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Posts posted by Bloo

  1. So if supported by Bowfaire Warrior Stahl!Gerome, would Wyvern Lord or Hero be more beneficent?

    Predicted final classes for kids: (decided to switch up some pairs)

    Maribelle!Morgan Sorceror supported by Ricken!Inigo Sage.

    Gregor!Laurent Sorceror supported by Sumia!Lucina Dark Flier.

    Avatar!Brady Sorceror supported by Donnel!Noire Dark Flier.

    Vaike!Kjelle General supported by Gaius!Yarne Berserker? Not sure.

    Frederick!Nah Manakete supported by someone!Owain unknown final class.

    Lon'qu!Severa unknown supported by Stahl!Gerome Warrior.

    Cynthia staffbot. I'm a big fan of Nah and Manaketes, so I would rather have Cynthia benched. However with Owain supporting I have no idea what to do with him with the possible fathers I have left.

  2. Doing Gregor!Brady for AT optimization is fine, but it that's important than consider putting Vaike on a different female so his AT isn't wasted.

    The only females that benefit from Vaike's AT are Kjelle, Nah and Noire. Kjelle already has Donnel, Nah uses DS+ which don't really need AT, and Noire with Vaike doesn't get Vantage to become an excellent sorceror.

    The whole thing with Kellam!Owain is me perhaps putting too much want on DG+. Is it really that good?

  3. post-10637-0-56203300-1402605405_thumb.png

    Does this look reasonable enough for attempting things like Apotheosis? Cynthia is probably gonna be a staffbot. I could probably provide an explanation for why I chose my pairings if called upon, but if there are any glaring weaknesses then could someone point them out please? Thanks.

    MaMU is +Mag -Str

  4. Minmaxing on Lunatic+ is very difficult because pulling an optimal Avatar (usually -Def) through the earlygame is a nightmare. If you want to make your main file be Lunatic+/Cla, prepare for pain early on.

    I gave up on minmaxing to the degree of changing my asset/flaw to match. I'm literally just struggling to get past chapters 2-4, so once that is done I can grind to a degree where Lunatic+ isn't RNG based but instead just relies on thinking. Hopefully.

  5. So I'm about to start lunatic with a goal of good post-game pairings (picked up apotheosis and such) and after skimming 20 pages as well as searching some I've got a decent idea. Although one thing I really need (that's a bit off topic but important in the grand scheme as well as to just get started) is MU gender and asset/flaw. I understand MaMU pairs with lucina? For the V/V combo and lucinas DS in order to get 100% DS with multi hit weapons, although I'm not sure on other skills/classes for Mu/Lucina aside from that.

    Anyway, this draft is what I've come up with from lurking

    MaMU x Lucina (is FeMU a good option, or is MaMU better?)

    Chrom x Sumia/Maribelle/Olivia (? Not sure which)

    Lissa x Ricken/Libra

    Sully x Donnel (Anything specific they want to pass on? What role for the kid?)

    Miriel x Lon'qu/Gregor/Stahl (I understand Laurent makes a great V/V?)

    Sumia x Chrom/Henry

    Maribelle x Chrom/Lon'qu/Libra/anyone without negative Mag

    Panne x Frederick/anyone without negative Str (I understand he ends as berserker support?)

    Cordelia x Lon'qu/Stahl/Ricken/Virion

    Nowi x Virion/Vaike/Henry

    Tharja x Gaius

    Olivia x Chrom/Stahl/Ricken/Libra

    Cherche x Vaike/Gregor/Henry

    The plan would be to consolidate who pairs with who as to save time, eventually with what skills get passed, who the kids get paired up with and what they endclass as and skill setup.

    The list is basically what czar_yoshi put in a slightly older pairing thread I found (sure am glad we have a single one now) since lurking for good post-game setup appears to be what he listed. I'm still a little fuzzy on acronyms sometimes, had to think a bit to realize what v/v meant for starters, and some of the calculations and shorthand on threads talking about speed clearing apo I think had me confused, but that's a bit off-topic, although it is in general what I plan to build my team around in lunatic.

    I'm sorry if it seems ranty or long it's 1 am

    also first post pls no bully




    Sully/Donnel (pass on Aegis and Armsthrift/Aptitude, make Kjelle a General.)









    All these pairings are fairly popular and effective. Probably the most unorthodox is Vaike/Noire, but it's essentially Laurent with Luna and DG+.

