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Posts posted by Koneko

  1. 6 // If you could commit one crime and have a "get out of jail" card, what crime would you commit and why would you commit that one?
    7 // Recommend a playlist (so about 10 songs) of songs that represent your music taste!
    8 // How would you define "home"?
    9 // What bit of trivia do you know that is very interesting but also very useless?
    10 // What’s the weirdest text or email you ever received?

  2. 1 // First / current impressions!
    2 // What are your top five films of all time and what made those five stand out from the rest?
    3 // What are your favorite commanders to play in edh?
    4 // What were some of your favorite memories from the LEGENDARY texas roadhouse meetup?
    5 // Rank the eeveelutions from best to worst.

  3. it's not lies or slander, it's the truth

    6 // What would be your idea of a perfect date? :GWossuPikauwu: 

    7 // What is on your bucket list, if you have one? If not, what would you want to do before you die?

    8 // If you had a heads up display (the thingy that shows on top of rpgs) that showed three stats about any person you looked at, what three stats would you want it to show?

    9 // If you wouldn't mind, could you make a small list of music you usually listen to? I'm curious what music you listen to!

    10 // If you lived in a virtual reality world of your own creation, what would it look like?

  4. omg hi claire this is kitty congrats on your win I'm so happy for you (also ilu)

    1 // why are you so cute and lovable????

    2 // what are your first / current impressions of me?

    3 // rank your top 5 champs to play in league of legends!

    4 // if I were a dr character who would I be and why would it be that person?

    5 // what is your fondest childhood memory?

  5. 1 //  What would you consider to be your strengths? What about weaknesses?
    2 // If you had a heads up display that showed three stats about any person you looked at, what three stats would you want it to show?
    3 // Rank your top five touhou and explain why they're your favorites!
    4 // What is your fondest childhood memory?
    5 // If you could live in the universe of any novel, tv show, or film, what would it be and why?

  6. 27 // What is something you wished people knew about you but didn’t?

    28 // How long does it take for you to trust in someone usually?

    29 // If you could live in the universe of any novel, tv show, or film, what would it be and why?

    30 // Are there certain songs you listen to based on your mood? If so, what songs do you tend to listen to depending on those moods?

  7. Thanks for helping my sister, she won the swag off thanks to you bless

    22 // If you had to cook a full course meal for someone, what would be your specialty go-to dishes to make?

    23 // What bit of trivia do you know that is very interesting but also very useless?

    24 // What’s a common experience for many people that you’ve never experienced?

    25 // What was the most memorable gift you've ever received?

    26 // If you had a get out jail free card, what crime would you want to commit for the experience?

  8. 16 // Who were your role models when growing up and how did they make an impact on your life?

    17 // Congrats you got a genie! What three wishes you would ask for and why would it be those three questions?

    18 // What are your top three board games and why?

    19 // What is your favorite film of all time and what makes it stand out from the rest?

    20 // If you lived in a virtual reality world of your own creation, what would it look like?

  9. 11 // Would you mind recommending some of your favorite artists / songs overall? You have a unique music taste I like but I'm not sure where to start so any recommendations would be great :relieved:

    12 // What’s the weirdest text or email you ever received?

    13 // What would you define as “home”?

    14 // If you had to lose one of your five senses, what would it be and why?

    15 // What is something you’re embarrassingly bad at?

  10. 6 // If you had a heads up display that showed three stats about any person you looked at, what three stats would you want it to show?

    7 // Fondest childhood memory?

    8 // What types of voices do you like listening to?

    9 // What would you consider to be your biggest strengths? Your biggest weaknesses? 

    10 // What are your favorite male and female names respectively (list top 3 for each probably)?

  11. 21 // How did you get into the Kagerou Project series? Which character design do you like most out of all the characters?

    22 // Thoughts on the new song?

    23 // Are there particular osts from a film or show that stood out to you? What were they and what made you attracted to them?

    24 // If Friendship Inc. all decided to meet up in real life, how would that play out?

    25 // Create a meme dream league team with the current LCS players!

    26 // Thoughts on the fact Maka would want to be called by their first nickname in this pic?

    27 // As a pokemon trainer in general, what would your team consist of (include moves/items if you want \o /)?

    28 // Are there certain dishes that you like to cook the most? If you don't cook, what dish would you want to learn the most?

    29 // Favourite colour palette?

    30 // Each petal of a four leaf clover represents faith, hope, love, and luck. Which would represent each of the milk tea friends (Iris, Kim, Kitty, Sylv) and why?

  12. 11 // What philosophy do you tend to live by?

    12 // If you were the leader of a pokemon gym, what type would it be and what pokemon would be on that team (list 4)?

    13 // If you had a heads up display that showed three stats about any person you looked at, what three stats would you want it to show?

    14 // If you were forced to change your name, what would you want to change it to?

    15 // What are you most thankful in life?

    16 // What was your fondest childhood memory?

    17 // Most embarrassing memory from childhood?

    18 // What's the weirdest name you ever heard someone having?

    19 // What are your favorite league skins and/or skin series?

    20 // Favorite type of tea? (also you're great for being a fellow tea lover thanks sb)

  13. 6 // Rank your top NA + EU LCS teams and why you want them to win!

    7 // Write a short paragraph anonymously appreciating someone in Friendship Inc.

    8 // What were your top childhood shows growing up? - sister cause she wants to know for suspicious actvitiy

    9 // If everyone in Friendship Inc. had to live the lie of being ___ from ____ class, who would be from which class and why?

    10 // What were your favorite disney films (including pixar) and why were it those films?

  14. hi sb, questions later on will be from my siblings later on probably so uh I'll give you a headsup :GWrainTohruStronk: 

    1 // first / current impression of me?

    2 // first / current impression of the nickname steven from stats class?

    3 // who are your best champions for each lane in league of legends?

    4 // if you had to marry someone in stardew valley, who would it be and why?

    5 // what are you majoring in uni and what career do you plan to do after you finish?

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