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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Favorite soup? Kettle cooked potato chips from the bag with the taste peperoni.
  2. relieve I played on hard the entire time unintendedly thanks to my not existing JP knowledge... till I noticed it in the final dungeon. Gattuso on hard... oh god. Took me like 30 attempts.
  3. ^ No, I haven't watched unfortunately. Anyways now I'm feeling bad for being the biggest Yuri-sucker on the planet. He was even murdered by his own waifu. IIeks! I even benched him in the final.
  4. ^ yup http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Forig15.deviantart.net%2Fab13%2Ff%2F2010%2F181%2F3%2Fb%2Fblue_mary_of_orange_by_whiteangel50000.png&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.deviantart.com%2Ftag%2Frealboutfatalfury&h=272&w=480&tbnid=pVHf-08qviKKoM%3A&docid=xSpdo1PPbgmkTM&ei=9wWNV834POXOgAaH-5ewBA&tbm=isch&client=firefox-b&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=1004&page=9&start=244&ndsp=30&ved=0ahUKEwiN0M3Cuf3NAhVlJ8AKHYf9BUY4yAEQMwh7KDwwPA&bih=657&biw=1366 http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Forig15.deviantart.net%2Fab13%2Ff%2F2010%2F181%2F3%2Fb%2Fblue_mary_of_orange_by_whiteangel50000.png&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.deviantart.com%2Ftag%2Frealboutfatalfury&h=272&w=480&tbnid=pVHf-08qviKKoM%3A&docid=xSpdo1PPbgmkTM&ei=9wWNV834POXOgAaH-5ewBA&tbm=isch&client=firefox-b&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=1004&page=9&start=244&ndsp=30&ved=0ahUKEwiN0M3Cuf3NAhVlJ8AKHYf9BUY4yAEQMwh7KDwwPA&bih=657&biw=1366 surprise me
  5. I guess you meant the whale and not the aircraft. They're huge and seem to have a smily face which is cute. A medicament whose taste you really like?
  6. http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1583204 Alisha from Tales of Zestiria
  7. Honestly I'd say Jill or Titania are the best axe users in FE9. Anyways I never ever had a good Boyd. Always benched him at the latest when I got Jill.
  8. Hey look! This thread has more replies within the last 24 hours than in the past 8 years before. Nice job... bandwagon!
  9. Most important person from the 20th century for you? I had a few of them actually which made a loss. I meant quiz shows.
  10. Is doing videos on her YT channel currently.
  11. Having exams while best weather outside sucks a bit. Thanks! (the exams went well btw) Oh, sounds painful. Getting up so early isn't really hard for me. In the summertime I get awake early by the sun automatically because my room has no window shade. However staying awake late is hard for me on the other hand... too hard.
  12. 5 AM... UGH it was the time I had to get up today because I have two semester exams today. fair enough I prefer peach tea more tbh.
  13. No love for peach juice? :( I know it's a bit uncommon.
  14. I expected this. A coup is only good if it's successful.
  15. That's the point... and this won't happen. Either the country won't entry because of their current politics and treatments against the humans ... or if it really should fufill the conditions to have permission to join the EU, the EU wouldn't exist anymore.
  16. Do you watch quiz games? I've decent interest in Trails in the Sky.
  17. Yes, for example in FE5 because I missed Linoan's special promotion. Videogame you resetted the most?
  18. Actually the same answer like in question 932: However I never really need an alarm because I always get awake in time.
  19. Most annoying regular boss in the FE series (not final boss)? Have started FF6 about 9 months ago for like 2h because my girlfriend loves it but I never really came up with the idea to continue it.
  20. Afternoon when I'm back from the uni and can start to do things whatever I want.
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