    That's generally what I like to go with if doing MaMU/Lucina. I do prefer two good Morgans instead of one amazing one though, and if you want to, pair MaMU with Maribelle to get two excellent Sorcerors. If this is only Lunatic and not Lunatic+, asset and flaw don't really matter for the first few chapters because you can do Frederick Emblem and then grind later, so I would go +Mag -Def to maximise Vengance power.

  6. Is it really cheating if you tip the odds to beat a mode that's already unfair? I say no. You can even do this on Classic, just throw away some useless unit in Ch. 2 like Stahl or Sully.

    I'm a fan of the 'no man left behind' mode. Also because this will likely be my final serious playthrough, I was going to max out absolutely everyone and attempt Apotheosis for lulz.

  7. Am I allowed to count myself a member of the elite Lunatic+ club if I cheat and play Semi-Casual? (Suicide people in chapter 2 to make my life easier, and once past the stupidly RNG based chapters treat it like Classic, resetting if someone dies.)

    Oh and this would definitely be grinding. I'm not masochistic enough to do no-grind.

  8. Name: Cael
    Gender: Male
    Parent: Stahl
    Default Class: Cavalier

    Starting Items: Steel Sword, Vulnerary
    Reclass Options: Archer, Myrmidon, Mother's Classes

    Summary: Feeling rather disheartened by his so-called 'averageness' he inherited from his father, Cael feels like he doesn't contribute anything to the group, and occupied the 'spare seat' on Lucina's journey to the past. He struggles with depression, and however hard he trains, he finds himself unable to excel in any attribute. He views his fresh chance in the past as an opportunity to train himself, and holds a rather shocking lack of respect for his enemies.


    Stahl's son from the future. A depressed individual, he struggles with his own shortcomings, and blames himself for his parents' deaths. The biggest brooder. Born on March 22nd.


    Stahl: He blames his father for his lack of martial prowess, and tries (and fails) to ignore him. However, Stahl reminds him that being a Jack of all trades is an attribute in itself, meaning that he can plug any gap in the army if needs be.

    Mother: Cael at first attempts to avoid his mother, hinting to her that it would dredge up bad memories. His mother eventually drags the truth out him, that Cael's mother died in the future rescuing him, and he blames himself for it. His mother reassures him that she wont be leaving him again, and that the future version of her would not resent him for what had happened.

    Every Female Child




    Avatar (M) and Avatar (F)

    Critical/Skill Activation:

    "Get out of my way."


    "You've forced my hand."

    "You're pathetic."

    I may come back and update this later with quotes and things, and possibly find a picture (I'm no good with art.)

  9. Except it loses all meaning once you realize she's actually a Selena clone, thus nothing but her "they think a woman's garrison is weaker" line is original.

    That's actually a good point, which disappoints me slightly. I didn't pick up on it because I haven't got around to finding a copy of Sacred Stones to play yet.

  10. Pheros is quite the interesting boss for me. Ex-priestess of Naga, took a pilgrimage to hear Emmeryn, and yet gave it up serve someone she believed could unite the world in peace. Her morals are good, and while her perspective of Walhart may have been slightly skewed, her lines when she fights Chrom are nice.

    Also Morristan, the boss from Gerome's paralogue. One of the funniest lines in the game, along with a callousness to killing the inhabitants of the valley to prevent word from spreading.


    I've done it with the Mag Asset and Luck Flaw.

    It's a pain in the ass, yes. But Def asset isn't required.


    It's actually a combination of your Youtube guide and Interceptor's I'm working off to get me past these chapters.

    And the no Def asset won't affect me past Chap 4 because grinding, and I thought that the 1 or 2 difference in stats wouldn't matter. Oh, how wrong I am. Especially as the Str flaw gives a -1 Def modifier. :c

  12. So I'm playing Lunatic+. I scraped my way through both the Prologue and Chapter 1, but now I've got a problem. Chapter 2.

    Being rather stupid, and going 'zomg asset and flaw to maximise Morgan' I chose a Magic asset and Strength flaw. Also, by barely surviving the first two levels, Frederick stole some EXP from my avatar, who isn't as stupidly overlevelled as some guides I've been looking at suggest your avatar should be.

    Even if none of the enemies in the bottom half of Chapter 2 have Luna, neither Frederick (who has more defence then my avatar) or the avatar can take more than two or three hits. Outside of praying for DGs and DSs, is there any possible way I can beat this chapter as I am, or am I gonna have to restart and pick a better asset and flaw for the pre-DLC access chapters?

    MaMU: Lvl 7.93, 7 Str, 12 Mag, 9 Skl, 11 Spd, 8 Lck, 7 Def, 6 Res.

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