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Posts posted by CassieCinders

  1. I don't know how the situation is. I'm sharing Sylvia with Enjo, but he hasn't been here in so long afaik, and even then, I don't think he cares about claims anymore.

    I don't remember if he shared her with anyone else, so I don't know how much of a claim I have on her.

    That said, I give whatever claim I have on FE4's Sylvia to Jprebs.

    I still pop up from time to time ;)

  2. I still remember your troubles before that, though

    So do I. But after rationalizing, experimenting and working everything out, I came to a very clear and undeniable conclusion that I've been trying to deny for years. So yeah, openly gay since a year now.

  3. I see I wasn't too far from the truth, then

    Well, I don't think I surprised anyone when I outed myself as a proud gay man, so yeah

    Well she's back to the living. Also fun fact, she disappeared before I started the folder.

    Ninji is forever grumpy. Sara seems fine.


    Wow. Just wow. Sounds correct in my memory


    Returning isn't exactly the word I was used. I was told to post.

    But hey, I guess that counts.


    I just couldn't help it.

  4. Even Ninji. And Sara. Sara.

    But it's dead during the day in our timezone now.

    Wuuuuuut! Sara was dead hasn't appeared since my first weeks of posting here.

    How are they?

    The worst is already gone, then?

    Somehow I was expecting something like "oh, and I went through a sex change op too"

    Basically, yeah. Doing fiiiii-hiiiiiine-!

    Well, could've been. But no. Just no. I became gay to compensate the need, though.

  5. Oh, already? Good to kn-



    Yeah indeed.

    Some things never change. Just ignore that.


    Everyday is active now.

    Awesome. Saddening :-(

    Waitwha-? That hasn't happened in...long.

  6. Hey Enjo

    How are things


    Just fine I guess. School = pressure at this moment. Though my eye's been entirely healed at last! Now if my chin and my teeth would follow, I'd be a very happy (wo)man.

    Also, how lovely that you still remember me if someone mentions singing.

    Curiosity: dead fridays still dead as always?

  7. I feel like a pop up. I'm just appearing, and I have to click myself away again!

    Thank you for reading this pointless nonsense.

    Also, the folder still brings back such good memories...I wish I could relive those sometimes..

  8. Don't be silly

    Of course we're talking to you

    Oh, right. That was me being captain Obvious..


    How is recovery going, etc

    Hey! Quite okay...can close my eye nowadays, though it still moves on its own. Only my chin's still a bit paralyzed (or more like numb, since I can move it perfectly, but there's no felling in the damn thing).

    How's tihngs aorund here?

  9. Wow, that sounds like quite an experience. Good to know you made it out in one piece, Enjo.

    Kind of interested to ask, but has your view on life changed or anything something so drastic?

    Well, basically that life's too short and it can be over fast. So I'm trying to enjoy my life to the fullest now and take risks I wouldn't take in the past. But that's about it :p

    Hope you recover well, Enjo.


    From what you described, I presumed it was some serious shit indeed

    Good to see you aren't having silly thoughts about suicide and whatnot anymore

    I suppose what matters is that you're still alive (and not quite disabled)

    I don't know if I would be here if I were still unemployed after six years, man

    I don't think I'd have the mental fortitude to stand it

    Due to... good weather?

    Hahaha, no those days are over for good. I'm living my life to the fullest, and I've no reason to step out of it anymore ;) The doctor told me that he was quite surprised that I awoke that fast (I was in a coma for one day). I guess I didn't want to die just yet

    I understand. Having a job is nice. If only for the money.

    Yes, good weather. When it's good weather people go to the beach, since I live in the vicnity of the belgian coastline, and then they eat something there, and they don't visit us since we're a restaurant in a mall and people only og here when it's raining and htey want osme indoor shopping. And since I've seen one day of rain the pastm onth, I barely saw any lcients.

  10. Well damn

    What no

    That pathetic job finding phase was done two years ago, thankfully

    It's just that the database is pretty much always down, so I pretty much don't have how to do my freaking job most of the time

    Well, I'm okay now^^

    Oh, damn okay xD

    Well I can understand that sucks. I work in a restaurant and due to good weather we barely have any clients. So I don't really have anything to do at my job :/ and that sucks

  11. Ouch. No permanent damage, I hope...?

    Benn trying to work for a few weeks, IT team won't let me

    Well, the paralyzed eye will stay for about 2 years but it will heal overtime, (and I can still see through it, it just doesn't operate the way it should be operating) the rest all healed. They had to do some surgery on my jaw though but that recovered quite well by now.

    As in they're not hiring you? Damn :/ Good luck dude! I hope you find a job real fast

  12. Well just in case then, hope you enjoyed the minigames and good luck with your exams.

    Yeah, I did. They brought back memories. Though I've already said farewell to this place a long time ago, I like to come back sometimes, and this time I really had a good laugh, so thank you for that :newyears:

    Goodbye, sleepwell, farewell, adieu, and all that goes with it~:3

    EDIT: God, I'm sentimental. I should really stop that sometimes.

  13. It's okay. He actually enjoys it.


    Haha, that figures as well, I guess.

    Maybe I should flee to bed... I have 9 hours of Pedagogical Sciences to cope with tomorrow before I get to celebrate new year's eve....5 more minutes perhaps...

  14. Yes. Freohr is pretty good at winning it too.

    Musashi's scenario, on the other hand...

    Oh, wow. I never get more than 2 lychees in a row :<. Yeah I figured 'bout Musashi...haha, poor guy.

    Also, Roxas. There is only homework. There can never be another.

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