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Everything posted by Koneko

  1. "but I thought she was one" - helen
  2. the fact they're an actual kpop group makes me cry also they have a good album imo
  3. when my dad asks me that I just redirect it to that song from a long time ago with the lyrics being majority arigatou gozaimasu
  4. it looks like he would take up the whole bed though
  5. I feel like they'll pull the whole trick where he's actually beautiful after taking off the suit and then uses his other alias and then you're just here faking a furry persona
  6. shit I would name my character meowio for that marriage
  7. I got 8 hrs but I slept at 3am so uh rip school
  8. FUCK NO WONDER I LIKE HIM imo live action movie in korea star him please
  9. imo get ronnie one piece and shove it in your face inside the book in sharpie: joshua from seventeen likes this
  10. wow this is literally the best year for them to make puns off their name
  11. didn't you say he was into one piece
  12. "he got you into this hell and I'm your daily reminder" ~ soul probably
  13. at least her eyes are not soul's eyes
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