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Everything posted by Koneko

  1. imagine the pen being actually something you can write but instead of ink it's just liquid chocolate chocolate within chocolate sounds so good rn
  2. YES that then again one of the meals has bulgogi and they put it in parentheses rip
  3. oh here it is though it doesn't show much of it
  4. their menu is great tell the gang I said hi
  5. I'll camp in your backyard mei and/or lux
  6. I hope you guys are okay cause it is dumb america is dragging everyone into hell cause of how they think they can fix corruption with more corruption
  7. that sounds like too much stress in 5 mins I would've screamed externally and internally in your position well rip captain canada I guess we are all screwed today make this day known as america's biggest f-up tbh
  8. I felt that so hard in my geometry class freshman year when she posted all the grades last min and that was just screams all around tbh I might just move to asia at this rate
  9. wow gj teach he's gonna be stressed when grades are due for the semester also that feel when you want to sleep but the election has got you like ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
  10. as long it didn't kill your grade in that class it should be okie though thank you lots I appreciate it friend I need all the luck I can get at this rate
  11. I appreciate it nonetheless @kpop names
  12. it got me out of my morning funk also I heard they're making another ben 10 season so that'll be SOMETHING
  13. sorry for the late reply I was screaming for an hr THAT'S GREAT
  14. > young justice 3 no way you're kidding me
  15. <w< oh yeyy you finished your exams gj friend v proud of you I am doing alright, kind of AHH about school but it should be fine hopefully
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