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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Only Persona 5 tbh since I have to complete some games I own for a longer time. Tales of Berseria would count if I could get a favorable PS3 import. same question
  2. ^ I guess Genis. Haven't played Symphonia much yet. Interested in any other parts?
  3. Oh yeah, my bad! Indeed it's called Nyx Avatar, so it's genderless. But originally Nyx is female, so it's wrong when I give her male pronouns. source
  4. In each chapter aside of the very first of the first and second generation you can use the arena once for each unit who can fight. Each arena has seven opponents.
  5. ^ Thank you for posting my favorite videogame theme. Nyx is easy btw if you're not totally underleveled. I could beat her so fast in my first attempt that she couldn't even use night queen against me. I always forget that Persona Nyx is female. Dang!
  6. Edit: A theme from the Tales of series you really like?
  7. I can't give an opinion since I haven't played a game like this yet. Only an impression that it looks interesting. How many games have you played yet (guess)?
  8. [spoiler=Chapter 1 part 1] Aideen is another castle. Like father like son doesn't apply here. Sigurd has an important guest. Sigurd tells me the motives behind this war. good old drinking companions unfortunately He rides back to Norton to watch over the happenings. Ayra is exorted. Ayra threatens back. Ayra must fulfill her duty. again fighter douches In the first part of chapter 1 you fight some axe and bow fighters again. The leader has a silver axe which really hurts you. Ayra will also attack you but you don't want to kill her at any price. She has three awesome skills. Genoa's castle is guarded by a generic. Here's like I noticed that people watch the LP who haven't played the game yet so, I explain a few things some things short. Each seized castle has barracks. Arena Like the name says: You can train your units. However it's different to the arenas in the other parts. You can't die. If you lose, you'll have 1 HP left. You can choose your weapon after you see the class and weapon of the opponent. It's a huge advantage since you can make use of the weapon advantage, if the unit can use multiple weapon types. However the uses of the weapons also count in the arena. This arena has a maximum of seven rounds. If you win a round, your HP will be restored full. Blacksmith You can restore your weapons and staves at any time for money. How awesome is that? Pawnbroker This is basically the form of trading in this game. The trade command doesn't exist in this game. You can sell unneeded items in the pawn show, so other units who can use them can buy it there. Just to notice: Everyone has its own money. You can gain money in the arenas, by visiting the villages, by the lover or a thief. Supply An unit can send unneeded items or weapons to the supply. But only the unit who sent it there and take it back. If an other unit shall get the weapon or item, you have to do it via the pawn shop. Augury Tells about possible or already existing love-relationships. Also healing items don't exist. You can only get healed by staves, churches (heal 100% HP) and guarding (heal 20% HP each turn). Arena level ups no single at least average level up so far That's the Sigurd we love! typical what the?!? decent bleh decent 100% strength growth so far After doing the arena you may still act like going out on the battlefield. After the first turn this happens: Jamka takes out Aideen and someone else out of the castle. But Jamka doesn't join... yet. Gandolf can't accept this betrayal and sends his dogs towards Aideen and the thief. Genoa's army is moving towards Evans but Ayra doesn't... yet. Aideen is a healer without any skills. Dew is one of the worst offensive units in FE but he's a good daddy at least because he passes three good skills to his children: sol, a skill which allows to steal money from the opponent, and a skill which allows to buy items for a 50% discount. The confrontation with Genoa begins. You could let stand him here, because the enemies would have no hitchance against him but I want to bring him to Sigurd's party. 3 damage :/ Sigurd shall take out some of these fighters. The number of enemies decreased. Same strategy as in the previous turn. Sigurd in the forest shall attract all the enemies. Boss comes and attacks from close range surprisingly. I could get a Game Over, if he hit Sigurd with his 17%. RIP Will be sent to the pawn shop and Lex will buy it there. delicious! more money Now Sigurd's group is waiting for Dew and Aideen. Only when I have beaten Marpha's fighters, I can focus on Ayra. It takes a few turns. When this happens a few talks: She has a very nice present for her sister. Ethlyn gets the return stave, a stave which sends someone directly back to the home castle (the castle you started the chapter). Very nice if it's unguarded and enemies