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Everything posted by steroidz

  1. Thanks for the quick replies guys. Is it a FE8 Mage Knight that uses Anima & Staves and rides a horse, or one that uses magic and swords/lances?
  2. Thanks for the quick response. Last question (as of now), when do you recruit the characters in your banner (I know Renair and Garath in the Prologue).
  3. Thanks. Gotta go Mage route out of respect for the female soldier (More out of respect for Nephenee <3). And in this game, is it more recommended to use a lot of units, or to solely focus on a small amount (like 6-8 instead of 10-13)?
  4. I decided I'm going to restart this tonight, since my semester's over now. I saw that there are route splits, is there anything important I should know about the splits before I make a decision on them (character recruitment, difficulty, items, etc)?
  5. If I were you I'd try to find a pre-patched version
  6. http://imgur.com/9UaekYz Except his defense... I have the best Andre so far
  7. If I'm reading this correctly, this means that the next release will be 45 chapters? Or is that the total for the hack when it's completed. Also, the spreadsheet in the first post that is supposed to show the character's growth rates isn't coming up.
  8. Haha i was gonna say, most hackers should have at least an idea of how long it will be :) And I know rule #1 is to never ask when the next patch is ready, as it always seems to infuriate hackers (with due reason, or course).
  9. I don't know if this has been brought up yet (I haven't read through every post) but are you working on Shiori and Fa's path simultaneously, or doing one and then the other? I'd recommend doing one before the other, that way you can release an update sooner. Also, how long is the game going to be when it's finished?
  10. I haven't finished yet, but I am loving it so far! Great job! With Cattleya, I'd recommend giving her at least 2 points of speed, and one of con. Also, I believe that Menmus would benefit from a slight speed boost. 5 is really pitiful to start.
  11. Thanks for the advice. I just bought a different emulator and it works (unfortunately it was 3.75 when I already paid 4 for the first one... grr)!
  12. Hey, I recently tried playing the English Patched version of this game on my Galaxy Tab 3.0, and as soon as I get to the first map, the main character starts off in the upper left hand corner (not even on a square) and is unmovable. He's also the only character on the map. I tried playing the same file on PSX 1.13 on my computer, and it works fine. Has anyone else encountered this problem or think of a possible solution?
  13. YES THANK YOU! sorry i haven't had the chance to look through the whole topic, so I'm a bit unfamiliar with all the units you've made so far. Awesome to hear though.
  14. I don't particularly have an opinion on the trainees either way. One thing I would recommend is having a shaman/dark magic user available fairly early. In all the GBA games they come underlevelled and it's a pain getting them up to par. And they're probably my favorite class too :)
  15. THis hack looks awesome, can't wait for the patch!
  16. I don't know if this is a bug or not, as I just downloaded this earlier today (and am playing for the first time), but for some reason Nini in Eliwood's tale can't use Nini's Grace on Eliwood. Not sure if this was intentional or not. EDIT: apparently it's working now >_> When it wasn't working it was on the left corridor, I'll replay it and let you know if that happens again.
  17. For some reason the RNG in this one realllllllllly hates me. My peggy knight always gets hit with 30ish% and my Chester got hit by two brigands with an 11% chance and died... >_>
  18. Wow that's awesome. ALso, is it safe to assume that the 5 characters in your banner are the main characters? So far all I have is Renair and Garath (from the banner), I'm only on chapter 2.
  19. Last question for the night, if I start the game now, my Save file will be compatible with future releases, correct?
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