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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. [spoiler=I didn't want to bring my standard phrase]Persona 4 was a mistake. The only good theme I can remember was .
  2. Persona 3 > 4 in everything. The only better thing in 4 was that you could control each unit in battle. (it was added in the PSP version but it didn't exist in FES) Especially the story in 4 was disappointing. And I don't even like the soundtrack. The final boss theme was just pathetic compared to 3.
  3. Idk what you've played yet, so I mention a few games / series: Devil Survivor Tales of the Abyss Shin Megami Tensei IV Sim City Could I help you with this answer?
  4. To summarize: Soul's appearance attracts more people than his threads.
  5. I'm curious how Soul would look like when he wore clothes of his mum. At least I could remember a thread where he mentioned it. good point Soul is the true latino.
  6. Opinion about the beetle race in DK64? I can see videogame references!? Wohoo! I had to google cat breeds. I came to the decision: british short hair
  7. Does your location have a reference to Donkey Kong 64? Previously when I didn't have internet issues (mainly news reports). But since I've limited internet at home I can't download podcasts anymore.
  8. Are you going to do more videos with your cat? Umm... ok!? Is it a standard ritual?
  9. It wouldn't wonder me, if a few girls run after Soul now.
  10. A videogame you really liked but don't own anymore. Not that I'm aware of. Would Goldeneye64 count?
  11. What shall I say? I've played FE10 (the longest game in the series) like 120 times within four years. I was so obsesessed by this game that I didn't play / finish the games of other videogame series I owned. Nowadays I don't focus too much on FE10 anymore and give other FE parts and RPG series a chance and complete their games.
  12. This exist and I'm doing it in this way, but imgur doesn't upload these images to the chosen album. After all the images are uploaded I click on the album and notice that the album is empty and the images landed in the non album folder instead. I can also see it by the broken icon of the chosen album that no images were uploaded there. Since the chronological order is gone already I can't send these image from the non album folder to the folder I wanted originially.
  13. Looks really manly in his posted picture mainly because of his facial hair.
  14. Doesn't forget about his gender unlike his above poster.
  15. Favorite final boss theme? No opinion since Idk it and I'm not really interested in anime series.
  16. 6. What task would you favor in a political cabinet of a democratic state like Czech (head of government, foreign minister, etc...)? 7. Your favorite historical attraction / place? 8. Do you like playing games which feature different epochs like Age of Empires? 9. What's your opinion about pils (if you have drunk it yet)? 10. When will start WW III?
  17. short to very short I never ever had long hair and I couldn't imagine to have it in the future. As for women Idc. Long hair is more common of course but short gelled hair like in the 80s looks pretty nice too.
  18. 1. Favorite videogame theme? 2. Which country does have the best political system for you atm? 3. Short opinion about the European refugee politics? 4. What do you think of the EU right now? 5. What has been the best day in your life yet?
  19. I had these issues sometimes, but not now. In the current case the uploading of a multiple number of images doesn't work anymore. Uploading screenshots isn't possible, because I will lose the overview of the order of the images. I switched from Photobucket to imgur, because the uploading on PB took way too long. Will look for an other image program.
  20. I noticed that the layout on imgur must have changed a little while ago. Since that happened I have problems now to upload screenshots on imgur. This program changes the order of the images while the uploading because these images won't be uploaded chronologically. And I can't fix this problem even if I sort the images with the command "time uploaded". Another issue is that images won't be uploaded in the folders I clicked. Instead they all land in the generic album "non album images". Does anyone else have these problems?
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