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Posts posted by Bloo

  1. I realise that this is something that has been done countless times before, but whatever.

    As I have no capacity for drawing, my only real outlet to contribute to the fandom is through writing.

    This story, along with being just some fun for me, is an exercise in narrative and tense, hence the second person, present tense storytelling.

    Feedback thread is now up, so leave comments there.

    Please do leave criticisms both in that thread and in the form of reviews on ff.net if you wish. Also, if you wish to simply ask questions, or even contribute to the story (as it's still very much only in planning) then feel free to send a message.


    Chapter Listings

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

  2. 1 Morgan

    2 Virion 2 Stahl

    4 Lissa 4 Donnel

    6 Sumia 6 Kellam

    8 Gaius

    9 Maribelle

    10 Cynthia

    11 Noire

    12 Lucina 12 Owain

    14 Inigo 14 Brady 14 Kjelle

    17 Vaike

    18 Libra

    19 Anna 19 Olivia

    21 Severa

    22 Cherche

    23 Gerome

    24 Yen'fey

    25 Panne

    25 Nah

    27 Chrom

    28 Lon'qu

    29 Yarne

    30 Basilio

    31 Say'ri

    32 Flavia

    33 Cordelia

    34 Gregor

    35 Walhart

    35 Priam

    37 Henry

    38 Sully

    39 Frederick

    40 Emmeryn 40 Gangrel 40 Aversa

    43 Nowi 43 Tharja 43 Tiki

    46 Ricken

    47 Miriel

    48 Laurent

    Seems about right, but Gregor seems a bit low.

  3. Edit: If you're using Panne, get her to level 15 before you reclass! Beastbane is a saving grace during the Valm arc. Nowi still prefers Assassin Gaius for the extra speed bonus to avoid getting doubled.

    Beastbane only activates when Panne is in the Taguel class, so it's irrelevant once you reclass to Wyvern.

  4. So just started up my lunatic run again having started multiple but I never like my pairings and end up restarting. So I guess my question is what are some of your guy's favorite pairings?

    Chrom x Sully

    Lon'qu!Laurent is always good.

    Henry!Gerome is nice (only AF Gerome with access to a decent +Hit skill)

    And as aforementioned, Chrom x Sumia is top drawer.

  5. I kind of like the idea that Kamui is some sort of noble obligated to fight for one of the sides in the East/West war, potentially one with dubious morals, and the player can make a decision as to whether they remain loyal their lord/king whatnot, or switch to fight for the 'good' side, but lose their honour and loyalty in the progress.

  6. The thing that intrigued me most from the trailer was the stone giant (golem?) from the part at the beginning. Looked hella cool.

    Also, can it be safely assumed that the part leading to the painting is similar to the intro screen in FE:A, as that was used for the original Japanese trailer for Awakening (I think).

    I just want golems.

  7. The only RNG you can't perfectly determine from the battle privew screen is whether the enemy will actually crit or not.

    And if they do, with probably less than 15% chance to crit, the only time you need Miracle to activate has the same chance of happening as Miracle failing when it does happen.

  8. Kind of planned team for Apo.

    +Str -Def MaMU Berserker (AF/Hit+20/Agg/LB/?)


    Lon'qu!Severa Wyvern Lord (LF/Vengeance/GF/LB/?)

    This reaches 75 Speed with Severa leading?


    Maribelle!Lucina Sage (GF/TF/DStr+/LB/Luna)


    Ricken!Laurent Sage (TF/Agg/LB/?/?)


    Chrom!Brady Sage (TF/GF/Agg/Luna/LB)


    Gaius!Noire Dark Flier (GF/Luna/LB/?/?)


    Libra!Owain Sage (TF/GF/Agg/LB/Vengeance?)


    Henry!Cynthia Dark Flier or Sage? (GF/TF/LB/Luna/Anathema?)


    Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan Wyvern Lord? (LF/GF/LB/Luna?/?)


    Virion!Yarne Berserker (AF/Hit+20/LB/Agg/?)


    Frederick!Inigo Assassin (SF/Agg/Luna/GF/LB)


    Vaike!Nah Hero (AF/LB/?/?/?)


    Donnel!Kjelle Hero (SF/Luna/LB/GF/?)


    Stahl!Gerome Warrior (BF/Agg/LB/Hit+20?/?)


    The formatting will be horrible and for this I apologise because 3DS internet browser is abysmal.

    The question marks are what I'm unsure on.

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