thracia (which would probably lead to an FE4 remake eventually). While the semi-blank canvas of potential that FE2 offers is appealing, FE5 could really be a solid remake.

    Is this going into it assuming you're intent on preserving all the little Thracia-nuances like Capture, Fatigue, etc. al? (Although the latter was rather mitigable, it was an interesting little subsystem), out of curiosity?

    Thracia also gives you a more compelling cast to work with from the get-go, and one that resonates with people more. While the idea of remaking FE2 would be to make that happen, there's meat on the proverbial bones already with people like Leif, Finn, Eyvel, Travant, etc. al, rather than a mere skeleton.

    Is it worth noting that I also have a doc for an FE8 Remake+Book 2? Any interest in that?

    I'm interested to see where you'd take a Book 2 in Magvel. What's the premise? Magvel as a world desperately needs more substance to it. It's pretty much painted in the broadest of strokes in the original game.
  5. c8337ddcd1539ecb39879570de32ba41.png



    Like a god bestride the earth.

    In all seriousness, without Agro, I think I'd have turned back long ago. Chapter 7 could use a complete re-design - The map is gigantic, and the reinforcement spam makes it incredibly tedious. I believe I spent at least a dozen turns no more than 10 squares from the front door, due to a combination of wave after wave of reinforcements (who grant minimal EXP) + recruiting Kiowa.

  6. ................. why do you think Arch is making a remake game? I feel like I just said why.

    Nowhere in Arch's original statement did he state he was doing it for that purpose. You came in with 'We need...' as a wholly independent entity. The condescension is unwarranted.

  7. We need a full game project as reference for new FEXNA developers. For romhacks, you can download nightmare and a rom and fuck around instantly, no tutorials needed. FE7x surce won't be included on release (Or ever) so for anyone wondering how to connect chapters, do route splits, and all that jazz, they have to figure it all out from scratch unless we make a full game or fairly long game with fexna.

    That seems very counterproductive to making the engine publicly available if no frame of reference or tutorial is provided. Barriers of entry are seldom a good thing to development kits - Witness why the Witcher I and Dragon Age I devtools produced very little in the way of significant modifications, as compared to the TES kit.

  8. cbf to properly finish


    have some bullshit

    Every time you do one of these in this fashion I have to stare at it like I'm trying to transcribe something written in Enochian, as I try to decipher where each piece came from and how you manage to combine it coherently. It ultimately ends up with being considerably jealous.

  9. Please be easier if it's remade. That game made me see red and want to murder someone.

    I know I can overcome virtually any obstacle I face in life, having managed to recruit Xavier twice. A lot of Thracia's difficulty is really artificial and onerous, rather than meaningfully engaging the player, unfortunately.

    I think a Thracia remake also seems out of place without a corresponding FE4 remake, though FE4 has a few less issues than Thracia. Maybe that's just me holding out hope that all the fantastic mugwork for FE4A eventually finds a home.

    FE2 just leaves you a lot of options. (Although as Kon brought up, I would absolutely be behind FE1, as that story deserves a better presentation.)

  10. The only thing about FE2 is that I don't know if I'm qualified to remake a game I haven't played (and really have no interest in playing because it's so outdated).

    It would likely be an unpleasant experience to play through FE2 at this point.

    I would honestly approach and view it more as designing an entirely new game based loosely off the original. There's so much blank canvas in terms of character development and overall design that any work on it would represent a tremendously significant expansion of what previously existed.

  11. Voted for FE6, even though a modernized Thracia has a great deal of appeal. FE6 seems to sit comfortably at the juncture of 'relative ease of approach' and 'in need of polish'.

    Incidentally - Is there a full dump of the Japanese script floating around anywhere accessible?

  12. EoS wallops eos (pun unintended), but for me Nightingale is where it's at. Those faggoty songs make me cry sometimes; excellent stuff.

    Been a while since I heard Pan.thy.Monium and I barely remember what that sounded like; better do some research. I also realise to my dismay that I've never heard Unicorn.

    iirc Dan released a new album like a year or two ago (prog-metal with conceptual lyrics?), it was okay but forgettable imho.

    edit: yeah Dan's really into old (and not so old) prog. iirc Marillion is his favourite band. Never got into them myself though, aside from specific tracks that I like coming back to every once in a while.

    That album was Witherscape. it's not bad, just not up to Nightingale's level I'd argue.

    I wish he'd release Second Sky, which is supposedly elements of Nightingale and Unicorn brought together in one band. Sadly it's been almost nine years and there;s been little to show for it.

  13. An album from my childhood; I almost forgot how good this is. Overall, Dan is phenomenal and it's ridiculous what intricate compositions one man could come up with for the lyrical subjects of love drama and sadness, cyborgs, Egyptian mythology and douchebag atheism. Oh, and how could I forget procreation in times of apocalypse? Dan is the man.

    Everything Dan Swano touches is gold. From this -


    to this (His first band, circa age 17)

    (Unicorn was more Progressive rock than anything - That's where Dan's true influences and love lie.
  14. jmEM32s.png

    Fear the LU BU!!!

    Will probably work on it more, because it still looks like Ephraim too much.

    Do not pursue Lu Bu!

    You should bulk him up a bit. Make him look suitably massive and intimidating. (Fighter-ish build?)

  15. Chapter 5 (I believe it is 5, I'm at a different PC at the moment - Melanie's chapter) could really use a Torch somewhere on the map, perhaps in one of the houses, for both gameplay and logistical reasons. In the case of the latter, think the following - It's a relatively inhabited village, presumably with light sources available to deal with individuals moving around after dusk. Grabbing a lantern or a torch in a situation like this seems only logical.

    From the gameplay side of things, the chapter is a bit of a slog. Enemies are constantly running out of the darkness at you and you're basically forced into turtling up by the shop and killing wave after wave of enemies. It's also very easy to create a situation where Iivari suicides herself, or where Melanie dies to a random archer that bursts out of nowhere. FoW should be challenging, yes, but there should be counterplay and there should be a measure of tactics involved apart from forcing oneself into turtling.

  16. If you can't be bothered to care how the community feels, I don't understand why you bother interacting with it, or you bother reviewing hacks. You could just quietly sit and work on a project and not distract yourself by engaging with a community you principally interact with through snark and derision. I'm saying this without rancor - If you don't care about the community, you don't care about proving yourself, why not just go into a creative void and work? How much could you have gotten done in the time you invested in the above post?

    While I do agree that the majority of Fire Emblem hacks suffer from large maps and pacing issues, I think your invective is a bit scathing and dismissive, and you continue to, whether by accident or design, paint yourself as being a cut above others investing in the same hobby you do (others whom you again, 'do not know' and do not care for, and whom you no longer have a desire to influence). At this point I really think your agenda might be better served by just divorcing yourself from the social side of things and working on a project, if that's what you enjoy. Howver, this contradicts with the fact that you have a Youtube channel and do LP Reviews - You clearly do want some form of attention given to the things you do.

    I don't know what to tell you, to be frank. I guess you can continually direct effort toward defending yourself and deriding others, but all I know is that if it's your product and your process you care about, you should go embrace those and stop worrying about the community. You're wasting your time elsewise.

  17. lol, alright so I finished the fighting part of the chapter for chapter 3, and I can't decide whether I want to keep going or start refining what I have. I'm kind of jumping between both, which idk if its the best thing to do. I kind of want the first patch to be as big as a home run as possible. So I might release a patch for some betatesting for a few people in a week or two. Anyone willing to give it a whirl by then?

    I'd be up for it. Do we get to see birdmen in the first patch? ;)

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