are on their way towards it. happy reunion Some levels by taking out Marpha's fighters: more a trist Sigurd again He just can't stop with sucking. strength-roll continues Your last level up is forgiven. no surprise Now it's time for Ayra's recruitment. Honestly it's one of the hardest recruitments for me in FE. In my first and blind LP I killed her and didn't reset for her. But since she's an awful mother for having three great skills I replayed this chapter. Nevertheless it was very hard for me to recruit her. The recruitment condition is that you have to seize the castle with Sigurd and after that he has to talk to her. That means a decoy bird is needed who deals with her for a few turns. Since Ayra has Astra she can kill everyone who doesn't have Nihil. Since Alec has Nihil he's the best contender for being the decoy bird. I bought a slim sword in the shop which helped me a lot. Ayra with the iron blade and Alec with the slim sword have the exact same attack speed which means that he can't get doubled by her. He'll survive at least two attacks. Alec plays the decoy bird. She misses while Alec hits. Ayra can take only one more hit by the slim sword. Slim swords are lighter than iron swords and more powerful strangely. Yeah, I guess no one will understand this weapon balance in this game. Same game in the next turn. Alec holds his place while some others try to take out the generic on Genua's castle. first level up with >=5 stats I could kill him but I couldn't seize yet. Again Alec dodges and hits Ayra. She can't take one more hit by him. Sigurd seizes. Sigurd introduces himself and tells the boy about Ayra. It's Ayra's nephew Shanan and the Prince of Isaach. Now Sigurd can convince Ayra to join his party since her nephew is safe. Alec moves towards Genoa's castle so that Sigurd can talk to her in the next turn. He uses the iron sword now. With the iron sword euqipped he'll get doubled but he'll let her alive with 1 HP. Since he has full health he can take two hits. Barely did it! :) Got you! Oh crap! Horsies... and Evans is unguarded. It's Sophie's job to solve this issue. Oh thanks! Corrected it. I mixed the adept icon with the pursuit icon accidently. Thank you! This time I'll have the motivation to finish this. Oh, I see that people watch this who haven't played this game yet. I'll explain a few mechanics of this game but I don't know everything about it either since I played it only once yet.
  9. [spoiler=Prolog part 1] Welcome to FE4! With this translation patch by bookofholsety this game is even more enjoyable. Game and translation glitches should be fixed and there are also a few other improvements I'll show. I haven't played this game with this translation patch yet so I'll let me surprise too. But this one looks pretty good so far. Actually I tried to do a LP of this game a year ago already but I cancelled it because it was too hard for me to play and LP it blind. So with gaining experience in this game it should work better. the good people the douches the ... He wants to capture a lot of booty. But Sieggod has something against his plan. And here the war begins. bad news for them Sigurd and his aides are introduces. They try to rescue Aideen in time somehow. Oifey works as advisor. And here the prolog and the entire game begins. The first task is to save Jungby somehow. Midir guards the castle which is surrounded by lots of bandits. With his stats it's very doubtful that he'll survive despite his evasion boost for staying on the throne because Sigurd's group need 7-8 turns to reach Jungby. A side task is to save all the villages which bring you money and sometimes nice items or weapons. It's easier said than done, especially in the later chapters. The enemies are fighters who can use axes and bows. -10 (!!!) evasion for this boss thanks to the totally unbalanced weapon system. Axes and lances weigh much more than swords. FE4 isn't only mount emblem but also a bit sword emblem. Sigurd is boss, nothing more to say! Noish is more powerful and tanky but a bit slow. Alec has worse strength and defense than Noish but the better skills which make him a good dad. But I know that Sophie hates him, so... First pairing confirmed: Arden x Castle In all seriousness Arden's main use is to seize the castle not because of his bad stats but because of his awful movement. He can't get the experience because the horsies will lose him fast. Well, he has another use later. The new info screens look very good to me. My units will head towards west and not towards southwest where Midir is. Saving the villages has the major priority at first. A critical hit surprisingly decides about Midir's and Aideen's fate. second pairing confirmed Gandolf takes her to an other castle and let cut the bridge. Di Maggio takes Midir's place and seizes the castle. The goal is now to resize it. two more new faces Azel becomes red as his hair. Lex is a real good unit despite he's an axe user. Great strength and good