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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Mentioned Erica's adorable little sister daughter. I just noted it, I do not have a problem either.
  2. Is it handled like in Fates that the prologue gives the player the chance to learn to know all parties? BTW I added another question regarding gender of the avatar.
  3. Despite skepticism I grabbed this Fire Emblem Three Houses after all. This will become a blind run. Blind means blind. I have like zero preknowledge about this game. I know the Three Houses and who their leader is, but this is basically it. I never ever visited the Three Houses section because I did not expect to purchase this game. But since people praised it without spoilering any story and gameplay details and compared it to games I really like, I give this game a chance. Since as said before that I have no knowledge about the Houses and characters, you can decide which House I shall support and whom to marry - if pairing exists what I am assuming it does. I also warn in advance that I am out of practice regarding Fire Emblem, so you might see the one or other move by myself. Since I am bad and out of practice in Fire Emblem I think it is a fair compromise. Also to make this run a bit challenging at least, fallen units will stay dead. I will not reset for any death unless it is connected with a Game Over. So be prepared for a massacre and low-units-run. Nah, I will do my best to not let it happen (all that often). Introduction cutscene A big fight between at least two armies is going on with these guys as their leader: Man attacks the woman....... and this is how it ends: Probably not only for the started fight by him, but we will see later hopefully. Anyways it starts really dark and violent, so (hopefully) a darker FE game? ........ This girl is shown up (looks like a manakete). It looked like to me as if she dreamed the cutscene. Anyways She talks to me (the avatar) and then the avatar selection is coming up. It is up to vote for their gender, this will be continued in the next part.
  4. These two in one and the same game!? Damn, then I MUST get it NOW.
  5. Banned for coming up with "icecold" thoughts at high summertime.
  6. Will know it is the fault by Nihon Falcom. Wow...Altina and Haru have the same voice actor!? That means she is voiceacting lolies.
  7. That would be the ideal conditions for me to live there. Too bad it is totally isolated outside of the town itself.
  8. It is winter in Australia right now, so of course. I was referring to summer.
  9. Will know I did not get said game because I have other games to finish first and I am not interested in Fire Emblem in general right now. Edit: I might get it once it is on sale. I do not pay the full price for games anymore I am not 100% convinced of they will meet my expectations.
  10. Avatar is from mentioned game (I am assuming).
  11. Banner for being in Christmas mood for an entire year.
  12. No User below owns any kind of figure of a videogame character.
  13. It is just question of a few years till summers will reach the temperature area of Alice Springs.
  14. Decent nostalgic sounding theme 7 Reminds me that I have to come back to this game just to unlock best character. Trails in the Sky 3rd - Cradle Where Feelings Rest
  15. Actually I forgot how to sleep. I could not the past two days and I am unable again because first there was some music from a funfair and now it has been thundered for more than two hours without one single raindrop. The free week should recover some strength for work, but it caused the exact opposite. I am feeling exhausted, dirty and burnt out. I like summer weather, but not if it causes physiological and psychological pain.
  16. Read my mind....... because I did not even try.
  17. I had enough cold showers in the pool today. Actually very few raindrops are falling atm, but million miles away from a thunderstorm and a cool down. Also this heat kills my mood of eating.
  18. After seeing the latest forecasts it really does not look very good regarding rain. There is a severe thunderstorm going on about 150 km south of location. Please come north! I am pretty much caught in a cage right now. Cannot do anything aside of lying in the bed and watching stuff. Even for playing I am feeling too weak atm.
  19. USA and Australia have lots of cities imported from the UK. For the west there is an increased chance, but not each will be affected. At least it will become about ten degrees cooler which is the most wanted thing going to happen. I came back from the outdoor pool and being home truly feels like hell.
  20. I haaaaaate sleepless nights so much. Also my hometown was fifth warmest place - lol And today same shit all over again. I really hope tomorrow will be cooler with rain as forecasted. But even then it will take days till my room has becomes cooler so cool at least (talking about 25 °C) that there is a slightly chance to get a bit sleep.
  21. Lives in a US state I could not get used to the climate conditions.
  22. Yeah, 42.6 °C was highest. Still this extreme kind of heatwave is very unusual. Longer drought phases became more common, yes, but that kind of intense temperature was absolutely not expectable. The all time highest temperature record was beaten by 2°C (!!!). Yeah, that is the case for me. I also cannot drink ice cold drinks.
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