defense. Paragon and vantage make him a great father. Azel is a decent magic user. However he comes with the worst tome fire which has the highest weight (12). Wind only weighs 2 or 3 and has the same attack power. How balanced. First village is saved. Most of them give you a few backround information about certain people or countries but I won't show them. In this game you can even visit the village after attacking. A cool feature! Azel and Lex can save the next one. This church serves mainly for Azel who can't take two hits. three more allies Cuan is another promoted unit besides Sigurd but unlike him he can't destroy everyone since he doesn't have pursuit. first real pairing confirmed Ethlin is a healer but I like to use her as offensive unit as well. Killing people with her gives me a pleasant feeling. Fin is the second lance user. He's not too great in this chapter against the bunch of axe users. But he'll become more useful later. Prayer is a really nice skill. Some enemies came towards me but the stragglers can reach them in time. First Ethlin kill - not the last one! got hit with 12% :/ Sigurd and Alec will go for the villages while the others shall go towards Jungby's castle. The bandits have reached the villages and are going to rob money. New feature in this patch! All the gained stats in a level up are shown at the same time. It makes it much easier to take screenshots. a first ok level up no speed surprisingly Lex is stuck in the area because some fighters are in his and Azel's range. None of them is able to solo them. Azel will get tworounded and Lex is a bad dodger. So both need the church to restore their HP. got hit with 9% - reminds me on FE5 already A disappointing level up for Sigurd. He has actually decent growths for a first gen character. This village is saved in the next turn. The hit by 9% made things unneccesarily complicated. Alec could die but I hope he won't get hit with ridiculous low hitrates again. But he survived he heads towards the village in the southwest. Two stats levels are bad for Sigurd. As long it's speed I can take it. Speed could help me for a certain recruitment I'm really afraid of. First part of this chapter is almost done. Only the stationary fighters in front of the castle have to be eliminated. seriously? Strength is nice. Only boss is left. Arden does something. decent level First bosskill goes to Ethlyn. Sheesh! He saved the final village. Quan, Ethlyn, Azel and Lex can talk to Sigurd which I did. But you don't get anything for that. Time to seize: Midir brings Sigurd the bad news. But he tries to repair his fault to come to Sigurd's aid to rescue Aideen. no more capturing I have to ask Sophie for that. I'm awful in doing pairings and she told me indircetly that she's going to decide them for me. But I can still try to ask her if the viewers may give suggestions.
  10. Favorite thing about Italy? my favorite five: Tear, Rita, Pascal, Flynn, Asbel closest personalitiy wise: I have attitudes of some characters, but there's no one really close to me. I'm a bit Tear because she's introvert and doesn't show her feelings and emotions often, a bit Rita because she thinks methodically, a bit Alisha because it lacks on self-conciousness on me.
  11. Favorite puzzle in videogames? Yeah, pretty much every type of puzzle except for complicated word puzzles like guessing a certain word in poems.
  12. Do you like puzzles? It's more bearable now since the difficulty dropped.
  13. Since FE4 has a new translation lately and we can finally enjoy the epilogue and see the units' stats and credits, we decided to do a LP of this game. This will be a normal playthrough. If someone should die (which will be the case most likely for me at least since I suck in FE), we will reset because we want to have a good second generation. The target is to have fun and to see all the characters' ending in English language. After each seized castle we'll change. Sophie will decide about the pairings.
  14. 1. Are you excited for a certain event in near future? 2. Best day in your life? 3. Any event or situation you'd like to forget as soon as you can but can't? 4.What's the reason behind your Aigis avatar you used a little time ago?
  15. Well, I have a problem. I patched it successfully and can open it with SNES9x. But after I press start in the main menu, the game always crashes at the same time. This problem happens with version 2 + 7 of this patch. So I have to ask what the cause of this problem could be. I'm using a rom which has an (bad) English translation already. If the choice of rom is the reason, then I know what to do.
  16. Umm... were these screenshots just a preview or really the summary of the first five chapters? Shon sucks?! Well, these aren't news for me. One of the reasons why I dislike this hack... actually my least favorite I've played yet. But at least it features music from Kirby and Tales of Vesperia.
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